I Am Hellscream

Chapter 121

Chapter 121 Naval Headquarters began to imitate the Pirates??

Happy Street, this is not the name of a street, but the name of a power. The so-called Happy Street can be said to be spread all over the world. It can be called a first-class fireworks site, and its back is engaged in a lot of intelligence. The transaction, but this is all the eyeliner of the World government, the queen of Happy Street is named Stussy, which is the CP- of the World government.

0 top secret agents.

Since Gromash already knew the secret, he naturally didn’t intend to let himself suffer from it, so don’t watch him come to the Happy Street of Gangrens Island, but he didn’t really find any beautiful girls to play with. In other words, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful it is. This seems to be a natural skill.

“Boss Gromash, we have come to Happy Street several times and we don’t find some beautiful women to drink together. On the contrary, is it interesting for a group of big men to get booze together?” This guy Urouge was a little dissatisfied while holding a glass of wine. Opened his mouth and said.

“Your kid has really become a monk??” Gromash also laughed and joked.

“Although you don’t believe in Buddha, you are also very Buddha-nature. Boss, I found that what you said before is quite right. The so-called wine and meat have passed through the intestines. This is the way the Buddha left this wine and meat in his heart, and the beauty is also true. “Urouge said pretentiously.

Gromash waved his hand and said, “Not to mention that we came with Robin and Lu Qi this time.”

The Gromash words are not finished yet, Robin has raised his hand and said, “Captain, I don’t mind. Actually, I want to see if I can record these in the logbook.”

“I don’t mind!! I even wanted to try it a long time ago!” Lu Qi also immediately followed.

“Go and go, kid don’t join in the fun, let me finish talking.” Gromash waved his hand to interrupt the interest of the two little guys, and then he said again: “The water on this Happy Street is very deep, and there is a big behind the scenes. The boss, the Stussy with the name of Queen of the Pleasure District, is a member of CP-0, the strongest espionage organization under the World government, so no matter if it is separated in the future

The action is still a collective action. In this place on Happy Street, you should pay a little attention to your own words and deeds. If one is not careful, the information will be sent to the World government. ”

Cromwell was also taken aback when he heard the words, and then he said, “Isn’t it?? The queen of the dark world is a member of the World government??”

“This is really incredible news, Boss, how did you know?? This should be top secret??” Joz also asked in surprise.

“How can I say I am also from CP-5, a spy agency under the former World government. I still know these side-by-side little news.” “Gromash waved his hands very cocky, as if you were all too fussy. Opened his mouth and said.

At this time, Hogback also said strangely: “Then why do we have to come to Happy Street specifically?? Find a tavern and drink two mouthfuls and it will be over??”

Gromash also pondered for a while and said, “I am sending our position to the World government. Recently, the World government didn’t know if it was taking the wrong medicine. So did the Marines. They seemed to completely treat me as a transparent person. I don’t know if there is any conspiracy in this, so I will test it and see if they will send someone to arrest me this time.

Joz also nodded and said: “Indeed, it’s a bit weird recently, even the boss, your bounty hasn’t moved.”

Where did Gromash know that the Marines at this time had listed him as the kind of person who “you don’t need to go and manage”. It was not what he thought at all. Is there any conspiracy against him in the brewing?

The Marines feel that this guy can’t catch it anyway, and there is no good chance to catch it at the moment. Instead of wasting power on Gromash, it’s better to clean up some of the other pirates.

What’s more, Gromash’s style of behavior is obviously to deliberately target Marine and World government, but in the entire New World, let alone World government, in short, the power of Marines is much smaller, and the influence is much smaller. In this way, Marines Although they can’t make too many moves, they also avoid many factors of being attacked. Gromash messed up for them.

The odds will also drop a lot.

Looking back at Gromash’s actions since entering the New World, most of them are cleaning up their colleagues, up to the bigmom pirates and Beasts Pirates, down to the humming pirates, as long as they hit the hands of his uncle Gromash. It can be said that there is basically no one he dared not fight.

Because of this, although this guy Gromash has such a wild action in order to stand among the pirate forces, from a deeper level, except for the things he does not hand in, he is simply It’s no different from Marine!! It’s really a “righteous” vanguard!

Therefore, the Marines are desperately pressing his bounty and not giving him up, just want to try to see if they can drive Gromash crazy. It is best to force Gromash to go down and fight the Whitebeard Pirates, even if they don’t fight. Whitebeard can also play bigm om pirates and Kaido’s Beasts Pirates.

Gromash really didn’t expect that the guys like Marine chicken thieves could have so many corners, just like when he used his name to clean up Golden Lion-Shiki, this time he has the name of The Resourceful General. Under the deployment of Sengoku Admiral, Naval Headquarters once again arranged Gromash clearly.

But this is also a kind of upright arrogance. To be honest, after Marine uses this method, he really doesn’t have any powerful countermeasures against Gromash.

But even if Gromash knew it, he wouldn’t change his strategy. It is normal for the pirate forces to fight inwardly. The Marines just suppressed his bounty and gave him Gromash a fuel booster, even if there is no such thing. What’s the matter, it is still impossible for Gromash to stop messing up because it seems to be a bit “cheap” for Marine and World government.

