I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 133 Mysterious Man

Shindou Sanno City.

Duel Academy middle school, elite class.

Duel monsters are divided into normal monsters, effect monsters, ritual monsters, and soul monsters.

Fusion monsters and synchro monsters can only be placed in the extra deck.

But the fusion monster has come to an end. In my opinion, this fusion monster is too weak.

Far from being comparable to the Synchro Monster.

And if we want to successfully perform Synchro Summoning, we must pay attention to something.

The sum of the star levels of the monster and the coordination monster must be equal to the star level of the synchronization monster!

A Mediterranean teacher imparts basic knowledge to the class.

These basic knowledge are already known to most duelist students.

So most people slept on the table.

In the back row by the window on the left, a girl in school uniform sat in her seat with a standard attitude.

The strange thing is that the classmates around her seem to be very afraid of this girl. By default, they will move their seats far away and do not want to get too close to this girl.

This girl has no peculiar smell, but exudes a body fragrance of rose petals, and her appearance is also very delicate.

She has long rose-colored hair, yellow-orange pupils, her skin is extremely fair, and her facial features are as delicate and charming as a work of art.

The only shortcoming is probably that this girl has a very cold expression and a slight disgust between her eyebrows.

Such a girl should be the focus of attention in all aspects, but everyone avoids this girl, instead fearing that the other party will hurt them.



Izayoi Qiu's body began to heat up, and the feeling that disgusted her was acting like a monster again!

Sometimes, Izayoi Aki once had a crazy idea!

If she died like this, wouldn't she receive all kinds of weird looks and discrimination?

When she was 5 years old, during her first duel with her father, her abilities awakened for unknown reasons.

Whenever Izayoi Akira engages in a duel, the virtual image transformed from the duel disk will be transformed into a real object, and at the same time, the destructive power displayed by these monsters will also be physicalized.

Since this incident, people around Izayoi Akira regard her as a monster and a disaster.

Izayoi Qiu couldn't control this power. She didn't want to hurt anyone, but she just couldn't do it.

When humans accidentally trample ants to death, it is not necessarily intentional, but rather unknowing.

In the final analysis, powerful forces are at work.

You want to be cautious in building relationships with other people, but you are afraid of accidentally killing the other person, and other people will be afraid of you because of it.

Denigrate, alienate, exclude.

Even his own parents felt strange and afraid of Izayoi Qiu himself.

Her father even called her a monster to her face.

A year ago, his father threw Izayoi Akira into this duel academy to study as a transfer student.

Today, 14-year-old Izayoi Qiu is still worried about this incident.

A long time passed.

Jingle Bell.

The school bell rings.

Izayoi Qiu stood up and left, but the people around him seemed to dare not make a sound, but waited quietly for the other party to leave.

After she left, the whole class began to laugh and the atmosphere gradually became lively.


Izayoi Qiu knew all these things clearly.

People are like this. They subconsciously reject and fear powerful forces that they cannot understand and master.

Eventually it will turn into denigration and annihilation.

Izayoaki returned to his home with such emotions.

She was born into a family of municipal councilors since she was a child. This is a prosperous location in a wealthy area, but material and financial dependence cannot satisfy Izayoi.

She longs for substantial support, but she still doesn’t understand what that is.

The house was deserted.

Ever since Izayoi Qiu was called a monster, his father has not been seen in this place for a long time. Every day, he is either busy with work or on the way to work.

There are several plates of hot meals on the table.

Izayoi Qiu touched the microwave and found it was still warm, but the light in her mother's room had already been turned off.

Knowing that she was back, her mother took the time to heat up the food, and then went back to her room to rest.

Such complex emotions made Izayoi Qiu hate the power in him even more.


After eating, washing the dishes and setting them up.

When Izayoe Qiu returned to her room, she lay on the bed in a daze holding a bear doll.

What will happen to you in the future?

As a monster, do you want to spend your life like this?

For 14-year-old Izayoaki, these questions are too complicated.

She walked to the table and started to turn on the computer to browse various web pages for various information.

In Shindo Shino City, it is divided into different areas.

Therefore, the security in other areas is very chaotic. Izayoi Akira noticed that fraud incidents often occurred in a place called the Fallen Area.

The people there like to deceive ignorant outsiders, then imprison them and build them into various

These people ended up miserable.

Scum, scum. She muttered coldly.

Suddenly, Izayoi Aki had an idea.

