I Am Hellscream

Chapter 425

Chapter 425 The unscrupulous old Huo Huyou Xiaohuo.

‘Troublemaker’ Ace did not cause anything on The fish men island after all. The fish men island is the site of the Frostwolf Pirates, but Ace has already caused a lot of troubles for the Frostwolf Pirates. Therefore, he is very unwelcome on The fish men island, belonging to the kind of “people dislike dogs” existence.

He feels uncomfortable wherever he goes, and even because the members of the Frostwolf Pirates are very unfriendly to them, the people on the other islands have begun to circulate rumors between them, so Ace and the others have not How long I stayed on the island, I found that even the restaurant did not receive them.

In the end, they were forced to reluctantly, Ace and the others gave up their original plan to stay in The fish men island, a paradise in the deep sea, and sightseeing for a period of time. They were “ejected” out of The fish men island and drove them dingy. Their boat moved towards New World.

In the Frostwolf Pirate Regiment on The fish men island, Hogback and the cadres are also chatting.

“Finally sent the troublesome guy away, and now they are considered to have entered the New World, the purpose of the boss of Gromash has been completed??” Hordy Jones left after receiving the Pirates of Spades After the news of The fish men island, he finally said with a sigh of relief.

“Shoo, Hoddy, I heard that your performance on the Sabaody Archipelago is wonderful. Your Royal Highness Gromash will give you a commendation.” Guy, the great scientist, smiled with his unique laugh. Hodie Jones said “two twenty seven”.

“What is wonderful? I thought I was pretty good at first, but it was thorough in front of Marine Admiral. If it weren’t for Dr. Hokkubak’s superb medical skills, my hand would be abolished.” Hodie Jones said. Then, he touched the tightly bandaged arm with the other hand and said.

Gubaque was originally the world’s top surgeon, but after getting Op-Op Fruit, his medical field has been completely covered, there are no dead ends at all, now he is the best doctor, of course Yes, this is just a technical compliment. If it is in terms of character and medical ethics, he may have to be ranked from the bottom.

Therefore, when the doctors on Sabaody Archipelago were helpless, as soon as he shot, Hody Jones’s’small’ injury was quickly cured by him. Now he only needs to rest for a while until the body is completely healed. , There will be no sequelae at all.

“Hodie, if you can think like this, it shows that you are still motivated. From a doctor’s point of view, let me analyze the reasons why you suffered this kind of injury, and I can propose an excellent solution for you. The plan, to ensure that you will never worry about it again in the future.” Hokkubak has a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Rong said to Hodie Jones.

As Guy Sa, who has been with Hokkubak all the year round, he knew what he was thinking as soon as he saw Hokkubak’s expression. He must have started to “strategic fool”, but although Guy Sa wanted to understand, he didn’t. Stop Hogback’s pervert behavior.

Hodie Jones didn’t notice the “little devil’ shadow behind Hokkubak. He really thought Hokkubak was going to give him some good advice, so he said with some interest: “Hokkubak. Mr. Guak, what is a good way??”

“Ahem, it’s like this, have you considered the root cause of your injury this time??” Hokkubak cleared his throat first, posing like a kind doctor, and asked contrivedly. .

Hordy Jones thought for a while and said, “Of course, isn’t the root cause just because I am not strong enough?? If I were the boss of Lu Qi, he would be able to break the ice wall with one punch. Like a wolf like me”

“No, no, this is just one of them. The most fundamental point is that your physical fitness is not up to standard. Think about it. If your arm bones are hard and strong enough, will this kind of thing happen?? “Hokkubak secretly changed the concept, and said with a flicker.

Hodie Jones, like Gromash, grew up in Murloc Street since he was a child. He didn’t have any culture. He was only cruel to others and he was cruel to himself.

Therefore, when discussing this kind of thing with Hokkubak, a gentle scum, he was of course no opponent, so after listening to Hokkubak’s words, he immediately nodded and said, “It seems that this is true.”

When Hogback saw Hodie Jones being circumvented by himself, he almost didn’t laugh out loud. Fortunately, he quickly stopped his expression, cleared his throat and said: “We are all from the old Hoo family. , Can I still lie to you? Huo Di, I can help you solve this problem for you, although you are very good in physical fitness among the murlocs

The great white shark man, but you have to admit that there are many creatures in this world who have higher physical fitness than you, right??”

“Well, that’s right,” Hodie Jones nodded and said.

“Look, it’s like this. I’m thinking about replacing you with a pair of arms and finding a very powerful material to install it for you, so that your problem will be solved?? And even if you encounter this situation next time, you There is a lot more room for it, even if you use up your arms, it doesn’t matter, we can throw it away and have another one, don’t worry,

Brother, I still have a lot of good things here, because we are all “Huo family”, I provide you for free, what do you think?” Hokkubak said very wickedly.

