I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 141 Partner exchange! !

Go, Winged Dragon of the Sun God, go destroy the Titan Soldier.

The golden flames of divine power spread their wings as they screamed.

The Giant God Soldier is naturally worthy of the attack from the gods. His head is the strongest!

Divine Fist Crush vs. Divine Flame Cannon! !

A heartbreaking roar sounded, and the terrifying energy body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The painful roar of the giant god soldier continued, and the power of the mighty flames became more and more powerful.

Finally, with everyone stunned, the gigantic and arrogant God of Destruction collapsed to the ground and turned into fragments floating in the air.

[Seto Kaiba: 4000LP→3000LP]

Uh-huh. Kaiba was blown away by the powerful impact, dragging two traces on the ground.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of the Winged Dragon is.

Humph, hahaha, Winged Dragon is the most powerful god card. No monster can defeat it! Dark Malik looked happy.

You Miao, how are you?

Have you seen the terror of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God?

However, You Miao still didn't take An Malik seriously, which made the latter's face turn red with anger.

Dark Malik covers 1 card and chooses to end the turn.

At this critical time and space, You Miao made an unexpected operation.

Completely shocked everyone!

Continuous trap card, partner exchange! !

[Partner exchange: If the opponent's partner agrees, you can exchange with the opponent's partner. When this card is destroyed, the partner combination returns to its original form. 】

What? Is there such a card? Jonouchi was stunned. This card was much more surprising than the Winged Dragon.

Swap partners?

Damn it, what is this?

You Miao, you actually want to run to the other side! !

Dark Malik had never experienced this feeling of being betrayed a second time.


It hurts!

A new wound was added to the wound that never healed.

And the person who caused all this is, of course, You Miao, the guy who has done all kinds of bad things.

Would the game be willing to exchange places with me? You Miao applied to the other party.

If the game refuses, then this swap partner activation will be in vain.

You Miao. Why are you? An Yuxi looked confused. He had no idea what You Miao was thinking.

Do you simply want to form a team with Kaiba?

You Miao just looked at Yu Yu's eyes without giving any reason.

These two duelists, who looked similar in appearance, looked at each other in silence.

It wasn't until he saw the standing Winged Dragon opposite that Yami Yugi completely woke up.

I see, that's why. An Yuxi closed his eyes, he showed a knowing smile, and then said: You Miao, I am willing to exchange partners with you here.

Hiss Keppei, as the host judge, took a breath.

How to calculate this?

Originally, the rules of this doubles match were different from usual, and You Miao also activated this weird trap card.

Now it is extremely difficult to stretch! !

Yu Miao walked to Yugi's position and stood shoulder to shoulder with Seto Kaiba, while Yugi walked over with a cold expression to team up with Dark Malik.

A new combination is born.

Dark Malik + Game = Group A

Seto Kaiba + Yu Miao = Group B

After the two sides exchanged positions, You Miao struck first and explained directly: Since I took over the position of the game, I will take over the opponent's operation round.

Are you kidding? Are you trying to humiliate me by running over here? An Malik's hands shook with anger. He looked at the other person with extremely resentful eyes and asked, If that's the case, why did you use the chestnut ball to save me?

You Miao helped him block a blow with a chestnut ball. To be honest, this made him somewhat touched.

If You Miao is willing to sincerely repent, the speed of light will cut him off with these wastes like Kyoko Masaki!

Dark Malik is still willing to give the other party a chance to mess with him.

Come back, You Miao.

Uuhahahaha, I will never forget your past betrayal.


Dark Malik even thought about the lines of forgiveness later, but he didn't expect that You Miao betrayed Dark Malik again.

Let him taste the painful tearing feeling of betrayal again.

I saved you with a chestnut ball so that I wouldn't have any arrears.

You use the whirlwind to help me, and I use the chestnut ball to save you. We are all even.

Now I'm going to fuck you openly, Malik!

The rules of doubles this time are different from the previous chaos rules of doubles in the underground palace.

You Miao thought for a long time, but he didn't even think of how to beat his teammates under reasonable rules.

Simply, he had an idea.

Wouldn't it be enough to change teammates?

As long as he is opposite Malik, wouldn't You Miao be able to beat him upright?

[Special Mission: The Painful Sunshine Boy]

Details: The top four who enter Alcatraz Island will start a special two-person duel. In this duel, please successfully give Dark Malik the final blow and clear his health points.

Reward: Gourmet special card pack*1

Penalty: None

Time: 2 hours

This mission is very simple. Just be a human-headed dog and kill Malik in this duel.

The question is, what should I do if Malik is my teammate?

You Miao used the chestnut ball to block the attack of the Titan Soldier to save Malik. In addition to returning the favor, he wanted to keep the head for himself.

Malik was beaten to death by Kaiba, so wouldn't his mission be gone?

Because the reward for this mission is very special.

Previous card packs were all random, but this time the Gourmet special card pack contains several cards.

Volcano Queen, Lava Monster, Bad Beast-Turtle, and Kurikara Tendo.

Among these 4 cards, You Miao can get one of them randomly.


No wonder it’s called a “gourmet” card pack, as it is indeed all delicious food.

at this time.

My turn, draw a card. You Miao raised the corners of her mouth as she drew a new card.

The happier You Miao is, the more explosive Malik's mentality becomes.

The wound of being betrayed twice will never heal.

You Miao, you scumbag! !

I developed a magic card, a double magic card. That's right, You Miao activated a double magic card in the anime version. This card can copy the effect of the magic card used by the opponent in the previous round.

There is only one card I want to copy.

That's the soul replenishment you activated, Malik!

The anime version of soul replenishment is so terrifying.

I pay 1,500 life points to resurrect three monster cards in the graveyard.

Come out, hero who sleeps in my tomb!


[Executioner, 1600 attack power, demon clan]

[Light Path Beast-Wolf, 2100 attack power, beast warrior clan]

[Light Path Assassin-Laiden, 1700 attack power, warrior type]

The soul replenishment is really too strong.

You Miao even used Brother Deng's effect to stack two more cards from the top of the deck! !

jijijijijijijji You Miao raised a card. Golden heat was released all over his body, and the pressure around him gradually became terrifying.

No, it's impossible, this is ancient Egyptian text. Dark Malik stared at the golden card in You Miao's hand, and he shouted: You lunatic, how dare you use a copy of the God's Card here? Taste.

And it’s also a replica of the Winged Divine Dragon?

Isn’t this pure cerebral palsy, looking for death?

You must know that the Winged Dragon is on your own field.

Lixide’s tragic end, You Miao. Have you forgotten?

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