I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 131 The Mysterious Duel Disk (4000)

Chapter 131 The Mysterious Duel Disk (4000+)


All An Ai's actions are within You Miao's judgment.

Within the Absolute Magic Holy Barrier, You Miao looked at An Ai with cold eyes and said:

The Star Wizard - Grindle, has the ability to pay 500 health points and cover it with 1 face-up monster on the opponent's field. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn.

That's why Kyoko's skills were stolen from you.

There is another trap card in your graveyard, the Star Wizard - Epilogue. This is one of the three cards you retrieved with Ironhide at the beginning, but I didn't select this card and was sent to the graveyard by you. .

When you banish the Star Wizard - Epilogue trap card, if the Star Wizard monster battles and you take battle damage, instead, your life points will be restored to that value.

0 payment + Humanoid Canada (Grindel) + Star Wizard - Epilogue = Survive.

This is about trying every possible means to survive until your next turn.

You went to such great lengths to do this because you planned to steal my skills, right? You Miao said.

An AI couldn't say anything, because that's exactly what it thought.

You Miao used her own skills to print this heaven-defying magic holy barrier.

An AI really plans to activate AI Reconstruction in his own turn to directly steal You Miao's skills.

Unfortunately, you are finished. You Miao entered the fighting stage.

The true silent magician launches an attack on The Star Wizard-Grindel.

Silent blast!

The terrifying magic energy is condensed and is about to be sprayed out.

At this critical moment, Anai looked serious and activated Glindel's effect.

Pay 500 life to cover a monster on your opponent's field.

Since Anai stole Kyoko's 0 payment skill, the price of 500 health points was eliminated.


The next second, An Ai's expression changed drastically, because the effect of Interstellar Wizard-Grindel could not be activated.


This situation is really beyond the understanding of An AI.

Under the Absolute Magic Holy Barrier, the earth attribute does not take the target to destroy a monster, and the dark attribute forces your monster to attack. So what is the light attribute?

Don't forget, the True Silent Magician is a light attribute monster.

As soon as he finished speaking, Anai looked at the true silent magician on the field and said in surprise: Could it be?

You Miao showed a smile of success and looked at An Ai to explain:

Well, when a light attribute monster exists, the opponent's monster on the field cannot activate its effects.

Whenever a monster is destroyed, 500 damage will be dealt to you.

What's this?

It is a suppressive power similar to Hero of Destiny-Blood Demon D!

Star Wizard - Grindle's override effect is useless! !

Except the permanent trap card Star Wizard-Epilogue in the graveyard, the battle damage received this round will be restored to that value. Anai expelled this trap card from the graveyard angrily.

Wow, the permanent trap card in the graveyard is eliminated.


You Miao's eyes widened, her golden pupils stared at An Ai, and she roared:

It's impossible to use a grave pit in front of me.

Activate the Absolute Magic Holy Barrier effect. Once per turn, you can activate the opponent's magic or trap card effect. It can be activated to invalidate and destroy it.

This is the power of the absolute magic holy barrier! !

The presence of monsters can grant the most basic combat resistance.

If there are magic or trap cards, it can invalidate and destroy the opponent's magic and trap cards.

Impossible! An AI's only means was defeated by the Absolute Magic Holy Barrier.

Ai, this time, you have nowhere to escape. You Miao clenched his fists, looked at the other person ferociously, and said, Go to hell.

True Silence has a magic counter, Magic Holy Barrier has a magic trap counter, and it also comes with a light attribute monster effect blockade.

The secret AI without any cards in hand cannot withstand this attack at all.

Silent blast!

The terrifying magical energy blasted into the Interstellar Wizard-Grindel.

Naia's body was destroyed by the terrifying magical energy, and liquid flowed from Naia's remaining eyes.


[Dark ai: 1LP → 0LP]

The duel is over! !


The entire virtual world is trembling.

Due to the destruction of Anai, this virtual world itself created by Naia is rejecting people like You Miao.


Jounouchi, your body is slowly coming back. Kyoko said in surprise.

After the Yami AI failed, the data taken away from Jonouchi slowly fell from the attribute stone, and finally returned to his own body.

In the end, this retirement island created by AI collapsed.

