Chapter 97 Encountered Mihawk.

The City of Seven Waters is very big, and it is a real city on the water. When Gromash and the others landed in the City of Seven Waters, they were also very interested in it.

In Gromash’s prediction, the City of Seven Waters also has a very important feature, that is, its water city characteristics, which is also very useful for them The fish men island.

The fish men island has a dream that has been passed down from generation to generation, that is, to live on the surface of the sea from the deep sea. Gromash doesn’t have much thoughts about this. In his opinion, this kind of dream is a bit strange at first, good mermaid clan The murlocs do not live in the sea. They have to learn from humans and live on the sea. Isn’t this sick??

However, The fish men island’s yearning and pursuit of the sea has deepened into the bones. Even if Gromash doesn’t agree with it, it doesn’t mean to stop it.

In his opinion, it is not impossible for the residents of The fish men island to live on the sea level, but there is absolutely no situation where the fish men island is abandoned and everyone is going, so that the entire fish men island will be Throw away your greatest advantage.

Gromash believes that connecting the road between The fish men island and an island on the sea will develop an island on the sea into a second home, and establish a special and strong bond with The fish men island to achieve The linkage between the sea surface and the deep sea is the ultimate perfect home for The fish men island.

And this island is most suitable to be undertaken by the water city-the capital of the seven waters, because the environment here is indeed very in line with the living environment of the residents of The fish men island.

However, the only difficulty at the moment is that the City of Seven Waters is located in the first half of the Grand Line, not very far from The fish men island, but it is not too close. It is really difficult to connect here.

But it doesn’t matter. It’s a bit difficult now. It doesn’t mean that there will be no possibility in the future. Just like Master Tom invented the Haile 28 car, in the future, his chief disciple-Ace Bagu will also improve the city of the seven waters into a floating design. A mobile city on the sea.

(Yes, after the Enies Lobby incident ended, Ace Bagu has already started planning for this, and it is estimated that it will have succeeded in two years.)

By that time, these troubled problems will be solved, and Gromash also intends to promote the completion of this matter in advance. If it can transfer the capital of the seven waters to the New World, it will be even more perfect.

Once the capital of the seven waters and The fish men island form a linkage, coupled with the talents of the fish men, the leader of the entire shipbuilding industry will be controlled by The fish men island. At that time, the people of The fish men island will be in the world. The right to speak will be greater. The main reason why The fish men island is so embarrassing at this stage is that it has no practical value for the human society on the sea.

If you want to develop, you can’t develop it, and the status of worthless things is naturally not high.

Bulu is a kind of marine creature that lives in the City of Seven Waters. It is similar to horses. They have a strong carrying capacity and can even assist in moving. Among them, the huge king of Bulu can even grow up to ordinary Sea Kings. Big and small, after a long period of domestication, Bulu has become an important partner for the residents of the City of Seven Waters.

At this time, Gromash and his party were riding on Bru, and the shipbuilder who was looking for and inquiring about had a live ship in his hands.

That’s right, Gromash and the others are going to buy a finished ship directly, and they didn’t plan to spend a long time here. , Even if it is faster, it will take more than half a year. How could Gromash wait here for such a long time.

In the same way, this ship is still the same as the Shining. It is an overused ship and will definitely be replaced in the future, so Gromash and their requirements for the ship are not very high. The space is large enough, the speed is fast enough, and the facilities are complete. NS.

Joz watched Gromash rubbing his chin, thinking about what Bruce under his butt was thinking about, and asked a little curiously: “Boss Gromash, what are you thinking??”

Gromash regained his senses after hearing the words, reached out his hand and stroked the Brue he rented, and then said: “Looking at these domesticated Brue, I thought of a good thing.”

“What good thing??” Lu Qi asked curiously.

“Our murlocs have different talents, and you all know that, but apart from our strength, there are other talents that you humans cannot catch up. For example, in The fish men island, the merfolks can communicate with fish in the sea… “Speaking of this, Gromash paused and then continued: “It is said that the royal blood of our The fish men island can even communicate with Sea Kings.

The fish people have these talents, and our fish people also have some talents. Looking at these blues, I thought of a talent or technology that I forgot in the corner. In The fish men island, although our fish people have not yet Ways to drive Sea Kings, but they can domesticate and enslave powerful sea beasts for us to drive, I have a silly brother, and he is this aspect

A good hand, I suddenly thought that maybe in the future, we can domesticate these powerful sea beasts and become our strength for us to drive!”

Yes, to say that the race on The fish men island is really a race that has been opened. The royal family will automatically give birth to Ancient Weapon-Poseidon and Poseidon that can destroy the world every once in a while. The mermaid race is swimming speed in the sea. The fastest race, and it can also communicate with fish.

The beasts come to help them accomplish all kinds of things. Whatever they think, they are all races that are blessed by the heavens. I don’t know why, オ will be mixed into the current situation, it is simply funny.

Gromash is also because he saw the domesticated Bru, that he remembered that his stupid brother Arlong had domesticated a sea beast named “Moo” since he was a child. For this, Arlong seemed to be very talented, the one he had domesticated. The sea beasts are very obedient. Although in Gromash’s view, the combat effectiveness of the sea beasts is not very strong, it can’t stand the large number.

