I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 152 Hidden Effect

Simulated space! !

You Miao activated this very special field magic card.

[Simulated Space: Once per round, it can only be activated by removing 1 field magic card from your own graveyard. Until the end phase, this card is used as a card with the same name as the removed card and has the same effect. 】

The cards except You Miao are

God-binding tomb! !

During this round, Simulated Space = God-Binding Tomb!

What exactly do you want to do? Dark Malik sensed something was wrong.

Because next, I want to activate this card. You Miao showed a card.

After Kaiba saw this magic card, his pupils dilated obviously, and he shouted: It is the obedience of Tiansheng.

The obedience of Tiansheng? Due to poverty in the city, he has never heard of many rare cards.

If someone else asked, Kaiba might be kind enough to explain.

But when Jonouchi said it, Kaiba responded directly: Humph, Mortal Bones, can you tell if you take a good look at it?

Jonouchi couldn't help but harden his fist.

Kaiba, you are indeed a bastard.

——The uncle in my city has always been at odds with you.

You Miao activated this Tiansheng command.

[Tian Sheng's Obedience: Pay 2000 basic points and declare a monster card name to activate. If the opponent checks its own deck and declares a monster card name, that monster is shown to both parties for confirmation, and one of the following effects is applied. ●The confirmed card is added to the hand of the player who activated this card. ●The confirmed card is Special Summoned in attack position on the field of the player who activated this card, regardless of the summoning conditions]

Kaiba's expression was slightly absent-minded, because You Miao's Heavenly Sound Obedience was different from the effect he had.

The name I want to declare is Sky Dragon of Osiris! You Miao pointed at Malik and continued: Bring it to you!!

[You Miao: 4000LP → 2000LP]

Losing his health, You Miao's body was slowly swallowed up by darkness.

But he doesn't care at all!

You Miao only passed the Divine Trial of the Female Imp, and he still had some doubts about the qualifications to use the Sky Dragon.

But the simulation space has copied this unique special version of the God-Binding Tomb, so he can definitely control the Sky Dragon by force.

Malik is optimistic that this is how Sky Dragon is used.


Dark Malik's deck glowed red, and a card engraved with mysterious characters burst out.

You Miao caught it, it was the card of God, the Sky Dragon of Osiris!

Dark Malik chose to let You Miao perform a special summons.

This surprised You Miao. He originally thought that Dark Malik would add the card to his hand.

You Miao looked at An Malik's backcourt, and he seemed to have thought of something.

Raising the God Card in his hand, You Miao said: Under the power of Tiansheng's obedience, I ignore the summoning conditions and attack the special summons of the Sky Dragon of Osiris!

When the sky is thundering and chaotic, gathering the ancient magic books in the chain will have unlimited power!

When good and evil meet, begin the ritual of summoning the Judge of Hell, the Sky Dragon of Osiris!

Terrifying lightning exploded, and the whole world turned into blackness.



A thunder pierced the sky, shocking people's hearts and making the whole tower tremble.

After the white light flashed, a huge dragon with a red body was entangled on the side of the giant tower, with a very irritable and unhappy expression.

The three lightning chains of the God-Binding Tomb tightly wrapped around the sky dragon, forcing the god to succumb to You Miao's control.

Damn it, You Miao, do you just steal other people's things? Seeing the powerful posture of the sky dragon, An Malik bit his lips in anger, and the blood flowing out was extremely bright.

The Winged Dragon was inexplicably reproduced and taken away, and the Sky Dragon was also taken into the hands of You Miao.

Who can withstand this?

Dark Malik Luck gloomily explained:

The attack power of Sky Dragon is determined by the number of cards in your hand * 1000 points.

You only have two cards in your hand, so you only have 2,000 attack points.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris:? →2000 attack power]

So what if it's 2,000 points? I'll activate the magic card to kill my life. You Miao deliberately used Haima's exclusive card at this time.

[Life-Destroying Treasure Card (Anime Version): You draw cards from the deck until the number of cards in your hand reaches 5. At the beginning of your fifth preparation phase after activating this card, send all cards in your hand to the graveyard. 】

Replenish your hand cards in one go.

The sky dragon's power increases because of this! !


[Sky Dragon of Osiris: 2000→5000 attack power]

Goodbye, Malik.


Superelectric Guided Wave-Thunder Cannon!

The traitor dragon's two mouths opened, and the terrifying light of thunder began to condense.

Are you going to win? An Yuxi and others wanted to know the result.

Kaiba felt that something was wrong with Dark Malik. He could add the card to his hand, but he chose to let You Miao summon him.

There must be fraud in the backcourt.

Humph, hahaha, You Miao, you've been fooled.

My acting skills just now were good, right?

Speaking of which, thank you for summoning Sky Dragon to my field.

At this moment, a permanent trap card was quickly revealed, and Dark Malik used Brainwashing Release.

[Brainwashing Release: As long as this card exists on the field, control of all monsters on the field and on the opponent's field returns to the owner. 】


This trap card exudes the power of pure love.

Dark Malik has studied the other party, and he found that You Miao likes to bully other people's trump cards and monster cards, even to the point of being crazy.

