I Am Hellscream

Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Admiral Polusalino!

The White Earth Island-Barudige, no one knows where this island is, but it is said that the island with this name is the mysterious headquarters of the revolutionary army.

Barudigo is a very rare island, just like the former Marine Scientific Research Base. Like Punk Hazard, this is an island without a magnetic field.

And like this kind of island without a magnetic field, it is impossible to use the recording pointer to find and record. Therefore, every discovered “magnetic-free island” will be used by major forces to do some secret things.

This is why Barudigo is used as the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

For a long time, although the organization of the Revolutionary Army has continued to grow in the New World, they rarely participate in the game between various forces, and feel a little detached from illegal organizations outside the world.

Unlike the pirate camp, the pirate camp is very chaotic and disordered. Today, you can be better with the two brothers, and tomorrow you can draw a knife and go to war.

And this kind of ruthless drama is still being staged every day.

The Revolutionary Army is different. After so many years of development, the Revolutionary Army is already an organized and disciplined mature institution. Their goals and objectives are very clear, that is, to overthrow the rule of Celestial Dragons and liberate the unequal treatment of the entire world.

Therefore, apart from the various actions that will actively destroy the World government, they basically do not participate in any disputes. Like Gromash, they are acting on the principle of “building fewer enemies, more officials”.

At this time in Barudi, Dorag was looking at a document in his hand. After a long time, he frowned and said: “The last time the World government material transport team was destroyed, we did not leave any evidence. Horse feet??”

Standing next to him was Sabo, who had been trained as a’second in command’ at this time. After hearing Dorage’s question, Sabo stretched out his hand to pull off his hat, and then spoke with certainty: “Yes, Mr. Dorag, there are no traces left.”


“That’s really weird. It was the same last time, and this time too. The World government has already conducted several indiscriminate raids on the Kamabaka Kingdom. Is there something wrong??” Dorag glanced again. The documents in his hand, said with some anxiety.

“Mr. Dorag, perhaps the World government has not found any evidence, but they may have discovered Eva’s identity from the “feel”. These sudden searches are probably just looking for evidence, but” Sabo also said with some worry. Said.

The Kingdom of Kamabaka, a country that exists in the first half of the Grand Line, used to be normal, but then it encountered a disaster and almost the entire country was destroyed. At this time, the guy Ivankov appeared in The Kingdom of Kamabaka, then saved the country, and then began’cult brainwashing’ and created the’new humanity’

The organization of the mystery has turned the entire kingdom of Kamabaka into a’shemale kingdom-the island of peach, and he Ivankov is the contemporary shemale king!

Ivankov is a major cadre of the revolutionary army, and she is a very good friend with Dorag. The Kingdom of Kamabaka has become her country, so what is it?

Yes, the Kingdom of Kamabaka is the most important stronghold of the Revolutionary Army in the first half of the Grand Line, and this stronghold is very hidden. After all, in general, normal people are not willing to enter this country where all the people are basically dead men. Therefore, over the years, the Kingdom of Kamabaka has provided a lot of help to the revolutionary army.

And recently, there seems to be something unexpected. The World government has searched the Kingdom of Kamabaka several times in a row. It seems that they have also discovered something wrong with the Kingdom of Kamabaka in some aspects. Child.

“But if they don’t have patience, they won’t care about ‘evidence’, right?? Yes, Ivankov is in a dangerous situation now,” Dorrag said softly.

“Then I need to meet Eva?? Evacuate the kingdom of Kamabaka??” Sabo said after thinking for a while.

After thinking a little bit, Dorag shook his head and said, “No, Ivankov will take care of it himself, and he also has a corresponding plan. Everyone knows that the first one from Impel down-Impel The one who escaped from prison was the bastard Gromash, but that only refers to “bringing”. In fact, it is the first one from Impel down-Impe in the true sense.

It should be Morrie who left alive in Denley, and Ivankov knows all these well, so even if something bad happens, he still has room for it.”

The commander of the Revolutionary Army, the giant warrior Morrie, this guy was also imprisoned in Impel down more than a hundred years ago. down-Because the gods in this hell do not know the gods, the ghosts disappeared without knowing it, no one knows where he went.

In fact, the’Lv.5.5-Shemale Paradise’ where Ivankov and the others hid in Impel down was the place that Mori used to develop with his abilities.

(This is when Oda God-tier introduced Morrie in SBS, it was emphasized, but it was not made up by me.)

Just after Dorag had said these words, another cadre of the revolutionary army ran in, and then said with some breathlessness: “Mr. Dorag, this is the latest information, Admiral of Headquarters- Kizaru-Porusalino On the way to the Kingdom of Kamabaka, if nothing else, I’m going to arrest Lord Eva”

Dorage’s face changed, but he soon calmed down, as if he was thinking about a plan

At the same time, in the kingdom of Kamabaka, Ivankov also received news from the revolutionary army at this time.

“Hip-hop, did Borsalino Marine Admiral personally play the game?? Why didn’t those bastards using CP-0 be used?? Is it because there is no definite evidence?” Ivankov and his group of shemale brothers are still discussing this. This kind of problem, it seems that after hanging up the phone on the revolutionary side, he did not put Polusalino at all.

