I Am In Marvel

Chapter 205

In the Hall of the Spirit, not only General Field, but also the rest of the Asgard’s juveniles, the gold guards, all look like ghosts, dumbstruck’s looking at the shy Kyle.

The power of the Vulcan is like a demon, and the fascination of madness is attached to Kyle’s body surface. Without any effort, there is a fascinating divine glow. He stood firmly in the Hall of the Spirit, and the golden light was shining and shining, and it really looked like a real god!

“I? Didn’t you say it earlier, I am only from the humans of Earth. But… is the first human to step into outer space and the gods.”

In the face of Field’s problems, Kyle shrugged and said in a serious way.

“How is it possible! How can you just be human! Just by humans in the district, you can actually perceive…” Field’s heart was hit hard, and the slumber showed a strong smile.

Suddenly he thought of something, his eyes eagerly turned back to the broken ball held by the gods.

“Well!” Field paled and panicked and said: “Anyone who is not a god domain, touch the Vulcan inheritance point, and you have broken it!”

“This is the power of Vulcan, I love to pounce on me, I can’t take it.” Kyle heavy sighed, patted Field’s shoulder, meaningfully said: “In addition. General Field, I touch the inheritance Before you point, you can get your permission.”

“I, I know that this will happen!” Field wants to cry without tears, his face is ugly, no matter what, this pot he has to at least half back.

Kyle touched his chin and gave a suggestion, “Would you like to return my power now?”

“The power of the fire of inheritance is broken, how are you still?” Field gave him a look.

Kyle went on to say: “Otherwise, we will leave now, and people outside the Hall of the Spirit may not find the situation here.”

“You just didn’t notice it! The fire is shining, the miracle is coming, how can people outside the temple not find it, maybe even the temple is already there…”

The Field’s words have not been finished yet. The sound of the Tianma’s rapid trampling came from outside the temple. As the armor shook the jingle, a loud voice penetrated the distance and rang in the ears of the two men. “The command of the king’s majesty! Please enlighten the person with the miracle of the fire and immediately go to the main hall of Immortal Palace, no delay!”

“What to do next, General Field.”

Until the notified guard went away, Kyle looked at Sima’s face and asked him seriously.

“What can I do? I will see Odin’s squatting in the Immortal Palace. It’s a big deal. Eighty years later, it’s a man.” Field, a pair of unbeatable, shrugged.

Ten minutes later, the Immortal Palace hall.

Kyle and Field stood side by side in the middle of the main hall, in front of Sol and Loki, and the two looked sideways at Kyle.

Sol’s face is weird, Loki brows slightly wrinkle. Odin, who was sitting on the throne, remained silent, and the majestic and deep-eyed one-eyed looked at Kyle, not knowing what he was thinking.

The whole body burns Kyle, which can’t suppress the flame, and becomes the focus of the gods. For a time, the magnificent golden palace was caught in a strange silence.

In the domain of the gods, I can rely on the identity of the vice-president N. At this time, even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. As the child who made the wrong thing, his head is lowered, and the cold sweat moistens the inner lining of the armor.

Kyle took advantage of this opportunity, his face was not afraid, and he looked up at the gods in the temple with his head.

Sol has no need to say it, I have seen it before. Next to him should be his second brother, Loki who loves to make trouble.

It is basically the same as what I saw in the movie, but Kyle looked at him from a close distance, the faintly discernable evil smile, vaguely brewing a haze expression of bad water, inexplicably creating an impulse to use his flames to give him baptism barbecue. .

Looking further ahead, sitting on the golden throne is the king of the gods Odin.

With a brief look at it, Kyle trembled with enthusiasm, and the illusion of the Invincible Wargod on the human body was subconsciously shifted.

This is Odin! Although there is not enough distance to peer into the opponent’s ability cards, Kyle is still very certain, the eyes of the gods of Asgard, the most powerful universe in the universe, the true god creature at the peak of the universe.

Lived a few hundred years, ruled the nine worlds to establish the gods, and released the Rainbow Bridge by his own Divine Artifact, giving others the power and spells, and omnipotent.

If Saul is now only a powerful alien, then Odin’s existence can be regarded as a real god!

“No one wants to explain it?” Odin’s calm opening broke the silence of the main hall.

With a bang, Field frightened and fell to the ground. “Your Majesty. It is my fault. I should not bring this person class into the Hall of the Spirit, causing the accident.”

“hmph! ”

Loki coldly snorted, calm in tone, but hidden killing intent said: “Fellow deputy, not only entered the Hall of the Spirit, from the moment he stepped into the domain, this has violated the laws of the gods! Now sin plus, How do you get your identity?!”

Field’s face was bloodless and he could only plead guilty.

“Okay.” Sol took a deep breath and went out, blocking in front of Field, kneeling on the ground, reporting to Odin: “Father. I brought Kyle into the domain, and I told Field. If you visit Kyle everywhere, these are all faults, and I will bear it all.”

“Do you bear? You can really get into trouble, just to tell you about the throne, just want to let me pass the peace of mind to you?” Odin’s words contained anger, Sol bite his teeth, silently bowed his head salute.

Loki looked at everything in his eyes, and his mouth smirked and smirked, and soon disappeared.

Odin stared at Kyle and asked in a majestic question: “You call Kyle, right?”

“Yes, Your Royal Highness.” Kyle sighed softly to pay tribute and did not swear.

“I will give you a choice.” Odin raises his voice, and the words are swaying in the hall: “From now on, join the gods, become the guardian of the gods, stay in the gods to guard the temple. Your rights are equal to Heimdall.” , only one step lower than me, with Sol and Loki.”

“Father?!” Loki complexion slightly changed, just want to say something, was stopped by Odin.

Sol and Field looked up and looked at Kyle in the back, looking forward to their reply.

Join the gods! How many cosmic creatures dream of! The average person does not reason to refuse!

Unfortunately, Kyle is really not an ordinary person…

Kyle smiled lightly and looked at Odin. He said, “Sorry, I will refuse!”

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