I Am Hellscream

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 Soul of Loli!

Just when Gromash was talking to King Neptune about the plans and actions of the City of Seven Waters.

Jinbei, who was drinking and punching with Arlong, Hordy Jones, Joz and Cromwell, suddenly came to a guard, and then the guard whispered in Jinbei’s ear.

Jinbei was also stunned after hearing the words of the guard, and then said with some surprise: “You mean Haku, a mysterious guy who suddenly came back?? That’s really going to be a good meeting, I will go personally Pick him up”

The relationship between Jinbei and Haku is very good, so Haku who mysteriously left The fish men island before I heard it suddenly returned to The fish men island. Jinbei was also very happy to stand up and follow After the others greeted, they left the banquet hall with the guard and went to see Haku.

Soon, when Jinbei came to the gate of Dragon Palace, he saw Haku, a good friend, waving his arms with a smile, saying hello.

Just when Jinbei was ready to respond happily, he saw the familiar, young figure next to Haku…

After seeing the figure, Jinbei didn’t even pay Haku’s greetings and continued to call, and said in surprise, “Klar, why are you here??”

After seeing Jinbei, Krall was also very excited. Then her eyes were red, and she said with a cry of guilt: “Boss Jinbei, I’m really sorry. I don’t know where it will be so dangerous, and I really don’t know that someone will betray.”

But Krall hasn’t finished speaking yet. Jinbei has already squatted down and placed his palms on Krall’s head very gently. Then Jinbei smiled and said, “Well, Krall, you have been doing it all the time. Follow on our boat, of course we know that you did not do this thing, so no one will blame you, don’t be so guilty,

After all, this world is very sinister. No matter which race you are in, there are good people and bad people. By the way, why are you with Haku together??”

But before Krall could answer, Haku pulled Jinbei up, the bear hugged him, and then said: “Because Krall is already my comrade and partner, and I found that Krall is in Murloc Karate and Murloc Jiu-Jitsu have a strong talent, so I have started to teach her this talent.”

Jinbei is not surprised that Krall, as a human, has the ability to learn murloc martial arts. After all, there is a human who is extremely qualified in this respect,’Rob-Lucci’.” , After seeing Lu Qi, there is no surprise to encounter this kind of thing again.

Therefore, what Jinbei was surprised and curious about at this time was the words “comrade” and “partner” mentioned by Gangohaku.

“Comrades and partners?? Haku? You” Jinbei looked at Haku with some confusion and asked.

And Haku didn’t hide anything. He still trusted Jinbei, a man who was very loyal. At the same time, although he hadn’t seen His Highness Gromash very much, he was also full of trust in His Highness Gromash, so he didn’t have to hide anything.

“Perhaps you didn’t expect it, Jinbei, when I left The fish men island, I was actually invited by others. After I left The fish men island, I quickly found the way I wanted to go and the goal of my future struggle. , That is to join the Revolutionary Army. Now I am already a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, and I also serve as the chief instructor of Murloc Karate and Murloc Jiu-Jitsu.

Claire has joined our revolutionary army now. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that we are comrades and partners. How about? Are you interested in joining our revolutionary army?? Jinbei々」?” Haku laughed. Said.

After Jinbei heard what Haku said, he was stunned, but soon he said: “Haku, joining the revolutionary army now is a crime more serious than being a pirate. The pirate may You can still be “pardoned”, but the revolutionary army will be executed on the spot, so you should also pay attention to it.

The information has been revealed. As for joining the revolutionary army, let’s forget it. I have officially joined the boss of Gromash, and I have sold it to the boss of Gromash for the rest of my life. ”

Haku didn’t think Jinbei would really join them. He just mentioned it, so he was not disappointed. Instead, he smiled and said, “By the way, I haven’t congratulated His Royal Highness Gromash. It’s your Highness, I believe he will also lead The fish men island to a glorious future.”

After Jinbei and Haku talked for a while, Haku also cut into the subject and said softly, “Actually, I came with some tasks this time. The leader of our revolutionary army. Mr. Dorag, please give it to me. I have a matter, that is, I hope to see your Highness and tell us about some of the requests of our revolutionary army. I don’t know when your Highness will

Convenient? Could you please introduce me to me??”

After Haku finished speaking, Jinbei thought for a while and said, “His Royal Highness is participating in the celebration in the banquet hall. It just so happens that you are also here, so why don’t you go and participate together, Arlong and Aladdin are also there. , And then I will help you ask Gromash boss, see how to arrange later??”

“Hahahaha, I won’t refuse to be able to participate in the celebration of His Royal Highness, then thank you very much, Jinbei.” Haku said very happily.

