I Am In Marvel

Chapter 204

Temple of Immortal Palace.

Built in the center of Asgard, it represents the core of the universe, the rights and power of Supreme, and is the exclusive residence and parliamentary place of God’s family.

At this time, the sacred and solemn gold Immortal Palace main hall, a white-haired old man sitting on the throne of God, the right eye is covered with golden lenses, only the remaining one-eyed deep and bright, Blink with a light wisdom and majestic expression.

He wore a gold armor, holding a golden scepter representing the supreme power, and a red cloak draped over the back. The late body couldn’t stop the sun and the divine atmosphere.

Odin. The protagonist of the Nordic mythology legend, the king of the gods, the head of the nine worlds.

At this time, Odin sat on the throne, looking down at the calm and calm eyes, looking at the two sons standing side by side in the hall.

God of Thunder Sol and the evil god Loki.

A rough face, strong and strong, wearing a gold armored God of Thunder hammer, eyes in the eyes, the momentum is like a thunder and lightning, and is undoubtedly a warrior in the warrior.

A face is feminine, thin and thin, wearing a black robe holding the World Branch Staff, the mouth of the mouth maintains a touch of evil charm, the mysterious evil is unpredictable.

“Sol. Meet the male king and other major events, why the dress is not uniform, the hair is scattered, and not to put on a clean set of clothes.” Loki smacked Sol, intentionally or unintentionally, calmly preaching.

“I came back from the ancient Ancient Battlefield. I just came out of the Rainbow Bridge and I quickly rushed over. I don’t think the father would mind.” Sol smiled and scratched his blond hair and said to Odin.

“But…” Loki just wanted to say something more. Odin coughed a little and interrupted his words and said, “Okay, your two brothers, from small to big, now pay attention to the occasion.”

“Yes, father.”

Loki hurriedly saluted, and Sol mixed his mouth and squatted.

“Calling you two people is coming to remind you. I will pass the Asgard throne for about three or four years.”

Odin looked at Sol and Loki with one eye, and the scepter hit the floor like a squat in the hearts of the two gods. He said, “One of you will inherit this throne.”

For three or four years, it is a very short time for the Protoss.

Saul smiled and did not hide his joy and urgency. He lifted the God of Thunder hammer and said: “Father, pass the throne to me! I swear, dedicated my life to Asgard, exhausting Fully safeguard the peace of the nine circles.”

Loki’s heart glimpsed, his face calmed down, his eyes narrowed down, and he didn’t know what to think about.

Odin took the reaction of his two sons to the bottom of his eyes and silenced for a moment. He said: “No hurry, look at your performance in the past few years, and finally choose the undisputed new king.”

“Well, I will definitely show myself on the battlefield!” Sol said.

“It will not be expected by the father.” Loki salute.

“Right. Father, there is one thing, I hope to get your permission.”

Sol was thinking about taking the opportunity to say something about Kyle, but at this moment, the Immortal Palace palace trembled with a change.

“What happened?!”

Sol and Loki complexion changed, the earthquake not only did not stop the trend, but it was getting bigger and bigger, and the gold crafts ornaments were slamming on the ground.

Odin couldn’t sit still from his seat, and his one-eyed gaze swept over the two of Sol and cast their sights on the outside of the hall.

Sol and Loki followed suit and turned around. When they saw the source of the shock, they were shocked and shocked the same as hearing the throne.

I saw the light outside the entrance of the main hall, a ten meters radius of the fire from the bottom up, like a Totem column like the sky, the strong straight into the top of the star.

The fire in the gold belt is red, and the bright red sky that burns a large sky is bright, and the starry morning is bleak at this moment.

This sudden mutation caused all the creatures of Asgard to look at the fire connected to the heavens and the earth.

The moment of time, the fire shines on the gods!

“In that direction, is the Hall of the Spirit?” Loki twitched his mouth and widened his eyes and said, “Since the establishment of the Hall of the Spirit, has there been such an exaggerated sense of power?”

“As far as I know, no.” Sol shook his head.

“Who said no.” Odin retorted, looking at the fire in the sky of the gods, and said: “When Heimdall perceived the power, there was a similar situation. No, this time the movement is even bigger. ”

Sol and Loki looked at each other and said the same surprise: “Father, what do you mean. Asgard, how many more are the guardians of the gods?!”

Rainbow Bridge, the portal.

Heimdall, who held the sword with both hands, opened his eyes and looked forward. As if ignoring the spatial distance, he directly observed the scene in the Hall of the Spirit.

“How could it be, how could it be him.” Heimdall stared, and the black face, which had always been flustered, was the first to show a shock.

At this time, inside the Hall of the Spirit.

Kyle right hand is placed on the ball, resonating with the column of fire, the extended field of Field, the dozens of Asgard teenagers, and even the entire temple building are wrapped, the real and illusory fire is immersed in the universe.

“There is something.” Kyle whispered to himself, his body pulling the residual Vulcan power, not knowing which Vulcan, left something in the ball!

That thing, only the same as the Vulcan can be taken out, may be a private treasure, after the death of the gods, I do not know how many years have not noticed.

“Now, it’s cheaper for me!” Kyle sank and resonated with his own Vulcan power. As a key, he would store the treasure chest and open it slowly, and take it out slowly.

A little bit of broken memories, put together in a string, and put together a complete message in your mind.

In Kyle’s card space, a card gradually turns from nothing to solid, and the radiant purple glow is particularly conspicuous in a number of cards.

[Forging of the Eternal Sword]: The forging method of the Eternal Sword. Purple Rare ability card.

Materials needed: World Tree Branch, Fire of Eternal, Ulu Metal, the Tesseract Shard, Broken Star Ingot, Tenjin Blood, etc.

It is forged by a superstar furnace and has the power of Divine Artifact.

“Not a real thing, is it just a way of forging Divine Artifact? The last Vulcan, so you can leave your Divine Artifact!”

Kyle secretly sighed, the material of the forged sword is rare and rare. Most of them are not. Some have never heard of it, and can only wait for it to collect later.

When I got what I wanted, Kyle took back the palm of my hand, and the fire gradually faded away. The body surface still ignited the faint and transparent scarlet flame, and the strong power was constantly leaking out.

‘咔擦’, the ball that senses the power of Vulcan is broken, indicating that the inner power has dried up.

Field stunned and sat on the ground, looking at the ball that was broken into a powder, sucking in the air, watching the monster look at Kyle, the voice of the chestnut asked: “You, who are you?”

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