In my eyes.

And just as Ivankov was telling his little brothers about his plans when he was gone in the future, near the waters of the Kingdom of Kamabaka, five Naval Headquarters-standard warships were fast approaching the country. .

“Porussalino Admiral, do you need to give them a warning first???” Stolobelli, the guy who followed Polussalino to Vice Admiral all the way to Vice Admiral, kept his chimney-like hairstyle and stood wearing his clothes Justice was rectified, and Polusalino, who was wearing a yellow striped suit, asked quietly beside him.

After Porusalino heard the inquiry, he shook his head and said: “No, although there is no real evidence, the World government has already determined that the Shemale King-Ivankov is an accomplice of the Revolutionary Army, so this time we It’s not here to warn or anything, just arrest people.”

“In that case, why let us Marine people catch the cadres of the Revolutionary Army?? Isn’t this what the hyenas on the CP-0 side should do??” Stolobelli said uncomfortably.

Regardless of the fact that Marine has divided into several factions, these factions always have something in common, that is, the whole Marine rejects the people of’CP-0′ and even calls them “hyenas”.

Although Porusalino is a neutral on the fence in Marine, his’stance’ is still consistent with the Marines at this time, and they are very dissatisfied with the CP-0 people.

“Huh, CP-0 has been chaotic in power in the past two years. After all, Stussy’s defection has caused a lot of impact and intensified the contradiction of power. Therefore, CP-0 has basically not done anything in the past two years. At the same time, this There is no real evidence in the hands of the World government, so we sent Marine to arrest the king of a country.

Sending those special agents will cause a lot of ridiculous things,” Polusalino said with a soft snort.

After speaking, Polusalino didn’t intend to explain anything to Stolobelli anymore, only to see that he put his hands on his chest as a gesture, and the golden light began to converge in his palms.

“Yata Mirror” Porusalino murmured softly.

In the next second, his whole person seemed to be sucked in by the golden light, and then the golden light instantly shot towards the island of the Kamabaka Kingdom.

The speed of the golden light was extremely fast, and in just a moment, countless ladyboys saw a light ray across the city very quickly and flew to the palace accurately.

Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion came from the palace, and the smoke began to spread.

“Da, da, da Polusalino’s rhythmic footsteps sounded from the smoke, and then his tall figure came out of the smoke.

“I’m so sorry, old man, I couldn’t stop the car at the end, and I accidentally crashed something,” Polusalino said with a wretched expression and a very weird tone.

At this time, another big face plate emerged from the gunpowder smoke, and it was Ambrio. Ivankov, the ladyboy king, saw him looking at Polusalino and saying, “Hip-hop, Admiral of Headquarters- Polusalino, what are you doing here without saying hello???”

“The ladyboy king, Ambrio. Ivankov really looked like the rumors after they met, it’s really terrible,” Polusalino said strangely after seeing Ivankov’s big face plate.

Although he said something’so terrible’, he was still calm and relaxed when he looked at it, and he didn’t panic at all.

“The World government suspects that you are connected with the criminal organization of the Revolutionary Army, so I specially sent me to arrest you. I hope you will not resist. After all, resisting is useless.” Polusalino reached out and touched himself. On the chin, spoke very wretchedly.

“What about the evidence??? Is there any evidence to prove that I have contact with the people of the Revolutionary Army??? If not, you are unnecessarily charged,” Ivankov said quickly.

“Is it an unwarranted charge?? Well, take it as the charge…” Polusalino said without paying attention.

“Damn it” Ivankov cursed, and then he also knew that the matter could not be kind, but fortunately he was also mentally prepared, but he didn’t show any uneasy expressions.

“Don’t think I’m going to catch it!! Death blinks!!” Ivankov looked at Polusalino, and then threw a wink.

In the next second, Polusalino was blown out.

As a cadre of the revolutionary army, Ivankov is certainly strong, but compared with Polusalino, the difference is not a little bit, not only because Polusalino is the Admiral of Naval Headquarters, representing the highest Combat power.

You know that Gromash is very taboo against Polusalino. He has beaten Sakazuki and Kuzan, but he has never really played against Polusalino.

But from inference, Polusalino is very powerful in attack power and speed, and he can kick the Alchi Mangrove on the Sabaody Archipelago with a single kick. People like him, How could it be contaminated with the word’weak’??

Even Gromash thinks that he should be the strongest among Marine’s three Admiral!

A golden light rushed out from the explosion. In the next second, Polusalino’s figure had appeared in front of Ivankov’s big face plate.

“Have you ever experienced the feeling of being kicked by the light???” Polusalino still looked calm and relaxed, putting his hands in Kabuto, just raising his legs and asked.

Before Ivankov can recover from his surprise, his legs have kicked out with golden glitter.

“Shining-Light Speed ​​Kick” Polusalino whispered softly.

In front of him, Ivankov was no longer visible. After an instant, the entire palace set off a violent explosion, and Ivankov’s wailing sound was heard.

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