Chapter 95 You can be powerful if you have money!

Alabasta’s port-rape blossoms. At this time, the Frostwolf Pirates and a group of people are stopping the ship for resupply.

“Recently, it has become more and more difficult to buy ammunition supplies for artillery and guns. Not to mention, the price is ridiculously high.” Cromwell was standing in the remote black market while checking the artillery in front of him. The completeness of one side said with some dissatisfaction.

Gromash dangling a cigar, shook his head and said: “After all, there are more and more pirates, and the demand for these things is also increasing, and weapons such as weapons can only be bought on the black market. Yes, the smugglers in the underground world don’t take the opportunity to make a fortune. It’s weird.”

“If this continues, I am afraid that our supplies of ammunition and ammunition will be overwhelming.” Cromwell confirmed that the artillery was indeed brand new and usable, and then patted the cannon before speaking.

Gromash also asked with some doubts: “No? Didn’t we just ransack a caravan before we landed?? So soon Pele was spent??”

“That’s it, it’s just that you have to save some savings recently. Didn’t you say that you have to go straight to the City of Seven Waters to change the ship?? The permanent record pointer of the City of Seven Waters is very expensive, and if you change the ship, you must change it. A good ship, a big ship, isn’t it? It’s less than one or two billion Baileys that may not be able to stop it. If you don’t save some money now, if you grab it at that time, you won’t feel the price drop

??” Cromwell said to Gromash while paying the black market boss.

Gromash rubbed his chin and thought for a while and said, “It seems that it is impossible not to find a stable source of income. It always feels a bit awkward to always come out to rob. At present, only arms are the most expensive?? No What’s the cost of it?”

Cromwell said: “The other expenses are good. You can eat and drink anything. The big deal, the boss, you can kill him in the sea. A few Sea Kings or big fish are enough for us to eat, so there is nothing to spend. Where it is sold, the daily consumption is not too much for our number.

After hearing this, Gromash thought for a while and said, “Well, let’s not buy any future armaments.

“How can I get it if I don’t buy it?” Cromwell asked with some confusion.

“Isn’t there a lot of munitions in Marine? If you want guns and guns, and guns and cannons, let’s grab Marine directly. If it’s not for the number of people needed for the operating system of the warship, I don’t know if Marine has it. What weird way is to locate the position of the warship, I don’t even bother to buy a ship, just grab a warship and use it.” Gromash is very

Said casually.

“Grab Marine??” Cromwell was stunned for a moment. As a pirate, in theory, after seeing Marine, everyone should run away. Everyone has become accustomed to this. After all, naval battles are not so good. Fight, because Marine’s warships are really very strong, and ordinary pirate ships can’t compete with Marine’s warships, and can attack from the sea.

After all, the pirates who raided warships from the air were a minority.

“Yes, what’s wrong??” Gromash said naturally.

Cromwell also thought about it for a while and said, “There is nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, it makes sense.”

Then Cromwell looked at the artillery he had just bought, and then said: “Boss, are you coming or me, 々?”

“Of course you are here, have you ever seen anyone go shopping with a cannon??” Gromash also said without thinking.

When Cromwell saw this, he didn’t say much. He grabbed the artillery with both hands and lifted it slightly. Then his mouth quickly expanded to an incredible level, and then he ate the artillery in one bite.

Then I saw him squeeze his fist, then the fist quickly turned into a muzzle, and then quickly returned to the palm of his hand, and the whole cannon was swallowed by him.

“No matter how many times you watch it, every time you use this ability, you feel very powerful, but doesn’t it hurt to open your mouth so big??” Gromash also said with emotion.

“Doesn’t you hurt when you are on fire???” Cromwell didn’t bother to answer Gromash’s fault-finding question at all, and he directly said and went back.

When the two of them left the black market and headed outside, Urouge this guy also rushed towards them both from a distance with a huge wooden box on his back.

Gromash smiled after seeing Urouge, “Aki, it seems that your purchase has also been completed??”

Urouge put the wooden box that he was carrying on his back several times larger than others on the ground, and then he said, “Okay, my purchase has been completed. The wooden box is filled with grain, oil, rice and noodles. , Coupled with us catching some fresh food in the sea, it is completely enough for us to continue sailing on the sea for a small half year, and there is no direct way to the capital of the seven waters.

The question, and Gromash boss, you still call me Urouge, Aki always feels weird, I always think you seem to be insinuating something.

“What’s weird about Aki?? You are originally Ji, I mean there is a basic character in your name, so call it kind, if you think it is inappropriate, then call you Xiaoji?” Gromash That’s what the opening said.

“Xiaoji, right?? Forget it, the more you scream, the stranger it will be. Aki is better.” Urouge finally accepted Gromash’s “nickname”.

