I Am In Marvel

Chapter 578.

Germany, somewhere outside the border forest.

Last night, a snowsnow was just over thirty centimeters, and mountains and forests were covered in white snow, and air was filled with a cold feeling.

Captain America Steve, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Clinton, Green Giant Banner, and Eagle Sam, all members of the Avengers are almost all assembled here, armed together, and there is also a well-equipped SHIELD agent around them, apparently awaiting a war.

Steve was sitting on a field motorcycle, carrying Vibranium’s cruise, staring at a quiet snow forest, while others stopped breathing, did not make any noise and seemed to be waiting for something.


A bright light runs through the sky, a gold painted iron drops from the sky, just fell on the snow floor by the team, whispering, left knees and right hand fists at the same time.

“Tony, you can count it.” Steve relaxed.

“What’s the matter, so anxious to call me here.”

Tony, get up, cover the mask of steel masks open automatically, and say, “Hey,” at the same time, take the lead with the good Banner. You too, Doctor. “

Bannanodded, answer: “This enemy seems a little difficult to deal with.”

“Kyle, why didn’t your father come?” Steve wrinkles, looks at the sky, looks around again, and sees Silhouette from Kyle.

“Do you not know that the priest traveled last day?” Tony shrugged, straight and straight.

the Avengers, as well as SHIELD agents, look at each other in dismay. The symbol of peace went to daylight tour? Are you sure you’re going to travel instead of extinction?

Tony comforted: “Don’t worry. Father said he had an inch.”

“Hopefully.” Steve touches his nose, and that’s very reassuring. Kyle went to Sun ‘an last year, and that would be an international problem if it were small and less prudent.

“There’s Kyle here, so it’ll be safer. Since he’s empty, let’s get ready.”

Steve, think of something suddenly, which means Inner Snow Forest is here, explaining to Tony that “it should be one of the hidden bases of Hydra’s remaining parties, so call Banner and you on a temporary basis to sit in town.”

“No, Hydra Base?”

Tony was surprised. You know, after the last Kyle and Karl families, the Hydra organizational base on Earth had been 10 years old, and he thought it had been dissolved.

Natasha answered the word and said, “It should be right. This is the information I have received on several occasions, and it is not a small base, a large base of Hydra armed personnel.”

“What else are you waiting for, go ahead. Fortunately, this time, the armor is loaded with enough ammunition.”

Tony put on steel masks, activist limbs, looking at the snow in front of his eyes, the energy sinks in the eye and chest right center shine white light.

Three minutes later.

The base fortress at the depths of Shirling, inside it, rings the alarm siren.

“Attacked! Attack, call all the men to fight!”

Hydra guards in the fort, with energy guns, rushed out of the snowforest battle. In the back of them, a red-handed woman, standing side by side with a silver young man. They look at each other, nodded, and follow Hydra’s guard to the field.

At this point. Shelling has long been silent by gunfire, with the Avengers, headed by Captain America, fighting with Hydra positions located outside the fortress and with Hydra guards coming from the fortress.

Steve drove a battlefield motorcycle, in a complex landscape of snowforest, such as a flare on the ground, and saw Hydra guarding his head, and he pulled his back with Vibranium’s crumbling shield and threw it out.

Vibranium’s shield, like the same large bodyguard, continued to strike a number of guards of Hydra with different positions and eventually returned to Steve in disregard of physical discipline.

Eagles, Hawkeye, Black Widow, each carrying the life of an enemy through guns and arrows.

Bennet, a green giant, is more unblocked, hit directly in Inner Snow Forest, trees, Juggernaut, small fort castles, etc., all tore into pieces. The battle just started, and a crowd of superheroes grew up and became a repressive exaggeration.

“It’s really steady.”

The steel man Tony laughed, who flew in the air, put a few light artillery in his hand, wiped out the heavy firepower output point outside the fort, and said to the wheat, “I’m on my way to the fort base, and then I’m on my way to the fort base, and left it for you to solve it.”

“Go ahead.”

Steve was optimistic about the situation and promised that, after several fighting, the Avengers and SHIELD had grown up a lot, and that small bureau of war was in the face of that.

Tony left the team at the time, stepped up flight and went to the fort building alone.

The steel warrior left the team, and the collapse of the battlefield on this side was unexpected.

Steve was in a motorcycle rush, just suddenly pushed up by something that was moving at a high speed, and the whole man slipped out of a motorcycle in a high-speed drive and planted into thick snow.


Hawkeye seems to notice what’s going on, stuck on the snow, pulling bows, trying to target, but next minute, he was hit by silhouette, which is fast enough to see, and doubled a hundred and eighty degrees of fighting at the low ground.

“Attention, we have someone injured. Banner, don’t just look forward, we need your help.”

Natasha quickly picked up Hawkeye, talking to the speaker.

Steve climbed from the snow, suggesting, “Be careful, the enemy has superpower!”

Green giants yell down and return back, just not yet with Natasha and the others. Half the road saw the presence of a redheaded woman, the hands of each other, and the mysterious energy of scarlet fog.

The green giant suddenly stopped, lost to staring at the red woman, the scarlet fog gas on her hand, and started to confuse her mind.

“Go on.” The redhead girl pointed to the back, the green giant roaring around her, rushing to her position, and the ravages destroyed the four-wheel car.

“This is not good.” The eagle is flying in the woods, looking down at the uncontrolled green giant, helplessly said, “Hawk is out of control.”

“I’ll be right there!”

Natasha hearing this, when you move. The uncontrolled green giant, and now she can hardly wake up.

Hearing the keen words from the channel, Tony knows that the Bureau of War is bad, but he’s trying to break the electric grid defense built on the fort, and he can’t get out of it for a while.

“Looks like the only thing that starts is that.”

Tony sighed, who had tried to negotiate with Kyle, was in a state of urgency, or was it possible to send only those support as a force of war.

With determination, Tony no longer hesitates to issue a distance directive to Javies: “Send the steel Legion!”

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