Therefore, Dark Malik was possessed by the pure love God of War, and he directly added three Brainwashing Release cards to the deck, severely beating You Miao, the hidden tauren.

Return to my arms, Sky Dragon of Osiris! Dark Malik shouted.

So that's it. This card is covered. No wonder I chose to special summon the Sky Dragon. This is to send the God Card back to you once and for all. You Miao said expressionlessly.

At this moment, the duel is under the stage.

While the God Card exists on the field, its control cannot be transferred, right? Kyoko asked.

Yes and no. At this time, Yugi extracted the Titan Soldier from the deck. He explained to Kyoko, Jonouchi and others: There is a restriction that control of the Sky Dragon cannot be transferred while it is on the field.

But this effect only affects the true holder of the God Card in this duel.

Dark Malik is the real holder of the Sky Dragon of Osiris in this duel.

The restriction on transferring control of the God Card on the field will not take effect on the real owner.

for example.

Assuming that Sky Dragon is on Dark Malik's field, no matter what You Miao does, it is impossible for him to defeat Sky Dragon.

However, Sky Dragon exists on the field, and Dark Malik is the real holder of the Sky Dragon card in this duel, so he can use Brainwashing to remove it.

The Sky Dragon will eventually return to the side of its true holder.

Boom boom boom.

Under the power of brainwashing, the binding power of the God-Binding Tomb is dissipating, and the control of the Sky Dragon is about to return to the true holder.

You Miao looked at An Malik opposite and said slowly:

The sky dragon is specially summoned, and it will still be subject to the dust restriction at the end of the round.

But the removal of the brainwashing prevents you from accepting this attack. Malik, you have a really good idea.

Dark Malik was very impressed by You Miao's praise and began to stick out his tongue and began:

Hey hey hey, kimoji~

You Miao, you want to defeat me by relying on bulls and dragons in the sky, that's impossible!!

The wound in my heart will never heal, and I want you to feel the same pain.

After saying that, a deeper darkness began to appear near Dark Malik.

It's the soul of Isis!

She was tied to a cross!

Damn it, You Miao, I also want your wounds to never heal. Dark Malik's tone was very reluctant. In fact, he wanted to replace this hostage with that damn Kyoko Masaki.

After all, You Miao's first betrayal was most likely because of Kyoko Masaki.

But he couldn't find a chance to attack Kyoko Masaki! !

There was no other way, so Dark Malik had no choice but to fall back and use Isis.

Regarding Isis's soul, You Miao's expression did not change at all, but he was releasing crimson energy all over his body.

This color is almost the same as the traitor dragon.

What!? Dark Malik looked shocked. He found that Sky Dragon's whole body was on fire.

Malik, when you activate the brainwashing release, I will activate the hidden effect of Sky Dragon. You Miao said loudly.

Hidden effect! ?


Kaiba gasped.

What kind of hidden effect does the God Card have?

Peacock Wu on the side was thoughtful. She had seen You Miao use a certain effect of the Winged Dragon once before.

Could that be a hidden effect?

Yami Yugi suddenly realized that it was a hidden effect. When he accepted the Titan Soldier, he also found a mysterious text on the card.

So, the cryptic text in that line is actually a hidden effect?

Through this duel, Yami Yugi suddenly realized it, and his understanding of the God Card improved to another level.

As for Dark Malik?

He was as confused as Cheng Nai, and he retorted loudly:

Have you lost your mind and gone crazy?

The sky dragon has the hidden effect of wool.

Are you bullying me for not being able to read ancient Egyptian writing?

Damn You Miao, not only did the wound in his heart never heal, but now he also questioned his IQ and eyesight?

If the Sky Dragon really has a hidden effect, how can he, Uncle Malik, know about it?

Dark Malik has studied the God Card for a long time, and he can conclude that there is no hidden effect at all.

This Sky-Breaking Dragon only has the effect of summoning thunder bullets and the number of cards in its hand to attack!

No more, nothing.

If there is a hidden effect of wool, why doesn't he know about it?

Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean I can't do it. You Miao looked at the copied God-Binding Tomb on the field and thought deeply.

This God-Binding Tomb is a special version. As long as You Miao holds this card, it can be used regardless of whether it is in the hand, excluded area, graveyard, or deck.

He can awaken the God Card to have hidden effects.

Now, relying on the power of this special version of the God-Binding Tomb, You Miao will also use the hidden effect of the Sky Dragon.

Boom boom boom.

The sky dragon's whole body was rolling, and he itself was red, covered in this self-destructive energy.

On the contrary, this red color seems even more vivid.

In Dark Malik's eyes, the Sky Dragon of Osiris was directly liberated!

Countless red particles float in the air.

No one knew what happened.

Because Malik activated the brainwashing release, You Miao activated his hidden ability to make Sky Dragon self-destruct?

What's the difference between it being activated and not activated?

Anyway, after the round ends, the Sky Dragon will also be sent to the graveyard.

Xingzi couldn't understand it, and Peacock Wu didn't know how to answer it.

When everyone was confused, You Miao's life points were reduced from 2000 to 1000 points, and he even sent 5 cards in his hand to the graveyard.

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