“Oh, that’s right, Ma, what? You two can continue shopping or go back. I have to go and see if there are any good rough minerals here.” Gromash thought about it and thought. I seem to feel a little “light bulb” here, and then I just left with an excuse.

After Gromash walked away, Cromwell said strangely: “It’s not right, it’s really wrong. I always think that the Gromash boss has something to deliberately hide from the two of us and Lu Qi, even Robin-chan seems to look at me differently recently.”

“You put these things in your belly first. After these questions go back, let’s ask Robin sauce directly. She will definitely not hide it from us.” Urouge also said.

Cromwell said with some dissatisfaction: “You really think of me as a mobile warehouse?? Let me eat everything?? This is food, I eat in, and then spit it out. You don’t think it should be. ??”

Urouge also said nonchalantly: “So what’s the answer? Besides, isn’t there a wooden box separated by the packaging??”

Although Cromwell was swearing, he still swallowed the two or three Urouge-sized wooden boxes, and then said, “Is there anything else you want to buy? .”

“Neither did I. Let’s go back together.” Urouge also said.

Gromash traveled through the various blacksmith shops in the town to see if there were any suitable rough ore stones, while thinking about the problem just now.

Obviously, the soaring price of black market arms and the funds needed to buy ships for some time in the future have begun to cause some small economic problems for them, and Gromash also knows that as their pirate group gradually improves and expands, it will be necessary in the future. There are more places to spend money, so they also have to find a stable source of income, whether it is land development

It’s better to collect protection money or to make some business in the underground dark world.

After all, I haven’t seen any big pirates running out to rob for these Baileys all day long. That’s too cheap. The big pirates generally have one or more stable sources of income.

Therefore, Gromash also needs a source of this kind to continuously and steadily supply blood to the Frostwolf Pirates.”First of all, I have cloud material manufacturing technology in my hand. This technology is the only technology in Qinghai, and those rich and powerful nobles are probably very happy to pay a large sum of money to enjoy the taste of the cloud. Yes, if the operation is good, it may not be impossible to create a luxury material brand, but this requires a large number of people

It’s not something a dozen of us can do, and it’s impossible to make it on board. The prerequisite for all of this is to have a stable site first. Gromash thought, bumping a piece of ore with one hand, rubbing his chin.

After thinking about it for a while, he still feels that The fish men island is the most suitable for his initial site.First of all, he was born in The fish men island and is very familiar with The fish men island.Secondly, his reputation and prestige are in The fish men island. It is very high, and it can be considered to have a certain foundation in The fish men island. If you re-establish a site, preparations such as early integration will be very troublesome and time-consuming, far from

Such as The fish men island, he can use it directly, and the most important point is that the geographical location of The fish men island is very perfect.It connects the first half of the Grand Line and New World. Even if it is directly in and out of the Calm Belt, it is possible to travel from The fish men island to the four seas.Although this is a bit risky, there are risks everywhere, right?

It can be said that The fish men island is also a “”Holy Land”.

And The fish men island is located in the deep sea. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even as a base camp, there is nothing inappropriate. In addition, once Gromash hangs his flag on The fish men island, it can be regarded as a shelter. Fish men island, let’s not talk about how in New World, in short, in the first half of the Grand Line, his Gromash banner is still very good, and went to fish

Among the pirates in the fish men island, most of them are newcomer pirates who intend to enter the New World from the first half of the Grand Line. The flag of Gromash can just deter them, and it can be regarded as a shelter for the fish men island.

And once he puts his basic disk on The fish men island, he can directly open a factory to produce these cloud materials, and there is no need to worry about manpower issues. There are a lot of free time in the fish men island. , Instead of letting (Nuo Lihao) let them not do good things all day, it is better to reorganize them and send them to the factory as workers, and their wages are stable.

, Good treatment can also greatly reduce the incidence of public security incidents in The fish men island, right?

What’s more, apart from these cloud materials, The fish men island itself is an unexplored treasure. You must know what corals, pearls and other common products in the deep sea that can be seen everywhere on The fish men island, once they are transported to the sea After going up, it is a serious luxury item. The benefits of this are also quite large. Once Gromash is in The fish men island

He began to organize related operations, and soon, he was able to get a large, huge, and steady flow of funds, and once he had these stable capital income, he could start to consider forming his own big power.

The so-called money can be powerful, this sentence is not a joke. After all, if you want to have someone under you, you must first have strong financial resources as a foundation. If you don’t have money to “pay”, who will follow you? Ah?? For most wicked parties these years, the word loyalty cannot be used as a meal.

“No matter what you think, The fish men island is a natural and excellent location. This is the “wangpu”. As the first basic plate, it is best.” After Gromash thought about it, he decided resolutely. Set your first site in The fish men island, and then start from The fish men island, whether it is toward the first half of the Grand Line or toward the New World

Or the development of other sea areas is very convenient, because The fish men island is located in the “center”. .

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