I Am In Marvel

Chapter 206

“I forgive me!”

The sound is not big, but it can just circulate back and forth in the quiet Immortal Palace main hall, so that the people who heard this answer, in addition to the city’s deep Odin, all change.

Did you refuse? !

Loki’s horrified big mouth, looking at Kyle of expressionless, would like to ask aloud, you know what you just rejected!

The Guardian of the Gods! It is a step by step! In addition to the aoof and remote Odin, even these Princes can not issue orders to the guardian, to some extent, is the same honorary position as the Royal Family!

Moreover, the guardianship is not the Rainbow Bridge that enters the portal as a god domain, but the Yingling Temple in the depths of the gods. It is the most casual and stable errand.

The head of Sol and Field, this time is lower. At this time, Kyle refused Odin’s proposal, and may be the fuse that caused major changes!

Odin is angry, the nine worlds must be shaken!

Otherwise, the king of God does not have a bit of temperament and good warfare. How did this vast nine world ruled and ruled? Of course, in these years, after Odin’s intentional abdication due to internal injury, the temper also converged a lot, and the temper tends to be mild to the elderly.

‘weng! ‘

Odin’s scepter hit the floor, and Sol saw the wrong situation. He hurriedly asked Kyle to say: “Father. Kyle has always wanted to return to Earth. I said that there is one more thing, that is, to open the Rainbow Bridge and send him back. “”

Odin was silent and looked at Kyle majestically, as if he wanted to hear his reply.

Kyle’s face is full of joy and no sadness. She said in a sincere manner: “I left Earth. I don’t know how long it has been in outer space. I have long wanted to go back. The gods are good, but in my heart, I can’t compare with Earth’s hometown. ”

This is naturally his heart, but the language organization has turned a lot.

In essence, Kyle is not at all rare in the position of the guardian of the Rush. Let him stay in the domain of the gods to guard the Temple of the Spirit? This is really thinking too much!

It’s unreasonable that the Earth hero does not do it, and he has to be a guard for the gods.

Odin didn’t come up with something that would touch him enough. He wanted an empty glove and a white wolf. He threatened him by threat alone. It doesn’t exist!

“Father, in my opinion, it is better to lock him with the lock of the sky, as the inheritance point of Vulcan.” Loki’s suggestion of slow whispers.

Good poison, I have a hatred with you, right?

Kyle glanced at Loki, and he secretly counted a small book on his book, leaving it to be liquidated in the days to come.

“Father Wang. Kyle is not the person of our World. The power of Vulcan is purely an accident. Just let him go back to Earth.” Sol pleaded.

Odin was silent, and his eyes closed on Kyle. Kyle’s body is slightly tight, and her heart is secretly sighed. Fortunately, the last Vulcan power is attached to the body surface, concealing his own inner power.

If it is known to Odin, Kyle itself is a Protoss, and that is probably another situation that is more difficult to cope with. After all, the Asa Protoss, and the rest of the Protoss, are mostly hostile.

“You can go back to Earth.”

In the first half of Odin, Kyle has not let out a sigh of relief, and the second half will follow: “But you still have to accept the position guarded by the gods, otherwise, I can not let you leave the domain.”

“What do you mean?” Kyle asked seriously.

“You can get some of the rights of the Guardian of the Divine, such as using the Rainbow Bridge to and from the Divine, or entering the Immortal Palace. The obligation to pay for it is that when Asgard encounters foreign enemies and catastrophe, you need to be a Guardian of the Divine. ”

After Odin finished, not only did Kyle stunned, but even Saul and Loki showed an incredible expression.

The rules of the post are too loose…or the terms of the options are too kind and kind.

At this moment, both Sol and Loki wondered if they were born. Such a big, have not seen the father will consciously regress and compromise.

Only one Earth human!

“It’s that simple?” Kyle asked strangely, looking at Odin in a suspicious way. If you lived, you don’t know how many epochs are old. Wouldn’t you be playing an abacus?

“It’s that simple.” Odin nodded.

“Then I tentaively promised, the position of this oracle guardian.” Kyle beheaded, this condition can be said to be unexpectedly easy.

“That’s good, Field deputy.” Odin’s words turned, and Field immediately shivered and said loudly: “In!”

“You take Kyle to the treasure house of the gods, let him pick a thing and take it away, as a token of the guardian.” Odin said.

“No problem!” Field was delighted to stand up, as if he had been rewarded, pulling Kyle’s hand back and quickly exiting the deserted majestic Golden Hall.

It wasn’t until the two left, Sol stood up, and Loki was in a state of confusion, looking up at Odin on the throne.

“Do you both know about Earth?” Odin said calmly.

“Know, Father has been to Earth and campaigned to expel the Frost Giant.”

“Located in Human World, on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, Barbarian Desolate Land.”

Sol and Loki gave the answers separately.

“All said that our domain is the head of the nine worlds, above the million. In fact, the strongest comprehensive strength of the nine worlds, the number of human World.”

Odin paused, the one-eyed reveals the complex meaning, “And Human World, said that with the Galaxy Alliance as the center, in the dark, Earth is the star with the potential to develop rapidly.”

Sol and Loki are trying to do this, but they still don’t agree. Sometimes the concepts that have been entrenched in a few thousand years cannot be completely reversed by a few simple words.

“Just because he is the Earth, so the father chose to let him?” Loki asked inexplicably.

“Of course it is not such a simple reason.” Odin shook his head and looked at the two beloved sons. He said inexplicably: “You will know when you wait. I am not letting him go, but to build him and the gods.” contact.”

“Kyle, this name has not been heard for a long time…”

The basement of Immortal Palace, the treasure house of Odin.

Inside the passage leading to the treasure house, the faintly cool light-colored floor was laid, and the flames of the blue flames swayed on both sides. The tall guards were silent like sculptures.

“Kyle little brother… No, it should be called Kyle Guardian now!” Field smiled and opened the way, while eagerly speaking to Kyle: “Be sure to take care of the younger brother in the future.”

“Little brother?” Kyle glanced at his rough, old-fashioned face, and his thick, thick beard, sighed then said: “You are a brother, this can’t be changed.”

“Hahaha, polite.” Field laughed heartily, said with emotion: “Your Majesty is in a good mood today, and promised to let you be a guardian, rewarding treasure, and allowing you to return home to the planet.”

“It’s not normal.” Kyle shrugged and felt a little surprised.

To be reasonable, no matter how you look at it, this thing should not be solved by the simple Perfection.

Could it be that Odin looked at the ‘screenplay’?

This World, should only be Kyle, knowing the future of the Divine.

Replace the new chapter tomorrow, and ask for the ticket support qaq

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