I Am Hellscream

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 Who can have the last laugh?

I have to say that Doflamingo’s work efficiency is still very high.In just two days, he not only found the intelligence of Visalia, but also inferred their next point of action, and through his own contacts Relationship, I secretly contacted Visalia Island, and baited Visalia Island in the name of seeking help to solve the rainfall problem.”

When they arrived at that island, as long as Gromash and the others were faster, they might be able to block the group of climatologists flying in the sky.

And within these two days, the fellow Doflamingo also cleared out his subordinates. Although he could not find the reason why the top cadre Vergo was exposed under Gromash’s eyelids, he really cleared it out. A lot of garbage that “eats inside and out” is not in vain.

Gromash was talking to Doflamingo at the port of Grunds.

“I know that your Don Jihede family is very efficient, but I didn’t expect it to be so high. I haven’t rested here yet. You have already arranged the follow-up things for me. Jiehahahaha, with people like you The cooperation is really good.” Gromash laughed and patted Doflamingo on the shoulder.

Brother’s relationship is very good.

However, Doflamingo did not resist Gromash’s behavior. He also smiled. He took out a permanent record pointer from his pocket and handed it to Gromash. The island to go to.

Gromash reached out to take the record pointer, and then said with a smile: “Doflamingo, although we are now close partners, I have taken note of the things you helped out this time. For example, Gromash owes you a favor. Talk to whatever you need.”

Doflamingo seems to be waiting for Gromash’s words, he also showed a “kind” smile when he heard the words, and then said: “Fufurfurfurfur, then I am making a lot of money this time, I can get you Hellscream The favor is very good.

Then, while Gromash and Doflamingo were chatting about other topics, on the Artemis, Joz showed his head and said to Gromash: “Boss Gromash, they are all ready, I will have your order to set sail. NS.”

Gromash also nodded at Joz, then looked at Doflamingo and said, “Then stop wasting your time~ Doflamingo.”

Doflamingo also smiled and said, “Then I wish you all the best, Captain Gro-Marsh.”

When the ships of Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates gradually disappeared above the sea level, Doflamingo turned from the port and prepared to return to his station.

And beside him, Diamandi was also a little curious and said, “Dover, what are they going to do with Visalia?”

“Fufurfurfuru taste, it should be related to Sky Island? But what does it have to do with me? Maybe they want to have artificial rainfall, but don’t think about it. Diamandi, we only We need to do our thing well.” Doflamingo said with a very casual smile.

“So what about our next action? Should we return to North Blue first??” Diamandi asked again.

“For North Blue, don’t worry, prepare the boat for coating, and go to The fish men island. The first time I cooperate, I have to go and see it. I can intuitively feel that Gromash wants to put The fish men island. What kind of land was created? Doflamingo said directly after thinking about it.

And Diamandi nodded and said, “Okay, Dover.

After this, Doflamingo and his party of Donquixote Family left Gangrens Island two days later, and they just walked on the front foot, and the back foot. Recently, the very hot Red Hair Pirates in New World has been swaying and driving. Their Reid-Forth sailed into the port here.

After inquiring a little bit about the information on the island, Shanks this guy was very dissatisfied and said, “What kind of luck?? Is it so unlucky? As soon as they walked away, we followed up??”

Ben-Beckman doesn’t seem to want to run around like this anymore. He is also very weak and said: “Captain, seriously, you can contact that Gromash.”

Shanks seemed to have a stubborn temper. He said very stubbornly: “No, think about it, if you contact him now, I always feel that the previous fortunes and sufferings are in vain. You must create a feeling of surprise and chance encounter! !’

Facing the captain with his own mind, Ben Beckman was also very speechless. In the end, he didn’t want to continue this topic with Shanks anymore, so he said: “I heard that Gromash and the local snake-Don Ji Hede The family met several times, and that Heavenly Yaksha-Don Quixote-Doflamingo personally before Gromash went to sea

I came to the port to see off, and I think that this Donji River De Pirates is Gromash’s Frostwolf Pirates. Since entering New World, the first Pirates who met but were not killed by him must have achieved something. The purpose of the complaint or cooperation?

After Shanks heard these words, he also lost his previous playful expression. He touched his chin and said: “Although I have not been with Gromash for a long time, I can also see that he is very ambitious. People, at this stage, the pattern of the entire New World has gradually become clear. Counting the pirate forces headed by Whitebeard, there are roughly three

One is the strongest man Whitebeard, one is the Bigmom Pirates, and the other is Kaido’s Beasts Pirates.

Before Shanks had finished speaking, Ben Beckman had already spoken: “Don’t forget, aren’t our Red Hair Pirates also the same?? Recently, many people have been talking about our Pirates, what is it??”

“Four Emperors!” Laki Lu said suddenly, eating chicken legs.

