I Am In Marvel

Chapter 669


York battlefield.

The sudden alien attacks and superpower fighting have led to the evacuation of the population in the central streets. Living in many catastrophic New York, the more skilled they are to escape.

The walls at the bottom of a building were blown open and an iron painted in gold was thrown out of it.

Iron Man smashed on the rail pole at the side of the road, and the iron rod bent down, and then he fell down on the ground of the road and briefly started the engine in the middle of the journey, which builds on the strong backwards on the wall opposite the street.

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: (www.zhaishuyuan.com) the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

“Look at me like I’m okay?” Hold the walls, scratched steel man back up, the metal eye shines white light, looking at the tower that he throws out of.

Under the shadow and dust of the first floor, a giant alien monster, handcuffed with giant axes, made a terrible laugh at him.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

“Fine. As a result of the priest’s reminder, I have left my hand to deal with it now.” The Iron Man whispers, and seems a little panic, and calmly gives instructions: “Friday, put mak-66 down.”

“How much?” Friday, quick inquiries.

“All of it, all of it!” The Iron Man looks at the black dwarf and says solsolsolemnly.

Now, there’s no need to hide!

God, I can't see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (www.zhaishuyuan.com).

At this time, a platform device that maintained a buoy in near-Earth space suddenly dropped four identical metal instruments with remote control, all of which were unfinished red paint armor, each spraying the tail moved towards New York at an extremely rapid downturn.

“Tiger, I’m not hot yet. Have a good time with me?” The black dwarf’s muscle blast sheet, his neck ka twisted, his feet crushed the ground, and continued to attack the Iron Man.

“I called you a call service. I’ll be right there.” Iron Man pointed to the sky above its head.

“en?” The sense of variation that comes from the top of the head, the black dwarf stars stagnating, and the latter slightly large golden red armor, suddenly, falls in front of it, and the thick mechanical feet take the road out of a hole on the ground, and the stretched steel hands stand in the trunk of the black dwarf, making it impossible for it to move further.

It’s just the beginning, and then, the second tall armor, dropping from the sky, landed behind the black dwarf stars, pushing his body forward.

Two armoured, like bread, trapped black dwarf in the middle for a while.

“Get out of here!” The black dwarf lifts his axe and splits his armor in half.

As a result, there was also a third and fourth armor, left on the right and left sides of the black dwarf, bound its hands.

Four Blink glorious energy nuclear, eight white light eyelids, sixteen rough mechanical limbs…

Black dwarf stars wrapped in the bronze wall, a little bitter, blinking between your eyes, and they’re surrounded! Rubbed by four large armoured armor!

These strong, slight armoured armouries are not only extremely resistant to the shock, but are not comparable to the steel man’s general Mark type.

“That’s a modified anti-Hook armor! They also joined the nanotechnology, which is enough to curb the angry hawk. As for the four heads — enjoy yourself.”

Iron Man waved a chill, waved his hand, no more reason to be nailed by four anti-Hook armoured black dwarf stars with a hammer on the ground.

sorry, the times have changed.

Iron Man was a little relaxed, and it was a pleasure to wake up before the godfather, and after the superpower game, he studied another system, without the autonomous wisdom of Otto, which was enough to manipulate four anti-Hook armoured intelligent systems.

Abbreviations are called “Hit” systems.

“Mr. Stark!”


this point, Peter’s voice came up above the head.

Iron Man looked up and just saw Spiderman, grabbing spiders alone from the high floor. His other hand is halfway around Dr. Strange.

Dr Strange’s forehead was broken, unconscious, bleeding his face red and falling down.

“What happened to him?” Iron Man watches Spiderman hold Dr. Strange.

“smashed by stones, just fainted out of the past, and it should be all right.” Spiderman has Dr with his hands. Strange, listen to the depressing noise behind him, and that’s why he noticed that four fatty armours on the street were attacking that giant alien.

Black dwarf stars who were not the first to die, as if they were killing pigs.

Spiderman was shocked, “What’s going on?”

“It’s what it wants, and neither am I.” Iron Man shrugged, step forward, confirming the pendant of the time stone, still wearing Dr. Strange, on the neck, that’s just a relief, “okay.”

“Wait a minute.” He looks at Spiderman, and he looks at Dr. Strange, call it, “Where are the two aliens?”

He did not believe that aliens like Ulu’s throat could be easily defeated. After all, the muscle throat is too powerful than the black dwarf!

“It’s Wanda Young Lady.” Spiderman wakes up and says, “She stopped the two enemies and let me escape with Court Academecian.”

No good. ”Iron Man is lifting, desperately looking towards the top of the building.

Previously on the rooftop of the upper tower.

There is also a hole in the middle, standing on the side of the wood throat floating in the middle of the air, and a giant star with two eyes floating white light, each carrying out physical manipulation and spiritual attacks and concentrating on objects and virtual uniformity towards the front.

On the other side of the platform.

Only the red witch bites her teeth, and she keeps her hands up, surrounds scarlet energy, while resisting two superpowers against General General!

A bleed blood spilled out of her mouth and quickly evaporated into nothing.

“The human being in the zone, with such a strong capacity, is really compelling.” The muscle throat is elegant, saying that both hands have never stopped, manipulating garbage floating in the air and blowing it to a red witch.

scarlet can split the nearby trash into powder, the red witch’s cold looking at the muscle throat, and gnashing teeth’s way: “It’s you who took my little sister away! Where the hell is she now? Tell me!”


the wolf throat was shaken up, and the old face was stunning, “That’s what it was called Lona, you younger sister.”

It’s really shocked this time.

Lona, with that hostile superman. With the current, while blocking it and superstar superpower women, who come from the same family?

What kind of superfamily is this?

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