I Am In Marvel

Chapter 671

Blink, an unlimited glove of souls, took the orange light, extinguished the hegemonic staring at three people outside the door, as if he could hear the sound of the rain pupils in their minds, a dangerous wave of eyes, “Wanna run? Stay here.”

He handled his left hand with unlimited gloves, embedded in real stone, and quickly changed the terrain from the basement to the outside of the door, and the walls of the underground control room all around disappeared, and instead a high wall was built behind three rainpupils and blocked their way.

Seeing this scene, Lucy breathed deep, she put the jewellery instrument in her pocket, flushing white cold on her body, and said to the next rainpupil, “Don’t miss the sound transmission with his heart, he got the soul stone, he could steal the idea of our soul directly.”

“How do you know if you don’t try!” The rainpupils’ double Blink ice white light, both hands rushing forward, and the philosophy area is suddenly launched, covering 50 meters of land, including extermination.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

“Such a level of mindset, even for years, is rare.” Extinct to praise, he felt as if he had fallen into mud, after all, had not acquired the stone of heart, nor could it ignore the ability of rainpupils to reach the domain.

But that does not mean that he cannot move freely.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!


A bunch of extremely warm scarlet flames are made for no reason, as if they were created by blank, clustered into flames, moving towards a rainpupil in the field of illusion.

“Don’t think!” Lucy lifted her hands up and released a lot of white frozen air, creating an extremely thick ice wall in the front air and blocking a violent attack on the flame.

‘chi! “

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

White light’s bleak, the rain pupils don’t stand still, they fall, and Lucy Lucy got her in time.

“Are you okay?” Lucy was nervous looking at her.

“They’ve earned my field.” In spite of physical inappropriate, the rainpupils are still staring at the front of them, the area covered by water vapour.


A gunfire came from behind, but Su Jin fired a signal bomb outside with laser artillery on her body, blowing the wall out of a hole, breaking into the wind and dispersing a lot of water vapour.

Rescue signal.

“Be careful!” Lucy shouted.

This would have dispersed many areas of water vapour, and a black lance hole penetrated the air, as large arrows fired at Su Wise.

It’s too fast!

The human body of Su Wise cannot be reacted to at all.

Just as lance wore Sue’s body holes, the rain pupils opened up and died staring at the lance, and the bleak one was burning again, “Stop it!”

Ideal as if it were a substantial air wall, it would be dark lance Carton, hovering around a half a metre from Suzanne.

‘hong long! “

One purple lightning split water vapour into two, and he appeared a little impatient to exterminate his body, continuing to use real-life rock power to create a number of thunderballs by air to hit three people.

It’s a giant balloon made of thunder power, each with three metres and a half radius, with electrical light intertwining Blink, where no one can get up with a body.

Lucy’s hands pressed quickly on the floor, and the freeze continued to grow into a massive ice wall, but it was an inevitable ice that hit under lightning balls. The walls continue to fall apart, and the thunderballs hit Lucy and the others.

At this last critical moment, three silhouette suddenly jumped into the hole, blocked the last lightning ball in front of three people in Lucy, and the air was burning.

Lucy, surprise open eyes.

That’s Captain America with a shield hand, a black seal with Vibranium battle clothes, and Deadpool with a regular red uniform.

The Vibranium shield and the Black Panthers battle clothes prevented some of the thunderstorm injuries, and Captain America and the Black Panthers were fine. Only a very real body, Deadpool with a thunderbolt battery, was instantaneously concentrated on a bunch of rotten meat, slowly falling back and scared Sue to scream.

“Don’t worry, he’s fine.”

It is no wonder that Captain America has seen Deadpool’s death methods, and he stares at Lucy and the others and looks to the three exterminators in the front and asks, “What’s going on here? Who are they?”

Lucy quickly said, “It’s a bully. The glove is a bully! They’re here to rob an indefinite stone!”

“Slaughter?” Captain America was shocked, and the Black Panthers were ready to face their enemies, and the walls behind them were suddenly broken.

Under a sharp horseshoe, the Blazing Horses kicked into a vacuum, like black runners, heading straight to extermination.

“Give me the weapon!” This moment, even the extermination of the hegemony, right hand took the sword of the dead Spirit General Army, just lifted up, and a broken axe broke the air, with all its power, and chopped off the knife from above.


Strong strengths, forced extermination of hegemony right hand, can’t help but push down a little bit. He lifted up cold and saw the Fire of Hell riding on the Blazing Horses.

“Nice power.” The exterminator coldly smiled, holding his left hand tight like a loaded artillery, falling on the belly of a black flame and throwing it out of the back.

The green flame bear on it burns, the hell doesn’t move, and it uses a huge body as a pressure to hold a broken axe with both hands and lower pressure, leaving the blade out of the hegemony.

Pain makes the bully face a little bit more exciting and calm.

He pushed the axe to the side with an indefinite glove left hand, holding the neck of hell tight, and then right hand lifted the knife up again.

“Let go!”

Black panthers, like wild beast, put their fingers on extermination, and he could not crush the neck of hell, and Captain America was rushed to keep up, killing him with the right hand to lift the blade, so that he could not wave the knife.

The exterminator was trying to lift his feet and, as a result, frozen the floors, linking his feet and floors.

“Now!” The rain pupils are double white light blossom, Mental Power comes together a little bit, stabbing the brows and shells of the bullies!

Even so, the bullies are still like the same unshakeable mountain until his jaw comes down with a cold feeling of resemblance.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Deadpool, who had already recovered, was lying under the hegemony sometime, waving his hand and stabbing sodium carbon steel sword moved towards bullying!

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