I Am Hellscream

Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Duke of Hell!

Gromash, dressed in luxurious noble costumes, boarded the viewing platform, and then slowly came to the front of King Neptune. Gromash, who was more than three meters tall, still looked a bit small in front of King Neptune, but it was more convenient. The proceeding of the knighthood ceremony.

At this time, except for His Majesty Neptune and Princess Otohime on the viewing platform, the others followed the procedure wittily, stepped back a few steps, and left the position of the protagonist to the three of them.

Then Gromash looked at His Majesty Neptune with a smile and said, “Your Majesty, it’s an honor that I can stand on this occasion today.”

And His Majesty Neptune was also very happy and said: “Hahahaha, Gromash, I am also honored to see you standing here today.”

After greeted each other, the voice of His Majesty Neptune also began to spread to the entire The fish men island.

“Proudmoore- Gromash, the hero of The fish men island, and the husband and wife of Princess Shirahoshi of Dragon Palace. He brought a new hope and future to The fish men island, breaking the chaos of the poor and chaotic Murman Street, and bringing the whole The fish man street has been built into the new jewel on The fish men island today. He has brought the fish men island a new industry, enabling countless residents of The fish men island to be more

A rich and free life, he has protected the safety of The fish men island with his powerful strength, so that the human pirates and criminals from the outside world can no longer take The fish men island as a forfeiture. The Lamb’s Circle, he, Proudmoore- Gromash, has brought us the dignity, strength, confidence, prosperity, and status of The fish men island. Since his beginning, The fish men island has never been

It’s not an island that is unknown in the deep sea, but a powerful country that can spread its own voice above the sea and the sky!!” After His Majesty Neptune said this, he paused. The crowd in the square was also quietly waiting for his words.

Then His Majesty Neptune looked at Gromash, then a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and then continued to speak: “In view of the merits and contributions of Proudmoore-Gromash, I, Neptune, used the king of The fish men island, the owner of the Dragon Palace, and the sea. The name of the great knight represents the will of the people of The fish men island163. Today, it is named Proudmoore. Gromash is the kingship.

Below, the most noble duke!!”

After His Majesty Neptune finished speaking, Gromash also bowed gently, expressing his gratitude for this glory and the gratitude to the Neptune royal family.

Then His Majesty Neptune drew the royal saber symbolizing the most power of Dragon Palace from his waist, and then pointed the sharp sword at Gromash and gently placed it on Gromash’s shoulder.

This ceremony symbolized that the Neptune royal family of the Dragon Palace city officially allocated part of their power to Gromash. Since then, his Gromash will be justified as one of the’rulers’ of the entire The fish men island, and he will also officially Become the only true nobleman with the title of duke who has reappeared in The fish men island for more than three hundred years!!

“Thank your Majesty Neptune for your trust and love. I will continue to make more contributions to the entire The fish men island in the future. I also love this paradise in the deep sea. Here It is the hometown of tens of thousands of murlocs, mermaids and other intelligent races in the deep sea. It is also the place where our glory lies. May The fish men island prosper.

End, glory for generations, one day, we will bring the glory of this deep sea to the world on the sea, for the ancestors of the past, for the children of the future, to fight for the right to walk freely in the whole world!! The fish men The island, never be a slave!!!” Gromash’s voice was accompanied by a radio call worm, and it spread vigorously throughout The fish men island.

And his sentence’The fish men island, never be a slave!!!’ also aroused the sensitivity of countless people in The fish men island. For thousands of years, what is the deepest pain of The fish men island? ?? That’s right, it is the discrimination, insults and harms on The fish men island by humans on the sea. For thousands of years, the intelligent races on the fish men island have always been regarded as’fishes’ by humans on the sea.

This non-intelligent marine creature.

They wantonly arrested the people on The fish men island (abdi), forced them to the sea, put on the humiliating slave collar, like a humble wild dog, like a lamb to be slaughtered, they were raised in captivity Pleasant and insulted.

And now, all this has been greatly relieved by the emergence of Gromash. No one dares to look down on The fish men island anymore. If anyone dares to treat the residents of The fish men island as slaves anymore. , Will be hostile and punished by the entire The fish men island!!!

Just like what Gromash said, The fish men island will never be a slave!!

On the Gironde Square, among the black and oppressive people, I don’t know who learned Gromash first and shouted,’The fish men island, never be a slave!!!’, after that, everyone They all began to roar this sentence.

This catharsis of the repression and humiliation of The fish men island for thousands of years, and brings new pride and pride to all the people of The fish men island.They will not surrender to power, like a humble wild dog. Living in this deep sea, I am afraid of everything on the sea.

From today on, they will live proudly, calmly, and noblely!!

‘The fish men island, never be a slave!!!’ This slogan was like a virus, and it quickly spread from Gironde Square. Soon, the slogan sounded in Murloc Street, and Coral Hill also When this slogan sounded, the Mermaid Bay also sounded this slogan, even the Sea Forest.

