Chapter 85 Two good news??

After more than half a month, Kuzan and their Buster Call fleet also passed through Mariejois and returned directly from West Blue to Naval Headquarters. Malinford, after all, Sakazuki, Speech Mouse, and Ghost Spider were seriously injured this time. , Plus there is a Saul frozen in ice, Kuzan certainly can’t choose to enter the Grand Line from the upside-down mountain and then slowly

Swing back to Malinford leisurely, but when they left, they were ten warships, five elite Vice Admiral, and magnificent, but when they came back, they were seven warships and three Vice Admiral lying there, even if the mission was completed, But it always feels faint.

In the Naval Headquarters hospital, Sengoku Admiral was sitting on an empty hospital bed with a ugly face, while the other three beds happened to be lying on the three of Sakazuki, and Kuzan was leaning against the wall with his back unwrapped. Something like bandages, it seems that those few burns are not a big deal for him, and he healed on his own in half a month.

Compared with Kuzan, Sakazuki is much more miserable.There are a lot of bandages wrapped around his chest, and some bloodline can be faintly seen. His arm seems to have suffered serious injuries, and he is entangled and hung on his chest. Although it looks very serious, he can also see some paleness. It is obvious that he has no fighting strength for the time being.

“Even if someone with the medical department is able to cooperate with the treatment, your injury will take about four months to recover. During this period, you should take a good rest, Sakazuki.” Sengoku Admiral looked at Sakazuki and then asked. road.

Sakazuki also nodded and didn’t say much. He knew that it was good for him to pick up a life, and he could recover. It was only four months, and he could still afford it. The only thing that made him feel a little difficult to handle. The thing is that he owes Kuzan a great favor, because if he didn’t arrive in time without Kuzan, he must have died.

Under Gromash’s battle axe.

28 Then Sengoku Admiral looked at the flying squirrel and the ghost spider again, and after a few words of comfort, he said: “Okay, then can anyone explain to me why Gromash appears in Ohara?? He is not in Sky Island? Is there a leak in this operation?? Or is there something wrong inside??”

Sakazuki has also been troubled by this problem for a long time. It is because he never expected that Gromash would suddenly appear in Ohara, so he was successfully attacked by Gromash. Otherwise, with his strength, he would not be beaten to his life. Lost in Ohara.

Kuzan thought for a while and said, “I also thought about this issue for a long time on my way back, and finally I came to the conclusion that this incident was an accident.

Sengoku Admiral looked at Kuzan and said, “Unexpected??”

“Yes, Gromash was definitely on Sky Island before. After all, the skyrocketing ocean current of Gaya Island-Magic Valley Town was seen by so many witnesses, and they can all confirm that Gromash did follow the skyrocketing ocean current to the sky.” Kuzan Having said this, he paused and then continued: “Although we don’t know much about Sky Island in Marine, we have limited knowledge of Sky Island.

According to the intelligence, Sky Island is not concentrated in the sky. In other words, Gromash may have left the Grand Line from the air, ran to the Sky Island above West Blue, and then moved from there. Back to West Blue, and it is very coincidental that we also launched a Buster Call to Ohara of West Blue at this time, and then

This collided together. Although these are my guesses, I feel that it should be like this.

Sengoku Admiral also pondered for a while, and then said, “I hope so, but internal investigation is still going on. It may be Saul guy. Anyway, make sure that there is no Gromash ghost in Marine.”

Although Sengoku Admiral does not want to believe that there are Gromash’s eyes in Marine, but it is such a coincidence, he has to check it, and his investigation has no effect on Gromash, because it is indeed similar to Kuzan’s guess. It was basically a coincidence. He didn’t put any undercover in Marine anyway.

Another person was miserable by Gromash, and that was Tian Ye-Don Quixote-Doflamingo, one of the highest officials under this guy. Ghost Bamboo-Vergo had already mixed into Naval Headquarters at this time, and With his excellent camouflage and good strength, he has already reached the position of Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, and Marine suddenly blows up.

The wind of scrutinizing the ghosts really scared Vergo and Doflamingo. Vergo did not dare to contact Doflamingo in a short period of time, and Doflamingo was also due to missing an insider, and was almost assassinated by Tsuru several times. Blocking up, almost didn’t end his journey because of this.

After the atmosphere in the ward was silent for a while, Kuzan asked again: “Sengoku Admiral, about this mission.”

“There is nothing wrong with the mission. Although there are some losses, you still completed it, right? CP-9 didn’t find any slack, so let’s end this matter.” Sengoku Admiral didn’t think much, directly. Opened his mouth and said.

Kuzan was also a little relieved when he heard that, because Gromash first burned the bodies of the scholars, and then blew up and destroyed Ohara almost, so Spandane didn’t identify it by looking for the corpse this time. , To judge whether Nicole-Robin left Ohara alive, after all, the body is burned to ashes, what to judge


In addition, when Kuzan let Robin let go, no one saw it, and soon Gromash began to make a big noise in Ohara, which attracted everyone’s attention, so that this time Robin was not discovered by the World government. She was still alive, so she didn’t give her a bounty of 79 million Bailey’s wanted order and the name of the son of the devil.


What the World government announced was that Ohara, who intended to resurrect Ancient Weapon and destroy the entire world, had all perished.