The legion model is definitely a strong group, and it can be used as an elite unit.

“Sure enough, this person has his own special value. The only difference is that some people have found their own position and can reflect their value. Some people are still groping and have not found a suitable position for themselves. They found it, and it will shine soon, my stupid brother Arlong, I was still thinking if he would be

If you don’t make progress, you can only serve as a drag oil bottle for me. Now that I think about it, it’s not that useless. Go back to The fish men island this time and practice him well. Gromash said to himself, touching his chin.

Thinking of this, Gromash wants to return to The fish men island even more. The fish men island is simply a treasure trove. I don’t know if there are any powerful peculiarities ignored by Gromash that have not been developed.

So Gromash waved his hand and said, “Quickly, find a suitable ship!! I can’t wait to return to The fish men island, arrange our arrangement, and enter the New World!!”

But at this moment, Gromash suddenly saw a familiar figure, and then he smiled and said, “Jiehahahahaha, you can find it first. I saw a friend and I’m going to see him.”

At this time, on the streets of the City of Seven Waters, carrying a black sword-night, wearing aristocratic clothes and a small western hat, the complexion is very cold, but also very handsome Dracule- Mihawk is walking on the road.

It was just a coincidence that he came to the City of Seven Waters. Unlike Gromash, he had not been to New World for more than a year. Mihawk had entered New World a long time ago, but he did not want to be in A person who is fighting for hegemony in New World, so after challenging some swordsmen, he retreated from New World and continued to wander to find more

Many swordsmen, come to hone their swordsmanship.

The reason why he appeared in the City of Seven Waters is because he also wants to come here to change ships. The life of this guy Mihawk is exquisite, like a real nobleman, so although he just wants to operate himself alone The troublesome ship was replaced by a small sampan, but he still chose to come to the sacred place of shipbuilding, the capital of the seven waters, to change the ship.

, Without him, it is for the exquisite life.

Just when Mihawk turned the corner and was about to walk into a store selling drinks, he suddenly stopped, then frowned, quickly reached out his hand behind him, and drew out his most important thing, the Twelve Workers-Black Knife, night. , Then, without even looking, he slashed behind him, not caring if there were any innocent people around.

This is also one of the main reasons why Mihawk is recognized as a pirate by the World government, because this guy only has the sword in his heart, and he has basically no idea of ​​good and evil, and he doesn’t care about the venue, so he is destroying Have been to many places.

Over time, he was naturally treated as a pirate, but he himself had no idea about these, it didn’t matter what a pirate was not a pirate.

It was only after Mihawk hacked out the black knife. He could see what was going on. Then the strength in his hand was quickly withdrawn, and a smile appeared on his stern face.

Behind him, Gromash also raised his arm, wrapped Armament Haki, and was about to parry Mihawk’s slash, but fortunately, Mihawk released his strength in time, otherwise he would really get hurt.

“I said what the hell are you doing, suddenly drawing a knife on the street, too sensitive??” Gromash also said with a smile.

Mihawk is his own black knife. Ye re-hanged behind his back and said, “It’s you, and suddenly there is a strong breath behind him, and he is still quickly approaching 953. Isn’t the first reaction like me??”

“I think I should first see what happened,” Gromash said insincerely.

Then he didn’t discuss these issues anymore, he smiled and said: “I didn’t expect to meet you here, Mihawk, haven’t you heard that you had a fight with Shanks in New World not long ago? ? How come out again?? Isn’t it lost to Shanks??”

Mihawk shook his head and said, “Indeed, I have discussed with that guy not long ago. In terms of overall strength, I guess he has surpassed me, but in terms of swordsmanship, there is no way to suppress me. Of course, I am just It only has the upper hand. After the fight, the guy has to hold a banquet. Once he opened it for a week, I had a headache when I drank it.

To avoid this drunkard, I went back here, but you, why haven’t you entered the New World?”

“Jiehahahahaha, that’s really Shanks’ style, as for me, it’s a long story…” Gromash smiled, just when he was about to say something, Gromash changed his mouth and said: “Find a tavern and have a couple of drinks before reminiscing about the past!”

Mihawk hurriedly filled his hands and said, “Recently, I am going to give up drinking first. It’s better to drink a drink. This store is very good. I invite you.,

Gromash smiled upon seeing this and said, “It seems that you are really tossed by Shanks, let’s go, you have the final say.

The two of them sat in the drink shop and started talking while drinking. Soon, Gromash told Mihawk about everything he had done for a while.

“You mean, when you got off from Sky Island, you landed directly to West Blue, so you ran the first half of the Grand Line again??” Mihawk also said with some surprise.

“Almost, it’s not a single time, after all, I didn’t finish it once.” Gromash also said casually.

“Well, you are indeed unlucky enough. I said in the previous newspaper that you attacked the Marine fleet in West Blue. I am still wondering why you suddenly appeared in West Blue. I understand now, but for A Thunder Fruit is worth it. What’s more, it seems that you have also found a satisfactory partner.” Mihawk is also

Said with a smile. .

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