I Am Hellscream

Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Demon knife professional household??

In the City of Seven Waters, in the resident of the Frostwolf Pirates group, a large group of people were watching and thinking about something in front of a knife.

The guy Mihawk was looking confused and puzzled at this time. While rubbing his chin, he said in a very surprised tone: “It shouldn’t be like this, how could it become like this??”

“The whole body is cold, the chaotic pattern cross, the thick blade back, the light and thin front, the sharp and unmatched, the weight is suitable, the flawless, the evil spirit is restrained, these are the famous swords that we have anticipated and have achieved. The same touched his chin, and said with some emotion.

“Although I don’t know this sword and kendo very well, in my opinion, this sword looks very good, Mihawk, what are you strange about??” Cromwell asked with some curiosity.

Although this guy was frightened by Joz with strange rumors, he didn’t really go to the Golden City to continue to station. It was just a joke. People in the Frostwolf Pirates like to toss these tunes. Remwell is also very clear. After all, he and Urouge, a rough guy, had a “scandal” for a while, although he still

He didn’t even know from whom the rumors that he and Urouge were embracing passionately and had a hot kiss in the treasury of the Drum Kingdom came from.

After Cromwell finished speaking, before Mihawk could explain anything, his’good friend’ Urouge had already seen everything and said softly: “The knife is a good knife, indeed it is from Gromash. The work of the hand of the boss, even ordinary people like us who are not swordsmen, can tell at a glance that this knife is indeed extraordinary, but from the monks

From the companion’s point of view, this sword, evil spirit Lingran, is an ominous blade. If nothing else, it should be a demon sword, right???”

At this moment, I have been wondering what happened to make this happen. After hearing Urouge’s words, Mihawk nodded involuntarily and said, “Yes, I didn’t expect you to be able to see the so-called “evil.” ‘Such weird things, what Gromash this guy created is not a famous knife, but a monster knife..

This is also what puzzles me.”

“Ahahahaha, after all, I am also a monk, I still have to have this ability,” Urouge said with a big laugh.

Although this guy has already given the name of the’broken monk’, he has all eaten, drink, and bet, and it is not the first time to kill, but this guy still often regards himself as a monk, and he does return it. He often went to study the scriptures and Dharma, but he still had some contradictions.

“Demon sword??? Is that the kind of knife that will curse its own master?? What kind of knives from the series of ghosts??” Cromwell asked in surprise.

“That’s right, it is the kind of demon sword. The curse and demon spirit contained in this demon knife created by Gromash are too strong. In my opinion, it is not weaker than a demon knife such as ghost sword. What really puzzles me is that the demon sword is usually produced with a lot of grievances and fortunes. It will only be attached to the sword by chance.

It turned into a demon knife, but when Gromash forged this knife, I was completely there, and there was no extra weirdness in the process, and we didn’t even feed it blood, nor did we see it red. It is theoretically impossible. Even if I am not a craftsman who used this simple method to create a demon sword, I know the truth very well 々””Speaking of which

, Mihawk raised his head to look at the rest of the people, and then said again: “But this is indeed a “evil spirit” demon knife!!! That’s why I think it shouldn’t be incredible.”

“Boss Gromash, don’t you secretly mess around with Mr. Mihawk behind your back???” Cromwell joked with a smile.

Gromash flipped Byakugan, and then he said, “Just kidding, what the hell am I doing?? Laozi stands upright and never corrects these little movements.”

Mihawk also smiled and said, “Impossible. During this period of time, I have been watching the process of Gromash casting knives. After all, this is also of great benefit to me, allowing me to experience a brand new experience. Things, so I won’t fail to see if he did any tricks”

“That’s really weird, it can also be included in our Frostwolf Pirates’ “Unbelievable Event Book”,” Cromwell said with some emotion, touching his chin.

And at this time, Urouge thought for a while and said, “Mr. Mihawk, if the person who forges the sword is full of resentment, curses, entangled with evil spirits, and the blood rushing to the sky, will it have any effect on this sword, making it involuntary? Turned into a demon sword???”

Without even thinking, Mihawk said, “Of course it will.”

But before he finished speaking, he was taken aback for a moment, and then turned to look aside Gromash, who didn’t care whether the sword was a famous sword or a demon sword.

Of course, Gromash didn’t care. He couldn’t play with this knife, and there was no master with the knife on his boat, so in theory this should be a collectible or the equivalent of’replacement’ something, anyway, they can’t use it.

Therefore, whether this demon sword will eat back the master or something, it has no meaning to Gromash and the others, and the most important point is that whether it is a demon sword or a famous sword, as long as it is a peerless work, it will be spread through the ages, right? Think about ghosts. The monster swords of the Toru series have all come out of Third Generation.Isn’t someone pursuing them and using them?

So in that case, what does Gromash care about?

After seeing Mihawk’s eyes staring at him, Gromash said in a puzzled manner: “Why?? I have flowers on my face?? I can tell you, although we have “frankly met each other,” My uncle’s orientation is quite normal, even if you, Milic, are handsome, it won’t make my heart move.”

