I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 132 “Storm” new skill

Chapter 132 Storm. New skills

[Tip: Paradise Obsession mission completed! 】

[Tip: The reward has been distributed.]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the special enhancement, the heart of ai]

You Miao nodded slightly. In fact, he already had an intuition that the reward for this mission was probably related to AI.

The AI Heart rewarded by the system seems to be different from the original dark AI?

You Miao looked at the description of this reward in detail

[Heart of ai (special enhancer)]

Details: It is suspected to be formed from dark AI data. Huge amounts of data are flowing and running in it. It seems to be related to Ignis itself?

Function: After using it, you will get a new AI with random attributes. The AI ​​has its own life and is extremely growth-prone. The new AI has all the memories and experiences of the data during its lifetime.

Tip: The new AI has unknown abilities. After using it successfully, you will gain incredible abilities?

He didn't expect Zuo Ge to be bullied, but he didn't expect Zuo Ge to be bullied because of him! !

Brother Zuo, it’s so miserable.

Ranked first as the most miserable male protagonist in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Only Judai can compete with Brother Zuo for this throne.

You Miao immediately hatched and used the Heart of AI without hesitation.

[Tip: Congratulations on getting a new AI, the attribute is dark.]

A new dark AI was born.

You Miao can also help it reshape its appearance. Perhaps this is the benefit of the ai heart.

Anyway, he didn't think the six Ignis looked very good-looking.

You Miao helped this new AI successfully pinch the face, just like Tom Cat

Tom ai makes a grand appearance.

The dark and cute Tom cat in front of You Miao looked confused. It had a third eye on its forehead.

This is the eye mark belonging to the original Yami AI.

Hey, why am I not dead yet? Anai in the shape of Tom Cat touched the back of his head. It inherited the memory of the original Anai.

So from a human perspective, this new Tom AI is the reincarnation of the original dark AI.

I am your master now, hurry up and let me use your skills. You Miao tried to explore the new abilities of this Tom AI.

Tom Ai has previous memories, so of course he knows who You Miao is.

A terrifying duelist with the ultimate fake card! !

That kind of fake card can't be beaten even if Tom AI comes up with his own Fire Spirit Star deck.

Since You Miao is the user of AI Heart, today's Tom AI is completely unable to disobey orders.

Tom Ai's two short legs stared like hot wheels, and he immediately got into You Miao's duel plate with a biu sound.

First of all, the entire appearance of the Duel Disk has changed.

Dark, mysterious, and highly technological, the performance of the duel disk has probably been improved across levels.

At least one thing is certain: You Miao does not have to do it manually when retrieving cards and shuffling the deck! !

Don’t think that shuffling the deck is nothing.

As long as you search enough, your hands will hurt!

Secondly, after the fusion of Tom AI and Duel Disk, You Miao gained another brand-new skill.

This skill requires Tom AI to be linked with him before it can be used.

This means that if Tom AI is wiped out or disappears, this skill will be useless.

You Miao was very excited, thinking of his awesome skills in the virtual world.

Unleash the ultimate power! !

The overlord who swallows the darkness in his heart can only print a super fusion at most.

And You Miao controls the entire Zcg card pool.

This skill is too strong.

Storm? When You Miao saw these two words, he knew it was not release the ultimate power.

But the skill Storm Link will also work.

In the sixth game, Brother Zuo relied on the skill of secret AI to continuously print new extra cards.

This skill is equivalent to a money printing machine.

Just when he thought the Storm Link skill was stable, You Miao's expression became more and more uncomfortable.

Because this is not Storm Link at all!

But a storm bottle! ! ?

What is this? You Miao was shocked.

His knowledge is so vast, he has never seen this kind of skill before.

What does Storm Bottle mean?

Tom AI emerged from the health area of ​​You Miao's duel disk. It touched its whiskers and began to explain: .

To put it simply, this Storm Bottle is not a skill used in a duel at all.

This special meow is a casual skill! !

You Miao's expression was full of pain, it was all his fault.

He shouldn't help Anai make him look like Tom Cat.

An AI's style of painting is wrong, and his skills are also wrong, and the crookedness is outrageous.

I'm sorry, Anai, please change back. You Miao begs you.

Tom ai shook his head, he was satisfied with the way it was now.

Since becoming like this, Anai has realized that he is quite awesome.

The body is extremely tough and can do many things, including free expansion and contraction!

What is AI most afraid of?

Data was damaged and devoured. In Tom AI's memory, five of its former AI partners died like this.

The grass on the graves is tens of meters high.

Now Anai realizes that this body is not afraid of being consumed or devoured, it seems to have an immortal body!

For AI (artificial intelligence), although this is very unscientific, it is very metaphysical.

It loved.