“Anywhere, come with me!” Jinbei also smiled and said.

Afterwards, he took Haku and Krall into the Dragon Palace City. Soon, the three of them returned to the lively banquet hall.

Many fish people in Haku and Fishman Street are very familiar with each other, so as soon as they came in, everyone was very happy after seeing Haku, and they had to drag him to drink together.

There are some new people here. Of course, Gromash was attracted by their tossing movement, and he turned his head and looked over there involuntarily.

Then he saw the guy Haku. For Haku, Gromash still had some impressions. The two weren’t really “never seen each other,” but they didn’t talk about it.

Of course, Gromash also knows that Haku is a member of the revolutionary army, so when he saw Haku, he already figured out the general link. I want to come and hug his thigh to see if there is any opportunity to pull him this “difficult brother”.

Just when Gromash was thinking about this, he also saw the little Loli-Klar, and then the soul of Loli in Gromash’s heart surged again. Haku walked in the direction where the two of them were.

Haku was dragged and was drinking, so he didn’t notice Gromash’s arrival in a hurry, and Krall looked at the tall man who walked in front of him with some confusion, just as she was still thinking about why this When a little girl is lying on the man’s head, Gromash has reached out and picked up Krall very horribly.

Then he laughed and said, “Jiehahahahaha, where did you get the cutie?? Did you get lost?? It doesn’t matter, let my uncle Gromash come to adopt you!’

After speaking, Gromash still held the little Loli with a dumb face like Krall, who hadn’t realized what was going on, and played the game of’lifting high’.

Just when Krall was “lifted high” by Gromash for the fifth time, Jinbei and Haku noticed Gromash.

Then Lu Qi, who was in trouble with this group of murlocs, said: “Really, Gromash, can you always do some pervert behaviors without seeing the cute little girl?? How can you say that you are also now? A grand duke, can you pay attention to the image??”

Gromash said indifferently, “What the hell do you know?? Cuteness is justice, and cuteness is victory! I pursue cuteness and pursue justice and victory. What’s wrong with it??”

However, even though Gromash said so, he did not continue to’play’ with Krall. Instead, he held her in his arms and continued: Let’s meet once officially?? Did you bring this cute girl??”

And Haku also looked at Gromash with some excitement and said, “Your Highness, it’s a great honor for you to remember me. Her name is Claire, my partner and comrade.”

After Gromash heard the word’comrade’, there was a smile on his mouth. As expected, both Krall and Haku had become revolutionary forces.

After all, the word “partner” is often used by some people, but comrades seem to be used only by the revolutionary army.

So Gromash’s also smiled and said, “Really?? Comrade Haku, it seems that you have also found your own way, have you mixed up with the mysterious guy Dorag??”

After hearing Gromash’s question, Haku smiled and said, “Sure enough, you can’t hide anything from your eyes. I just casually said a comrade, you already know where I come from.”

“Jiehahahahaha, so when you go out to introduce yourself in the future, try to use the word’comrade’ as little as possible. After all, the World government is watching you very closely. “As Gromash said, he squeezed Little Krall’s face with his hands, feeling happy.

After hearing Gromash’s words, Haku was completely relieved, and he was able to say these words, and his Royal Highness Gromash, who had no prejudice against the revolutionary army, did not become the “running dog” of the World government. He did not believe in him. Wrong person!! (Good for the king)

“It doesn’t matter, if I fall down, there will be tens of thousands of me standing up, and our revolutionary army will be like the sparks of a prairie fire!!” Haku said very righteously. lead.

And Gromash was stunned after hearing what he said, thinking: “This fucking Dorag is really a veritable “brainwashing” master.. Are all of you in the Revolutionary Army so tough?? Amazing!”

However, after Haku finished his brash, he hurriedly said: “His Royal Highness, in fact, when I return to The fish men island this time, I mainly want to find a chance to meet you. There are some things that need to be discussed with you.”

Gromash smiled, and then said: “It must be that Dorag guy finally remembered that he still has me, a’oral ally’, isn’t it?? This is not the place to talk, today I am the duke. Great day, let’s eat here and have fun, let’s talk about it tomorrow, what do you think??”

Haku heard Gromash’s words, and said in agreement: “Everything is subject to your arrangements.”

“Jiehahahaha, let’s do this first!” Gromash smiled and said.

At this time, Lu Qi asked with some curiosity: “Gromash, listening to what you just said, it seems to say that we are also in contact with the Revolutionary Army?? Or an ally??”

Gromash said, “Who do you think this uncle is?? This uncle’s network is all over the world”.

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