I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 148 The Game is Gradually Becoming Miao (4000)

Chapter 148 The game is gradually becoming “Miao” (4000+)

Yi Yu, fall into the endless abyss. There is no monster better than this monster to send you down into the abyss. Kaiba roared, his face full of joy and excitement, because his long-cherished wish was finally coming true.

Magic card, quick attack! !

The destructive Ultimate Wind Explosive Bomb energy condensed from the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon's mouth is enough to crush all enemies.

You Miao and Xingzi watched this scene side by side.

It has been more than ten rounds since Kaiba and Yugi started their duel.

During this time, most of the plot is similar to the original.

After all, Kaiba used the anime god card Magic Sanctuary, which made the direction of the duel even more confusing.

In short, at the beginning, Kaiba wants to quickly summon the god card, but the game not only uses the Light Sealing Sword to block the opponent, but even chooses to use Change of Heart when Kaiba gathers three sacrifices to summon the god. The blame prevents the other party from summoning God!

It's a pity that Seto Kaiba finally took the picture of Obelisk's Titan Soldier.

The moment God descended, Kaiba should have been the closest to victory.

However, the Magic Sanctuary launched by Kaiba became the most fatal blow! !

Because when Magic Sanctuary is activated, both parties can retrieve a magic card from the deck and add it to their hands.

Kaiba retrieved the invincible Cross Soul and relied on this card to sacrifice the monsters on the game field. Only then was he able to summon the God of Destruction who can destroy everything! !

The moment the God of Destruction entered the duel venue, duelists around the world finally had a clear understanding and concept of the horror of the God Card.

Here comes the problem, God is too strong, so strong.

Due to the characteristics of Magic Sanctuary, the game is directly activated during Kaiba's turn. Proclaimer of the Abyss! !

Yes, Proclaimer of the Abyss is one of the strongest card removal cards in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Even monsters with super full resistance, such as the Gun King and the Golden Crispy Chicken, are not worth mentioning in front of the Abyss Proclaimer!

[Proclaimer of the Abyss: Pay 1500 basic points, declare 1 race and 1 attribute each to activate. If the declared race/attribute monster exists on the opponent's field, the opponent must send that monster to the graveyard. During this turn, your opponent cannot activate the effects of that monster and those monsters with the same name. 】

The attributes of the game declaration are naturally divine attributes and the phantom beast tribe!

The only monster that meets this condition is Obelisk's Giant Divine Weapon!

Not to mention how wonderful Kaiba's expression was at that time, he didn't even know that Yugi's dueling style had suddenly become so despicable?

The poor giant god soldier was slapped into the graveyard by the announcer as soon as he entered the arena.

There is no big reason why Dark Game became so targeted. It was mainly learned from You Miao.

Just interrupt! !

When you can interrupt, why wait for your god card to come in and have a bayonet fight?

Yami Yuxi has been dueling all his life, and he never likes to show off!

After losing the God Card, the two returned to their original appearance.

Such as now

There was zero defensive monster on the game field, but Kaiba still believed in the invincible White Marry at the critical moment and let the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon finish the game.


The energy of destruction is sprayed out, and Yami Yugi is the first to bear the brunt! !

Game. Jonouchi made an incredulous voice.

The two of them had agreed that they would definitely win this duel game!


The ground shook, but the blow still passed.

With 4,500 combat damage, who would be burped on the spot after being sprayed?

However, amidst the smoke and dust flying in the sky, the man stood there.

Along with the line What the hell, Dokana, Kaiba's expression immediately became angry.

He didn't even need to explain the reason. Kaiba immediately guessed it. He gritted his teeth and said, Damn coolie wave.

Kaiba discovered something. He had been tortured by coolie waves since a long time ago.

This coolie wave of miscellaneous fish, Kaiba really wants to make a banned card list and send them all in! !

The game has survived, but the situation remains serious.

There are already zero cards on the game field and in hand, but Kaiba has the nearly invincible Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

The next draw is very critical!

Peacock Wu started to comment on the direction of the duel, but in You Miao's ears, it was completely poisonous!

I cover a card!

A card emitting black mist was immediately placed on the Kaiba field.

End the round! !

Yi game, it's your turn. Can you reverse this situation with just one hand card?

Hmph, if you can do it, then let me take a look.

Kaiba's expression was very confident, and it seemed that the cards covering the field were very fishy.

Yugi's expression was calm, and he glanced at Jonouchi, Kyoko and others in the audience.

