I Am In Marvel

Chapter 580.

Sun, Tokyo.

Kyle went to the royal cabinet and took Cherry away, and the night was not over, it was just the beginning of all chaos.

3: 00 in the morning.

Tokyo suddenly blocked the city and all the district police went out, blocked the way out of the city and prohibited vehicles and personnel from entering and leaving the Tokyo city. Thereafter, military warplanes, military helicopters, military Juggernaut, armed military forces, etc., forcibly entered Tokyo City in the face of the public.

It’s like throwing high detonators into the lake, causing a huge wave. The people of Tokyo who are awakened from their sleep dreams, who are afraid to leave their homes, can glorify the boiling of the Sun San Heights in a web-based forum.

It seems to everyone that major events have occurred in Tokyo City, and if not forced to a certain step, how can the Sun Heights be issued so easily to provoke outrage.

A large number of troops were placed in Tokyo City, centred on the royal cabinet, and were travelling out of their homes for screening. Some of the population had initially resisted, but the military had formal and lawful search warrants and had to be checked at an unhindered opening.

These reconnaissance units approached the Kyle and the others area shortly.

At this point. Cherry is not aware of the entire town turmoil that she provoked, and she slips away from a little swelling and clothing, and lithe and graceful White’s body is half-packed with a son. On the bed next to Kyle, the eyes were closed and the breath was spreading out of fresh flowers.

The rainbow is in front of the window on the second floor, and although the curtains have been pulled down, it is possible to take care of the situation outside of it through ideas.

“Boss, they’re coming outside the door. Did you wake Cherry to leave? Or do I hit them?”

Scared of disturbing the cherry in the sleep, the rains pass through their minds and convey their voices to Kyle, who lies halfway down.

Kyle didn’t respond, just shake his head.

He had to say that he had underestimated the importance of cherry in the high minds of Sun. And when he knew that he had come to Sun, he had endured no adventure, but in the half-hour he had taken Cherry, he had taken a city to search for such a crazy move.

Cherry, despite the extension of lifespan with a lethal card, is still in vain shape and cannot move long distances. Sunsan seems to be aware of this, spearheading the blockade of the city and sending troops to search in the Tokyo City area.

Both ideas and actions are decisive and reasonable, unfortunately, and their opponents are biased against Kyle, who does not show up on the road.


Kyle’s eyes fall on asleep cherry, and under his eyeballs, a half-missing purple card came out, floating around Cherry.

[Cherry God bloodline]: The ancient Earth’s nearest god – the replication of the bloodline of Cherry Goddess.

Half-missing cherry Goddess bloodline, replicated through very high levels of genetic capacity.

Cherry Goddess has a special energy of life to cure others, even if they are at risk of death.

Because of the inheritance through genetic replication, only half of the effectiveness and when healing others, the same value is consumed by its own lifespan.

Current status: It is not possible to draw.

“Cherry Goddess” Kyle looked at Cherry’s beautiful sleep face, and about the legends of the ancient gods of Sung Sangu, he still heard something. In the myth of Sun, the most famous God is cherry Goddess and the sky.

Through the cherry now. Again, 70 years ago, the rainfall rescued from the Jezon underground research institute was all tied up.

Kyle dared to say, “I didn’t think… In the dark, all over the world, Sunsan is constantly studying artificial and genetically experimenting with humans, trying to transform such powerful gods as cherry Goddess into a” resurrection of the world “.

It is no wonder that after Cherry has been taken away, such action will be taken at the Sun Heights. After all, it’s on Cherry, but it’s hidden from the mysterious secrets about “God”.

The villa’s outside the door.

A team of armed Sun soldiers stood at the door, holding search warrants for the chief Captain, and barking eyes to the 3-Layer villa, where no lights were available.

“Captain, the doorbell is ringing, no response.” One of the soldiers reported: “This villa was registered in the home, a building that was left free five years ago. No one’s been living. You don’t have to open the door.”

“What do you say?” Captain was staring at him with a tough eye, a harsh way: “Turn the door down, forcibly breakthrough. More than search, and from first to third floor, the search is clear! Don’t leave anywhere!”


Ten soldiers should be called to order them to cross the fence and kick the door on the first floor. Take the flashlight, and follow the first floor and start checking up.

Captain was cold at the door, and his fingers were nervous, whispering on the alarm button. If a little incorrect is found, he’ll push the alarm button and let the army come to clean the area.

Five minutes later.

From the first to the third floor, and from the third floor to the floor, the armed soldiers withdrew from the door, moving towards Captain’s head outside the door, “Report Captain, finish searching, no one’s inside.”

“Yeah, the next one.” Captain turned his fingers off the button, left no traces, and drove armed soldiers to the next home.

A villa forced by Japanese soldiers, a wolf on the second floor, in the darkness, with glass mirrors that humans cannot see on the back.

The mirror inside the space.


second floor of the villa is still perfect, and cherry has been asleep and has not been disturbed by any sound. Kyle and Rain stand on the border of the villa, surrounded by mirrors and looked at the soldiers who went far outside.

“Can’t reach Logan so far, is his disappearance related to Sun Sang’s God’s plan?”

Kyle, the eyes of Blink are beautiful, and the shoulders are blown up: “It’s not clear. But believe that soon we will be able to know the answer.”

And tonight, just started.

Tokyo, central area.

The most

fertile commercial street in the Japanese State, which had been operating 24 hours a day, had reduced the number of travellers on the streets by half as a result of military intervention and searches, but it was almost full of manoeuvres and fantastic.

Suddenly between.

The sound of “boom”, which is ringing in this region, is accompanied by minor signs of shock. At first, people on the street thought they were wrong, but the second, third, dong dong, and the concomitant earthquake continued.

On the streets, the crowd suddenly stopped, nobody spoke, everyone was surprised about the right to look and wanted to find the source of the noise.

“Knock, knock, dong!”

The noise on the streets is growing, and the earthquake’s vibration is exaggerating, and the water glasses in the restaurant are spreading out of the glass.

The people on the street have searched for half a day, finally appalling, and that noise and silence came from their feet, in the underground.

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