I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 147 Destruction Sword

Chapter 147 Destruction Sword√

Bold ideas emerge.

Is there a possibility that this is myself in another timeline?

The reason why the double image appeared in front of my eyes was because I saw a scene from another timeline?

Parallel world?

In that world of Izayoi Autumn, I did not encounter this magical drifting bottle.

Under tremendous pressure, she chose to put on this mask tonight and go out to release her inner pressure, using her terrifying power to destroy everywhere.

But because of the drift bottle, I didn't put on a mask, but became an Internet-addicted girl in front of the computer?

Why did things in the past change at this time? Have two different timelines been created from this time?

That piece of news?

Opening a box and being observed?


At this moment, Izayoi Qiu fell to the ground. She looked at the ceiling above and fell into deep thought.

This question is too complicated for her to understand at the age of 14.

If you don’t even know where the end of the universe is, how can you know these things?

After lying down for a while, Izayoiaki stood up again after calming down.

She walked to the drawer and opened it. A white mask was quietly placed in the center.

After thinking for a few seconds, she picked up the mask and walked to the trash can.

Throw it away! !

I forgot to reply. Izayoi Qiu thought of the floating bottle.

[My name is Izayoi Qiu, from Shindo Sano City. 】

【You are not Muto Yugi】

【who are you? 】

Izayoi Aki wrote these questions on paper.

She had a guess that this person might be You Miao. After all, the hairstyle of this mysterious man's avatar was very similar to the hairstyle in the photo just now.


The drifting bottle began to get involved and disappeared with the flow of the data storm.

Izayoi Qiu began to look forward to a reply, and at the same time he was curious about what had happened in the past.

the other side.

Dm era.

When You Miao was sorting out the deck construction, a data storm appeared in front of him, and the drifting bottle came back.

Opened this drift bottle

As expected, it's Izayoi Qiu, no wonder it produces fragments of the Rose Dragon.

And you also found out that I am not Muto Yugi?

This is impossible.

Is Izayoi Qiu that smart?

How did she do it without any hints or clues?

A refresher course for Detective Conan?

Forget it, get the reward first. Every time the drifting bottle returns, You Miao can get a random reward, and the richness of the reward may depend on the other correspondent.

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the Plant Family rare card pack*1]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting spar*200]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting card dust*100]

There are no fragments this time? You Miao thought that Izayoi Qiu was incompetent.

He opened the card package casually.

[Congratulations on getting the effect monster Dandelion White Lion (R)*1]

Well, this card is a bit interesting. The Dandelion Lion's Vest is banned.

But there is also one of this card in the city.

Obviously new vests have appeared, but You Miao hasn't found Dandelion's true body yet.

You Miao conveniently inserted this Dandelion White Lion into the deck. In fact, Izayoi Autumn is still somewhat useful.

Of course, he didn't forget to continue picking up Izayoi's wool. You Miao replied to the other party on the drift bottle.

This time, he used his own name.

You can also test Izayoi Akira from the side and see which 5ds timeline the other person is currently in.

The pretend Muto game failed, perhaps because of the hair style, and You Miao realized that she might need a bottle of hairspray.

compare to.

The next game is the semi-finals between Yugi and Kaiba. At this moment, both players are staying in the room to adjust their decks.

Yami Yugi was thinking about something.

Compared to his days in the Duel Kingdom, Kaiba's strength is simply as strong as heaven and earth.

He has mastered the use of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. From the dimensional fusion and the use of the Dragon Mirror, he has completely abandoned the conventional method of using sacrifices for higher summons.

To be honest, in the melee just now.

Kaiba unleashed a very powerful offensive attack at once.

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon + Blue Eyes White*3

This combination is really scary.

Kaiba will not abandon the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Maybe I can do something about this.

At this moment, Xiao Biao appeared, and he could see that his other self was distressed.

Another me, maybe this card can help you. Xiao Biao took out a card from a gold cabinet that exuded the underworld atmosphere.

Perpetual magic card, prohibition order.

This prohibition order requires a card name to be declared in order to activate this card.

As long as the Prohibition Order exists in the Magic and Trap Zone, the following effects of the declared card name's original card name will apply.

Can't be on the field.

Card activation and effects cannot be activated or applied.

It cannot be normal summoned, reverse summoned or special summoned.

It cannot be used as a material for special summons that require materials.


The other me, this prohibition order will definitely be useful. Xiaobiao smiled happily.

Yami Yugi was silent.

The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

There will definitely be a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the Kaiba deck. When the time comes, this prohibition order will be slapped on the field!

The other party must not be fooled on the spot?

The other me, in fact, you can also put in a few permanent trap cards as a countermeasure. After saying that, Xiaobiao wanted to take out the things at the bottom of the box.

