I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 149 The Overturning King (4000)

Chapter 149 The Overturning King (4000+)

The white cloaks were swaying in the wind. After Kaiba left, everyone wanted to disperse temporarily.

Stay calm and wait for the next duel to begin.

However, the six-year-old took the initiative to take the position on the duel stage. He crossed his arms and inserted the Millennium Scepter into the gap, standing alone in a certain position.

Your duel hasn't started yet, please wait until the break has passed. Keppei warned An Malik.

Hmph, there's no need. I'll just wait here. An Malik looked at You Miao, the man who had given him pain three times. He couldn't help but see the other person wailing and begging for mercy.

In response to An Malik's pretense, You Miao nodded lightly and said, Oh, then you wait here, let's go down and take a rest first.


You Miao and Xingzi left, followed by Peacock Dance, followed by Jonouchi, Yugi and others

Soon, there was basically only the six-year-old Sunshine left in this place.

Dark Malik's expression was ferocious, why was this different from what he thought?

This guy You Miao should have been provoked by him, and then rushed up to start a dark game with him.

What's wrong with the beginning and ending?

Hmm hmm, Dark Malik soon figured out the reason.

You Miao must have been scared, so she spent her rest time thinking about how to deal with him.

This is the only reason! !

Huh ha ha ha, kimoij~ When he thought of this reason, An Malik felt excited, and a sense of excitement shot from his butt to Tianling Gai.

However, Isono quickly shattered Dark Malik's illusions.

Contestant, please don't smile so brightly.

According to reports from the KC Astronomical Hall, it will rain heavily for a period of time. Are you sure you want to wait here alone?

Yes, the duel ring at the top of Alcatraz Island is open-air.

It will rain heavily soon.

The clever You Miao and the others had already gone to take shelter, but Malik was the only one who stupidly wanted to stand up and show off.

Huh, I don't need it. I'll just wait for You Miao here. An Malik was very angry now. He couldn't leave even for the sake of face.

Isono didn't bother to care about Dark Malik.

After a while, it started to rain heavily.

Dark Malik was instantly drenched. He was helpless and used the Millennium Scepter to form a resistance around him with dark energy.

Through the glass window, Peacock Wu looked at the forced smile of An Malik on the duel stage, and couldn't help but snicker.

Dark Malik looks very perverted, but gives people the feeling of a child.

Of course, you can't ignore the danger just because the other person is a child. This is a child with a machine gun.


Duel Academy.

Izayoi Qiu was restless because what happened last night was too bizarre.

You Miao's different duel kings, and why the drift bottle hasn't come back yet.

At this moment, the get out of class bell rang.

Groups of people formed their own small circles, but Izayoi sat alone on a chair. There seemed to be an absolute realm with her as the center.

In this field, no one dares to approach her or even shout a word from a distance.

Rejection, cold violence, fear.

Izayoaki thought he didn't care, but in fact he still felt bad.

I was only 15 years old in a few months and didn’t even have a friend I could talk to.

A bold idea came to Izayoi Akira and he wanted to ask the mysterious man in the drifting bottle if he would be his friend!

With this thought in mind, Izayoi Qiu's breathing became heavier unconsciously.

That's right, the mysterious man doesn't know anything about her, and he won't hurt the other person.

We can be friends!

After having this idea, Izayoi Qiu was even more looking forward to the reply from the drift bottle.

What does it feel like to have friends?

Hey, Jack, his driving skills are really great.

Hahaha, of course, Wang's D wheel is the only wheel of fortune in the world!!

Whether it's the performance of the D wheel or Wang's driving skills, he is definitely the strongest duelist in Shindo Sano City. No, the strongest in the world.

Ah ha, that's necessary. In the replay of the duel last night, I almost thought the king was going to overturn, but who would have thought that he could still hold on to the D wheel in that situation!

King, he is so strong, so strong.

The joys and sorrows of people are not mutually exclusive, including Izayoi Qiu and these guys.

These guys felt happy and joyful, but Izayoi Qiu only thought they were noisy.

But the guy this group of people were discussing was named Jack Atlas.