This paradise island that was supposed to belong to the Fire Spirit Star has become a flash in the pan.

You Miao didn't feel guilty at all.

An Ai's idea is very simple. In fact, he just wants to find a place to lie down. If there is a chance, it would be better to go back to the V6 era.

Unfortunately, if there is only one dark AI, it will eventually destroy all humans and the entire world.

Dark AI also knows this. It is extremely unwilling to be self-destructed, so it creates other new partners.

Even with just one new partner, Yami's characteristics will be changed.

The world will not be destroyed, and it can continue to grow together with humans.

However, due to the nature of AI, Jonouchi will either die or You Miao will kill An AI.

You Miao still has a mission, he must kill An AI.

Perhaps, the reward for this mission is also related to this AI.

call out.

Kyoko's consciousness data was excluded from the virtual world.

Next is the castle.

Then there were Kaiba and Yugi, who were still riding their horses.

These people have all been excluded from the virtual world.

Oh, what a shame.

After you go out, your skills will be gone.

Zcg, my Zcg.

You Miao looked at his palm and said to himself.

He slowly degenerated from entity to mosaic, and finally the whole person was disintegrated.

This virtual world created by Naia and later enhanced by Anai is officially closed!

When Jonouchi, Yugi and others woke up, they had already walked out of their respective cultivation rooms.

They began to be shocked by this military fortress hidden under the sea.

I didn't expect such a thing to be hidden in this place. Kaiba was surprised.

As for what happened just now, Kaiba and Yugi have already learned from Kyoko.

Sure enough, that huge purple barrier was created by You Miao.

Kaiba was holding his breath.

Two bastards, Gozaburo and Naia, went into hiding and then got killed by an artificial intelligence?

That means that Gozaburo Kaiba, whom Kaiba originally defeated, is a fake, a copy! !

Abominable dark AI

Haima also realized that KC Group’s breakthroughs in the field of intelligence during this period turned out to be the feedback brought by dark AI.

You are all awake. You Miao walked out of the incubation room on the other side. He looked at everyone and said, Let's leave quickly.

The flow rate of time in the virtual world is obviously different from that in the real world.

As they experience in the virtual world, time in the real world is also passing.

Therefore, the original Tianting should have arrived at Alcatraz Island with Peacock Wu and others.

And they are still at the bottom of the sea here.

If you don't rush over there quickly,

Nothing seems to be wrong! !

First of all, Kaiba is here, can Isono still judge him as disqualified from the duel due to timeout?

If Isono dares to do this, You Miao believes that he will definitely see the other party shining in the mining area in the future.

followed by.

Three of the top four are here.

There is only one Malik left on Alcatraz Island, who can he play cards with?

With the air?

Dark Malik's angry mentality exploded?

Dark Malik cares more about the God Card and revenge than the so-called key and honor.

Of course, there’s also the kimoji he talks about all day~

This is also the reason why An AI dislikes An Malik. Who wants a guy who talks about kimoji?

You Miao, you seem to be familiar with this place? An Yuxi looked at You Miao's back and asked subconsciously.

It's not that Yami Yugi is paranoid, this is the first time for everyone to come to this place.

Why is it that You Miao is walking in this place like a casual amusement park?

The alarm on the road never went off.

And the robots didn't attack them.

Is this reasonable?

Huh, Yugi, don't make such a fuss. Kaiba explained, I'm afraid, what benefits did You Miao gain in that virtual world? The failure of these intelligently controlled guards and alarm traps is absolutely inseparable from this.

Do you understand this explanation? Game?

This is the power of science! !

You Miao didn't explain because the matter was too complicated and he hadn't had time to study it carefully yet.

Under the forward route of ↑↓←→↑↓←→.

Everyone came to a special room where many well-equipped submarines were placed.

These submarines, I remember, were developed by KC Group.

After that bastard Gozaburo Kaiba stepped down, a lot of technological equipment was lost.

It turns out they're all in this place.

Kaiba crossed his arms and sounded particularly unhappy whenever Gosaburo was mentioned.

I thought I could send Gozaburo to hell again with my own hands, but I didn't expect that what he gave me was just a soulless puppet who only obeyed orders.

This made Kaiba particularly unhappy.

