Chapter 96 Garp Vice Admiral who ended his vacation.

The City of Seven Waters has been a paradise for shipbuilders since a long time ago. Here are the top shipbuilders from all over the world, competing with each other and comparing their skills with each other, so that the shipbuilding technology here has become more advanced. stand up.

However, in recent times, the entire Seven Waters City has gradually declined. Because of the opening of the era of pirates, this sea area has begun to be chaotic. A large number of pirates landed here to build ships and let ordinary people on other islands. Don’t dare to visit the City of Seven Waters again, and don’t expect the pirates to have much discipline, few of them will be like the grid

Romash planned to pay the bill to build a ship like this. Because of their personalities, they often drove away after the ship was built. There is no such thing as holding money. Be compassionate.

Because of this state, the entire Seven Waters City began to go downhill.It was not until later that a great invention turned out to reconnect the Seven Waters City to the rest of the nearby islands, and it almost died. The City of Seven Waters has been saved, and this great invention is the sea train.

Its inventor and creator is currently the world’s number one shipbuilder, Master Tom the Murloc, but this guy is also very miserable. When Roger was a rookie in the early years, after arriving in the City of Seven Waters, he commissioned Master Tom. A new ship was built for them Roger Pirates, and this new ship was named –~- Oro: Jack Mori.

Master Tom used the wood of the treasure tree Adam and his top technology to build a very powerful pirate ship for Roger, and the Oro-Jack Mori did not disappoint everyone in the Roger Pirates and Master Tom. The expectation of drove them to ride the wind and waves, broke into the New World, defeated all powerful enemies, and surpassed countless risks. In the end, it became

It is the only pirate ship in history that has circled the entire world!

The story afterwards was very dog-blooded. The Roger Pirates became the Uranus-level team of One Piece, and they soon disbanded and escaped. After they ran away, the World government couldn’t catch it, but Master Tom was caught by him. It was miserable, because he made the Pirate Ship of One Piece-Roger, and was sentenced to death by the World government.

This is the case for his life. Roger’s road to kingship does not know how many heroes have been miserable, such as Garp, the Marine, the Golden Lion, the pirate, and even Master Tom, the innocent shipbuilder-so and so.

Fortunately, the Enies Lobby trial mechanism at the time was not bad. The judge also sympathized with Master Tom, the innocent guy. Finally, Master Tom talked about his new idea during the trial, and then this idea moved the trial of Master Tom. The justices, in the end, the justice gave Master Tom ten years to build this sea train

, Perfect his great idea, and once the sea train is made, this feat can offset his crime.

Facts have proved that Master Tom is really a genius among the geniuses among the craftsmen. He not only completed the great idea of ​​the sea train, but also saved the entire declining capital of the seven waters and re-emerged the capital of the seven waters. Vigor, logically speaking, he should be forgiven without sin.

However, due to the increasingly fierce era of the great pirates, Marine and the World government are stretched, and they have created a lot of new names, such as the plan to form Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the plan that they still held not long ago to prevent Ancient Weapon. The idea of ​​resurrection was completely overturned.Under the crisis of the Great Pirate Age, the world government began to reconsider its attitude towards Ancient Weapon. In the end, the radicals still had the upper hand. They decided to resurrect the Ancient Weapon and use the powerful power of Ancient Weapon to suppress the entire Great Pirate Age and restore their Rule the order.

But the sins you have made are always repaid. The way to find Ancient Weapon is very simple. It is enough to interpret the historical text, because in the historical text, there are detailed records about the three ancient Weapon. As long as you can interpret the historical text, you can Follow the clues to find the sleeping Ancient Weapon.

But the problem is that the only place in the world that can interpret the text of history, the holy archeological site, Ohara has been wiped out by their teeth and foot.

Nicole Robin didn’t know where he was lurking, and he couldn’t catch it for a while. This was very uncomfortable. The text of the history was beyond interpretation.

The inability to interpret the historical text means that there is no way to find the sleeping Ancient Weapon. What should I do? Finally, the World government thought about it and thought that it would be fine to build an Ancient Weapon? Yes, their thinking is so clear. It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it. We have money and people, so we can make it ourselves.

I won’t say much about Poseidon-Poseidon. They can’t make it if they want to. Uranus- Uranus doesn’t mention it. There are no so-called design drawings, only this Pluton. Pluto was created by the ancestors of the Capital of Seven Waters in ancient times, and the design drawings of Pluton-Pluto are still passed down from generation to generation in the Capital of Seven Waters.

Once the World government can get this design drawing, they can really create an Ancient Weapon-Pluton by themselves. It can even be said that this design drawing is much more valuable than looking for a Pluton-Pluton sleeping in unknown place. Much.

After all, there is only one sleeping Pluton, and once the design drawings are in hand, with the financial resources and manpower of the World government, let alone build one, they just take out such terrible things as Pluton and Pluto to form a large fleet. There is no big problem with putting a fleet in each sea area.

This is also one of their ambitions to suppress this era with the resurrection of Ancient Weapon. Think about it, how terrifying the World government that masters the ability to manufacture Pluton-Pluto on a large scale, let alone suppress the era of pirates. Yes, even if they re-launch the Great Marine Era, there is no problem at all, as long as they get Pluton. Pluto’s design drawings

Paper, they can easily consolidate their rule very firmly, even if it is Dorag’s revolutionary army, there is no way to shake them anymore.

