Chapter 84 Blasting is also a kind of romance~

Gromash didn’t have a word of nonsense after seeing Kuzan. He accelerated at his feet, grabbed the axe and slashed towards Kuzan.

At this time, the fight is no longer like the previous Gromash hammer Sakazuki. What kind of surprise is there. When Sakazuki is hit by surprise, Kuzan’s strength is not weak. Of course, it is impossible to be solved by Gromash with an axe. With a shaved step under his feet, the whole person disappeared from the place, and the next second he crossed his hands in the air to condense two long

Spear opened his mouth and said, “Frozen. Two thorny spears!”

When the spear out of the ice block hit Gromash, Gromash also easily smashed the two ice spears with an axe.

Then Kuzan’s next move had already struck.

“Ice cube-pheasant mouth!”

As Kuzan’s voice fell, he saw a chill on his arm. In the next second, a huge frozen bird rushed out of his arm and slammed into the direction where Gromash was.

And where the ice bird passed, the powerful cold air instantly sealed everything, but Gromash was also worthwhile.I saw that he didn’t even hide, and he stood still and took a deep breath, his chest swelled. Up.

“Scorching. Hell’s breath!

I saw Gromash standing in place, spitting out a scorching unicorn fire suddenly from his mouth. After leaving his mouth, the flame quickly spread in the air “Nine-Five-Three”, and its power is not weaker than Kuzan. After that, the flame collided with the ice bird.

The collision of ice and fire naturally caused great movement. I saw that the ice bird was quickly evaporated, and the flame was quickly extinguished. From their collision, a large amount of hot steam began to erupt, blocking all sights in the surrounding area. stand up.

“I didn’t even say hello, and I just started it suddenly. It’s really lacklustre, Hellscream Proudmoore- Gromash.” Kuzan’s voice came out of the steam that couldn’t see clearly.

“Jiehahahahaha, to you bastards Marine, I have nothing to say. Regarding your justice, I have seen it just now. It’s really amazing. Not only the scholars here have been killed, even The refuge ships carrying civilians have also been blown up. It’s great, great, even my self-proclaimed evil party treats you.

The behavior is also admirable, but I have a question. Since you didn’t plan to stay alive at the beginning, what can you do to build a refuge boat??” Gromash said in a very mocking tone, and then did not wait for Kuzan to defend. What is it, Gromash has once again pretended to suddenly realize: “Ah, yes, I understand, you guys are self-righteous

Righteous Marine, you have to decorate the front when you come out to carry out the massacre. Jiehahahaha, that’s how it is!”

Kuzan’s face was pale after hearing Gromash’s ridicule. He was originally dissatisfied with the destruction of the refuge ship. Now Gromash is sprinkling salt on his wound. Who can not feel uncomfortable?

But just when he was about to say something, the hellscream that Gromash made when the battle axe broke through the air in Gromash’s hand had been heard again.

Kuzan wants to talk nonsense with Gromash. Gromash is not in the mood. He is still in a frenzy of his own right at this time. There is not much time left. Where can I take it out and waste nonsense with Kuzan??

Kuzan also had to hold back his own words, a tomahawk that dodged from the middle of the steam, and then he pressed one hand to the ground and whispered softly: “Ice Age-Absolute Zero!”

As his voice fell, a large amount of freezing gas erupted, and the entire ground instantly froze, spreading towards Gromash’s feet.

But Gromash also laughed and said, “Your ability and mine are mutually restrained. You want to freeze me with ice, it’s completely impossible!”

After speaking, Gromash was surrounded by flames, like a fierce god who broke out of the scorching hell. Kuzan’s cold air and the ice age were completely inaccessible to his body, and then Gromash raised his hand and grabbed it from the steam. Waver.

“Murman Karate-Dumpling Steamed Bomb!”

“It’s really a troublesome ability, Eudemons??”” Kuzan also opened his mouth and let out a cold air, directly obliterating Gromash’s attack, and then spoke.

Since Gromash had never used beast form when using abilities before, he had only used human form and semi-beast form, so although the Marines knew he was a capable person, they did not know what his ability was.

But this time, because Gromash had already turned into a full-fledged fire unicorn on the warship, Sakazuki flew over his head, so he didn’t intend to hide anything anymore. Anyway, he didn’t say it, it was already exposed.

“Jiehahahaha, it’s an Eudemons-Kirin. How about it? Not bad, right?” Gromash smiled wildly, and then stretched out his hand to catch the Hell Destroyer again and attacked towards Kuzan.

At this time, Gromash didn’t even think about killing Sakazuki anymore. Let’s not talk about whether Kuzan’s “absolute defense”, which looks very awesome, could be broken. Anyway, Kuzan would never watch him kill Sakazuki. And nothing, with his blocking and with the speech mouse blocking is not the same order of magnitude, so Gromash is now

His idea is to use his power while he is still in a rage, and then he can run away.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved. He came this time and wanted to add a block to Marine, and then he went to the bastard Sakazuki to report his grudge at Whisky Peak more than a year ago. Now both are completed, even It can be said that it was over-completed. This blocking Marine must be blocked. Sakazuki was also beaten by him and almost died. If there is no accident

, He has to recuperate for at least two or three months, and Gromash gave another Vice Admiral flying squirrel a violent one. I don’t know if he is dead or not. Even if not, it is estimated that he will not be able to get out of bed for half a year. .

