I Am Hellscream

Chapter 267

Chapter 267 Reach a consensus with King Neptune!

On the day when the ensignment ceremony ended, a coated boat swayed into the port of Coral Hill, and from the boat, two people, one large and one small, walked down, one of whom was a cadre of the Revolutionary Army. The murloc Haku, and the other is the little girl-Klar brought by Haku.

Although Gromash and their knighting ceremony was over at this time, the joyous and festive atmosphere on The fish men island did not dissipate.

Basically, the pedestrians who come and go have happy smiles on their faces, and they are all discussing the stories in the noon ceremony during the noon period.

When Krall was looking at the strange fish people on The fish men island, she felt a strange kindness. She likes murlocs and mermaids. Those people are his lifesavers and give her a whole new experience. , Let her know that these races in the deep sea are not as evil and cruel as the stories on the sea say. Everyone is equal and wise.

Hui’s race.

Krall was looking at this, and Haku said with some regret: “Are we late?? It’s a lifelong regret to fail to see His Royal Highness Gromash’s knighthood ceremony.”

Krall also has some impressions of Gromash. After all, she has lived on the Pirates of the Sun for some time. The name of Gromash is a very popular topic between any murloc and mermaid. Most people will chat in peacetime. At that time, I couldn’t help talking about Gromash.

What’s more, the people in the Pirates of the Sun are very close to Gromash, especially there are “One Six Three” Gromash’s younger brother Arlong and good friend Jinbei?

So Krall can still hear them discussing Gromash very often, so she was curious about Gromash a long time ago.

“Mr. Haku, I actually wanted to ask a long time ago, who is the Lord Gromash?? Why can I always hear you talking about him??” Krall asked curiously.

And Haku smiled, took Kraal’s palm, and walked towards the island, and said: “Speaking of your Royal Highness Gromash, that can’t be said, he is our The fish men island To put it simply, he can be compared with your great benefactor-Fisher Tiger boss in The fish men island’s reputation. No, it should be said.

It used to be the case. At this time, the reputation of His Royal Highness Gromash on The fish men island is no one can match. I am afraid that even His Majesty Neptune has to be second. Hahahaha, similarly, he is Arlong’s righteousness. Brother, Jinbei’s friend, in short, is a legend who is not inferior to Mr. Dorag, maybe you will see him later.

As a well-known martial artist on The fish men island, Haku also opened an aisle on The fish men island. Therefore, his network on The fish men island is quite wide. Soon, he inquired about this. At that time, Gromash and his party were holding a banquet in Dragon Palace.

And the banquet was also celebrating Gromash’s becoming the Duke of Hell.

Like Jinbei, Haku had also played for the King’s Army of Neptune, so he soon took Krall to the magnificent Dragon Palace City, facing the Dragon Palace City like a fairy palace. Little Loli, who has never seen the world very much, also grew her mouth involuntarily. She had fantasized about The fish men island many times, but still did not expect fish.

Human Island is so dreamy and beautiful. The road here is full of flowing clouds and fine water. The entire The fish men island is like a fairy residence in a fairy tale. The beauty is incredible, and Krall doesn’t even want to leave. , I really want to live in such a beautiful place forever.

At this time, the Dragon Palace City was also very lively, but the excitement returned to the lively, guards still needed, so Haku quickly found the guards who were standing at the gate of the Dragon Palace City.

“Master Haku?? Are you back???” The guard obviously knew Haku too, and when he saw Haku, he was also very surprised.

“Hahahaha, today is the happy day for His Highness Gromash to be knighted, of course I want to come back to see it too, but I have never met with His Highness Gromash, so I don’t want to take the liberty of going to see Your Highness directly, so I can’t help you go in and find Jinbei. , Just say that I want to meet him, can I??” Haku also said happily.

And the guard didn’t refuse anything, and quickly agreed to Haku’s request, got a companion to help him stand here, and then rushed towards the Dragon Palace.

At the same time, in the huge banquet hall in Dragon Palace, it is extremely lively. Dozens of beautiful mermaid singers and dancers are performing in the center of the stage, and the cadres of the Frostwolf Pirates and Taiyang The cadres of the Pirate Group and a large number of high-ranking officials of the Dragon Palace were clearly responsible for drinking, chatting, and eating together with the Neptune royal family.

Woolen cloth.

Gromash’s head was covered with sugar, the little guy who was about to break the shelf life of Loli, while feeding the sugar with grapes, he was still talking to King Neptune next to him.

And King Neptune is holding the immature Princess Shirahoshi in his arms, but at this time Princess Shirahoshi is already a little tired and wants to sleep, but due to court etiquette, she is still holding on’fortunately’. With her big eyes open, she looked at her so-called husband-in-law from time to time.

Gromash looked at Princess Shirahoshi’s watch that wanted to sleep but didn’t dare to sleep, and was also involuntarily cute. Then Gromash laughed and said, “Jehaha, Your Majesty, I think little Shirahoshi is already tired. Let little Shirahoshi go and rest first??””

“Ahahahaha, it’s your husband-in-law who knows that he loves her, Gromash, just listen to you.” King Neptune said that he didn’t forget to tease Gromash, and then quickly handed Shirahoshi in his arms. Shark, the boss, let Shark take Shirahoshi to rest.

