I Am In Marvel

Chapter 670

“Tell me what the hell happened to Lona!”

The emotional red witch, in turn, inspired scarlet energy in hand, which in turn suppressed the joint muscle throat and superstar.


muscle mysterious smiles, quietly opens: “Whatever Lona is you. She was already dead, just a year ago, because she was always unfaithful to his Lord and cut off her head on the spot.”

“That’s impossible!” The red witch whispers, when her heart is in great turmoil, and the scarlet energy that surrounds her body is no longer stable.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

“It’s over. I’ll cut off your head and save your beautiful face.”

Seeing scarlet energy on the red witch disappears, the raw throat goes down lightly, a couple of iron chips backed by cold light and shoved over the neck of the red witch in the front.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

Next moment.

A silver hairdresser with a red witch appeared on the other side of the platform.

“Quick!” With superstar and wooden throat complexion slightly changed, and with their dynamic vision, it is still unclear what the young man just did.

“Sister, are you okay?” Quick silver ventilation, he apparently rushed to get a little dizzy red witch, and then the cold look towards the wooden throat and the superstar, “you two, how dare you hurt my sister!”

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

The muscle throat is speechless, Lona’s metal control, the spirit and energy of the Red Witch, and the speed of the current silver, all three people with the supreme powers are human beings and born in a family?

Where’s the pervert gene inheritance?

“Absolutely. Our raids are correct, and they must not grow again. This planet, called Earth, is more dangerous and difficult to deal with!”

The muscle throat opens its hands, it moves real, its body hovers in the air, and the whole building shakes a little bit.

A large number of walls have been stripped from the building and become weapons manipulated by it, and densely packed in the vicinity of fast silver and red witches.

“You can’t escape!” Superstar eyes Blink White light, look towards fast silver, fortunately red witches caught his eyes in time and re-use scarlet energy to isolate spiritual attacks.

“It’s you who can’t escape.” When did I say that I came alone? ”

“en?” Umbrella’s throat seems to be up and down with a laser beam, and its hasty manipulation of the item is blocked, and the risk is blocking the laser beam. But at this point, another laser on the back came, right in the back, hitting it directly from half the air on the roof.

Supergiant stars look around, and with clang when ”two voices, a new type of steel armor with gold paint, and a silver raw old armor, falling from the sky on both sides of the platform, respectively.

“You’re really slow. We’re all done.” The Iron Man looked right across the street, and the steel armor with a cannon tube was on his back and couldn’t help complaining.

“Really? I think you haven’t solved it yet.” War machine chuckled: “That shell, that was awesome.”

“The reinforcements?” The Umbrella throat rises from the ground, and then it sees the front, and as Mars rotates into wheels, the former clerk who guards the New York temple – the King, walks out of it.

Spiderman pulled a spider silk and fell back next to Iron Man.

“It’s time for you to surrender. Now, here’s the real New York battle power!”

Red witches, fast silver, steel warriors, war machines, king, and Spiderman, six people surrounded the muscle throat and superstar.

“Is black dwarf solved, really waste?” Listen to the silent down the street, the muscle throat shakes its head, and then sweep six people on the scene, the unknown opening of the mouth and say, “Believe me, the war has just begun.”


Vakanda battlefield.

In the grassland area outside the city, invaded alien organisms, with strong support from the State of Karl, have been blocked from outside the city and blood remains have been built into a high wall and a small mountain.

The Bureau succeeded in reversing and controlling it.

The underground control room, which is almost entirely frozen into the area of ice blockade, is frozen by the dead Spirit General Army and the dark night more than by neighbouring stars in the centre.

“Looks like we made it.” Lucy and the others come to the front door of the palace, looking forward to a stable situation outside, without being whispering.

Only the rainpupils were still locked in her eyebrows, and her hands were wrapped in her chest, slightly disturbed: “Something was wrong.”

“Rain pupils, what’s wrong?” Next to Lucy is curious about looking for her.

The rainpupil slowly said, “Because each other is a bully, he doesn’t know how long he’s been waiting for the boss to leave Earth. If that’s all, the boss will never remain blatant.”

Lucy brows tightly knit, following her thinking, “that is to say, extermination is absolutely backward, and this war is far from as simple as it is now.”

Su Jin doesn’t understand much, but his black face grows up.

And just now, the silent Ice Control Room, suddenly, comes with a delicate sound.

Lucy and the others looked back, but they saw a bunch of space fog that appeared inside.

And then a tall man silhouette, with a yellow gold handset on his left hand, right hand chicken with Loki in a French robe. Loki has the universe in his hand, the Tesseract, and both of them come out of the back of space fog.

“That’s” … ”The rain pupils and Lucy pupils have shrunk dramatically, appearing in front of an alien man, with four five-meters tall, light, wearing armour, a strong muscle, a strange purple…

Just like Kyle described!

It’s a bully!

The exterminator himself! He doesn’t have any other hands. He’s himself!

Rain pupils fall fast on the left hand of the hegemony, and that unlimited glove glove rays of light – red and orange.

That means the real stone and the soul stone, and the extermination has succeeded in getting two stones!

“What a wolf.” The extermination boxing of the frozen Spirit General Army and the dark night was lighter than the neighbors, with unlimited gloves, which was dissolved by the rays of light, the real stone Blink.

Soon, Spirit General and Dark Night were striving out of it, and immediately after seeing the extermination, the honorable kneel was greeted, “master.”

“Let me see him first.” The exterminator threw Loki in front of the Dead Spirit General Army and took the Tesseract from him, and then went straight to Lucy and the others outside the door, focusing on the jewellery instruments in the hands of Lucy, “and then four.”


The rainpupils read Lucy sound transmission next to them: “I’ll stop him, you get out of here with the rock of the heart. If more than three stones fall on his hand, we won’t have any chance to turn around!”

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