Just when Gromash and Kuzan were incomprehensible, a Vice Admiral appeared on the battlefield again, and I saw a gloomy ghost spider Vice Admiral holding eight knives in his hair and both hands without even saying hello, and he moved towards Gromash cut over.

Gromash stepped on a shaved step. After avoiding the attack of the ghost spider Vice Admiral, looking at his strange image, he involuntarily said: “It’s really as the name suggests, the ghost spider Vice Admiral, it seems you will Six The life of one of the Styles has been returned to Ultimate.”

The ghost spider Vice Admiral looked at Gromash with a sullen face and said, “The power of the Six Forms will fall into the hands of you evil parties, which really humiliates justice.

“Hehe, maybe, but what can you guys do about me?” Gromash said nonchalantly, and then he felt his own state, then said: “Well, time is almost here, it’s time to end, the last Finally, let me give you a big gift.

After speaking, a wicked and cruel smile hung on Gromash’s mouth, and then he said, “Blazing Demon-Burning Body!”

I saw Gromash’s body swelled in a circle, and then quickly shrank, and then a dangerous breath radiated from him, and Kuzan’s brain turned extremely fast, as if thinking of something, and then left. He opened his mouth and said: “Ghost spider, hurry, leave with Yumo, he is going to blew himself up!!”

“Blode??” The ghost spider Vice Admiral was startled at first, and then suddenly remembered that Gromash had the intelligence of the ability to resurrect, and then his face changed and he couldn’t take care of that much. When he stepped on his feet, he disappeared into the distance. He picked up the unconscious flying squirrel on the ground…

But before he could continue running, Gromash’s voice had already come.

“Bloating is also a kind of romance, what you have discovered is a bit late…”

With a “bang!!!”, a huge mushroom cloud erupted from where Gromash was. The entire Ohara was shocked, and a powerful wave of air quickly spread out, blowing all the flames still burning on the island. Extinguished, the whole Ohara was extinct in a moment.

But this kind of scene did not last long. It was about three to five seconds. A monstrous flame column erupted from the location where Gromash was, and once again ignited Ohara’s island.

And in the flame column, Gromash’s figure came out very easily, and the whole person looked in excellent condition.He first looked at the huge ice wall standing in the distance that was resisting the expansion of the flame column, and then the corners of his mouth appeared. A wicked smile said, “My gift is not bad, Kuzan”

After speaking, Gromash raised his hand and hung the Hell Destroyer behind him. With a few taps under his feet, he quickly disappeared in the same place without where he was going.

But after a while, when the hot flame column began to dissipate, the ice wall gradually shattered.At this time, Kuzan no longer looked like the lazy before, and his sunglasses have long been ignorant. Where is it? There are still a few small burn marks on the arm, and the clothes have become damaged.

Behind him, there were extensive burns on his back, Vice Admiral, a ghost spider whose proud hair was burned, and Vice Admiral, a comatose flying squirrel.

“Sure enough, it’s the same as Sengoku Admiral and Mr. Garp said. It’s a difficult guy.” Kuzan didn’t care about the burn on his body, frowned and said softly. Then he searched for the hockey puck that wrapped Sakazuki, as expected. As he expected, Vice Admiral, the ghost spider, moved the puck to the rear before coming to the battle (to give the head?)

, The flame column just now did not rush past, but even if the ghost spider Vice Admiral did not move the hockey puck, Kuzan was confident that his absolute defense would not be 0.3 that simply broke.

Then he carried the ghost spider in one hand and the flying squirrel in the other. He didn’t chase Gromash any more, turned and walked towards the place where the warship was.

On the other side, on the Shine, Joz and the others also saw the flame column rising into the sky on the sea in the distance, and then Lu Qi said: “It’s almost time to come back. It looks like he really made a lot of noise. Fan.”

“If I were Marine, I would have been mad,” Cromwell said with a smile.

At the same time, Robin, who was paddling a boat on the sea, also stopped his movements and looked at the extinguishing flame column on Ohara in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

But soon, the strong little Robin shook his head and shook his double prize again along the ice line towards the distance.

And just when she hadn’t been paddling far, she suddenly noticed that bubbles were constantly emerging from the sea next to the boat, and then she just wanted to see what was going on, she saw a naked man with special horns on the top of her head. The man with his upper body and a unicorn shoulder armor on his right shoulder got out from under the sea.

“If it wasn’t for the guy Kuzan to get some ice line, I’m really hard to find.” Gromash wiped the water off his face, watching Robin muttering to himself, then he smiled. He said again, “Hey, kid, do you want to be my partner??”

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