He is the most talked about person in Shindo Sano City recently, because this duelist has become the king! !

The opponent relied on his outstanding driving skills and dueling skills to defeat powerful enemies at the fastest and most incredible speed, and aspired to the highest peak in the city.

The reputation is so great that Izayoi Aki would hear about it from time to time.

Thinking of this, Qiu Ye took out his mobile phone and browsed through last night's Chi Xiang Duel.

I can only see it on the video screen.

A tall man with yellow hair and a spiky slicked back hair was racing wildly on the track in the world's only aggressive D-wheel.

Forcibly, the so-called speed and passion are staged in reality.

This duel quickly came to an end.

I saw Jack, who was called the King, raising his finger to the sky with one hand and roaring:

A king's duel must be entertaining.

Let me conquer everything with my domineering power.

The shock of the king is presented here now! Be optimistic about the power of the roaring of heaven and earth!

Synchronized summons, my soul. Red Lotus Demonic Dragon!


I saw a three-star dark resonator and a five-star dragon monster next to it, melting into stars in an instant, and finally connected to each other in a straight line.

boom! !

A huge pillar of fire spread, and Tamashi, who shook everything with the power of a king, appeared.

[Red Lotus Demonic Dragon, 3000 attack power, dragon/synchrony]

After the dragon entered the scene, the duel ended quickly.

Jack won the final victory with unstoppable power.

Izayoi Qiu had to admit one thing, this Jack was very good at dueling.

At this moment, the noise around them continued.

The king must be the strongest duelist in the world.

Yeah, that's right.

Do you think there were any duelists like Jack Atlas in Doushino City who were called kings in the past?

There should be. After all, the dueling world has such a long history, there can't be only one king now.

But the current king is the strongest!

Yes, Jack Atlas is the strongest king, so what do the previous kings mean?

Izayoi Qiu finally couldn't listen any more. She stood up, pushed away the table, and shouted:

You know something.

How much do you know about the former Duel King?

Stop talking nonsense here!

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole class was shocked.

The Rose Witch who had been hiding in her own world actually went crazy.

She had seen the photos on that website last night. The city was so horribly destroyed. How could the duel king who could prevent such a disaster be inferior to Jack Atlas?

Qiu didn't know why she was angry. Maybe she had regarded the mysterious man in the bottle as a friend, or maybe this incident was just an opportunity.

An opportunity for her long-suppressed dissatisfaction to explode.

Although everyone is afraid of Izayoi Akira's power, the fans' blind following mentality is very crazy and crazy.

This kind of madness once defeated fear!

They began to stand up and loudly rebutted Izayoi Akira:

Hey, don't talk nonsense. You don't know the former Duel King.

Jack is the most powerful duelist. Even if the previous duelist king comes, he will definitely defeat them.

Don't forget, the former duel king didn't know anything about summoning. How could he possibly catch up with the current duel era?

This group of people talked more and more enthusiastically, and even commented eloquently.

Classic. I can do it with me.

I know the former Duel King. Izayoi Qiu exuded a twisted telekinesis, which was a sign that he was about to go berserk.

After all, Izayoi cannot control his own superpowers.

Hey, it's telekinesis. Let's retreat quickly. The most excited guy in the group realized that something was wrong.

It feels good to be high for a while, and it feels good all the time, but one day it will end.

Won’t the price come then?

The group of people were so frightened that they fell to the ground, and the loudest ones even peed their pants.

When everyone thought they were going to die.

Izayoi Qiu's telekinesis power suddenly dissipated. She looked at these guys coldly without saying a word, then turned and left the classroom.

Absence from class!

Did we survive?

Maybe. It's scary.

These guys instantly realized the beauty of life, and just now they almost thought Izayoi was going to kill them.

What the hell, it's all your fault.

Eat shit, you didn't squirt?

As they talked, the group started fighting among themselves.

The classroom was instantly filled with the smell of urine.


Izayoi walked into the girls' bathroom.

The reason why she didn't teach those guys a lesson was because she saw the drift bottle coming back.

With excitement, she took off the drift bottle and skillfully took out the paper inside.

After she picked up the paper and saw what was written on it, she froze in place.