Then Sengoku Admiral spoke again: “Through this match, what do you think of the strength of Gromash??”

After thinking a little bit, Kuzan spoke up and said: “If you look at the previous information, Gromash’s strength should not be enough to do this, but he just did it. Judging from my experience with him, With all due respect, Sengoku Admiral, he has grown to a point where he is not inferior to us at all.”

“That guy seems to have some ability to make his physical fitness instantly undergo a comprehensive and qualitative change. It is precisely because of this mutation that I am almost killed. In terms of explosive power, he can already be called the world’s top. , In other words, his combat power in an unknown length of time is completely comparable to our Naval Headquarters Admiral…

He is no longer a guy with a higher degree of threat, so he has a higher bounty. His current strength is completely worthy of the bounty of 500 million Baileys…” Sakazuki, who had been silent all the time. At this moment, he said suddenly.

And Sengoku Admiral fell silent after hearing his words, and then Kuzan said, “Well, I also judged this way. After all these years of growth, Proudmoore, Gromash is no longer a person who has to run away in embarrassment when meeting us Marine. The pirate, he has the ability to fight head-to-head with us, even if he meets in the sea

, With just an Admiral alternate, I am afraid he is no longer his opponent. ”

“These guys have grown too fast recently?? This is the case with Gromash, and the same is true for the Roger’s crew member Shanks who has made news into New World. If they are left alone, they will sooner or later become a catastrophe!!” Sengoku Admiral covered his forehead and said with some annoyance.

And Kuzan also said with some helplessness: “But at this stage, we Marine has no extra power to deal with and balance these guys. There are more and more pirates in the sea, except for Gromash and that Shanks. , That Mariejois Donquixote Family’s Doflamingo and Logia- Sand-Sand Fruit ability sand

Crocodile-Crocodile, Moonlight-Moria and other newcomers are getting stronger and stronger, and they are getting more and more difficult to deal with. ”

“This is the evil fruit that the damn Gromash and Roger planted. The Great Pirate Age The era named after this name is simply a shame to our Marine!!” Sengoku Admiral said in a deep voice.

But at this time, Sakazuki suddenly said: “On the contrary, it is also our Marine’s opportunity, as long as this chaotic era is calmed down.”

But at this point, Sakazuki didn’t say anything, because he also knew that all Marines wanted to calm the turmoil of this era, but for now, their Marine power is indeed not enough to cope with this increasingly surging wave. , Especially in New World, Marine’s control over there is rapidly declining, and the entire New World

Almost reduced to a paradise for pirates, of course it is a paradise for the strong.

And the Four Emperors pattern headed by Whitebeard is gradually taking shape. The redhead-Shanks is not to mention, Charlotte- Linlin and Beasts-Kaido are about to become the general trend, but the Marines have nothing to do with it. In a short period of time, there is no effective combat power that can stop all of this. Due to the advent of the great pirate era, the power of the entire Marine

The amount has been divided up. Marine who clenched his fist is indeed the real maritime overlord, but at this stage Marine is unable to hold or clen the fist, which is very embarrassing.

Sengoku Admiral seemed to increase their confidence, so he opened 953 and said: “Not long ago, when you went to perform Ohara’s mission, Marshal Kong went to the Holy Land-Mariejois once. It can be said that he brought back two good news.”

Kuzan and Sakazuki, flying squirrel and ghost spider both looked at Sengoku Admiral at the same time, wanting to hear the good news from him.

“Could it be that the matter is settled??” Kuzan asked after thinking about it.

“Well, that’s right, although we have indeed made some paper leaks in Marine in just a few years, but anyway, we have solved two of the three previous legendary pirates, one Golden Lion. -Shiki, a pirate king-Roger, plus the Red Earl Barloric Ryder who was caught by Garp after the battle with Marshal Kong before that

Field, these three people are all well-known achievements, so the position of the army commander will not be airborne. The Five Elders have decided to let Marshal Kong serve as the new army commander. It is estimated that this will happen soon. It will be announced. Sengoku Admiral smiled and said.

And Kuzan also smiled and said, “Sengoku Admiral, it seems that the time for you to become a marshal is not far away. It is indeed two good things.

Sengoku Admiral also adjusted his mood a little, and said, “If I become the new marshal, you three should be ready, Kuzan, Sakazuki and Polusalino who are on the mission, you three At that time, I will take over the responsibility of Admiral of Headquarters, but the other good news I said is not this.”

“Hmm?? What is that??” Kuzan asked with some confusion.

“According to Marshal Kong, this time at Mariejois, he seemed to listen to Five Elders’s tone and intend to strengthen the weakening and control of the pirates. What big plans are currently being drafted. If it is true, I estimate this. Things should be inseparable from our Marine, and it is a good thing in all likelihood.” Sengoku Admiral said with a smile.

Don’t look at Sengoku Admiral now smiling happily, if he waits for this plan to be implemented, his face will probably become quite ugly, because this plan is indeed inseparable from their Marine, but it is not a good thing in all likelihood. , On the contrary, it’s the twelfth bad news. That’s right, the plan that the World government is drafting this time is exactly what will happen in the future.

The “Seven Warlords of the Sea” plan that can counterbalance the Four Emperors and balance the sea. .

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