Chapter 86 Marine’s specialty is to slap you!

Whisky Peak, after more than a year, Gromash came here from West Blue again through the upside-down mountain, and it is very unfortunate that he really went to find Crocus again, but he still couldn’t find it, and he still didn’t see it. A whale named Laboon.

This made Gromash completely lost the idea of ​​pulling Crocus to become his own ship doctor. He did not meet him twice in the two trips to Gemini Cape. This shows that there is no fate, but he also feels that even if Crocus is found by him, it is estimated that he does not want to continue. It means going to sea, and I have been looking for him before, but I just want to try it.

After all, what if it succeeds??

At this time, at that time, when Gromash came to Whisky Peak, he was one person and one wolf, but now he came with his friends, plus more than a year ago, Gromash fought two Marine Admiral alternates here. The displayed power also allowed the bounty hunters who had survived to have a clear and intuitive understanding of Gromash’s

Strong and not easy to mess with, so this time after Gromash arrived at Whisky Peak, he didn’t meet the kind of people who wanted to use beauty tricks to take his life. This also made Gromash feel a little boring, without the beautiful young lady. They took the initiative to dedicate themselves and live a lifeless life.

Fortunately, at this time, the Frostwolf Pirates are no longer all rough guys. Gromash also did what he said. He said that after leaving Sky Island, he would find himself a girl to be a partner. Sure enough, he met after he got down to West Blue. In the Ohara incident, Robin was found homeless, and he got rid of the shadow of the “Geek Pirates” and the “Brothers Pirates”.

Without the little sister, it’s okay to raise a little Loli.

At this time, in the tavern in Whisky Peak, Gromash and his group are sitting in a corner eating and drinking. The little guy Robin and the little guy Lu Qi are also holding a bottle of milk. Looking at this scene, Gromash is also quite in mind. With emotion, destiny is really fun. The strongest members of CP-9 who should have been mortal enemies in twenty years.

With Ohara’s son of the devil, now one has gotten rid of the name of CP-9 and the other is the name of the son of the devil. Instead, the two have become partners, sitting together, drinking milk together, and growing together in the future. ,It’s really interesting.

After more than half a month as a buffer, Robin seems to have walked out a little bit of the shadow that Ohara brought to her. He no longer washes his face with tears, and occasionally smiles. Of course, she learned from Saul.” Hee hee hee “The strange laughter is also used by Gromash” and the words “You don’t have to use a smile to hide your sadness”

Stopped, Gromash didn’t want Robin to laugh with “Hehehehe” in the future, it was too embarrassing.

“Come on, Robin, eat more meat and grow your body.” Gromash put a piece of tender beef on the plate in front of Robin and said with a smile.

“Thank you Captain.” Robin nodded very well and said.

“Jiehahahaha, we will be a family from now on, don’t be so polite.” Gromash stretched out his hand and smoothed Robin’s hair and said with a smile.

And Lu Qi was touching his chin, thinking that Gromash would start a “slap attack” on the back of his head, and then said: “It is also a child, why is my treatment obviously not comparable to Robin’s treatment? ?”

Cromwell said while eating, “Now that you know you are a kid? Do you still think?? The boss of Gromash is a Loli control. Besides, you are a boy, you don’t need to be like Robin. The sauce is so caring, it won’t be a weapon without being beaten, 々.

“You are Loli control, your whole family is Loli control!!” Gromash said with dissatisfaction after hearing Cromwell’s words. What if this makes Robin have any psychological shadow?

The monk Urouge also broke his wine ring. After clinking glasses with Joz and drinking a drink, he said, “Boss Gromash, what are we going to do next??”

“Next, I’m going to New World. Not long ago, my good friend Shanks has entered New World again. Those guys who also started going to sea in Logue town are probably not far from New World. Laozi is the strongest. He actually ran back to the starting point again. It’s really enough, but then again, if there is no such chance,

No lovely Robin will join us, everything is destined. “Gromash said without embarrassment. He has already considered himself the strongest among them, and he doesn’t give Shanks face at all.

“New World?? If we hadn’t met you and Lu Qi, I guess we would have been to New World long ago. Who would have thought of going back to the original point? Indeed, everything is doomed by God, but I am very happy.” Joz laughed and said.

Urouge also said, “Sure enough, both of you believe in cause and effect and destiny. Why don’t you let me explain the Buddhist principles in this respect in detail? The so-called cause and effect.”

“Shut up! Drink your bar, break the monk.”

“If you talk about me again, I really beat you!”

Joz and Gromash cursed at Urouge at the same time.At this time, Gromash already felt that he didn’t turn his mind to make Urouge a partner. This guy seems to be a tough guy. In the original story, he gave Gromash feels like a guy who doesn’t say much. As a result, who knows that at this stage, there is no experience.

Urouge, who has gone through the following things, is completely a Tang monk, and the three sentences cannot be separated from his Buddhist philosophy.

But what can Gromash do?? I made an appointment by myself, cough, and the partner I asked for would have to bear with tears.