“There is one thing that is entangled in resentment, cursed entanglement, evil spirits, bloody evil soaring into the sky, you have all of them!! Don’t cover up your breath, let me see how evil you really are. Ali’!!?” Mihawk ignored Gromash’s ridicule at all, but spoke very upset.

“Just kidding, I’m Gromash calmly and nourishing my qi for so many years. I burn incense and bathe every day. From time to time, I have to go out to help the old lady cross the road. We are all familiar with the breath of sorrow, if you say that, I still sue you for slander.” Gromash heard what Mihawk said about him

Just like a demon king, he spoke very upset.

“Don’t talk nonsense, just let it out and see. I can still wrong you this fellow?” Mihawk said unceremoniously.

On the other hand, Gromash hesitated a little, and then seeing everyone looking at him, he also had a broken jar and said: “Okay, OK, I admit it, right?? I admit that I still have some dirt on my body. The smell of it, count as my pot, I recognize this pot, right??”

“Boss Gromash, don’t hide it, let it out and open your eyes to the big guy,” Cromwell also laughed and joked.

Seeing that the friends around him all had expressions that I really wanted to see, Gromash couldn’t escape this in the end, I saw him say helplessly, “Don’t scare you guys later, you will understand. My painstaking efforts, I converge this breath so perfectly, not because I don’t want to admit these things, but because if I let go

If I come, I can’t communicate with ordinary people at all. This thing sounds cool, but it affects my life…”

While talking, Gromash also lifted his control over his body’s aura, and then, his body’s aura really began to change.

Even if Urouge no longer used those special methods and methods, he could see with his naked eyes that the aura around Gromash was gradually turning red, and the blush was already so noticeable that it started to turn black.

After Gromash released his breath completely, his whole person really looked like a demon coming out of hell, surrounded by ghosts, blood-red evil spirits rushing to the sky, and the seemingly dangerous curse aura also entangled him. For his body, it is also due to the fact that the people around here are all first-class masters. If you change to an ordinary person, you will see Gro

Marsh had to be scared to pee by the strong pressure on his body like this.

“Isn’t this your phantom of the devil?? The move you used before!!??” Mihawk said in surprise.

“Well, this is a kind of imposing manner” Gromash said indifferently.

“If you make it this way, you haven’t died. You guys are really fateful, what’s the matter?? Generally speaking, even if you are an evil person, killing hundreds of people in a day will not make you look like you. ??” After seeing the appearance of Gromash, Mihawk was very puzzled.

He, Mihawk, is a man who has bravely rushed to the horizon with a small sampan. He has traveled north and south for so many years and fought with countless swordsmen. It is not that he has not encountered some weird things. Of course, he has also seen those who are cursed and bloody. An angry person.

It’s just that the breath of those people is compared with Gromash, it’s the contrast between the light of rice grains and the moon, and it happens to be this kind of gap. Those who are corroded by this “evil aura” will be a little crazy and unconscious. Yes, but what about Gromash??

The’dirty stuff’ on his body is almost condensing in substance, one can imagine how terrifying this amount is, but he has no feeling of being affected at all, and there is no problem at all.

From Mihawk’s point of view, this is not a question of strength at all. This kind of thing is not compatible with strength. If the stuff on Gromash is placed on Newgate, Newgate should be crazy.

“Jiehahahaha, in the early years, I liberated a knife called the’best of demon swords’.” Gromash laughed and said.

“Seven Stars Sword???” Mihawk thought of this for the first time.

“Oh? You deserve to be the’first swordsman’, you know a lot about these side-door knowledge, yes, I once liberated the Seven-Star Sacred Sword, and then there is something more than others in this body inexplicably, simpler. It means that (Zhao) these grievances and so on will naturally find me, even if I do nothing… so

The accumulation of years and the “karma” I have carried on my back is not normal? ?” Gromash said nonchalantly, casually making a seeming excuse for himself.

Generally speaking, this grievance is difficult to be “captured”, so as Mihawk just said, even if someone kills a hundred people a day, he may not be more “grudge” than Gromash. But Gromash has the physique of “attracting resentment”, even if he does nothing, grievances will naturally gather in him every day.


Fortunately, these things seem to be bound by the “curse of the God of Suffering” in his body. As long as he doesn’t use them, these things are harmless to him and the people around him.

“Forget it, as long as it doesn’t affect you, it’s okay, but it’s also clear that you guys really don’t make knives in the future, and your grievances have entered, 100% of which is to cast a knife and become a demon knife. Infinite,” Mihawk said, somewhat dumbfounded.

“Fucking, it’s not that you swordsmen are too hypocritical. Why didn’t Laozi meet this situation when I built my axe??” Gromash said very unhappy.

“Did you liberate the Seven-Star Sacred Sword when you made the axe??” Mihawk asked curiously.

The corner of Gromash’s mouth froze, and then he said awkwardly, “No.”

“Then you say a fart?” Mihawk cursed mercilessly. .

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