I Am Hellscream

Chapter 265

Chapter 265 Grand Ceremony!

Today is a memorable day for the entire The fish men island. The entire The fish men island is very celebrated. Why do you want to ask?

Because today is the great hero of The fish men island, the prince of Dragon Palace, the hellscream of the Seven Warlords of the Sea-Proudmoore-Gromash’s knighthood ceremony!!!

In Geelong Cod Square, tens of thousands of residents of The Fish Men Island have spontaneously surrounded this square, occupying the entire Geelong Cod Square, crowded and overwhelmed.

The Frostwolf Pirates and the King Neptune Army in Dragon Palace also dispatched a large number of manpower to maintain order here, and World News also dispatched a large number of reporters here to obtain first-hand information.

Even the World government sent relevant ceremonial officials to the fish men island to represent the world government and celebrate Gromash’s being named a nobleman.

In the very center of Gironde Square, a very classically colored, but also with a touch of ethereal atmosphere has been built.

The whole ceremonial table is surrounded by a large number of pearl corals and dotted with it. Any one of these “decorations”, when taken into the sea above the deep sea, will be regarded as a “treasure” by the dignitaries on those islands. To fight for a lot of Bailey.

But in The fish men island in the deep sea, these are just some’embellishment’, used to bring out how noble the identity of Gromash is.

In addition to the treasures of the deep sea, the misty atmosphere constructed with the latest cloud materials is also very good. With the strong classicism of the Dragon Palace style architectural style, the entire viewing platform looks like a fairy palace in the sky. , Very sacred and solemn.

01 At this time on the viewing platform, all the members of the Neptune royal family in Dragon Palace City are all here. Standing in the center of the entire viewing platform is His Majesty Neptune. At this time, he is also standing on the viewing platform. The members of the Frostwolf Pirates were talking, and beside his huge figure, there stood the petite and dignified Princess Otohime.

After the host and hostess of Dragon Palace, the three princes of Dragon Palace stood, and the boss of the prince Shark was also holding the cute little Princess Shirahoshi in his arms.

At this time, Princess Shirahoshi was still a child. It was the first time she had seen so many people. Shui Lingling’s big eyes were very confused and curious and couldn’t help but look at the grand ceremony. It seemed that she hadn’t figured it out yet when she was young. , Why are so many people gathered here, and what are they doing?? Why is she standing in the center of this place??

However, Princess Shirahoshi’s etiquette teachers are very decent. Although she is still very young, she has already started to learn related court etiquette very early. Therefore, even if she is a little confused, she is still very well-behaved to hide in her eldest brother-Shark. In the arms of the prince, he did not do any unnecessary things.

Just as the huge clock tower of Gironde Square began to ring the noon bell, the ceremonial officer also broadcasted the phone worm to convey his voice to the entire range of The fish men island, whether it was people in Coral Hill. Those who were still in Mermaid Bay, the rest of the people who hadn’t seized seats in Gironde Square heard the magnificent voice.

“It’s auspicious hour, the ceremony is open!!!”

As the ceremonial officer’s voice fell, the Dragon Palace Palace Guard of Honor, which was ready on Gironde Square, also began its own performance, and the music full of majestic and majestic feeling was also played.

From the other side of the square, there is a red carpet that divides the crowd on the entire square, from outside the square directly to the observatory, and on both sides of the red carpet is the guard of honor of the mighty Haki of Dragon Palace, guarding the honor guard on both sides. Raise the ceremonial knife in your hand and cross it at the very center of the red carpet, symbolizing the sacred status of The fish men island kingship.

As the music entered its climax stage, fireworks began to explode around Gironde Square, pushing the atmosphere to the top level, and then the protagonist expected by hundreds of thousands of viewers, Proudmoore- Gromash officially debuted, standing To the end of the red carpet.

At this time, Gromash was dressed very decently, and a set of luxurious noble clothing that was personally measured by the chief tailor of the dragon palace palace was set off on his body.I have to say that three hundred and sixty lines are the best , The craftsmanship of the big tailor is quite powerful. The color matching of black, red and gold makes him look like the noble costume.

Unusually mighty, there is a precious ceremonial sabre hanging around his waist, and even the buttons on his body are made of black pearls of a uniform standard size. According to Gromash’s estimation, it is him alone. Aristocratic costumes probably cost more than 100 million Baileys, and in his opinion, this kind of costumes is estimated to be only used by him in a limited number of weights.

I want to wear it on occasions so many times.

After all, he himself doesn’t like this style of clothes very much.Secondly, after wearing this style of clothes, it will seriously affect his mobility, and he will not fight at all. Once he starts a battle with a strong enemy, every minute This set of luxury clothes with a value of more than one hundred million will be “collapsed”.

Therefore, Gromash has decided to seal up this luxurious but very inconvenient clothes after the ceremony is over. As for whether this will affect his noble image or something?? He has not cared about it at all. Kind of thing.

In line with the beat of the guard of honor music, Gromash is also very confident, with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth, and generously walked into the red carpet, walked towards the observatory, and at the same time, in this long road, He also very kindly waved his arms following the people watching the ceremony on the left and right.

