I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 142 The style of painting gradually goes wrong

Counterfeiting and being struck by lightning is not just a matter of talk.

Lishid is the best example.

In Dark Malik's memory, this guy, Table Malik, often made fake cards, especially fake cards that were replicas of the Winged Dragon.

Even if he fakes it, he often tests it on Gurus Hunters.

As a result, without exception, this group of Gurus hunters who used fake card-winged dragons all rushed to the street.

Now, the rightful owner of the Winged Dragon is on the field, and You Miao's behavior will undoubtedly bring fire to the grave! !

The strange secret words are still whispering, and the golden halo is still flowing.

Kaiba's Duel Disk was shaking, and the God Card in his graveyard was also affected by this.

Something is coming out. Yugi's expression was solemn, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Card of God.

Is it the card of God?

There are only three God Cards in the world. Why does You Miao have one in his hand?

The Titan Soldier is in Kaiba's hands, while the Winged Dragon and Sky Dragon are in Dark Malik's hands.

Logically speaking, You Miao cannot have the God Card in his hand.

What the hell does this happen!

The singing of the elves revives all things, and the eternal power controls all things, their lives, their souls, and even their bones.

When heaven and earth meet, the ceremony begins! Come, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!!!

Kaiba and the others looked at You Miao in disbelief as he raised his hand to release a monster card with a strong golden light.


It's Kamida!!

Kaiba's expression was horrified. As someone who had just fought against the Winged Dragon, he knew exactly what this power was.

It’s the real deal! !

The golden flames of divine power poured down from the sky, roaring like a fire dragon and tearing apart everything that stood in his way.

All of a sudden, the world collapsed and the situation changed! !


The female imp enters the scene.

[The Winged Dragon of the Sun God,? Attack power, phantom beast clan]

Impossible, how could such a thing happen? Dark Malik's eyes almost popped out. Even his catchphrase kimoji could not cover up the fear and unknown at this moment.

Winged Dragon.

Why didn't God punish me? ?

You Miao summoned the Winged Dragon of the Sun God normally.

Because this operation was so outrageous, all the duelists present except Peacock Wu were confused.

Wings of the Sun God Dragon, there are two cards of this God! ?

It's impossible, this is a fake card.

The real Winged Dragon of the Sun God has always been in my hands. There is no way such a thing would happen. Dark Malik spoke excitedly, his whole body shaking from the stimulation.

That's right, after Malik stole the Winged Dragon and the Sky Dragon from the Tomb Keepers, these two God Cards have been stored in his hand and never left.

There is only one explanation for the origin of the Winged Dragon in You Miao's hand.

Lishid’s fake card!

Dark Malik remembered that when he was trying to trick Li Xied, You Miao took away the opponent's deck.

Naturally, the fake card-winged dragon also fell into the hands of You Miao.

Why did you use a fake card? The real god won't punish you? Dark Malik couldn't understand why, exactly why.

Regarding the six-year-old's question, You Miao acted as the Gotham Riddler and said, What do you think?

Grass nm

An Malik burst into tears. He looked at You Miao and shouted, Ah, I'm going to kill you.

Betrayed by You Miao for the second time, and his God Card was tainted and was taken away by the opponent.

All kinds of blows made Dark Malik's mentality collapse.

The Winged Dragon's attack depends on the total value of the three monsters, You Miao repeated the explanation.

[Wings of the Sun God Dragon:? →5400 attack power]

The female imp's whole body was exuding golden flames, and she roared loudly at the winged dragon opposite.

Hey hey hey, look at your stupid look. You must have been frightened to see the real me and you are trembling all over.

You really can't compare to me from beginning to end, oh hehe.

The female imp is madly dancing and taunting the original Winged Dragon.

Can the Winged Dragon be humiliated?

Roar!!! The Sun God roared angrily. He wanted to tear the other self in front of him into pieces.

Oh hahaha, your strength is not one ten thousandth of mine. If you force a fight, you will only hurt yourself. The female imp looked confident. She didn't know what modesty meant.


The Winged Dragon on Dark Malik's field took the initiative to attack, and the target of the attack was the female imp.

The female imp was wrapped in golden flames and bumped into it without any fear.

The two winged dragons began to collide and compete between the elves at this place.

Excited energy is overflowing and exploding in the air. At this moment, countless storms are coming from around.

The female imp and the winged dragon showed their super elf power at this time

The whole tower was shaking.

Jonouchi and others were shocked, weren't they playing cards?

Why is it suddenly a Digimon!

Stop fighting, don't fight anymore. Keiping quickly shouted to stop him, can he continue to fight?

Do you still want this tower?

Female brat, crush each other. You Miao also realized that time was almost up, and he told the female brat that it was time to get down to business.


At this moment, You Miao quickly activated the concentrated electric current from his hand! !

Under the power of this quick-attack magic card, the Winged Dragon's attack power increases by the value of its own defense, and its defense value depends on the three sacrificial monsters.

Raiden (1000) + Light Dao Beast (300) + Executioner (1200) = 2500!

[Female Imp: 5400 → 7900 attack power]

You Miao must kill Malik in this round and complete the task early to avoid being killed by Kaiba or others!

Damn it, my Winged Dragon can't attack as well as this fake. Dark Malik was furious. He never dreamed that one day he would be punished by the opponent using Winged Dragon.


You Miao, you can never get rid of me! !

Open the trap card, physical strength enhancer - Super Z. Dark Malik activated a very classic trap card. He wanted to add 4,000 health points to avoid being instantly killed by You Miao's fake winged dragon.


Dark Malik missed a point.

That's it Wadokana.

Malik, you seem to have forgotten one thing.

Soul replenishment resurrected the executioner and sent him to the graveyard as a sacrifice. I can activate the trap card from my hand this round!!

I have already calculated everything about you, and the card I want to activate is this one.

At this moment, You Miao showed this trap card in front of Malik's face, God's Declaration! !


The invincible old man.

If there is something that the old man can't handle, then try another one.

[You Miao: 2500LP→1250LP]

Dark Malik's expression was numb, and the physical strength enhancer he covered was immediately ineffective and destroyed.

At the same time, the female imp also bit the neck of the original Winged Dragon, causing it to snap.

Boom! !

Although in terms of elf power, the two winged dragons are comparable.

But as long as you are in a duel, you must abide by the rules, and high attack power is respected.

The huge battle damage began to backfire on Dark Malik.


Dark Malik's expression was distorted, and he was blown away by the powerful impact.

0 0. In the Yu-Gi-Oh card picture of the paragraph, only the starting point is displayed, and the Q reading side is not displayed.

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