I Am In Marvel

Chapter 579.

Stark Industry, marked by SHIELD, the Avengers headquarters building.

Under the remote manipulation of space satellite signals, the top layer automatically opened a metal portal, one with no painting, only basic steel war armor, and silver’s initial generation armor machine flew out of it.

These steel mechanics, like the steel man’s Mark warshirt, are loaded with gold’s energy tanks, hands and feet as a release engine, spraying white flames to speed up, quickly rising to the speed of ultrasound speed, scheduled to fly away from New York City.

German border, snow forest.

Steel warriors flown in the air at 50 meters and fired two small missiles at the shoulder in the front of the Hydra fort building. It was only small missiles that had not yet hit the building that were close to the dome of the fortress, which had been blocked by an intangible electric grid.

“Javis. Come on, help me analyse the loopholes in each other’s defense system.” Tony instructed.

“All right, sir.”

Javis was also carrying out scanning analysis, and Tony suddenly turned around and saw only a little light on the back of the day. Later, the light became silver Iron, moved towards the fall of the snow forest, respectively, and joined the Bureau as a temporary reinforcement.

“Steel Legion.”

Tony explained native relaxed, urgent, Javies’ voices passed into the ear, “sir. Found, built below the right, about a metre from the ground, there was a weak area of electric network defense.”

Tony hearing this, when he lifted his left hand, he fired a missile in the past, according to Javis’s instructions. Missiles hit the brakes of electric grid defense, like needles stabbed outside the membrane, and the grid defended the total collapse.

“I’m good over here. Natasha, it’s time to sing hypnotism about the big head, or my steel Legion is gonna waste a lot.”

Tony pushed to the radio, flew inside the fortress base, ran into Hydra guards on the road, lifted the pistol, d ding dang dang hit his steel shell, Mars Blink.

“Are you all itchy?” Tony doesn’t forget to scratch, open his shoulders, and, as dozens of small artillery rounds strike, Hydra guards who are blocking the road in the fort, fall down like wheat.

After sweeping the guards of the main fortress building, Tony found the central control room, and the Avengers members assembled to clear Hydra of the fortress base, naturally important. More importantly, it is to break their internal intelligence and conspiracy.

Inner Snow Forest in front of the fort.

After Steel Legion joined the Bureau of War, he joined Steve and the others, and Hydra guards began to defeat.

Natasha came to the green giant who lost control of the car, stretched his hand to it and said, “It’s okay. It’s almost dark, big man. Time to rest.”

The green giant looks at her, and her face is slowing down, and eventually will be gracious and rough, gently on Natasha’s hand.

There’s a hidden area next to Sheriff.

Red hair and silver youth are hiding here, looking at the already divided snowforest areas of the War Bureau, and red women can only whisper: “Let’s go.”

“Good.” There is no objection from the blonde young man, with his hands on the red woman’s shoulder, and in the next minute, both became a blurred shadow, looting towards the snow forest at a rate that cannot be captured by the eyes of meat.

The two superpowers left, and the Hydra base completely lost resistance.

An hour later.

the Avengers headquarters building.

After the fighting, the Avengers returned here to submit the results. Agent Hilt, who awaits time here, has already submitted Tony’s information, analysed in detail through SHIELD resources, and other members with serious injuries are left to professional medical personnel to deal with wounds.

“Well, this harvest should be good.” Tony, disarmed, works side by side with Agent Hill in the hallway.

“That’s good. But, as a result, discovering something that’s going on.”

Agent Hill, with a virtual plate, a clicking operation on the one hand, started talking on the other: “In the Hydra party’s intelligence files, the Sokovian geographical names in Eastern Europe have been repeated. It’s a city that is not special, just a geography that is more special and is historically volatile. It is not yet clear what Hydra wants to do to Sokovia.”

“What about the two superpower guys who showed up? They let Captain, Hawkeye, and the green giants eat, they’re supposed to be a bit patient.” Tony touches the chin and keeps asking questions.


Agent Hill showed this indifferent expression, and as his fingers slipped, photographs and intelligence messages of red women and silver young people appeared on the screen of the virtual plate.

“Women’s name is Wanda, men’s name is Pete, they’re twin. Vanda has the nervous space to transform, sense and spiritual control capabilities. Pete has a quick new metabolism capability and a very hot balance. A weird one fast.”

Agent Hill said here, suddenly paused, and he said to Tony, “The Kyle Karl family seems to have been looking for these two.”

“Oh? Father?”

Tony wrinkled his eyebrows, and soon he swallowed his hand, said with a smile: “That’s better. I also suspect that the two of them are hard to deal with, and if the priest is interested, that’s good.”

“Javies, call the priest, which should be good news for him.”

Tony sent a directive to Javies.

Javies replied: “Sir, is the day of sunset two o’clock, and is it certain that the call is made?”

“I almost forgot.”

Tony thought about revising the directive, “Then wait a little longer, and don’t rush these hours.”

The steel Legion manufacturing instrument platform, which is up front, is the top floor studio at the Union headquarters.

The restoration of Dr. Banner of humankind, with a faint mind, entered here through its competence. Just arrived in the studio to see a virtual team of golden, falling in the middle of the room slowing the swing.

Bannah’s lost past, stretched his hand to the light, and then grabbed an empty one.

“That’s Javis.”

Tony came from the door to the studio, explaining to Banner: “More accurately, it’s Javies’ upgrade edition. At first, Javies was just a linguistic knowledge interface, and now he can deal with matters far beyond anyone. I let it have its core procedures to manufacture and command steel Legion at Headquarters.”

Yes. Although Javies has always been known as artificial intelligence, it has evolved only through a system that is unable, like humankind, to reflect on changes in the rules of the system. Real artificial intelligence, only Kyle’s thinking.

“Show you something.”

Tony smiled mysteriously, pulled out the virtual plate, manipulated a few times, and a blue flame formed by the virtual line, floating next to the projection of Javies’ artificial intelligence.

“What’s this?” Dr. Banner’s stuck, looking at the virtual flame that’s appearing in front of his eyes, “Why is it kind of like a brain, with the signal of neurons on fire?”

Tony said with a slight smile: “That’s part of the life of thought. Without prejudice to thinking about life, I have drawn a small heart fire from its life procedure. Through it, it might make Javies, evolve into truly autonomous artificial energy, and then…”

“Orange.” Banner accepted his words.

Tony Jung Nodded: “Yes, Orange, it’s about to open a new era!”

That’s him, too. I’ve always wanted to talk to Kyle about things.

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