He is also preparing to take it step by step. First, he will give Hodie Jones a change of arms. If Hodie Jones accepts, his psychological bottom line will be lowered a lot. , Next time I find a chance, I can switch legs. In the future, I may be able to complete the plan of “cadre reform” in Hogback’s heart, and I will give it to Hodie Jones.

Others set a benchmark.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Hogback’s plan. Except for the feeling of deceit, what he said is true, and the replaced arm will not be lost and will be properly preserved. , If Hodie Jones comes back someday, it can be restored.

In the eyes of Hogback, his technique is very powerful, but the rest of the cadres are all hillbillies, who do not understand his greatness at all, so they will always resist this kind of thing.

Of course, Gromash can also see that this technology is actually pretty good. If you make an analogy, it seems to be similar to the nature of wearing equipment for the characters in the game.

“Change hands, Mr. Hokkubak,” Hodie Jones said hesitantly, as if something was wrong in his heart.

Of course, Gubaque couldn’t let the duck that was about to be cooked fly, so he slapped the table and said, “Hodie, this is not an irreversible thing. Our old man is also a decent person, and it is absolutely impossible to fool you. Yes, let’s try it now, and give you a better arm. If you think it is suitable, you can use it first.

If it doesn’t work, won’t it be over if we change it back for you? What a big deal??”

Diandi-Jones was originally a’latest generation’ in front of Hokkubak, and in his heart he still respected them, the veteran cadres in the Frostwolf Pirates group, at this time Hokkubak was another’his family’. The tone of huddled him, but it made Hodie Jones psychologically unprepared. After all, this old man can’t hurt himself no matter how he thinks


Since it can be restored to the original condition, then try it?

In this way, the straightforward Hodie Jones was successfully fooled by this shameless pervert Hogback.

“That’s all right, since you said that, Mr. Hokkubak, then let’s try it and it’s okay. It won’t cause you any trouble, right??” The ruthless Hodie Jones gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. Said to Hobackak.

But after hearing this answer, Hokkubak almost jumped up without excitement. After finally calming the agitation in his heart, Hokkubak immediately waved his hand and pretended to be righteous and said: “What is it? What’s the trouble?? We are all a family, aren’t we?? Come on, Hordy, come with me, and now I will take you to see and see

This brand new world!!”

Zhidi-Jones was so unclearly fooled and left here by Hokbackk. After the two of them were gone, Guy could not help but laugh, and after he had laughed, he Shaking his head, he said, “If this doctor is a bastard, it is really scary.”

When he said this, he didn’t even think about his identity.If this scientist is a bastard, it would be even more terrifying, isn’t it?

At the same time, in the deep sea heading to New World, the salted fish Ace is also training himself on the deck at this time. Judging from the sweat on his body, this guy is really a desperate Saburo.

After completing a set of training, Ace picked up a glass of water and drank it. Until then, Dius said: “Ace, is it really okay for us to enter the New World like this??”

Obviously, Deuss was hit by a series of encounters during this period of time, and he lost his confidence a bit.

After hearing what Duuse said, Ace’s eyes flashed with firmness. He was never a person who would shrink, and Ace opened his mouth and said, “Duuse, your worries are not wrong, we are indeed a little too weak. In front of the real strong, we don’t even have much resistance, but these failures should not be our shadows.

It shouldn’t be a shackle that fetters our footsteps, but should be our motivation. New World must be going, I don’t believe it. Are all the people in New World monsters? Now I don’t have the strength to go. To challenge those monsters, we start from the bottom, and in the process, gradually become stronger until we can defeat them.


After a series of encounters, Ace has not been changed. At least this time, he is not ready to enter the New World and will clamor to challenge Whitebeard.

After hearing Ace’s words, Deuss followed and nodded. Then he stopped discussing this discouraged topic, but said: “Right, Marine’s proposal to you, what do you think?? Seven Warlords of the Sea ”

“I won’t be Seven Warlords of the Sea. When a pirate is to be free, and after seeing the scene where the cadres of Gromash can fight with Admiral of Naval Headquarters, you think we are really qualified to be Is Seven Warlords of the Sea on an equal footing with him??? Nowadays, the most urgent thing for us is not to get a reputation and

The status is now, but to improve our strength,” Ace said very firmly.

Ace, who has his mind set up, is very good, so after a few words with Duuss, he turned around again to train his strength, whether it is Haki or whatever, as long as he can He will not fall behind anything that enhances his strength.

“Luffy wait and see, I will definitely become a brother who makes you proud!! After you go to sea, there is news about me circulating in the sea, and I will definitely not be the strongest newcomer to the wolf fox like now. ?? Really ironic, really this newcomer is a newcomer???” Ace thought, while doing training, flashes in his pupils

Blazing flames.

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