I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 143 Fighting King

The last time the giant god soldiers were resisted by the coolie wave, this time the female imp's attack was not so surprising.

After all, Dark Malik has no coolie wave at all.

Coolie waves are only for the strong!

[Dark Malik: 1500LP→0LP]


Dark Malik fell to the ground, his body shaking violently.

He is not willing to give in!

You Miao, you guy. An Malik didn't know what to say. He only knew that his hatred and hostility towards this man had exceeded the upper limit.

What Pharaoh?

What hatred of the tomb-keepers?

They were all ignored by Dark Malik. He only had one thing on his mind now, which was to devote himself to revenge on You Miao.

Revenge against You Miao has become the meaning of Dark Malik’s life now! !

However, You Miao didn't care about Dark Malik's resentment at all, and he continued his turn.

Entering the second main stage, You Miao activated the last card.

A treasure from heaven! !

Hua la la, golden clouds drifted by, and raindrops of money fell.

You Miao, Kaiba, and Yu Yu, the three of them replenish their hand cards from the deck until they have 6 cards.

I cover 2 cards and end the turn. You Miao looked at An Yuxi and said.

God's card!

It is an existence that stands above all monsters.

Due to the exchange of partners, An Yugi looked at the Winged Dragon on the Yumiao field.

This round is your best chance to challenge the god.

Among the top 4 selected players, Yami Yugi is currently the only duelist who does not have a God Card.

Although the Winged Dragon held by You Miao is full of doubts, at least it is correct for now.

Draw a card, I will definitely defeat the God Card this round. An Yugi looked at You Miao and declared.

As for Kaiba, he didn't say anything because there was nothing on the field for him.

How to surpass God

This question is too difficult.

Peacock Wu has seen the power of the Winged Dragon more than once.

Can the game really defeat the Winged Dragon in this short round?

Magic card, resurrect the dead. Yami Yugi raised this magic card, and Kaiba's expression changed. He thought he was going to resurrect the Titan Soldier in his graveyard and then fight against the Winged Divine Dragon.

However, it is the dark magic girl that Yami Yugi wants to resurrect!

[Dark Magic Girl, 2000 → 2300 attack power, magician]

How can the black magic girl defeat the Winged Dragon? Even a novice like Kyoko knows that the attack power value between the two monsters determines everything.

The attack power of Winged Dragon is 5400, which is 3100 points difference between the two.

This is a blue-eyed white dragon!

Black Magic Girl is definitely no match for Winged Dragon, unless Yami Yugi prints an anime version of Twilight of the Gods right now.

Otherwise haha.

Sudden mutation! The card printed by Yami Yugi was not Ragnarok, but a sudden mutation.

By liberating a monster, Yami Yugi can special summon a fusion monster card with a corresponding number of stars.

Dark Magic Girl is a 6-star monster, so I want to summon this monster card.


Dark flames emerged, and the rolling heat made it difficult to open your eyes. After the heat dissipated

A knight in pitch-black armor holding a sword and shield appeared.

[Black Flame Knight, 2200 attack power, warrior type]

Seeing this monster, You Miao knew what An Yuxi wanted to do.

As we all know, there are some monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh that are called fighting kings.

What does fighting king mean?

That is, no matter how high the opponent's monster's attack power is, whether it is 10,000 or 10,000.

It must be the monster that can win! !

The Black Flame Knight is not the king of fights, but the monsters it extends are considered the kings of fights in the first generation DM Yu-Gi-Oh!

But is the one in An Yugi's hands a real card version?

Enter the battle.

The game has the Black Flame Knight attacking the Sun God's Winged Dragon.

The damage that occurs when the Black Flame Knight fights becomes 0, so I won't take any battle damage. The game explained ruthlessly.

How dare you touch Ci Wu with only 2200 attack power? Humph, go back and practice for another hundred years! The female imp slapped the black flame knight to death, and used extremely arrogant words.

The Black Flame Knight dissipated, but then another brand-new monster card was reborn in the fire.

[Phantom Knight, 2800 attack power, warrior type]

The first generation fighting king! !

The female imp felt a fatal feeling from the Phantom Knight.

Her expression immediately became solemn, even the God Card must abide by the duel rules.

No matter how powerful the God Card is, as long as its attack power is no better than that of other monsters, even the coolie wave can crush the God! !

When Phantom Knight attacks, this card's attack plus the opponent's monster's attack power value. Yami Yugi continued to attack.

Confirmed, the one An Yugi has is not the real card version.

The golden halo surrounded both the female imp and the phantom knight, and a red channel emerged.


[Phantom Knight: 2800→8200 attack power]

You Miao, take this blow. An Yuxi shouted.

Golden divine flames spurted out, but the Phantom Knight was not afraid to swing his weapon, and the powerful sharp sword force cut a path of life and death.

The little girl is defeated.

The poor little girl was completely controlled by the fighting king's power.

This is the value of King of Fights.

The huge battle damage from the roar came back, and You Miao only had 1,250 health points left, which was unable to withstand the battle damage.

Awesome, Yugi!

I actually defeated God in one round.

And he also defeated You Miao.

