I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 153 Malik also wants to use hidden effects?

The hidden effect of Sky Dragon of Osiris is definitely not that simple.

Yami Yugi believes this, if the hidden ability of Sky Dragon's god card is just self-destruction.

That's so

Yami Yugi couldn't continue talking.


After You Miao in the duel field sent all the cards in his hand to the graveyard, he quickly drew 6 cards from the deck.

Dark Malik's confusion was written directly on his face. You Miao drew 6 cards from the deck, and the duel disk system did not show a ban.

This means.

Is it the hidden effect of the Sky Dragon of Osiris!? Dark Malik immediately figured out the answer.

Ah, yes, that's true. You Miao explained loudly, and he began to read out the hidden effect of the Traitor Dragon: This effect can only be activated by liberating the Sky Dragon of Osiris. Your health will be reduced to half and all cards in your hand will be discarded. From the graveyard, I can draw 6 cards in my hand from the deck.”

This effect is very similar to the card drawing auxiliary effect of Resurrected Sky God!

However, the fun really begins!

The matter is not over yet. The hidden effect of Sky Dragon is not that simple. You Miao pointed angrily at the duel field and shouted: On this occasion, all the cards on the field will be destroyed, and when this effect is activated in the main stage, every time Destroy one and I can draw another card.”

Yes, this effect is very similar to the Superelectric Guided Wave-Lightning Cannon.

The hidden effect of Sky Dragon is actually a combination of the characteristics of Resurrection Sky God and Super Electric Guided Wave-Thunder Cannon.


Malik has only two cards on the field, and You Miao has only one field card on the field. A total of 3 cards will be destroyed by the hidden effect of Sky Dragon.

Thunder cannon! !


A bolt of lightning struck down, and the whole place was cleared with one click.

Dark Malik's expression was extremely ugly, and his brainwashing release and covering explosion armor were all shattered.

I'll add three more cards from the deck. You Miao just drew the card, smiling from ear to ear.

Is there anything more satisfying than drawing cards while watching the duelist on the opposite side get angry?

In one breath, through the hidden effect of Sky Dragon, You Miao had 9 cards in his hand! !

This amazing hand card is terrifying.

Cover 3 cards, I end the turn. You Miao said.

At this moment, it was Malik's turn.

Draw a card. Dark Malik's eyes were unkind, and he activated the forbidden card, the Pot of Desire.

After adding cards to his hand from the deck, Dark Malik looked at You Miao's three backfield cards.

Each one releases thick black mist.

Your card scares me, so I have already prepared this card. Dark Malik pulled it out, and he said with a arrogant look: You Miao, in order to prevent your big universe and king valley, my card The group is already filled with these magic cards.”

Magic card, strong wind! !

[Gale: Destroy all magic and trap cards on both sides of the field. 】

Dark Malik's Gaika had already been destroyed by the hidden power of the Sky Dragon, so he had no fear. The person who lost must be You Miao.


A strong storm rolled up, taking the surrounding area with it.

Hey, that's great! A frightened voice sounded, and Jonouchi stretched out his arms to cover his sight.

Dark Malik's magical move can be said to have opened up the situation, and all three of You Miao's traps will be affected.

Since it will be destroyed by the strong wind, then I will launch a hurtful and intimidating roar. You Miao wants to minimize the negative benefits.


The explosive armor he covered was not flexible enough, so he didn't even have a chance to activate it.

Intimidating roar, so I can't attack this turn. Dark Malik's tone was a bit heavy, as if this trap card for duelists caught him off guard.

However, You Miao heard something unusual from An Malik's words.

After destroying You Miao's backcourt, An Malik finally felt relieved that the opponent did not have the old man he was most afraid of.

So next.

You Miao, it's time for you to pay the price.

Magic card, reincarnation of the dead. Dark Malik wanted to get back a monster card from the graveyard.

[Reincarnation of the Dead: Discard 1 card from your hand and add 1 monster from your graveyard to your hand. 】


A monster card pops up from the graveyard location.

It is a monster card with a whole red card picture, the Sky Dragon of Osiris! !

At this time, I want to activate the demon zombie effect in the cemetery. Dark Malik sent this demon monster into the cemetery through the reincarnation of the dead.

