There’s not much to say about this fusion monster, XYZ-Shenlong Cannon.

For You Miao, it is a pure waste card.

Enlargement is somewhat useful, at least in the DM era this thing was pretty good.

It can double the attack power of monsters to kill them! !

However, You Miao hopes to get Haima's cross soul even if it is a real card version of the rookie card.

Even if it costs Kachen to evolve, You Miao still has to let the real card version of Cross Soul evolve into the anime version.

The main event is here.

Dark Game’s exclusive card pack

You Miao rubbed his hands and chose to open these exclusive card packs.

[Congratulations on triggering the character talent Soul of Pai Lao. 】

[Congratulations on getting the effect monster Elf Holy Swordsman (SR)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the fusion monster card Dragon Knight-Black Magic Girl (UR)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the normal magic card (special) Eye of Timaeus UR*1]

Hmm, special? You Miao noticed these two words that suggested something strange.

Because this card is Eye of Timaeus! !

What is the most mysterious and powerful card in Yu-Gi-Oh DM?

Maybe someone will answer the Three Fantasy Gods!

You Miao would say it was the three Yinbi dragons.

The three nameless dragons can each be fused with monster cards, magic cards, and trap cards.

It’s unknown what card it will become after fusion!

What will be the effect after fusion? Unknown!

It all depends on your oral skills!

Can such a card not be scary?

You Miao picked up the Eye of Timaeus to observe, and a flickering light slowly flowed on the card surface.


Flash! !

This real card version of Eye of Timaeus actually corresponds to one of the nameless dragons in the anime version.

That's right, it's the nameless dragon you hold later in the game that fuses with monsters to create a new card.

[Eye of Timaeus (real card version): This card name is also used as Legendary Dragon - Timaeus in the rules. Only 1 card with this card name can be activated per turn. ①: It can only be activated by targeting 1 Black Magic monster on your field. Send that monster to the Graveyard as a Fusion Material, and Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster with that card name described as a Fusion Material from the Extra Deck. 】

That's right, except for restricting specific monsters as materials, the effect of this card is actually a bit similar to the original anime.

You Miao came up with an idea. If this card was injected with card dust, could it evolve into the original Legendary Dragon - Timaeus from the anime? ? ?

Doesn’t that mean that you can talk nonsense as much as you want?

You Miao tried to inject omnipotent card dust into this Eye of Timaeus.

[Tip: Transforming Eye of Timaeus requires 8,000 card dust, and the number of card dust you hold is far from enough! ! 】

[Warning: Converting the Eye of Timaeus may have unknown effects, and may lead to fighting in the legendary trial]

I knew there was nothing so good. You Miao put this Eye of Timaeus into the deck.

Because in addition to this Eye of Timaeus, You Miao also got Dragon Knight - Black Magic Girl from An Yugi's exclusive card pack!

The fusion conditions of Dragon Knight-Dark Magic Girl: Dark Magic Girl + Dragon-type monster.

You can also use Eye of Timaeus to send the Black Magic Girl to her grave, and then fuse to summon this Dragon Knight - Black Magic Girl.

This Eye of Timaeus is for bad hot girls to use.

Dragon Knight-Black Magic Girl's effect is still very good, mainly because this card explosion effect can also be used in the opponent's turn.

Overall, Dark Game’s exclusive card pack is pretty good.


You said you forgot Elven Holy Swordsman?

With all due respect to You Miao, this Elf Holy Swordsman is an upgraded version of the vest of the Cannon Fodder Swordsman, and it is still a useless card.

Intensity, too low.

If I have to pick one bright spot, it is that this thing has 2100 attack points at 4 stars.

When he first came to Tongshiye Market, You Miao would have put this card into his deck without hesitation, but now he doesn't like it anymore.

With the injection of new blood, You Miao will of course have to adjust his deck.

This time he invested in several Female Imp auxiliary cards.

Come hurt each other, six-year-olds!

the other side.

5ds era.

Izayoi Qiu opened her eyes suddenly, her whole body dripping with sweat. The darkness around the room made her feel scared and uneasy.

Well, my head hurts. She sat up and rubbed her swollen head.

Only then did he realize that he was lying on the floor!

She glanced at the soft, fragrant bed next door and reluctantly accepted the reality.

Had a nightmare.

In her nightmare, she dreamed that her telekinesis was out of control again, and she accidentally injured her mother and father. As a result, everything around her was destroyed because of her.

All kinds of accusations and guilt made Izayoi Qiu collapse on the spot

The nightmare also woke up.

Fortunately this is a dream.

Izayoi Akira got up from the ground. The room was actually very empty, and he watched the clock on the wall tick by.