After all, this New World is a paradise for the strong. If you don’t mess up, how can you prove that you are better than others?

Just when Gromash and the others were sitting in the happy street discussing whether there was any conspiracy over their heads, Naval Headquarters also got a lot of inspiration from this behavior of Gromash, and started to create one in advance. The’new, weird’ Marine power is now.

At this time in Marshal Kong’s office, Sengoku Admiral was reading a document to a group of senior Marine generals sitting underneath.

“To sum up, judging from the actions of the Frostwolf Pirates during this period, this is indeed a completely effective and powerful way to defeat a large number of pirate forces in New World.” Sengoku Admiral said after this. , After a pause, then looked at everyone present, and then said: “Therefore, I proposed in the name of Admiral of Headquarters to use Frost in New World

The Wolf Pirate Group is a template to build a special Marine station named G-5!

Polusalino, an Admiral candidate who is like a salted fish in the Marine, also slowly said at this time: “Sengoku Admiral, the establishment of a Marine Base of this nature may affect the reputation of our Marine?”

It was Sakazuki who said in a deep voice, “It’s okay, as long as it is a force that can execute justice and fight against New World’s pirate forces, then the reputation is not worth mentioning.”

Sakazuki is a person who can do anything for absolute justice. He doesn’t care about his reputation at all. A person who doesn’t even care about his own reputation, let alone care about the reputation of Marine. In his opinion, when a Marine can only be able to Kill the pirates, that’s a good Marine, what can you do with so many useless reputations?? Not cut at all

In fact, they had a reputation for Marine before, and they captured the Red Earl Barloric Lederfield, Golden Lion.Shiki, and One Piece Roger, but what’s the use?? opened??

So in Sakazuki’s opinion, it’s useless to fix those empty heads. It’s more practical to kill a few pirates.

Marshal Kong seemed to be very excited about this proposal. He thought about it and said: “The times are changing. We Marine should indeed be more flexible. Otherwise, it is inevitable that we will not be able to keep up with the drastic changes in the new era. In fact, this one of Sengoku The proposal is also very interesting. Anyway, there are indeed a large number of problem children in Marine. These problems

The children are not easy to manage. Maybe they will be gathered together and set up in New World. Well, the special combat troops can better exert their combat effectiveness and contribute to justice??”

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru also thought about it at this time and said, “Although it does seem very unreliable, once this model is successful, not to mention whether they can solve the troubled big pirates, but at least it can be To a large extent, the ordinary pirates who fled to the New World were eliminated? And often, to the grassroots people

In other words, these ordinary pirates are even more harmful.

Kuzan also opened his mouth and said, “”Since the World government can come up with a Seven Warlords of the Sea’s shit plan, then we start a slightly unruly plan here, what can’t we do??”

Marshal Kong saw that most of Marine’s senior generals were in favor of Sengoku’s plan this time. He also immediately made a decision and said: “Okay, then put this plan online immediately, and from now on, proceed. Form this special G-5 Marine!! Regarding their seizure, they don’t have to hand over this special rule of Naval Headquarters,

I also agreed, but their military expenditure will also be greatly reduced as a result, is it okay? Sengoku?”

“No problem, Marshal.” Sengoku Admiral also nodded confidently.

“Well, then leave it to you.” Marshal Kong also smiled and said, and then he joked, “It seems that this Gromash is not really that always troublesome! I can’t really let him go, but at this stage, I still implement Sengoku’s plan to carry out a “stocking” strategy on him, and it is enough to secretly add some fuel to him.


Up to this point, Garp Vice Admiral, who had been drinking tea and eating senbei with Zephyr Admiral, the Marine boss who was basically completely indifferent, also raised his hand and said to Sengoku Admiral: “Sengoku, what is G-5? Marine Base, it must be placed in New World, right?? So why should the base chief have a Vice Admiral to sit in? How about letting me come?


At the same time as Marshal Kong, Sengoku Admiral rejected Garp Vice Admiral’s proposal without even thinking about it.

“No!!! Garp, just stay in the headquarters for me honestly!” Marshal Kong said immediately.

“Yes, if you give you such a team to command, I think it’s a big one!” Sengoku Admiral also quickly followed.

Marines don’t want to build this G-5 Marine into a “ace” combat unit, but just want to learn from the action mode of the Frostwolf Pirates and form a group of similar pirates in New World. The “bandit army” is nothing, in the final analysis, this “bandit army” must be under the control of Naval Headquarters, so in the army formed by children with this problem, one

There must be a “no problem” mind to command.

If you change to Garp, Marine’s biggest gangster, and become the commander of a group of problem children, you may not know one day when Sengoku Admiral wakes up, he will receive the news that Garp is singled out with Whitebeard.

This is another limitation of Marine. To a certain extent, they pay more attention to the relationship between strategy, order, and progress. They seek a safe and then further plan.

After all, Marine’s job is to maintain the peace and stability of the sea, and you can’t start the war so casually. Unless you have a perfect plan and preparation like the battle on the top, you can kill it in a single blow, otherwise you will maintain the status quo. More in line with their pace.

And if he changes to Gromash to become Marine Marshal, with his character, he might really transfer Garp to be the boss of G-5, maybe one morning when he gets up, he will receive a message saying that Garp How interesting is it to beat bigmom to death?.

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