No, aibo, I accept your kindness.

But in this duel, I want to defeat Kaiba openly and honestly.

Capture the opponent's God Card so that you can challenge the next opponent.

An Yuxi still declined aibo's red pit warning. He was not very good at using this underworld tactic to play cards.

Besides, the game already has a way to deal with Kaiba.

Kaiba will not abandon White Dragon√

White dragon is a dragon clan√

Good for dragons√

Destruction Swordsman√

The game puts several newly obtained (printed) Destruction Swordsman cards into the deck, and also adds some cards that can be retrieved.

The dragon clan's problem is solved.

Next is the God Card.

The Titan of Obelisk possesses strong resistance and instant killing power.

The strong resistance means that most cards cannot clear this monster.

Yami Yugi thought about this problem for a while, and he began to invest in several other cards based on the weaknesses of the God Card.

There is nothing wrong with God being strong

But God is not yet invincible.

Any duel monster will have weaknesses, and God is no exception to this.

Time passes slowly.

Minutes before the duel is about to begin.

Yami Yugi inserted the compiled deck of cards into the duel plate. He stood up and put the blue coat on the chair around his body and said, Okay, this game has begun.

Stepping onto the passage, Yugi saw Jonouchi leaning against the wall.

Game, you must win. Jonouchi looked at the other party with the eyes of a man and said.

Ah, I will definitely win this duel. Yugi stretched out his palm and patted Jonouchi, which meant that this was an agreement between the two of them.

Coincidentally, You Miao saw this scene from the other side.

Good guy, the game is a unique game with all kinds of buffs, plus the laws of the universe of the Yu-Gi-Oh! world.

It's hard for Kaiba not to lose.

There’s Jonouchi’s encouragement, and of course there’s the peacock dance and Kyoko!

They looked at the game and nodded, saying that they would definitely support the very classic prototype of a cheerleading team on the game's side.

Dark Malik is even worse. This guy squats directly outside the passage door and looks at the game with gloomy eyes.

Yugi thought that Dark Malik would say to him in a perverted tone as always: jimoji

By the way, some more words to mock yourself, such as wash your neck and wait for death and other non-nutritious dialogue.

However, Dark Malik said nothing.

Because the person he hates most now is You Miao.

Compared to the pain given by You Miao, what does this Pharaoh mean?

Damn it, the two wounds of being betrayed by You Miao will never heal.

Fireworks sounded in the sky, and this scene looked very grand!

Around the huge duel arena, Kaiba even used his money power to let virtual audiences fill the high platform to watch the duel.

Of course, the target of this group of virtual spectators shouting cheers is Haima

This is a little selfish thing from Kaiba.

This little trick has no effect on Yami Yugi, and he has officially entered the stage today!

The equipment prepared by kc group has already broadcast the live broadcast to the whole world.

This day is destined to be recorded in the history of the duel world and become an irreplaceable milestone! !

Even if one day in the future, the KC Group may no longer be strong in Tongshiye City, their duelists will disappear one by one or even die.

But what happened today will never be forgotten by history.

The duel king will be born here today!

Keppei looked at the two people staring at each other on the stage. The two old enemies, remembered by fate, looked at each other speechlessly.

For some reason, Keppei's eyes started to moisten.

Suddenly I felt like crying.

——Brother, you must win.

——I hope that the honor of Duel King will be awarded to you personally!

Master Keppei, please use a tissue. Men can't cry.

Maybe you could stand on your head with your eyes down so the tears don't fall.

Isono noticed that his second boss's eyes were red, and he immediately handed over a tissue very considerately, and passed on this life tip to him.

——Hmm, in this case, Master Keipei must think highly of himself.

Promotion and salary increase, winning wealth and beauty, and reaching the pinnacle of life are just around the corner! !

Thinking of this, Isono couldn't help but admire his own wit. With such insight, he really deserves to be in the position!

Isono, damn it, I didn't cry.

You can report to Egypt tomorrow.

Keppei gritted his teeth and said, wouldn't this Isono be able to speak according to the situation?

There are so many people here, what are they trying to do by saying he is crying?

Isono was dumbfounded.

Of course, Keppei was just talking. In fact, Isono was very prudent and he would not send the other party to mine.


Duel stage!

Kaiba and Yugi both approached at the same time, until they stopped together half a meter apart, and exchanged their respective decks for shuffling.



The two called each other's names, but said nothing.

Because if you want to say it, say it well in a duel.

The two took their respective decks back and put them on the duel plate.

The duel begins!! Keppei shouted with the microphone.

Duel*2! !

Seto Kaiba: 4000LP

Muto Game: 4000LP

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