You Miao has never seen this card, but this is the anime world and this kind of thing is normal.

There are too many cards in anime that are not O.

Except the demon zombies in the graveyard, and pay 500 life points to special summon a 0-attack demon zombie creature on your field.

These token monsters cannot attack or change their position, and cannot be used for any purpose other than 'advanced summoning'.

If you leave the field during the turn when the Demonic Corpse tokens are specially summoned, each one will give you 400 points of effect damage!

Ahhhhhhhh Isis next to her screamed, and her arms and abdomen were swallowed up by the dark game.

【Dark Mary:4000LP→2500LP】

Boo hoo hoo.

At this moment, Dark Malik produced three Demon Corpse Tokens in attack form.

Damn, it's so despicable, letting other people's souls pay the price in the dark game. Peacock Wu was angry, and at the same time, he also felt a little fear in his heart about such evil things as the dark game.

Yugi and Kaiba were also ashamed of Dark Malik's behavior, but they were more concerned about another thing.

There are already three sacrifices on the field.

Well, Kaiba, the God Card is coming.

Just as Yugi and Kaiba said, Dark Malik used three Demonic Corpse tokens as sacrifices, and the superior summoned the Sky Dragon of Osiris recovered from his hand! !


Thunder flashes.

The Traitor Dragon enters the scene again.

Compared with the entry that is restricted by return to dust, the traitor dragon at this moment enters in a normal way, and he will not be sent to the grave at the end of the round.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris:? →1000 attack power]

At the moment when the God Card entered the scene, the three demon corpse derivatives that were sacrificed on the spot turned into resentment and attacked You Miao.

Reduced to half due to damage to slimming effect.

Uh-huh. You Miao endured the huge pain, and his body continued to be swallowed up by darkness.

[You Miao: 1000LP → 400LP]

The situation is in crisis, and the life value is as fragile as a candle in the wind.

Sky Dragon's attack power has a direct impact on the cards in his hand. Dark Malik only has one card left in his hand, so his attack power is only 1,000 points.

In order to increase the power of Sky Dragon, I am going to use this last card. Dark Malik activated the Heavenly Treasure Card!

When You Miao saw it, his heart stopped for a second because his hand was full of cards and he couldn't enjoy the benefits of the Heavenly Treasure Card.

Watching Malik change six, You Miao felt as disgusted as if he had eaten shit!

too difficult.

Hahahahaha, You Miao saw that I earned 6 cards, are you angry? The six-year-old looked excited. He seemed to have found a way to beat You Miao, which was to let the opponent watch him earn cards.

Haha. You Miao felt really uncomfortable.

As the number of cards in hand increases, Sky Dragon's attack power increases accordingly.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris: 1000→6000 attack power]

Unfortunately, you activated that intimidation paper and roared, and I couldn't attack. Dark Malik was very unwilling to cover two cards and ended the round.

On the other hand, on You Miao's side, facing the Sky Dragon with an attack power of 6,000, he was actually under a lot of pressure.

Because Sky Dragon's Thunder Summoning Bullet is a very troublesome power.

Whenever You Miao summons or special summons a monster, Sky Dragon will eject a thunder bomb!

This thunder bomb reduces the attack power of the monster by 2000. Once it cannot be offset, the monster card will be directly destroyed!

To a certain extent, the suppressive power of Sky Dragon's thunder bullets is very restrained against synchronization and link summoning.

Sky Dragon's Thunder Summoning Bomb is an ability that must be activated forcibly.

This is also the reason why He was later called the Traitor Dragon.

Hahaha, give up, You Miao, there is nothing you can do with the power of summoning thunder bullets. Dark Malik began to feel happy, and he said his favorite kimoji~

However, You Miao launched the sun exchange!

[Sun Exchange: Activate by discarding 1 Light Path monster from your hand. Draw 2 cards from your deck, and then send the top 2 cards from your deck to the graveyard. 】

This card does not appear once in a round. With this large rate of draw, You Miao once again passed the second sun exchange and activated it, followed by Angel Alms.

Continue to draw and pile up graves! !

Dark Malik's back molars hurt a little, and You Miao's speed in stacking graves was astonishing.