Therefore, Pluton. Where is Pluto’s design drawings? This problem is the most important issue. After a powerful CP agency investigation, finally in the City of Seven Waters, the target is locked on Master Tom, and then after a series of tragedies, Tom In order not to spread things like Pluton and Pluto that can destroy the world, the master resolutely died.


A generation of shipbuilders died in this way under conspiracy and ambition.

But none of this has happened yet, and it has nothing to do with Gromash. He has no interest in the City of Seven Waters yet. He can only say that the City of Seven Waters is within his plan, but it has not yet reached the point of implementation. Well, he came only to build a ship this time.

“Boss Gromash, are you saying that you want to turn the City of Seven Waters into our territory?? Isn’t it possible??” Joz sat on the deck and looked at the city of Seven Waters that was getting closer and closer. Said unbelievably.

“From the current point of view, of course it is impossible. At present, we still have to focus on The fish men island. Compared with The fish men island, the capital of the seven waters is not that important, but it is impossible now, no It means it won’t be possible in the future.” Gromash said with a smile.

On the other side, Cromwell, who was constantly eating dried fruits, also said: “Why do you want to stare at the City of Seven Waters?? It seems that the City of Seven Waters has fallen, and it seems to be of little value.”

“Jiehahahaha, the City of Seven Waters is indeed declining now, but in the near future, it will definitely re-prosperity. You ask me why I want to focus on the City of Seven Waters, then I will ask a question first. Well, Cromwell, you say, this world will endure for a long time, what is the endless business??” The corner of Gromash’s mouth hangs

Asked after smiling.

“No, how can there be enduring, endless business in this world?” Urouge said with some doubts.

Cromwell also shook his head to express his unclearness.

….Seeking flowers 0…

“I got it!!” Lu Qi said with a bright light in front of his eyes.

“Oh?? Tell me,” Gromash said to Lu Qi with a smile.

“The world we live in is a world dominated by the ocean, and because of this, there is a ship in our world that will never be eliminated,” Lu Qi said confidently.

And Gromash also laughed and said: “Yes, the ship is something that will never be eliminated by us. It will only become more advanced and prosperous. And behind this huge demand market, what appears is a huge Shipbuilding industry of the wealth chain!! Any business may undergo ups and downs with the changes of the times, what business

They are all likely to be eliminated, only this shipbuilding industry, as long as people still need to sail, as long as the sea is still there, the ship will always be one of the unchanging themes, so I will be the capital of the seven waters, no matter what Is the City of Seven Waters now in decline, but from ancient times to the present, it does represent the holy land and pinnacle of the craftsmen. Master is the City of Seven Waters, and it is Master.

The leading position of the shipbuilding industry, you say, is this temptation big enough?”

“It’s really big,” Joz said softly after thinking about it.

“Yes, but these are all later things. I will find a way to solve this problem in the future. The road has to be taken step by step. It is impossible to eat fat all at once. This time I come to the City of Seven Waters, and everyone will get familiar with it. , And then get a boat, we can withdraw, it’s time to enter the New World!!” Gromash clapped his hands and said.

In fact, the reason why he wants to control the City of Seven Waters is that he is also very interested in Ancient Weapon-Pluton-Pluto. I can’t play with this thing either.

At the same time, in Naval Headquarters-Marinford, Garp Vice Admiral, who has not been seen for a long time, also returned here. It seems that he is in a good mood, as if he has encountered something good.

In Sengoku Admiral’s office, Garp Vice Admiral is sitting there, eating senbei and drinking tea.

And Sengoku Admiral also picked up the tea cup and said: “Garp, you have been off for more than a year, so after this time you come back, your vacation is gone, and you are almost ready to work.”

“Ahahahaha, the old man thinks the same way, after spending more than a year, it’s almost time to continue working.” Garp said with a laugh.

“I heard you went back to East Blue’s hometown to take a look. Is this the reason you are in a good mood recently??” Sengoku Admiral asked.

Garp shook his head and said, “If you say yes, it’s actually only a little bit. What makes me really happy, old man, is that I have an extra grandson, hahahaha.”

Sengoku Admiral was also very surprised and said, “What?? You mean that guy Dorag?”

After mentioning Dorag, Garp Vice Admiral’s complexion sank a little, but he didn’t say much, but waved his hand and said, “That’s not true. I can’t even contact that admiral. I’m heading to East. On the way to Blue, I picked up a baby. If I left it alone, he would definitely die like weeds, so I decided to adopt him

My grandson, and named him Ace, and then I sent it to East Blue, my hometown of Windmill Village, to take care of my friends. In the future, I plan to train him into a qualified Marine, ah ha ha ha, you say Isn’t this worthy of joy??”

Garp knew that in his own capacity, if there was an extra grandson of Ace, he would definitely not be able to hide it, so he found a reason and excuse for himself from the beginning, and did not intend to conceal the existence of Ace.

And Sengoku Admiral didn’t doubt anything. He also smiled and said, “A qualified Marine?? That’s really exciting.”

Seeing him smiling happily at this time, I don’t know how ugly his face will be when he learns the truth in the future. three.

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