I Am Hellscream

Chapter 427

Chapter 427 Demon knife heart crossing.

After figuring out what was going on with the demon sword, Mihawk no longer had any doubts. He said, “Okay, this knife has already been made into such a ghostly look. , As the caster of this knife, what name are you going to give it?

Originally, Gromash was going to give this sword a terrific name. For example, in his previous life, he was called “the head of the most important thing in 21 エ”. Name.

But at this time the sword had become a demon sword, and if he came up with this kind of name, it seemed a bit out of touch, so he was also very entangled at this time.

“What do you think is a good name? Teamwork, I am a very democratic person, come and come, all contribute a little, think of a better name, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but this knife will be passed down through the ages. “After Gromash thought for a while, he immediately started to’shake the pot’.

“It’s still circulated through the ages?? Whether anyone dares to use your knife is a problem…” Mihawk sprinkled a batch of mouths, and said with some disdain.

“Jiehahahahaha, I want to come to you as the “First Swordsman”. It should have a hard life, and can handle any disaster. We have known each other for so many years, and the friendship is there. I am ashamed to say that I have not given it. You give me something that you can get. I just took this opportunity to give you this knife today. Anyway, you have half the credit for the success of this knife. Come on, you are welcome

, Take it…” Gromash laughed and said, and while talking, he actually reached for the demon knife.

Seeing this, Mihawk said directly and unceremoniously: “Farewell, my life is not hard or not, and it is not measured by a demon sword. The so-called swordsman, you only need a handy sword, my black sword. Ye. I have been with me for many years, and I have long been intimate with me. I can’t tolerate your demon sword anymore. Who do you like to give away?”

Speaking of this, Mihawk paused, then cleared his throat and pretended to say: “Of course, so many years of friendship is here, if you have to give me something, I am not embarrassed not to accept it, after all, I want to. It just doesn’t give you face, isn’t it?? Well, let’s think of a good way to compromise, you give me a discount according to the value of this knife

Okay, as many Baileys are fine, it’s just a friendship.”

Gromash was also disgusted by Mihawk’s shamelessness. Sure enough, this strong man must first temper his face. Don’t look at the coldness of Mihawk on weekdays. A pair of “all of you are rubbish” It looks like, but after he really gets familiar with it, it’s also terrible to look shameless~ ah.

“You can pull it down. Go back and send me a few kilograms of rice grown on your island. I bought it at a premium of 90% at the market price, which is almost the same.” Gromash unceremoniously rejected Mihawk. proposal.

Then he looked at Cromwell and them again, and then touched his chin and said: “Urouge, I think your iron stick is a bit too shabby. It doesn’t look like a master’s thing at all. Look at other swords. The scholars are so handsome and handsome. The so-called ambitious are not young, don’t tell me that you can’t learn swordsmanship or you can’t learn it.

Laozi’s tutor has found you. Now, the world’s largest swordsman will teach you swordsmanship personally. In order to bless you with academic success, this peerless sword made by Laozi will be given to you as a meeting ceremony. This name You-come and fetch it”

Urouge’s face changed when he heard this. The monk had not heard of the rumors of the demon knife. What’s more, the “monster spirit” on this knife was really too strong. It was so miserable that Urouge would take this demon sword only when he was ill.

I saw him hurriedly waved his hand and said, “Boss Gromash, I take your intentions. You should take this knife yourself. I have counted the birthday characters for myself. Just my fate, I won’t be too early. Fortunately, I really can’t afford your “peerless sword”

Gromash’s face stiffened when he saw it, and then he set his sights on Cromwell, and Cromwell also shivered, and then said, “Ahem, boss, it’s useless for you to see me. I took a poisonous oath back then, and I won’t change my career to become a sword tyrant in my life, otherwise the boss will go bankrupt if I follow the boss in the future!!!”

Listening to Cromwell’s shameless oath, Gromash also almost breathed out a mouthful of blood. Your special mother is really the son of the oath, I really can swear!!

However, Cromwell is so “decisively” to swear a poisonous oath, and Gromash can’t force him to do anything. Of course, don’t get me wrong, Gromash is definitely not afraid of Cromwell’s poisonous oath. Thought.

“Fucking, are you two of you? Isn’t it just a demon knife?? It makes it as if it would really curse your family to ruin, I still don’t believe it,” Gromash said very unhappy.

“Don’t believe it?? How?? Boss, you have to try it yourself??” Cromwell asked curiously.

And Gromash smiled awkwardly and said, “What are you talking about, Laozi is not a swordsman, I mean I still don’t believe this knife Laozi can’t send it out… I’ll wrap it up and give it to My “Brother Jinlan” Grand Marshal Sengoku took it for a good tasting and tasting, I think he is so stylish, he will definitely see the extraordinary features of this knife, and you

We are different hillbillies.”

Although Gromash is not afraid of this curse, after all, he is a man with a “magical body protector”, but who knows if this demon sword will affect the people around him, it will be fine for them to harm Joz, in case Shyarly and Monet And Robin and the others are too shameful when they are so evil.