Every time Gromash looks in a certain direction, the people in that direction will be extremely excited, and when Gromash waved to them, people will even experience breathing disorders, almost suffocating and passing out. Fortunately, The Most of the residents of fish men island have two breathing organs: lungs and gills, which can reduce their burden.

There was a big riot.

The entire Gironde Square was full of voices shouting the name of Gromash, wave after wave, it seemed that it would not stop at all, but would continue until the world was destroyed.

At this time, the officials of the World government standing on the viewing platform and the reporters of the World News newspaper who were constantly taking pictures around here were also involuntarily infected by Gromash’s self-confidence and calmness.

At the same time, they couldn’t help but look at the crowds in this very fanatical but very orderly square.

“Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness Gromash’s reputation and prestige in The fish men island are so high. Just a knighthood ceremony can make the entire fish men island fall into a carnival. If you wait for Princess Shirahoshi to become an adult, If they hold a wedding, don’t The fish men island have to spread the cheers over the deep sea to the holy land-Mariejois

What?” A World government official said softly to another official next to him.

And the other official also looked at His Majesty Neptune, the king of The fish men island, who was not worried about this extremely serious phenomenon of “personality cult”, and then softly said to his colleague: “This The The fish men island is The fish men island of Dragon Palace, but Dragon Palace is the Dragon Palace of His Royal Highness Gromash. Look at your Majesty Neptune, for this situation, unexpectedly

I don’t feel dangerous at all, but I am also happy from the heart. What does this mean?? It shows that Dragon Palace and His Royal Highness Gromash are basically one. Go back and report this news. Don’t let the rest of the people mess in this way. I thought about it carefully.

Generally speaking, when’-kun’ and’Chen’ get along, they are bound to suspicion each other, and when the prestige and power of “Chen” is not inferior to that of “-kun’, two trends often occur. The ending represented by a trend is the addition of the yellow robe as a minister, carrying great prestige and influence, overthrowing the rule of the previous dynasty, crowning the king, and becoming the new “-kun!

The ending represented by the other trend is that “-kun” will use various methods and methods to suppress the prestige and power of the’Chen’, and finally give the’Chen’ to death.

In general, it is rare that both sides like Gromash and His Majesty Neptune don’t care about this kind of thing, and they get along very well, and there is no state of separation. The reason for this trend is one. On the one hand, Gromash has no intention of becoming the “-kun king”, and he respects the Neptune royal family very much, on the other hand,

Because His Majesty Neptune also has a strong sense of trust in Gromash, and does not treat him as an outsider at all.

This weird model also made the officials of the World government who came to watch the ceremony and inquire about The fish men island news completely dead.’Secretly provoking’ the relationship between The fish men island Dragon Palace and Gromash, the World government wants to This way to regain the influence on The fish men island is simply wishful thinking!

At the same time, the leaders of the Frostwolf Pirates group standing on the viewing platform were all looking at Gromash’s mighty Haki figure, and they were also full of excitement and excitement.

When is a man the most handsome? When the power is added, he is naturally the most handsome when the crowd is overwhelmed. At this time, Gromash is in this state. He is about to become the great nobleman of The fish men island-His Royal Highness the Duke. Thousands of people are behind him, chanting his name wave after wave. At this moment, he is at the most handsome time in 163’s life.


Even if he has been very reserved, some Robin from Tsundere has a blur of eyes when looking at Gromash’s figure at this time. There is admiration, respect, gratitude, and love in his eyes…

“Today’s captain is so handsome,” Robin whispered softly.

And Monet, who was standing next to her, was also flushed with excitement, and said with excitement: “That’s right, the captain at this time does not have the slightest pervert breath on his body, he is completely a perfect man!”

Similarly, as the family of Gromash, Arlong and Shyarly were also intently watching the figure of Gromash from the viewing platform. Shyarly’s heart was full of pride. She was very proud and said to Arlong next to her: “Did you see it?? It is our brother, the most dazzling light of The fish men island, the great hero in the hearts of countless residents of The fish men island,

Proudmoore- Gromash!! Arlong, you have to study hard and try to catch up with your brother. ”

Arlong’s face was bitter at first when he heard this. He wanted to catch up with his elder brother. It was harder than reaching the sky, but soon he was also very proud and said, “I will!”

Standing at the center of the viewing platform, His Majesty Neptune also turned around and looked at Princess Shirahoshi who was also curiously looking at the figure of Gromash walking from the red carpet to the viewing platform. Then His Majesty Neptune said very gently and proudly: ” Shirahoshi, have you seen it?? The man who is walking towards us is the husband-in-law I chose for you,

He is a great hero in this world, a great hero, and my father believes that one day he will bring us a brand new future for The fish men island. One day, he will come to marry you, so you must Grow up safely and quickly”

After hearing the words of her father and king, Princess Shirahoshi looked at Gromash’s figure in a little bewilderment, and then simply whispered: “Husband-in-law?? What is the husband-in-law??”

“Hahahaha, when you grow up, you will understand, now you only need to know this is enough.” His Majesty Neptune said with a laugh.

At this moment, Gromash, who passed through the sea of ​​people on the red carpet, finally stepped on the majestic and sacred staircase steps of the viewing platform.

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