Izayoi stared blankly at the contents of the note in the drift bottle.

Yes, my name is You Miao, I should be a duelist from the past.

Nice to meet you, Izayoi Qiu.

This sentence was like a curse, swirling in her mind.

Izayoi felt his heart begin to speed up.

Sure enough, this mysterious man is not Muto Yugi, but the unconventional king who doesn't look like a good guy, You Miao.

Click on what was changed on the photo.

This person is the past duel king... You Miao!

Things were so outrageous that Izayoi Qiu didn't know what to do for a while, but in the end she left a few words above.

Excuse me, can you be friends with me?

I have had special abilities since I was a child, and I would hurt people around me from time to time. Everyone will be subconsciously afraid of me.

Soon, the message was too long.

The drift bottle sucked the paper into it and continued to disappear along with the data storm.

Izayoi Qiu was confused, she hadn't finished writing yet.

After being suppressed for more than ten years, she still had a lot of bitterness to spit out.

Why did this bottle escape?

Can you be more professional?

Just like that, Izayoi Aki looks forward to replying.

the other side.

You Miao received feedback and new content from the drift bottle.

Soon, You Miao finished reading this article, which was more than 1,000 words long.

Except for the first few sentences, which have some practical content, the rest is full of Izayoi vomiting his bitterness.

Based on the content, it can be inferred that this Izayoi Akira has not yet joined the cerebral palsy organization in Utopia, nor has she turned into a witch who specializes in harming others.

In other words, it is a little further forward from the timeline of the 5ds plot.

When You Miao was replying to the letter, he received the reward by the way.

[Tip: Congratulations on getting Black Rose Dragon fragments*2]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting spar*500]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting card dust*100]


The reward this time is very good. I gave you two fragments at once, and I was almost able to synthesize a Black Rose Dragon.

Including good things like dust and crystal stones, I can weep my wool to the other side and cry.

You Miao quickly replied to the content and sent the bottle back at the cost of crystals that exceeded the limit.


Tom secretly emerged from the duel disk, and it began to shake its head and said:

You Miao, this skill is almost reaching its limit.

Next time the contents of the drift bottle will come back with a long delay, and you can't keep using it without restraint.

As time goes by, the new Anai slowly accepts the previous memories, and the personality is almost closer to the original body.

Sometimes You Miao can't figure out whether he was reincarnated by secret AI or his body was taken away from him.

Ignis, are they all so weird?

I can do whatever I want. You Miao flicked the Anai away with a snap of her fingers.

Tom sighed secretly and shook his head: Storm Drift Bottle is not such a simple skill. If you use it like this without restraint, something may happen.

Using storm data to travel through the timeline may sound fantastic, but no one knows what will happen next.

An AI's warning made You Miao couldn't help but think about this issue.

My greatest strength is that I listen to advice.

Then I'll listen to you

You Miao intuitively told herself that An Ai's guess might be correct.

The power of miracles must pay a price. The storm bottle traveling freely on the timeline may have caused unknown effects.

And this influence will come back with an unstoppable force in the future.

Before You Miao could come to a conclusion, there was a knock on the door from the other side.

You Miao, the time has come, your duel is about to begin.

It's Xingzi, she came here specifically to remind You Miao.

The rain stopped and the sky cleared up. Dark Malik was already waiting outside impatiently, ready to get angry.

An AI got back into You Miao's duel disk, showed one eye, looked at You Miao and said: I'm going to do it, You Miao!

You Miao looked at the increasingly weird Anai and couldn't help but imitate Brother Zuo and replied: Yes, I know.

After inserting the heavy card deck on the table into the duel plate, You Miao's eyes became serious. He pushed open the door and walked unswervingly toward the passage ahead.

In this duel, he must be a six-year-old child.

Xingzi looked at You Miao's back, feeling a little excited, and immediately followed him.

She has gradually developed the potential of a female card player.

Hurry up and watch others play cards.

at this time.

On the other side of the passage, You Miao encounters the pretender, Haima, who is leaning against the wall.

No, Kaiba has been waiting here for a long time.

The other party seemed to have something to ask You Miao.

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