Finally, You Miao stopped playing cards, and he covered a Mysterious Monster on the field.

This is a pot monster, and You Miao currently only needs it as a springboard.

Hmph, it's true that there's no way to confirm the covered monster, but aren't you doing nothing? Dark Malik said unhappily.

That's not necessarily the case. Say goodbye to your sky dragon. You Miao activated the magic card to share the pain.

[Share the pain: Activate by liberating 1 monster on your field. The opponent must release 1 monster. 】

After checking the cards several times, You Miao drew this universal solution card into his hand.

Malik, I want to liberate this covering monster, so you must do the same. You Miao explained.

Dark Malik looked unhappy because he only had one Sky Dragon on the field.

The God Card only accepts the effect of magic cards for one turn, but it cannot be destroyed or excluded by magic cards.

But this sharing of pain is directed at Malik himself.

The God Card will be liberated by Malik himself!

You Miao, your card is very strong, but I expected it.

Open the covered trap card, the bribe of the devil's palace!

[Bribery of the Demon Palace: This can only be activated when the opponent activates a magic/trap card. That activation is invalid and destroyed. The opponent can draw 1 card from the deck. 】

A gold coin fell at You Miao's feet, and the Share the Pain magic card was invalidated and destroyed.

Ah ha ha ha, You Miao, everything you did is useless. Dark Malik was ecstatic, he had You Miao under control.

You Miao drew a card from the deck and smiled with an unknown meaning.

do you know?

“There is no once-in-a-round sharing of pain.”

I activate the magic card, Magic Stone Mining!

[Magic Stone Mining: Discard 2 cards from your hand and add 1 magic card from your graveyard to your hand. 】

You Miao discarded the two mysterious cards to the graveyard, and returned the shared pain that had just been destroyed from the graveyard to his hand.

Malik, I continue to mobilize to share the pain.

So, how should you deal with it?

You Miao has abundant card resources in his hand, and he used Share the Pain to target the traitor dragon.

Summoning thunder bombs is indeed very powerful.


You Miao didn't want to face the enemy head-on, he had to deal with the Sky Dragon first.

But you have already activated one to share the pain, and the covering monster has been released. How can you use the second one when there are no monsters on the field? Dark Malik immediately grabbed this point and asked frantically.

What's wrong with Wadokana?

You'll never guess what's in my grave.

You Miao's graveyard began to glow, and he took out a monster from the graveyard area.

That's it!

The invincible Block Dragon! !

This card cannot be Normal Summoned.

When you banish 3 Earth monsters from your hand and graveyard, you can special summon them from your hand and graveyard.

This card can only be activated when it is sent to the graveyard. This card is Special Summoned.

Yes, this resurrection of Block Dragon is even outside of this article on monster card effects.


Come out, DiDiDi-JiDongDragon!


The earth shook, and a monster made of building blocks was born.

[Brick Dragon, 2500 attack power, rock tribe]

At the moment when Block Dragon is specially summoned, Traitor Dragon forcibly activates its effect and summons thunder bombs! !

Boom! !

Lightning flashed.

The Block Dragon's attack power is 2500 points, so it withstood the Traitor Dragon's trial.

[Brick Dragon: 2500→500 attack power]

I want to liberate the Block Dragon. You Miao used the secondary recycled magic card to share the pain.


Block Dragon was sent to the cemetery.

But at this time, the really scary thing about Jimosaurus appeared.

This card can only be activated when this card is sent from the field to the graveyard.

Until the total level reaches 8 stars, You Miao can select up to 3 rock monsters from the deck and add them to his hand.

Three monster cards with a total of 8 stars popped up from the deck. You Miao glanced at them, which were Transformation Pot and Sword Priest (Earth Angel).

After the Block Dragon was liberated by You Miao, Dark Malik also had to liberate the only Sky Dragon on his field.

Damn it, damn You Miao, all these little tricks. The whites of Dark Malik's eyes were covered with red threads, and the other card he covered could not solve this dilemma.


Dark Malik made an unprecedented move.

You Miao, I also want to activate the hidden effect of the Sky Dragon of Osiris!!! Dark Malik shouted.

0 0 It's too late. Post it first and change it later.

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