“Okay, okay, what you want to do with this knife is all your business, whether you give it to Marshal Sengoku, Five Elders, or even the bastard Shanks is your business, and it’s still your business. Think about this name.” Mihawk interrupted Gromash’s nonsense quickly and said softly.

“Yeah, isn’t Shanks a great swordsman?? This demon sword complements him well, anyway, he is so miserable, and his hand is missing. Where can he be miserable?? Um, Mihawk, you really are. Genius, I will invite the bastard Shanks to be a guest when I have the opportunity and give him the knife.” Gromash clapped his hands violently and said with satisfaction.

After a few people talked about each other for a while, Gromash gently picked up the demon knife. Because of his “magic skill”, Gromash couldn’t feel any curse, evil or something, in his opinion, This knife is an ordinary knife

“Any name??” Gromash murmured softly.

After a long time, he said: “The demon sword, the demon sword, and the demon sword are in the human heart but not in the sword heart. , Crossing the knife is worse than crossing the heart, just call you “Demonic knife heart crossing”

“Demon Blade Heart Crossing”?? Hehehe, it’s funny. It’s a good name.” Mihawk’s eyes lit up after hearing Gromash’s whisper, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the “Xindu” in Gromash’s hand seemed to have spirituality, and it trembled slightly on its own, seeming to be very satisfied with the name.

“Jiehahahahahaha, well, it seems that you also like this name very much. In that case, I will give you the name of “Xindu” as a swordsman. “Gromash laughed and said.

So far, the handed down work, the “Demon Dao Xindu”, which was later defined by countless swordsmen as the “first demon sword”, was born today from the hands of the master craftsman-Proudmoore-Gromash.

It’s just that the current treatment of the “Demon Sword Heart Du” is still a bit miserable. Not only does Gromash, the swordsmith who forged it, doesn’t use it, but even the rest of the people present don’t want to use it. It’s really a shame of the “famous sword”.

0-seeking flowers

The so-called good knife with good sheath, Gromash, as a careful master craftsman, naturally can’t just build a body for Xindu without dressing it.

Xindu’s scabbard is also very good, using the world’s best wood “Treasure Tree Adam” and some other materials to create it together.

The value of this scabbard alone is very expensive.The dark-toned pattern, combined with the round black pearls from the deep sea, is dotted on several points of the scabbard, not only does not appear abrupt, but there is an inexplicable sublimation. feel.

When Xindu is enclosed in a scabbard, it looks very mysterious and seems to have a strange attraction. People who are not determined by the seducer will pull it out.

Of course, this kind of dangerous thing can’t be left indiscriminately. If it is accidentally pulled out by Sugar and Shyarly, there may be some problems.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Gromash decisively took Xindu into the warehouse of the Elune and let it go ashes.

After having lunch together, Mihawk finally changed into his’contrasting cute’ pink pajamas, and then put on his own set of gown full of mysterious aristocratic temperament, and put on his own. The little western hat then carried the black sword-Ye also on his back.


“I have stayed on your side for long enough. Now your knife has been cast. Although the final result seems a bit unexpected, the process has really made me gain a bit. I decided to go back and digest it. These insights, see if you can have any new experiences, so let’s say goodbye here” Mihawk and Gromash walk together

On the streets of the City of Seven Waters, he said softly.

“Don’t plan to play for a few more days?? Don’t you think I am better here than your deserted Monkey Island?? How interesting, I will call you all the young masters, let’s make a game How happy??” Gromash smiled and said jokingly, but there was indeed some meaning in his tone that he wanted to stay.

“Ahahaha, it’s not Monkey Island, it’s Kraykana Island, remember it clearly, bastard” Mihawk first smiled and said, then he paused, looked at the scene of the City of Seven Waters, and then whispered softly. Said: “Indeed, this place is much more interesting than mine, but the road of Jianhao is lonely, Gromash takes care.”

“Since you have said so, I won’t continue to stay, do you want me to send someone to send you back??” Gromash said after thinking about it.

Mihawk flipped through Byakugan and said, “Come on, I’m not immobile. If you are really interested, you might as well build a sea train, so that it will be convenient for me to go back and forth.”

“Jiehahahahahaha, you think it is beautiful, the sea train is very expensive, and it will only be built on a valuable island. Why should I repair it to you?? Organize people to go to the monkey show??” Gromash Said with a smile.

In this way, between talking and laughing, he and Mihawk are still separated after all, and they are still such a small sampan. It’s a little handsome.

After staying away from the City of Seven Waters, the guy Mihawk recalled the days before, smiled, and whispered softly: “Demon knife… Is the heart crossing?? Really a good knife…”

In fact, for a sword tyrant of Mihawk’s level, it doesn’t matter whether it is a demon sword or not. As long as you pay attention to it, it will not have much impact on him. The reason why he rejected Gromash’s “gift” was not because of fear. , Not because he didn’t like the knife, but because he didn’t want to take advantage of Gromash.

God, Xindu will write his own legend,

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