Along the way, he has gathered many friends and bonds around him, and this duel is about his lost memory.

This is a duel that cannot be lost!

another me.


At this moment, two games appeared, and their two arms were put together on the deck.


A bright light emerges

My turn, card draw (God Draw)! Yami Yugi's buffs were full, and he quickly drew a card from the deck without hesitation.

At this moment, Kaiba's eyes widened and he roared:

Yi game, stop playing those ridiculous friendship tricks in front of me.

Let me tell you the laws of this world, the weak eat the strong!

The winner is justice!

Kaiba opens the covered card, which is a trap card.

Knock it down! !

[Knock Down: During the opponent's card drawing phase, the opponent can usually draw a card to activate. The opponent discards the drawn card directly to the graveyard. 】

An object that looked like a golden hoop was swung, and the stick struck Yugi's hand, driving the hopeful card into the graveyard.

This time, Jonouchi and others suddenly despaired.

No matter how powerful a duelist is, what can he do if he doesn't have cards in his hand? What else can he do?

I'll end this round. Yugi's eyes were firm, but he chose to end this round.

Hmph, Yugi, you can only get here after all.

My turn, draw a card!

This is a magic card, Blast Bomb.

Kaiba directly lets Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack, and there is no second coolie wave in the game.

It's over, the game is lost. Peacock Wu, as an experienced old Si Ji, has already judged the outcome of this duel.

Even good friend Jonouchi calmly accepted this ending.


I told you Wadokana. You Miao didn't think so.

Yugi is an excellent duelist. After watching so many duels of his own, how many cards can this Inka King activate in the graveyard?

I'm afraid that Kaiba's defeat helped the game.

As expected of you. An Yuxi looked at You Miao. Among those many people, he was the only one who could see it.

Sure enough, when it came to the cemetery, it was difficult for him to hide it from You Miao in the duel.


The graveyard of games is glowing.

After the seahorse opposite saw this light, his expression became even more ugly.

You game, you secretly learned from You Miao! !

Dirty graveyard tactics.

Kaiba, your tactics are exactly what I expected. You will never abandon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

But the Dragon Clan deserves to be targeted by me.

Except the trap cards in the graveyard and destroy the memory of the sword!!!

Memories of the Destroying Sword! ?

This card exudes terrifying power.

Kaiba looked shocked because the words Buster Sword reminded him of something very bad.

As we all know, in the card pool of the duel world, there will always be some saint-removing stuff to target the noble dragon clan.

Such as the dragon seal pot used in the city before.

And the Destroying Swordsman in Yugi’s hands! !

The Destruction Swordsman is naturally capable of defeating the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Under low-security conditions, his attack power will always be 100 points higher than the White Dragon's.

It's as if the game's Destroying Swordsman was born to persecute the White Dragon!

Thank you, Kaiba, for throwing my Destroyer Sword of Remembrance into the graveyard.

I can activate it by banishing this Memory of the Destroying Sword from the graveyard.

Remove the fusion material monster determined by Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction from your graveyard, and Fusion Summon that fusion monster from the Extra Deck.


The twisted power of cemetery fusion was born.

Kaiba has its own Dragon Mirror graveyard fusion.

Nowadays, Yami Yugi also has his own cemetery fusion, which is the memory of the destruction sword.

Moreover, the Destruction Sword's Memories can also be fusion summoned during the opponent's turn!


The master of the destruction sword - the destruction swordsman.

Cursed Dragon.

These two cards are removed from the graveyard.

At this moment, the terrifying power of destruction and distortion emerged.

Consciousness that destroys the sword, gather together.

To lead the world to the fateful battle between dragons and swordsmen, please descend from the destroyed world now!

Come out, Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction!!

Boom. Bang.

A huge light spreads, the moment the Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - the Swordsman of Destruction appears.

Only then did You Miao learn that the game not only printed a memory card of the Destroyer Sword, but also printed the fusion brother of the Destroyer Swordsman.

If the ordinary swordsman of destruction is just a dragon killer, then this fusion brother is a legendary dragon killer!

The size levels of the two are not at the same level at all.

[Dragon Swordsman of Destruction - Swordsman of Destruction, 2800 attack power, warrior type]

Hey, he's so handsome. He's worthy of being a game. Jonouchi looked ecstatic. It's worthy of being the game he knew. He can always create miracles in desperate situations, and people can't help but want to rely on him.

This monster card. Damn it, Yugi! Kaiba's back molar was almost broken by his own bite.

