I Am In Marvel

Chapter 522.

Moura’s shock slipped out of the dark room, and what she saw tonight was beyond her imagination, which was transmitted to the world’s civilian population, the superpower of magic was real, and someone began to engage mutant ability in the politics of the great Powers.

“Colonel Hendrick has been controlled by others, and if he changes his mind, there will be ten eight-nine missiles on the Turkish front…” Mora, as an excellent CIA agent, naturally understands the benefits therein, and she has a few deep breaths of stability.

From the private briefcase, Mora was conscious of going to the corner of the hall, sitting on the couch, the young man named Caesar was already unknown, and the rainbow lights were shaking in the lobby.

Mora beautiful eyes are bleak, and they will soon be reinvigorated to the gates of the Fire Club.

On the road next to the Fire Club, a black minibus was parked.

When Mola walked towards the car, the windows shake, sitting on the main driver, was a slightly bald middle-aged man.

“How’s it going? Nothing happened inside? I just said, this kind of club wouldn’t be that easy to catch.”

middle-aged man hasn’t finished, Mola drove the back door and sat in it, and interrupted his words: “Bob, help me get to the CIA Supreme Officer!”


“Don’t talk nonsense. I have very important things to report!”

Mola’s eyes are strong, tongues are stronger, Bob hesitates, or stretches his hand to hidden communication devices in the car: “Forget it, wait for a report.”

Following a communication with the Chief Justice of the CIA, Mora will be able to see things in the hell’s fire club, including the strange abilities of mutant, and the threat to Colonel Hendrick, and brief feedback.

Finally, she was anxious to summarize: “The Hell Club must be in trouble or directly affect the deployment of Turkish missiles.”

“What are you talking about, Agent Mora?”

Within the General Control Unit of the United States Front Line of Turkey, the CIA Chief Justice is sitting in the chair, looking forward to Colonel Hendrick, who talks at Kai Kai, whispering at the phone: “Colonel Hendrick is sitting near me right now! Did you see him at the Hell Club? Unless he travels nearly 3,000 kilometres in ten minutes!”

Molabrows slightly wrinkle, the brain floats up the devil’s face.

“Don’t waste my time.” The Supreme Commissioner threw this phrase down with patience and then hung up satellite telephones.

Listen, there’s a busy voice over the phone box, and Mola can only put down the phone flashlight and raise his neck and sit on a soft back seat.

In response, Bob, the old man of the CIA, had predicted and blew his mouth: “I said,” Without sufficient evidence, intelligence is sometimes useless, especially in relation to mutation and supernatural phenomena like that. “

“I won’t be that easy.”

Moura said, “Suddenly, remember something, twisted his head and said,“ Bob, do you know a boy named Caesar? I was in the club, and he helped me out, didn’t he?

“How can it be, tonight’s the only two of us to act here?” Bob was determined to shake his head, and suddenly looked for Mora, and “You said his name was Caesar?”

“Yes, it looks young, and it’s about seventeen or eight years old. The blonde blue, the air quality, around 1.8 m, the body — is good.” Mola said here, thinking of the intimate contacts that have just taken place, and the cheeks are not naturally getting dizzy, and the light in the car is bleak, and Bob didn’t notice that.

Bob’s face is serious, and it’s heavy: “Listen to you, it should be him.”

“Do you know him?” Mora was surprised to ask.

“Of course not. Just heard of it.”

Bob was silent at a moment, a little organized in the language: “Caesar. The last Duke of the United Kingdom, also the youngest, born unknown, unknown parents and, in the files of the Central Intelligence Agency, insufficiently informed information, he can even rank in the first three.”

“Duke? The little man is the Duke?”

Mola’s hands shut up and, although it was not common to think of Caesar’s identity, it was frightened to know his true identity.

“Yes. The history of his Duke’s identity is also a mystery.”

Bob laughed, “In the file book, Caesar was recorded more than a decade ago, when World War II had not ended, and some of the regional fighting had not been extinguished. He saved an important British royal member, a jazz.”

He paused, go on, “But you think, ten years ago. How old is Caesar? How can you save the king’s office?”

“Is that just fake? The jazz is just for other reasons.” Mora.

“Not only do you think so, but that’s what many people think. There are also rumors that Caesar was the son of the Queen of England at that time.”

Bob shrugged, said, “But anyway, he sealed the Duke. Do you want to see how old a child carries power and wealth beyond a family?”

This is naturally self-evident. After the jazz, more than some foreigners are hot at Caesar’s eyes, even if they are members of the royal family, they can do it in various ways to Caesar.

“But why now…”

Mola opens his eyes, and in that case Caesar is still healthy.

Bob laughed hard, and he said, “So, it’s all fantastic. All I know is that those who fought for Caesar, either in the face or in the shadow, then died from odd death, without exception. As of today, he is still active at the top of the major countries’ social festivals, and no one dares to be stronger than the elders.”

“Seems to be just hedonistic son of rich parents, who actually relies on himself… how he is.”

Mortimore beautiful eyes flourish.

Bob made a solemn reminder, “I advise you, better not be curious about him. While our CIA collects information, some people have something that we can’t touch. If you’re trapped, you can’t pull it out.”

“I know.”

Even though that is true, the next seed is being cultivated in the heart.

“Sir doesn’t believe it. So what do you want to do next?” Bob asked.

Moro Road: “I’m looking for a doctor who studied mutation genes. He’s not allowed to do anything!”

At this point. With the Fire Club, about 3,000 kilometres away from the American military base.

As Colonel Hendrick changed his mind and favoured the deployment of missiles in Turkey, the United States General in the General Control Room was arguing.

No one noticed that the United States military base building was on the top, about 1,000 metres above the high altitude.

One attack on the suit of Caesar, with a high air wind, ignoring gravity in the air, he looked down at the base fortress on the lights, and the blue, deep twins looked like a hole in the steel plate and looked at all the scenes inside the general control room.

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