Giant Jet, this is a good name, let's choose this one.

You Miao walked to the side of the largest submarine and asked everyone to follow him quickly.

Haima followed You Miao suspiciously. If he remembered correctly, these submarines require special instructions to identify themselves and enter.


You Miao raised his duel disk, the submarine's scanning area instantly swept across, and a prompt sounded.

[Successfully identified, the control area is 100% open.]


The door opens automatically.

Haima's expression became more and more complicated when he looked at You Miao.

This matter is very scientific, but when it comes to You Miao, Haima suddenly feels that it is unscientific.

Hey, Yu Miao, how come your duel disk turned black and still looks so technological. Jonouchi noticed the blind spot and walked over to touch it.

Obviously everyone is a duelist, why did your duel board suddenly become so good?

What’s up with these exquisite lines and highly technological texture?

And in the health display area, why does Mao look so much like an eye?

After Jonouchi said this, everyone also discovered that You Miao's duel disk was completely different from the previous one.

Advanced, exquisite, mysterious, all kinds of adjectives are not exaggerated.

As a duelist, it is very important to have a dueling disk with the highest performance.

I would like to ask, is it okay if Takumi loses 86?

Can not be done!

For duelists, the duel disc is 86.

The first generation duel disk was developed by KC Group. Haima has the highest say in this aspect. He is extremely sure of one thing.

The black duel disk in You Miao's hand definitely did not come from KC Group!

And looking around the world, there is no such duel disk at all.

Damn it, You Miao, what other secrets are you hiding?

Kaiba found that the other party was full of mysteries, which made people want to dig deeper.

Oh, an unexpected bonus, there is only one in the world. You Miao casually said it because he didn't know how to explain it.

In this way, everyone stepped into the submarine and started its return route.

Target, Alcatraz.



The venue for the second stage of Duel City.

The Tian Ting has already landed safely on the edge of the island near the sea.

However, when Keihei and others woke up, they found that Yugi and his brother were gone.

Remembering the last scene, they only remembered that they seemed to be fainted by the pink mist.

What happened next, they don't know.

Fortunately, the Tianting followed the autonomous driving route to Alcatraz.

Calling for surveillance. Keppei ordered Isono.

After a while, Keiping found that the surveillance camera had been destroyed, and he realized one thing.

This is conscious premeditation! !

The disappearance of my brother and the others is definitely a long-planned trap.

Got off the Tianting.

Excluding the KC Group personnel, except for Isis, she was still lying quietly on the bed with various instruments maintaining her body functions.

Keppei discovers that there are no missing duelists, only Mai and Dark Malik.

At this time, Peacock Dance felt unhappy.

Someone is planning to kidnap the duelist. Why not take her away too, but take Kyoko away who can't duel?

Regarding this point, the biggest reason for dark AI is to draw a conclusion through data collection.

Kyoko is a woman who actually has high dueling potential. To put it simply, she has the potential to become a bad woman in the dueling world.

Coupled with An AI's little selfishness, it thought Kyoko's personality was very similar to the goddess Shuai, so it kidnapped Kyoko.



When no one knew what was happening, they saw Dark Malik going crazy next door with the Thousand-Year Scepter.

Golden energy shot everywhere, and the madman roared:

Damn it, You Miao, are you running away?

I clearly promised that I would bury you with my own hands.

And the nameless Pharaoh, the coward, you cowards?

Dark Malik was so angry that when he woke up, he found that he was the only one left in the top four.

Play with yarn.

And instead of playing cards, Dark Malik is here to kill people.

The wound in his heart would be difficult to heal unless he killed You Miao, the rebellious boy, with his own hands.

We can't let this guy continue to go crazy, stop him quickly. Keiping's head was so big that he almost forgot that there was a madman here.

Isono ordered the bodyguards in black to swarm over, intending to use force to subdue Dark Malik.

As we all know, most players in the Yu-Gi-Oh World will fail if they don’t play cards to subdue the opponent.

This time is no exception.

Dark Malik avoided the attack of these black-clad bodyguards in one step.

At the same time, he raised the Thousand-Year Scepter in his arms and hit the Iron Mountain Back taught by A Kun to knock all the bodyguards in black away.

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