Jonouchi jumped up excitedly, as if he was the one who accomplished this feat.

Regarding this point, Peacock Dance nodded in agreement, it is indeed a game.

In the Duel Kingdom, the opponent can create all kinds of miracles, and this time is no exception.

Xingzi didn't say anything, but she didn't think You Miao would lose so easily.


Sure enough, you didn't lose so easily. A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of An Yuxi's mouth.

I saw You Miao still standing on the field. He had not lost the duel.

[You Miao: 950LP]

A trap card opened next to You Miao

Wall of power! !

I offset the 2,500 battle damage results by sending the top 5 cards of the deck to the graveyard. You Miao was recounting a fact.

Yami Yugi defeated the Winged Dragon this round but was unable to kill You Miao. This was the limit of what he could do so far.

At the end of the turn, Phantom Knight will be eliminated by its own effect.

Cover 2 cards, end the turn. Yami Yugi must be defensive, because the next turn is Seto Kaiba's turn, and he is no longer the opponent's partner.

At that time, it will inevitably cause a violent counterattack by Kaiba!

At the end of the round, I opened the covered quick-attack magic card, whirlwind! You Miao acted according to the opportunity, and he seized the opportunity to activate this cover card.

As we all know, the trap cards and quick attack magic cards that are set during the turn cannot be activated and must wait until the next turn.

Yami Yugi originally thought that You Miao wanted to seize this point and use whirlwind to destroy one of the cover cards on his field.

But he didn't expect that the card that You Miao wanted to destroy was surprising.

It's a permanent trap card, partner exchange! !

I want to use whirlwind to destroy the partner exchange. When this permanent trap card is destroyed, the two exchanged partners will not return.

This time there is no need for continued consent from both parties.

After saying that, You Miao walked to the opposite side and successfully exchanged with the game.

At this moment the group changed again.

Kaiba and Yugi become a team again, while You Miao forms a team alone.

Now it has changed from a doubles match to a battle between strong and weak.

But You Miao didn't care, because he was used to dueling alone and didn't need teammates.

If there is?

Then think of a way to kill your teammates first.

Peacock Wu understands this very well. She once again made sure of one thing: never team up with You Miao for a duel.

Regardless of whether you are defeated by the opponent, you will definitely be stabbed in the back by You Miao.

You Miao. He went back to the game with Kaiba, this time his tone was more complicated than ever.

According to the idea of ​​​​the game, he thought that You Miao would not have to activate the whirlwind so early to destroy the partner exchange.

As long as the partner exchange still exists, the game must face a strong counterattack by Kaiba in the next round.

You Miao could wait for a round of fierce battle between Yugi and Kaiba, and then use this trap card to exchange the two back.

Wouldn't this be better?

Hmph, it's aboveboard and stupid, but I don't hate it. Kaiba smiled. He drew a card from the deck, then looked at You Miao and said, Let me give you the Whip of Defeat.

Magical power, Dragon Temple!


Kaiba buried the white spirit dragon and blue-eyed white dragon in the deck.

Then, he drew out a Dragon Mirror containing powerful power! !

Exclude the three blue-eyed white dragons from my graveyard and summon them by fusion

Tough! Invincible! The strongest!

Come out, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!


In the end, Kaiba relies on his strongest monster cards.

The three wives are happily blended together.

[Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, 4500 attack power, dragon clan]

You Miao, I know there must be miscellaneous fish like coolie waves in your graveyard, but I want to let you experience the most violent aesthetics!! After saying that, Kaiba raised the magic card in his hand and merged dimensions.

[Dimensional Fusion: Pay 2000 basic points. Both sides special summon as many excluded monsters as possible on their respective fields. 】

[Seto Kaiba: 4000LP → 2000LP]

The heads of three blue-eyed white dragons emerged from the twisted dimensional power.

There is only one Phantom Knight in the game's exclusion zone, but this card cannot be Special Summoned through Dimension Fusion.


[Blue Eyes White Dragon, 3000 Attack Power, Dragon Clan]

In an instant, three white dragons + one blue-eyed ultimate dragon had gathered on the seahorse field.

It's amazing, it's amazing. That bastard Kaiba didn't use all his strength when he fought me. Jonouchi was both excited and uncomfortable.

4 hits in a row, You Miao, this is my answer for you. Kaiba's big hand waved the Quick Attack magic card in his hand vigorously and entered the battle.

You Miao's expression was solemn, but he didn't have a single card on the field.

The version has not been updated yet. When the version is updated in the future, Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon will evolve into True-Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon.

The anime version of True-Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is not a blank slate. This fusion monster card can attack three times in a row in one turn.

That adds up to 13,500 points of combat damage.

It smells a bit like Sebadoragon (electronic dragon).

Goodbye, You Miao. Kaiba roared.

The ultimate blast of explosive bombs erupts!

Boom! There was a loud bang.

The shock wave of the explosion seemed to overturn the surrounding areas.

Hey hey hey, hahahahahahahahaha Kaiba looked up to the sky and started laughing.

There must be a chestnut ball in Youmiao's cemetery, but the chestnut ball couldn't stop so many attacks. Kaiba clenched his fists, he won!

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