In order to prevent You Miao from getting entangled with this appearance, Anai hid inside the duel plate, and from time to time would reveal his eyes on his forehead to wait for instructions in the health area.

You Miao was attracted most of the attention by this ridiculously crooked Storm Bottle skill.

[Storm Bottle: Data storms can flow back and intersect the long river of history and time. Under the guidance of this storm, you can throw a drift bottle loaded with content and float to an unknown distance, perhaps waiting for a destined person to fish it. stand up? 】

[Improvement: Each time you use this skill, you will consume 250 crystals. If it is used more than 5 times, the consumption will be doubled.]

Good guy, outrageous mother opened the door for outrageousness, outrageousness is home.

It turns out that the skills used in non-duels are actually like this?

Is this storm bottle really a drift bottle?

This reminds You Miao of vx in her previous life

At that time, this software had such a drift bottle function, but it was later disabled for some reasons.

It is said that it was because of a certain mercenary's story.

Let's try it. You Miao looked at the brand new duel disk on his wrist and used the Storm Bottle skill.

【-250 crystals】


A blank piece of paper appeared, and You Miao was thinking about what to fill in on it.

Soon, he made up his mind.

Are you GG or MM?

You Miao smiled, and the dead memories in his mind began to revive and attack him.


The drift bottle absorbed the contents of this piece, and a data storm that only You Miao could see began to hit, and finally swept the drift bottle to an unknown place.

You Miao was curious as to who would pick up this drifting bottle.

Suddenly, he felt that this skill was not useless.

Why is You Miao smiling so happily?

Jonouchi has been observing You Miao from behind since just now.

Kyoko suspects that there is something wrong with Jonouchi's sexual orientation, and she already has enough evidence.

First of all, Jonouchi has been turning a blind eye to Peacock Wu's kindness. From just now, this friend has been staring at You Miao's back with strange eyes.

Damn it, you don't doubt that I like men, do you? Jonouchi was angry.

Jonouchi was almost exposed that he liked a certain Tangerine Marie star.

The reason why he paid attention to You Miao was because You Miao saved him in the virtual world.

Alas, Jonouchi's mood is so complicated.

You Miao, as a Gurus hunter, stole his red-eyed black dragon.

But that's not a bad thing.

After Jonouchi lost the Black Dragon, he really focused more on tactics (gambling), and he also knew that he had become much stronger than before.

Later, Yu Miao breaks up with An Malik in order to save Xingzi and Keiping.

Maybe You Miao had a reason for becoming a Gurus hunter before, and it must have been to collect evidence of Malik's crime.

Jonouchi began to think up various reasons to convince himself.

Thinking about it this way, You Miao took away his black dragon for his own good.

In the virtual world just now, if You Miao hadn't taken action, Jonouchi would have been doomed.

Damn it, You Miao, you really are a good person.

Jonouchi felt ashamed for having misunderstood You Miao before.

This is the reason for the entanglement in Jonouchi. You Miao is a cold person, except for Kyoko and Kaiba who can talk a few words.

Usually I don't care about myself at all.

Cheng Nei is thinking about what to do to get closer to You Miao.

When Yu Jialong'er boarded the Tianting, he seemed to have a very happy chat with You Miao.

Although he didn't know how Ryuuji did it, Jonouchi thought he could ask.

Compared to the complex psychological activities around him, Yami Yugi was sitting cross-legged on the ground at this time.

He is under a lot of pressure now.

Kaiba and Malik both have God Cards, and You Miao also possesses the power of the True God Card and the mysterious Synchro Summon.

Yami Yugi tried to imitate it, but couldn't achieve the Synchro Summoning.

The other me, I'm still by your side. If anything happens, we can take on it together. Xiao Biao's soul appeared next to him, and his tone was as gentle as if he were treating his own wife.

With aibo's encouragement, Yami Yugi's buff stack was immediately full.

The negative emotions in their hearts were immediately swept away, and they both looked at each other and nodded.

Well, yes, I still have an aibo.

As long as the bonds of friendship and memories exist, he will definitely be able to overcome many difficulties and achieve final victory.

This is how An Yuxi and aibo have supported each other until now.

The bond between them cannot be broken even by a thousand-year artifact.

Memories, bonds, friendship and other buffs are stacked up, and Yami Yugi only feels that he is now full of infinite power.

You Miao noticed this. He looked towards An Yuxi and found that his whole body's momentum was rising.

Only you can see this.

In essence, You Miao can no longer be regarded as a human being.

For this situation in Yami Game, You Miao instantly judged the truth.

Unique skill!

Bound by friendship and memories, the nameless Pharaoh begins his journey in Inka.

Even after arriving at Alcatraz Island late, You Miao wouldn't be surprised if Yami Yugi printed a card like Memory of the Destruction Sword to kill Kaiba on the spot.

For dark games, printing cards is as easy as drinking water.

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