I Am In Marvel

Chapter 520.

Caesar sat on the couch in the club hall, tasted liquor, and collected all kinds of information.

After a while, he saw Colonel Hendrick, left right hand with a woman, in a luxury, exposed in such a recreational scene, leaked a big spring light, but still carried a woman in the Queen’s Gas, and walked to one of them with a curtain private bag.

In the lobby of the club, a whole lot of security is conscious of getting out of position and afraid of blocking the pace of women. Nor did the regular familiars come up and look forward to women’s eyes, albeit with obscenity and conquest, but more fears are difficult to conceal.

If there is an in-depth understanding of the Hell Club, it will be known that the next woman is behind the legendary screen Boss. Hell clubs can be loved by uprooted people, eating in black and white, not ordinary nightclubs.

And Boss, who can be behind the club, is naturally not an ordinary high-ranking woman.

When you put down the curtains in the private bag, Queen Mary eyes swept through the hot hall and saw a little stop on Caesar. Her brows slightly wrinkle, felt like she’d seen each other, but quickly without a trace of the curtains.

“It’s getting more interesting.”

Caesar’s eyes are low, and his back is comfortable on the couch back chair, raising his neck, drinking the wine in the cup, hitting the bartender on the road lightly, “One more brandy.”

“Yes, sir.” The bartender has received the glass.

That is when the club’s lobby door goes into a young sexy woman.

A woman with a dark golden hair and a waist is also the top in this place where the beauty is stacked. With healthy wheat, people have a bright sense of vision. She was also wearing three points of black sexuality, but she was a little embarrassed, with a little bit of tension on her belly, with a little bit of her feet on the red carpet.

Several middle-aged gentleman still in the lobby, Seth, with a slight wave of hands, such as sniffing the bloody wolf quickly approaching the girl.

In the Fire Club, the guest has the right to choose the woman, and the woman has no choice, and whoever has made an appointment is his first.


The woman saw several people approaching her, not to shrink her body, just trying to find grounds for refusing, and no one suddenly came up and stretched her hand to the barbaric waist that she had no meat. Under her cried out in surprise, she was directly considered to be possessed in her arms.

Not good, this is my appointment. ”Caesar has a new glass of wine with a woman’s face with said with a slight smile.

The woman is stuck, the brain is blank, and the resistance is forgotten for a while.

A few other half-year-old gentlemans, looking forward to young people with the meaning of robbing, were immediately stalled in their face.

Caesar’s mouth is up and she goes to the couch, leaving those young gentlemans in the face of iron.

“Little bastard!”

As a high-ranking Italian diplomat, Griff is going to confront Caesar in theory, and the result is blocked by two colleagues’ old friends.

“Forget it, Griff, this is a bad thing.”

“Yeah. Give the hell the club a face, wait for this door, and settle it slowly.”

Hear the advice of friends, Griff staring at his eyes, blowing the beard, angry at Caesar’s faraway shadow, “Well, he’s lucky.”

Bring the girl to a corner, and Caesar sat on the couch, then pulled the girl in her arms, and handed her shaking glass to her lips, “Come on, drink with me.”

“Ooh.” Women are still halfway in, good opening up their lips, drinking a drink, and white cheeks float up two huts of dizzy.

Caesar keeps smiling, continues to shake the glass, looks forward to a residual lip print, and he has a glass of wine, smashing his mouth and saying, “Not bad.”

“You, you…”

The girl finally reacted, and she was manipulated by her five-year-old teenager, who realized that she wanted to get out of Caesar’s arms, and that Caesar had tightened her body and said to her ear, “You’re not a girl?”

“What are you talking about?”

Caesar laughed, grabbed her fibre’s hand, close to her ear, and said, “You have hard skins on the right hand’s food finger, although not obvious, but you know, with the rest of the slippery parts and feelings. This is because of the use of guns for a long time.”

“I’m defensive, aren’t I?” The girl’s still talkin ‘hard.

Caesar blinks: “Yes. But as a girl, your body is too clean. If experience is insufficient, I can teach you at night.”

“You little bastard.”

There are many times when it is clear that they are older, and women are again defeated, and young people are definitely old oils. Nonetheless, she did not show alarm, and since the teenager knew she was not a girl, it did not mean anything to the other party.

“My name is Caesar, what about you, younger sister?” Caesar hung the girl and continuing to taste wine.

“Mora. At age, you should call me elder sister.”

Mola’s unsatisfactory head, with no good eye, Caesar, is just so close that she finally looks exactly like him, together with almost all her nose, and let her touch the electrical outpost.


‘s not yet a few kilometers of distance, and Caesar pulled her into her arms again, “Be careful, the security here is watching.”

“Shit, hold on to you!”

Mora gnashing teeth, if known by the CIA Training Centre, had no idea how many male agents were beaten down on the ground, when they were gentle as cats in their teenagers’ arms and what kind of bombardment might have caused.

“Good boy, that’s right.”

Caesar faintly smiled, “Since we met, can you tell me your history and purpose?”

“Of course not.”

Mola categorically refused and then hesitated to say, “Unless you help me draw attention from security in the lobby… Forget it, you can’t do it.”

“That’s what it says.”

Caesar suddenly relieved Mola from the couch, which made Moramo feel a little lost, and saw Caesar’s diameter heading still in the hall.

“What does he want to do?” Mora’s stuck.

Mrs. Grishes drinks and chats, searches for new girls, and Caesar walks to them. Griff met with Caesar, and he didn’t react, and his face was hit with a heavy mask.


A very loud earlight, ringing in the hall of the Fire Club, letting the guests shut their mouth and attracting attention to the security of duty.

“You, what are you doing?” Griff grabs the injured left face, desperately fails to look at Caesar, and the red face grows up a lot quickly.

“Nothing. I remember that you just looked at me, and I was so upset, so I slapped you to whisper.”

Caesar said that as it should be by rights, he took white handkers and wiped his own earlight.

Griff’s eyes are on fire, anger: “Are you humiliating me? Do you know who I am?”

“No, no, I’m not targeting you alone.”

Caesar threw out his handkerchief and the wind clouds: “I mean, you, as well as two of you behind me, are garbage, dirty my eyes, please disappear immediately from my eyes!”

This is a very vague word, and the whole hell of a club hall is on the brink.

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