Since you are a monster, why don't you go to these places and cause wanton destruction?

This idea was like a seed quietly planted in her heart.

At this time, a special email popped up.

Izayoi Aki opened it accidentally.


A promising organization that creates a truly peaceful world.

Izayoiaki, who usually suffered all kinds of cold violence, was quickly attracted by the beautiful pictures described by this organization.

If there really is such a world, even if she is a monster, she must be able to establish normal friendships with other people, right?

Izayoi Qiu couldn't help but reply to this email.


Inside a mysterious organization somewhere.

This organization called Xanadu, on the surface, is under the banner of peaceful coexistence, but secretly it wants to gain huge benefits and power.

Such an organization will inevitably have huge conflicts with other people.

At this time, strong strength is a necessary condition.

The leader of the Xanadu organization is a duelist named Devine, who is also a telepathic duelist with powerful energy.

Mental control! !

Devine touched the nose of his plane, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

He is a villain who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

The so-called Xanadu organization is just a place he built by deceiving many people with telekinesis to follow him.

Devine actually wanted to train this group of duelists with special abilities for militarization.

Such a powerful duel team can allow Devine to directly control the city.


Devine held the information in his hand, and he fell in love with a person.

Izayoi Autumn! !

The duelist known as the Rose Witch was ostracized and cold-blooded by those around her because of her excessive strength.

If I can take this duelist into my own hands, Xanadu will undergo a qualitative change.

Who can stop me then?

Hmm hahahahaha.

Devine looked up to the sky and laughed, very happily.

As for a 14-year-old girl like Izayoe Akira who has no social experience?

Devine can easily deceive and brainwash her into becoming the most terrifying weapon.

After all, these telekinetic duelists are all in need of love. As long as you show kindness, they will become your partners for your own use.

When he thought that he had mastered the powerful weapon Izayoi Aki, Devine felt that sooner or later, even Godwin in the satellite area would be able to ignore him.

Izayoi Qiu had no idea that his power had been targeted by someone who wanted to do it.

She never expected that such a beautiful organization would actually hide a terrifying conspiracy.


Izayoi Qiu looked at the bottles floating in front of him, his face was very surprised, and a big question mark appeared on his forehead.

Judging this matter based on her outlook on life is very nonsense.

Why are there bottles floating in the sky, and a strange data storm is emerging around it.

Next to this drift bottle, there is a small golden hand that is shining, as if it wants Izayoi to pick it up.

Things are weird.

But compared to Izayoi Qiu's telekinesis, these things seemed normal.

She tried to pick up the drift bottle and open it.

A mysterious man's head appears.

Due to the darkness, it was difficult to see the facial features clearly, but judging from this unconventional hairstyle, Izayoi Akira concluded that there was something wrong with this person's aesthetics.

The content is also very funny.

Mysterious man: Are you mm or gg?


Ha ha ha ha.

Izayoi Qiu laughed, her stomach hurt from the laughter, and she couldn't help but lie on the bed and continue laughing, her body twisting around on the bed like a strange maggot.

mm or gg?

How many years ago was this!


Izayoi Akira really couldn't stand this kind of thing, and this mysterious man's hairstyle was unconventional. With these words, her smile became even more exaggerated.

Where did this primitive man come from?

The people in the slums are not as outrageous as this mysterious man.

Unable to bear it anymore, Izayoi Qiu tried to write a sentence on this piece of paper.

I bet, you also surf the Internet?

The drifting bottle emits an absorbing force, drawing the paper into it, and the data storm floating around it begins to flow.

The bottle disappeared.

Izayoi Qiu is still confused to this day.

What is this bottle and why is it so magical?

Can anyone else see it besides yourself?


A different era away.

dm era.

You Miao is sitting in the submarine sorting out the deck. Appropriate fine-tuning can keep the deck active.

Bonds increase.

5 minutes after the Storm Bottle skill is used, this skill starts to flash.

This means that in other places, a destined person has already picked up the bottle thrown by You Miao.

You Miao wanted to see if this drifting bottle was so magical.

Except for You Miao himself, no one else can see the drift bottle.

So You Miao opened the bottle that floated back openly.

A mysterious man's head appears.

It was pitch black, making it difficult to see the facial features, and the hair style was normal.

Because the hairstyle was so normal, You Miao couldn't tell who this person was.

If it is a jellyfish head, it is Judai, a crab is a Yusei, and a lobster is a Yuma.

These are very easy to identify.

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