It can be seen that Yugi's graveyard fusion made Kaiba very defensive, and he took the initiative to help Yugi complete this operation.

The fusion sword of destruction brother exudes an aura that the dragon clan cannot resist.

Even the legendary Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon, whose destructive power is immeasurable, couldn't help but tremble.

But Bailong had her own pride, and she would not allow herself to bow to any creature other than Kaiba, not even the legendary killer who destroyed the sword.

Although this card cannot attack directly, it has powerful effects.

The attack and defense of this card will be increased by the number of Dragon-type monsters on the opponent's field or in the graveyard x 1000.

After saying that, all the dragon monsters in the Kaiba Field and the Cemetery appeared, a total of 8 of them! ! !

Brother Destruction Sword Fusion swung the giant sword in his hand, and a powerful suction force began to absorb the power of the eight dragon monsters.


[Dragon Destruction Swordsman: 2800 → 10800 attack power]

It's not impossible. Haima was shocked when he saw this attack power. He shouted: This is higher than the attack power of You Miao's Creation Dragon!!

The biggest reason for this is the Kaiba Cemetery and the dragon monsters on the field.

Kaiba, this isn't over yet.

As long as this Dragon Swordsman of Destruction exists in the monster zone, the dragon-type monsters on the opponent's field will be in defense position, and the opponent cannot activate the effects of dragon-type monsters.

When this card attacks a monster in defense position, it inflicts battle damage equal to the amount of attack power exceeding that defense power.

This is the legendary monster known as the dragon killer! !


In front of Brother Dragon Destroyer Sword, the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon looked up to the sky and roared with a tragic cry.

She was forcibly transferred to defense.

The white dragon's head was crushed by the power of the Destruction Sword.

[Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, 3800 Defense, Dragon Clan]

Appeared, Yu-Gi-Oh's traditional art, forcibly ending the opponent's turn! !

Go and fight!

Yami Yugi roared and ordered the battle to begin.


Brother Long Destruction Sword raised the giant sword, and the terrifying sword energy condensed in it. The terrifying sword energy condensed in it, and turned into a ray of light, rushing forward!

Kaiba's whole body was locked and covered by this sword energy, and he roared: Impossible, I already have the most perfect hand card, how could I lose here?

The game opened his eyes, stared at this old enemy and began to educate:

Kaiba, I recognize your talent as a duelist, but hatred cannot bring you victory. Only friendship and bonds can create miracles.

If you can't understand this, you will never be able to defeat me and the partners behind me.

The light fell to the ground, and there was a roaring sound.

Under the terrifying light, the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon was blasted to pieces, leaving nothing behind.

【Seto Kaiba:0LP】

[Winner: Muto Yugi! 】

Brother. Keppei felt very sad. He didn't want to see his brother lose the duel, and also lose to Yugi.

Because my brother cares about games the most.

Just because you care, you can't lose to this person.

On the duel stage.

Yugi walked towards Kaiba, he seemed to want to say something.

Yugi, I don't need the so-called beautiful words, I can afford to lose this duel! Kaiba dumped Obelisk's Giant Divine Weapon from the deck to Yugi's hand.

Yugi caught this God's Card, and he could feel the terrifying power contained in this card.

It is indeed a card of God.

It's hard to say whether he can afford to lose or not. After all, Kaiba will do something shocking in the future.

At least Kaiba is not as attached to the God Card as he thought. If he loses, he has to admit it. He can't keep the God Card.

Even though he lost the duel, Kaiba looked proud as he walked off the duel stage.

If it had been before, he might have started the self-destruct program of this place.

But now.

Kaiba just wants to stay and see who can have the last laugh.

There is only one Duel King.

So the champion is the duel king, and the person who fails to compete for this title is the runner-up. What about the third runner-up?

A question suddenly appeared in Jonouchi's mind.

The third place, of course, will be contested by the losing players in the semi-finals.

The next draw is a duel between You Miao and An Malik. The loser of the two will have a duel with my brother.

Keppei explained to Jonouchi thoughtfully.

Here comes the problem.

Without the qualification to ascend to the honorary throne of Duel King, is Kaiba willing to stay for this duel?

Everyone looked at Kaiba for a moment, only to see that the latter had an indifferent expression, as if someone owed him millions.

Kaiba said nothing, he snorted and turned to leave.

Wait until the break time is over and come back here.

0 0 The game is called Haima. The original work is already available, so I won’t describe it in too much detail. Just give the results in one chapter. It’s not good to drag it on too long.

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