I Am Hellscream

Chapter 120

Chapter 120 threat!

Doflamingo looked at Gromash who was talking about it, and after thinking about it, he said, “That is to say, Captain Gromash, what you want is just the sales in my hands? Have you considered letting us cooperate in a deeper way, For example, how do I invest in your plan? In this way, not only can you enjoy my sales for free, but also

I can get a lot of funds from our Donquixote Family, furfurfurfurfur, maybe counted as my boast, our Donquixote Family has been cultivating in the dark world for many years, and there are many mixed transactions, whether it is arms or smuggling or whatever. Illegal transactions, basically I have contacts, and I have accumulated a lot of funds. I have always wanted to find a partner.

Spend these funds in the right place. After all, the things left in your hands are dead things, and only the things that are flowing are valuable, right? It’s just that I haven’t found a partner that can make me favorite for the time being, but This time is different. Let alone the value of The fish men island, your Hellscream’s name alone is already worth the price. ”

Gromash smiled after hearing Doflamingo’s proposal, then he shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, Doflamingo, I am a wolf, and I have a strong sense of territory. I can choose to cooperate with you a lot. , But I am only unwilling to carve out my own land as a bargaining chip. What’s more, The fish men island is my reason.

Township, I don’t like letting your fellow go to my hometown to stir up the wind and the rain, Jiehahahahaha. ”

After hearing Gromash’s refusal, Doflamingo said with some regret: “That’s really a pity, it seems that you still have a deep misunderstanding and distrust of me, Captain Gromash, but it doesn’t matter, I believe all this will follow us. The cooperation has gone deep and disappeared. Maybe you will change your mind in the future.”

“Jiehahahaha, maybe, really, if you consider becoming my partner, then I am very generous to my partner. I can promise you whatever you want.” Gromash said with a laugh.

Doflamingo also shook his head, and then said: “I won’t say much about this kind of joke, then Captain Gromash, if you cooperate, how much are you going to benefit me??”

The corner of Gromash’s mouth raised slightly, and then he smiled and said, “I don’t like to be too entangled, so I don’t want to talk too much. Just give you my bottom line. You can get all the goods that pass through your hands. How about 30% of the profit?”

Doflamingo frowned, and then said, “Captain Gromash, it’s useless to have goods in this world. Only sales are king. If 30% is too small, right?? Even if it can’t be divided into 50%, Why do you have to give me 40% of the profit??”

Gromash did not speak any more at this time, but stared at Doflamingo with his eyes motionless, and the same was true for Doflamingo.The two did not seem to want to take a step back in this regard. From a long-term point of view, it is uncertain how many Baileys there are as a number, even starting with a scale of tens of billions.

It’s possible that there will be no capping at hundreds of billions of dollars, and it will depend on how many methods Doflamingo has.

Just when the atmosphere became a little dull, Gromash burst into laughter.

“Jiehahahaha, Doflamingo, aren’t you afraid that I will kill you here?? At that time, you won’t get anything.” Gromash said with a laugh.

Doflamingo didn’t seem to care about Gromash’s threat at all. He also smiled and said, “Fufuruweifuru, Captain Gromash, you think I’m a smart person, why don’t I think of you that way?? Just forget the boring threat. If I can’t get anything, won’t you also get nothing?

? Instead of taking more effort to kill me and find the next partner, it would be more cost-effective to give me 10% more benefit, isn’t it??”

Gromash was not embarrassed at all after being pierced by Doflamingo’s ball, and then he took a drink from his glass, and then did not continue talking with the topic just now, but looked at the magnificent living room, and then felt a little emotional. Said: “Your Don Quixote family is really rich. I like your rich cooperation.

My partner, I don’t care too much about moneyless stuffed buns like me in various places. By the way, I have a question I want to ask, I don’t know, Doflamingo, can you please help me out.

Doflamingo also seems to feel that he has a winning ticket, so he also casually said: “Of course, we can, after all, we are partners.”

“Then I asked, your Don Jihede family has four so-called “armies”, which are represented by suits. The clubs, spades and squares all have a so-called’highest cadre’. , Then I’m very curious, don’t you have any top cadres in the Red Peach Army??” A playful smile hung on the corner of Gromash’s mouth, looking at Dover

Brother Ming said.

And Doflamingo’s face also sank, and then he said softly, “Of course there are.”

Gromash pretended to show a dazed expression when he heard the words, and then said: “Ah, then I am not mistaken, I thought the news I got was wrong.”

Doflamingo’s expression also became more ugly, and then he asked: “I don’t know what news have you got from Captain Gromash??”