After Shirahoshi left the field, King Neptune asked, “Now that you have become a Duke and Seven Warlords of the Sea, what actions and plans do you have next??”

Gromash smiled and said, “There is indeed a plan. Princess Otohime has always wanted to pass the proposal of the World government to bring the residents of The fish men island to live on the sea.”

Having said this, Gromash secretly looked at Princess Otohime who was chatting with Robin and Monet on the other side very happily, and then said softly, “But to be honest, your Majesty, my opinion on this kind of thing. I disagree very much. As a merman and a mermaid, they are not a race on the sea.

It is out of a kind of “yearning” since ancient times. For thousands of years, the last wishes of the ancestors have been excessively beautified, so it makes people feel that living on The fish men island is not as good as living on the sea. ”

Due to the existence of Gromash, Celestial Dragons naturally did not dare to go to The fish men island to wander around, so there was no incident where Princess Otohime rescued Celestial Dragons, and there was no chance that she would be assassinated. What’s more, the original mastermind Hordy Jones has now become a subordinate of Gromash, and today he also specializes in

Sabaody Archipelago rushed back to The fish men island and watched Gromash’s knighthood ceremony. Now they are drinking with Arlong and Jinbei in Dragon Palace City and they are happily drinking. How can there be any leisure to assassinate Princess Otohime? He is a good man at this time.

Therefore, Princess Otohime is living well now, and because of this, the king of Neptune at this time has not inherited the so-called princess Otohime’s legacy, becoming the king who wants to bring The fish men island to the sea. .

At this time, King Neptune and Gromash advocated the same idea, that is, they want to abandon The fish men island, and take the people on the island with Noah, an unprecedented big ship, to find an island on the sea and start again. The idea of ​​building a hometown and living under the blue sky and white clouds is simply nonsense.

Therefore, after hearing Gromash’s words, King Neptune nodded and said, “Yes, the foundation of the fish men and the mermaids is in The fish men island. Isn’t that what we should do if we escape from the ocean and live on land?? Obviously not!! But Otohime is more stubborn, and I have no idea about it.

What is a good way, you can only pretend to ignore or hear nothing, do not oppose, and do not support anything 0.”

Gromash also hurriedly said: “Yes, The fish men island is our foundation, but Princess Otohime and her thoughts have been roughly guessed. In fact, in essence, she just wants to build a system that can make The fish. Men island and the people on the land islands live in peace. For this, I still agree with it. Here

In this world, it is undoubtedly wrong to insist on a closed state and lock the country, and our The fish men island has never had this idea. It is just isolated by the deep sea. Therefore, there is no right to speak on the sea, no right to speak, over time. Naturally, I will be forgotten, and I will be discriminated against, so I will take The fish men island’s right to speak to the sea and gradually participate.In fact, it is the right choice to go to all parties. ”

After hearing what Gromash said, King Neptune also involuntarily followed and said: “Yes, but this kind of thing is simple to say, but it is not easy to do it?? Fortunately, we still have you on The fish men island. It can represent the interests of The fish men island to speak out, otherwise, who can hear our voice??”

At this time, Gromash hung a smile on his mouth, and then said: “For this I have specially prepared a new direction, which may be able to bring more drastic changes to The fish men island. It depends on your majesty whether you are interested.

When King Neptune heard Gromash’s words, his eyes flashed a little, and then he said, “Gromash, what is your so-called plan??”

“Before you asked me what my next move is, I haven’t told you yet. After I took the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea, I made a request in Mariejois, that is, to bring an island on the sea. I am divided into the fiefdom of Seven Warlords of the Sea. This matter has been passed by the World government. Tomorrow, an island will be officially designated.

Divided into my site, this morning, I had obtained reasonable and legal documents from the officials of the World government who came to observe the ceremony, and signed my name.. And that island is the Seven Waters Both!!” Gromash said with a grin and a bright smile.

“The City of Seven Waters??”” King Neptune murmured a little puzzledly, and then asked again: “What are you going to do to divide this place as your fief??”

“As I just said, our The fish men island should also have a certain right to speak on the sea surface of 3.8. Although I do not support the so-called “migration” plan, the effective linkage relationship with the islands on the sea is for us. It is still very important, and the city of seven waters happens to be a “water city” that is very conducive to the lives of the residents of The fish men island!!

In my opinion, the culture and construction of the city is simply an island tailor-made for our The fish men island, and as far as I know, people and fish men have been living conveniently in the City of Seven Waters for more than a decade. , This is also a successful example, so I only need to wait for me to transform the City of Seven Waters a little bit, and this island will become a murloc on the sea.

Island.” Gromash said confidently.

“Really so??” King Neptune asked with great interest.

“Really! In this way, not only can we satisfy Princess Otohime’s wish, but also expand the survival and sphere of influence of our The fish men island. I don’t know what your majesty do you think??” Gromash asked with a smile.

And just like in the past, King Neptune’s trust in Gromash is almost endless, and he has never doubted whether Gromash is shaking him or not, and he did not consider any investigation actions, and he said directly. : “Gromash, our Dragon Palace City still fully supports you, so just go ahead and do it!!’

After Gromash heard the words of King Neptune, he said with emotion, “Relief leave it to me, Your Majesty!”

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