I Am In Marvel

Chapter 521.

The social path of the upper rank is often characterized by a dark set of faces, appearing to you as brother Daw Daw, polite and humble, and working hard behind the back.

It’s like a platform of friendship like the Fire Club, where the guests leave each other with a little affair and will not be guilty of death.

And today, coincidence is an exception.

There’s no other reason, just because you’re not looking at it, so in the face of the people, you’re slapped in your ear.

Caesar also smiled moderately, and if not Griff’s face was red, the guests next door thought everything was completely accidental.

He’s a whispering and arrogant word, even if the guests suck in a breath of cold air, even Mora in the corner of the lobby.

“This is an opportunity…”

Mola saw security coming around Caesar and waking up, and she quickly launched herself and touched Colonel Hendrick’s private bag.

At this point. The focus of people in the lobby is on Caesar, and naturally no one notices Mora’s movement.


Caesar had a look at Mora’s back, just like the incredible hedontic son of rich parents, not waiting for the red Griff to talk, and went on asking, “Say you’re garbage, aren’t you angry?”

“Little bastard, I’m gonna kill you. I’m gonna kill you!”

Griff can’t help it anymore. The hairs have to be angry and moved towards the front Caesar.

Caesar neither evaded nor defended, as if he was looking at a bride clown, and Griff had a mile away from him, several tall and mighty’s security suddenly came out, holding Griff’s limbs, respectively, and not letting him play half.

“What are you doing? Got the wrong guy! It’s him! It’s him! Do you know who I am?” Griff’s eyes are full of blood, he’s struggling to fight and tear his heart off his lungs, and he’s just trying to get rid of the security bond with one person’s strength.

The security of the mirror is irrelevant, and the death will press Griff on the ground.

“Give it to you, I don’t want to see him again tonight.” And Caesar’s not taking care of him, on the side of the manager who was rushing.

“Yes, Lord Duke, the head of the stomach wiped out sweat, busy Nodded and said:” I’m really sorry to spend all the time tonight, and I hope you can have a little fun. ”

Caesar, light nodded, go to the couch in the lobby, and look around the visitors and make a passage.

Not good, Mr. Griff. It’s not this club that gives you face, who makes you guilty. ”The supervisor looks at Griff, regrets to shake his head, and for two security instructed:” Get him out of Las Vegas. “

“The Duke?” Griff has given up resistance, fuzzy and white faces.

Confronts in such clubs, security is not a police officer, but no matter who’s wrong with anyone. Whoever is highly qualified, who is the right party. And what about an Italian ambassador in the district, and the Duke of the United States, mention on equal terms?

Caesar returned to the couch, and Mora, who pretended to be a female, was missing.

“Dive in?” Caesar smiled, sitting on the couch, pickup wine cup and continuing to taste alcohol, but his eyes picked up and looked at Colonel Hendrick’s private room.

Blue’s eyes were dizzy, and he had blocked the curtains of his vision, worn by Superman’s eyes, and nothing was lost when everything was inside.

Caesar’s ‘clear’ see, inside the private bag, it’s empty. He focused his efforts on seeing things behind the walls of the room, under visual capabilities.

There are very hidden dark rooms in private rooms, and the back of the wall is a library. There are various World Maps and Intelligence Archives on the desk of the bookshop, where Mora is sitting next to the desk, twisting his hips and skilling the closet to search for information files.

“Does this approach… the CIA?” Caesar shakes his head, and at this point Mora in the dark room seems to hear a disservice, not a dark room deeper than the look for the bookshop?

“Uh-huh?” Caesar Seth moved and looked forward to the past.


deepest rooms, although dark rooms, are wide in space, costumed luxury, with comfortable table chairs.

Second dark room.


White Queen sat with a middle-aged man, and a non-mainstream young man in a suit, sitting alone in a high chair. As an invitation to the guest, Colonel Hendrick is sitting on the other side of the three.

the middle-aged man and Colonel Hendrill seem to be talking about what, the failure of the negotiations and the unhappiness of each other’s faces.

Caesar unleashed some of the limits of Superman’s ear, and the conversation that surrounded several walls immediately went into the ear.

Colonel Hendrick watched middle-aged man, said with a sneer: “Mr. Chan. You want me to change my mind and endorse the deployment of missiles in Turkey, which is essentially impossible. You and I should all know that, once missiles are deployed in Turkey, there will be a move on the part of the Soviet Union, which is not your responsibility if they trigger the war between the two countries.”

“Colonel, the conclusion may not be too early.” The monk’s face is a little cold.

“There’s nothing to talk about.” Colonel Hendrick wrinkles, vigilant touches the pistol in his waist.

“Let’s change the way we negotiate.”

Non-mainstream youth heard signs of immediate rise, stretched left hand and a cyclone in hand, and the trend towards small cyclones has evolved as cyclones grow.

“What did you put in my wine?”

Colonel Hendrick’s fearing rise and erroneously assumed that the other side had put something in place to make him have a strange illusion at this time.

Unmainstreamed youth take the lead, cyclones move forward, and involve Colonel Hendrick in it, throw him up at three or four metres high, and let him fall heavy on the couch chair.

Colonel Hendrick was struggling to climb up and shoot at the monk, while the White Queen stood up and stood in front of the monk and turned her body into a crystal diamond.

“Dang Dang Dang!”

The bullets fell on the White Queen’s diamond body, and only a flare of Mars was fired, and no harm was caused to a single thing.

Colonel Hendrick’s desperate big mouth, the pistol was removed from his hand and apparently abandoned resistance.

“Very powerful, genetically mutation derives superpower.” A smiling look at him, all power wealth is false before absolute power.

Colonel Hendrick was silent and submissive on the couch, knowing that he could not resist mutation in humankind.

“Where’s the Satan devil?”


White Queen twisted his head, blowing a sharp and bright whistle.

A young man who looks like a devil’s scarlet skin has come from the middle of the sky and stretches his left hand to Colonel Hendrick.

Colonel Hendrick’s late in questioning, still holding his hand, the flames are rebooting, and both of them disappear in the dark room.

A short time of kung fu.

Three mutant brightened their unique innate talent capacity, not only in the eyes of CIA Mora, but also in the club hall.

“Four mutant.”

Caesar’s voice is getting higher and higher.

In a long time, humans with unique capabilities are rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, not anti-sects or superheroes.

And the current X-ray universe, because mutation genes are prominent, continues to emerge in the human group, with more than tens of thousands. Most of these mutant are hidden among ordinary people, such as the current Charles and Reese.

The X-ray universe is a real genius, and more people than dogs walk all over Earth’s time.

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