A feeling of powerlessness surrounded her.

Maybe this is the net suppresses the cloud that is often discussed very enthusiastically on the Internet.

Suddenly, a data storm surged.

Izayoi Akira is not too unfamiliar with this data storm, because she has already seen it once.

drifting bottle

Above the flow of data storms, a familiar bottle appears.

This time she did not hesitate and chose to open the drift bottle.

Mystery man:.

After reading all these contents, she said to herself doubtfully:

Muto Yugi?

I seem to have heard this name somewhere.

I should look it up online.

In the dark room, Izayoi Qiu sat on a chair and turned on the computer, entering his own account on the Internet.

After the information came through, she began to search for information about the name Muto Yugi.

Soon, she saw the relevant information webpage.

[The past and dusty memories of Tong Shiye City. 】

[The glorious childish Noichi marks the future of duelists and the birth of the first duelist king in history! 】


All kinds of titles pop up!

Izayoi Qiu found this news about Duel King on a website.

Due to the age, the above information may not be entirely true.

The former Doshino City also experienced a reversal event and was reborn as the new Doshino City today.

Yes, I found it. Izayoi Akira found Muto Yugi.

The pixels in the photo are blurry, and there are three men celebrating something.

Below this photo is an introduction:

The first duel king in history Muto Yugi, the father of duel monsters Becas, and the president of KC Group (it is said that this person is also the old enemy of the duel king) Seto Kaiba.

Izayoi Qiu stared at the starfish head in the photo.

Muto Yugi.

The mysterious man in the bottle is Muto Yugi?

how could it be possible!

How long has it been since the former Tongshino City?

How could the other party be Muto Yugi.

But doubts quickly arose about this idea.

Isn’t it amazing that this kind of floating bottle appears inexplicably in the data storm?

So the possibility that the opponent is Muto Yugi is not low. Izayoi Qiu looked at the portrait on the drift bottle paper.

This mysterious man’s hairstyle doesn’t look like the starfish head from Muto Games.

The mysterious man's jet-black avatar has an unconventional hairstyle.

The non-mainstream hair style was different from the starfish hair style, which made Izayoi Qiu question himself: Is this a Muto game?


Izayoi Qiu continued to read the previous news.

Suddenly, she saw an unofficial history on a strange web page.

In the history of Doshino City, there was a disaster where the world was invaded.

It is difficult to determine the time of that disaster

All I know is that that day was the anniversary of the International Illusion Society, and the location was chosen at the central square of Tongshiye City.

In this disaster, nearly half of Tongshiye City was affected.

Several photos with blurry pixels are also posted on the webpage.

The photos recorded scenes of many buildings being destroyed, which shocked Izayoi Qiu.

Izayoi Akira couldn't wait to slide the mouse. Unfortunately, there was too much missing information on the web page. She still didn't know what kind of disaster Doushinoichi suffered that day.

Only at the end of the web page, it says:

——Under the ruthless invasion of domination, people have become helpless and desperate. We don’t know what tomorrow will be like, and we don’t know whether there is hope in the future.

The need to face the heart is a necessity of darkness, and in this endless despair, the duel king stood up

Without the Duel King, the world would eventually be destroyed by the power of domination.

The Duel King is indeed very powerful.

Facing this disaster can be solved with the power of one person

Hey, there's one more sentence here.

There is also this sentence in the lower right corner of the Izayoi Autumn Hairstyle website.

It seems that the reporter who edited this news left a fan comment.

——Hmph, brother Youmiao, the duel king, is really handsome.


Izayoi Qiu seemed to have seen something incredible.

Duel King You Miao?

Are you kidding me, shouldn't Duel King be a Muto game?

How could he become another person!

Quickly switching back to the web page just now, Izayoi Qiu looked at the group photo from the old days, and she was surprised to find something.

Muto Yugi was replaced by a similar-looking man with an unconventional hairstyle and golden eyes.

He doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

Why is this happening?

Izayoi Qiu had no idea what was going on.

Sudden! !

The whole world changed drastically, and ghosts began to appear on her screen.

One computer became two, the mouse became two, and the big bed became two.


Why did I become two?

At this time, in Izayoi Qiu's eyes, another Izayoi Qiu was sitting on the ground netting clouds, and the other person did not encounter the drifting bottle.

Wait for the net suppressing cloud to end!

Another Izayoiaki stood up and walked to the drawer to open it. She took out a white mask and put it on her face.

I bloom in the midst of killing, like a flower in the dawn.

Since I can't escape, then I will become the witch of roses and wreak havoc.

After saying that, another Izayoi Qiu jumped out of the window. She was going to the area with the most chaotic security and started killing randomly!

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