“Jiehahahahaha, it’s not big news, it’s nothing more than the “highest cadre” of your Red Heart Army. I don’t know if his life is worth the price of this benefit??? Speaking of some pirates Really bold, probably more than ten years ago, there was a big pirate called’World Destroyer’, whose name was Byrnndi- World, he originally

He was also a powerful pirate who could run rampant on the sea, but in the end he was sold by his men because of a spy sent by the World government, and he is still locked in Impel down. In the sixth floor of Impelton, the Eternal Hell. , Be regarded as my former cellmate, Jie ha ha ha ha, from then on, I have also been careful to pay attention to this kind of things, and I am afraid that the World government will give

I came here too, but I discovered a very interesting thing not long ago. It turns out that it is not only our pirates who can be assigned to the town by the World government, and what spies should be arranged. On the other hand, it seems that our pirates can also be in the town. The World government is doing things, such as sending some top cadre to be the Naval Headquarters.”

Before Gromash had finished speaking, Doflamingo had already interrupted his “story”.

“Enough, deal!”” Doflamingo directly recognized the offer of 37 points.

Gromash also laughed and said, “Jiehahahahahaha, a family that really loves each other. I really envy that the highest cadre can be such a responsible boss like you. It’s really different if someone covers it.”

Doflamingo also took a few breaths at this time, and then asked: “Captain Gromash, as a partner, I also have one thing I want to ask you.”

“Jiehahahaha, of course, I’m also very generous to my partners.” Gromash said casually.

“Where am I or where is the problem with our Don Quixote family??” Doflamingo did not ask any extra questions, but asked the key points of the matter very accurately.

Gromash squeezed his chin and said, “In general, your Don Quixote family is like a precision machine in operation, and there is no problem from the inside. But Doflamingo, there is a word I still need to tell you. , Even if you don’t make a mistake, it doesn’t mean everything is seamless. In this world, magical power

There are many, such as… Zhanto or something, frame hahahaha, doesn’t it sound very mysterious?? But you have to admit, it is very useful, isn’t it??”

Of course it is impossible for Gromash to tell Doflamingo that he knows it from the future, but this does not prevent Gromash from pretending to be forced here, does it?? Just like what he said, there are many magical powers in this world, and your Donji River De family did not appear. Internal problems do not mean that others will not find a gap.

What’s more, Gromash didn’t tell the truth. There are no internal problems in this Donquixote Family. In the final analysis, the reason why Doflamingo failed in the end was also a prisoner. Its original roots were generated from within, his brother. Don Quixote. Rosinante,.. Being a brother with him has never been of the same mind.

But Gromash didn’t bother to tell him about this kind of thing, and it didn’t do any good.

Doflamingo also looked at Gromash silently. After a long time, he said, “That’s good. After all, I value my family very much. If something heartbreaking happens, I don’t know my fragile heart. Can you accept it?”

“Jiehahahaha, don’t worry, you must be able to accept it.” Gromash said with a laugh.

Then Gromash didn’t seem to be very anxious. He continued to speak: “Doflamingo, our group of people have been wandering at sea for a long time. I don’t want information on Navisalia Island in a hurry. Find it, I want to relax first. I heard that the Happy Street here is very good. Are you interested in getting up at 987?”

“No, I think I’ll help you find out the information you need as soon as possible. In addition, I should also learn about my new partner like you, right??” Doflamingo’s mouth put a smile on his face. Opened his mouth and said.

“Really?? That’s really a pity, you should be busy, don’t send us off.” Gromash also said indifferently, and then he moved his wrist, got up from the sofa, and carried Joz and his party left the drawing room carelessly.

After Gromash and them were gone, Doflamingo’s originally smiling face quickly cooled down, and then he smashed the red wine glass in his hand, and the scarlet wine was mixed with blood. It flowed down from the palm of his hand.

His anger was not directed at Gromash, he, Doflamingo, was not so careful, nor so stingy. It was only a mere profit, and if he gave up, he gave up.

What makes him really angry is that the spy he sent to Naval Headquarters-Vergo was exposed to Gromash’s eyelids. Although Gromash said that there was no problem in their Donquixote Family, it was not because of this reason that he knew about this. Secret, but he, Doflamingo, will believe this Gromash unless he is stupid

What he said, ‘the magical power of Zhanto’s exposed Vergo.

If Zhanto is so powerful, then what kind of intelligence personnel are needed???

Doflamingo let out a sigh of relief slowly, then took out his phone worm, and after dialing, he said directly: “Torrepol, starting from under the highest cadre, all the suspects of betrayal are all Put to death!”

After speaking, Doflamingo didn’t talk nonsense at all and hung up the phone worm. He still trusts his top officials. To be honest, in an organization, those who have reached high positions will be more loyal, especially like Donquixote Family is an organization headed by Doflamingo, and it is often that it is more prone to problems.

Some ordinary cadres who fail to make a difference, although Doflamingo does not think that these ordinary cadres can know the secrets in the secrets of the news about Vergo, he still decided to investigate it again. .

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