In order to avoid Urouge this guy from pulling the messy things, Gromash also said: “Now there is no shortage of combatants on board in a short time. Joz, Cromwell, Luchi, Urouge are all very strong. The potential of, as long as it is tempered well, it will become a big weapon in the future, so we don’t need to deliberately in this short period of time

I’m looking for a combatant, just meet the one who is in the same shot. If you don’t see it, you don’t need to force it. The rest of the brothers can also afford the operation of the ship, so the navigator and the helmsman are not in a hurry. There is still no cook with the cook. The cook will not talk about it. It is enough to eat. So the next goal is to see if you can find one on the road.

A ship doctor with good medical skills, after all, this future must be accompanied by conquests all the way. It is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps. At this time, we need a ship doctor to escort us. ”

“I really need a ship doctor with good medical skills, otherwise, what should we do if our seedlings get sick someday?” Cromwell said with a smile, and looked at Lu Qi.

And Lu Qi also said with a black line: “I haven’t been sick since I was a kid!!”

“Ah, that’s the case, the theory that idiots don’t get sick turns out to be true. I really envy you.” Cromwell joked again.

“Hey!! Are you an idiot, do you want to fight??” Lu Qi was also very angry, and the ends of his hair were electrified.

Cromwell hurriedly waved his hand and said: “Forget it, don’t provoke you, wait until my Master has the power of Haki, then provoke you.

After Cromwell and Luchi’s banter, even Robin couldn’t help but smiled, and then she seemed to think of something with a scared face and said: “Captain, but I can neither sail nor have the strength. At the helm, you don’t know how to fight, you won’t drive me away, will you?”

“Reassure, Robin sauce, before you reach adulthood, the boss will not drive you away. You have to ask why, because he is a Loli.” Cromwell hasn’t finished speaking yet, Gromash has already stuffed a piece of meat. Entered his mouth, and then cursed: “Put your mother’s fart, what kind of control you are, even if Robin grows up, I won’t drive her away.”

Then Gromash smiled and said to Robin: “Don’t worry, everyone has meaning for everyone. Companions only become partners because they help each other and understand each other. Robin, you are the last survivor of Ohara, too. Ohara is the last scholar, and knowledge is an invisible force. Your rich knowledge will always be in the future.

There will be places that can help us. Don’t you like to read books? I will buy more books for you in the future, so you don’t have to worry about these problems. If you really feel uncomfortable, you can clean it up on the boat. Hygiene, just read the newspapers for us in your free time.

Then Gromash paused for a while, glanced at his other partners, and then continued speaking to Robin: “” What’s more, your presence directly raises the cultural level of our entire pirate group, even for this. , We won’t drive you away.

“Yes, Robin, don’t worry, the boss is right, no one will drive you away.” Joz also said with a smile.

“Well, as a senior, I still have this measure.” Lu Qi also said with some Tsundere’s opening.

And Robin also recalled what Saul had said.

“The sea is extremely wide. One day, you will meet those companions who are willing to protect you!!”

It’s just that Robin didn’t expect that she would meet so soon, before experiencing more darkness, betrayal and betrayal, betrayed and betrayed, at this time young Robin is still very simple, she is willing to believe in Gromash and the others. if!

“Thank you, I will definitely work hard to be everyone’s trustworthy companion!” Robin wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said.

While Gromash was eating and drinking, the owner of the pub also retrieved a newspaper from outside, and then hurried to Gromash and the others, and said, “Master Gromash, today’s newspaper has news about you. ”

“Oh?? Let me see.” Gromash wanted to reach out for the newspaper with some doubts, while Robin quickly used his abilities, took the newspaper from the boss and said, “I’ll read it for everyone. ”

“Jiehahahaha, then please, Robin.” Gromash also said with a laugh.

Then Robin’s lovely and clear (Nuo Lihao) crisp voice came out.

“A few days ago, the pirate Hellscream with a bounty of 500 million Baileys. Proudmoore-Gromash attacked the Naval Headquarters fleet in the West Blue waters, causing three warships to sink, three Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral suffered heavy losses, and a tragedy in which several Marine soldiers died. After committing the crime, Gromash quickly fled and was not arrested on the spot. For this reason, Naval Headquarters raised Hellscream again,

Proudmoore Gromash’s bounty amount has been corrected to a bounty of 550 million Baileys, regardless of life or death. “Robin quickly finished reading this short essay.

“The World government and Marine are really shameless. Did I do the three warships?? This is on my head?? Also, it is too small, right?? I only raised 50 million. The reward?? Laozi almost killed their Admiral alternate…” Gromash said very dissatisfied after listening to this report.

“Didn’t Marine even mention which of the three Vice Admiral are? You didn’t even mention the fact that you launched the attack in Ohara. It seems that they are going to press down the news. After all, if it is reported truthfully If you do, Marine’s face is a bit too big, so the bounty is not too much, right??” Cromwell picked up the glass and took a sip


“Forget it, it’s all trivial things, just buckle the pot. Marine doesn’t do this once or twice. Their specialty is to buckle the pot on your head.” Gromash also said nonchalantly.

At this moment, Robin who was reading the newspaper suddenly said, “Doctor, here is news about a famous doctor!!”.

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