The entire The fish men island has sounded this ear-shattering, neat and uniform slogan, even the bubble film covering the sky above The fish men island can not stop the spread of this sound, this sound from The fish men island wears It penetrated the bubbles and passed into the deep sea, and even the calm waters of the deep sea were tumbling violently by the sound.

Countless behemoths of the deep sea began to flee, thinking that something disaster had happened.

With people’s catharsis, after a period of time, the slogan gradually ceased, and His Majesty Neptune, who was standing on the viewing platform, also began the next process, and he slowly took back his saber. , Fell into the sheath, and then said softly: “May the glory of the ancestors bless you, Proudmoore- Gromash, I declare that from now on

You are the Grand Duke of The fish men island!!”

Gromash grinned very happy, and said with a bright smile: “Thank you for the gift of your majesty. May the glory of the ancestors bless the fish men island.

After speaking, His Majesty Neptune also took a saber symbolizing the power of the duke from Princess Otohime and handed it over to Gromash very solemnly, and Gromash also released the saber on his waist. Solemnly handed it to His Majesty Neptune.

The handover of this saber symbolized that the Neptune royal family handed over power to Gromash, and Gromash would also hand over its power to the entire The fish men island.

After getting the saber representing his duke status, Gromash truly became the Grand Duke.

Then he drew out his Duke’s sword, facing the tens of thousands of people on The fish men island on Gironde Square, and announced loudly: “I’m Proudmoore-Gromash officially here in the name of the Grand Duke of Dragon Palace. : All the residents of The fish men island will be protected by my Proudmoore- Gromash, no matter where you are in the world

Both will be Dragon Palace and I, Pridmoore, the subjects of Gromash. Anyone who dares to harm or infringe the lives and rights of the people of The fish men island for no reason will be my Proudmoore. Gromash’s enemy, if anyone becomes me because of this The enemy will feel the greetings from hell, even if it is far away, it will be punishable!! So, live proudly, The fish men island

People of, you are free!! This world belongs to all intelligent races, no one can seize the freedom and rights of The fish men island!!!”

Gromash’s Haki declaration also spread to all corners of The fish men island along with the broadcast phone worm. All people living on The fish men island heard Gromash’s power declaration!!

I also don’t know who was the first to scream, and neat slogans broke out in Gironde Square. They were all shouting the name of Gromash, and it was not once calling him’His Royal Highness,’ Sir, and’Boss’. Such a name.

But Duke of Hell!!!

What the Neptune royal family gave Gromash was only the glory and status of the duke, and it did not carry any prefixes similar to “tulips, “cold jade” and the like.

Originally, when Dragon Palace negotiated with Gromash, they were planning to add a prefix to Gromash, especially King Neptune, who was planning to give Gromash the name of Poseidon Star Duke. This thing scared Gromash. It’s so choking, it’s too dirty, just like the three sons in the family of King Neptune, he is obviously a prince

What are the names?

Forget about Shark and Emperor Stars, they feel a bit domineering at any rate. The third prince is simply forced, and he is called “rollover”. When Gromash sees him, he can’t help but want to ask. Ask him if he has any grievances and thoughts about his name as “Carroll Star”, and if he is interested in changing his name to “Carroll Star”?

Fortunately, the name of Princess Shirahoshi is still normal, and it doesn’t make any funny feeling. On the contrary, it is in line with the princess’s temperament and the cuteness of the girl.

In short, Gromash does not trust His Majesty Neptune’s “talent” in naming, so he justly refused to add any prefixes before the duke, lest the King Neptune guy finally made a moth. Calling him “The Duke of Star Capsule” or something, he would rather not be.

After learning about Gromash’s strong resistance, King Neptune didn’t force anything. In the end, he agreed to only be duke and not give Gromash any prefix.

But even Gromash didn’t expect that when he just became a duke, he was prefixed by the people of The fish men island.I don’t know if there is any kind of trust that is guiding the wind direction in Gironde Square? ?

Fortunately, the prefix of the Duke of Hell is good. It sounds like a mighty Haki, and the evil villain and power have a strong atmosphere, which makes Gromash very satisfied. This name is worthy of his identity as a great pirate.

After all, even if he is a great noble now, Gromash still feels that only Pirate is his own job, and the rest are just embellishments of his job.

Thinking of this, a wicked smile hung on Gromash’s mouth, and then he said, “Yes, I am the Duke of Hell!!!”

Gromash’s personal recognition also set off a huge wave in an instant. This name, which was originally called out by the people casually, was recognized by the government at this time, making countless melon-eaters who participated in it feel very happy. After all, they can name their hero-Proudmoore- Gromash, and it will be a kind of blow for them in the future.

Great capital.

“Do you know?? His Royal Highness the name of the Duke of Hell, but I personally gave it to him at the beginning.”

Saying this when chatting, isn’t it so tall???

And seeing that Gromash recognized this name, the Neptune royals did not object to it.This rite of knighthood has now entered the final stage. Since today, Gromash has been promoted to the Duke of Hell!

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