“Yes, New World Four Emperors” Ben-Beckman said with a grin.

And Shanks took care of Ben-Beckman gave a glance: “Why are we called Four Emperors? You shouldn’t understand the reason? Although we are all strong, it is impossible to talk about the foundation. I have caught up with Whitebeard and the others in two or three years. If you really want to say something about the Four Emperors, it may take another seven or eight years.

In a longer time, we can be worthy of the name?? But the three of them are not the same, the Whitebeard not to mention, Charlotte- Linlin and Kaido are both the pirate overlords of the year. The crew of Rocks, they After so many years of accumulation, Charlotte- Linlin has cast her IWC-Totto Land, that Kaido recently

Also won Wanokuni and killed Oden first.”

Shanks said this, his expression became very gloomy, maybe from the moment Kozuki Oden died, Shanks had already grieved with Kaido.

But soon, Shanks withdrew his thoughts from Kozuki Oden’s affairs, and then continued: “For us, this kind of thing does not seem to be a big deal. After all, we are not planning to fight for hegemony at this stage, but For Gromash, this kind of thing is very important. His ambition is very big.

So Doflamingo’s cooperation is also to be able to quickly enhance their own background??”

Benn Beckman nodded, and then said: “But it seems to be a little late now. In a short time, I can’t think of any way he can make his own background catch up with the three of them.”

“Ahahahahahaha, don’t worry, Beckman, this era has just begun, and now that you are smiling, you may not be able to laugh to the end!!” Shanks said very grandly.

But Shanks is right. Just as he said, this era has just begun, and the era of the great pirate has only been opened for more than two years. Think about it, the so-called’happiest smile’ at the moment. Whitebeard, the peak of the pirate, what is the end?

Travenk Island is a New World Pirate Paradise. The name of One Pirate Paradise is the same as Happy Street. It is not an island or a street. There are many islands called One Piece Paradise, the first half of the Grand Line. The most famous in Duan is Gaya Island-Magic Valley Town. Pirates are rampant in New World, so there are more such islands, among which there are more

The representative is the honeycomb.

And this Travenk Island is also one of the many Pirate Paradises in New World. Gromash and his group have just landed on this island at this time. Of course, their destination is not here, but they just met halfway. Now, come up and have a rest.

At this time, in a tavern on Travenk Island, Gromash, who was drinking and eating meat, was also listening to what little Robin was saying.

As a capable person of Flower-Flower Fruit, Robin can grow her ears wherever she can see, so her intelligence acquisition ability is quite powerful.

“Captain, there is a big pirate on this island called the King Kong Rod. The bounty is as high as you, 550 million Baileys. There is now a rumor circulating on the island that this is called it. The guy who is the King Kong stick, found a very powerful Devil Fruit when he went out to sea last time, and is preparing to use it as a gift for someone who is willing to join

They are a powerful partner of the Pirate Group, and everyone on the island is now fighting for this spot.” Robin regained his ability and said to Gromash and his party.

And Gromash was also taken aback for a moment, and then asked: “King Kong Rod??? is a man and a woman?? Isn’t it called Alvida??”

In Gromash’s impression, there is only one name that is so earthy as the King Kong stick, that is, after East Blue was punched and flew by Luffy, he gained the ability of the’slippage fruit’ with the name of the’plastic surgery’ fruit, Alvida .

“It’s a man, it’s not called Alvida, it’s called Blankenu,” Cromwell said, pointing to the reward order pasted on the wall of the tavern behind them.

Gromash heard the words and looked in the direction Cromwell pointed, and saw a bounty order posted on the wall.The bounty was as high as Robin said, it was five hundred and fifty million Baileys. , But the person in that photo was quite unexpected to Gromash.

Originally, Gromash thought that he could be called the name’King Kong Stick’. It would have to be a five-and-three sturdy man. As a result, the person in the photo turned out to be a skinny man. But looking at the gloomy eyes in his photo, Gromash knew it. This kind of person is definitely not a good thing.

“Devil Fruit??” Gromash rubbed his chin for a moment, and then asked Robin again: “Robin, have you heard what fruit it is??”

“No, and it’s just a rumor. I don’t know if it’s true or not,” Robin shook his head and said.

After thinking about it, Gromash had a cruel smile on his mouth and said, “Whether it’s true or not, let’s take a look at it first. Devil Fruit is very rare, and it can be used by a pirate of 550 million Baileys. The ability that is considered to be powerful should not be too bad. Even if we don’t use it now, we might be able to use it in the future.”

“Why? Captain, are you going to be his partner??” The guy Hobackak seemed to have something wrong in his mind, so he directly asked such a sentence.

And Joz was very unceremoniously grabbing a glass of wine and pouring it into his mouth, and while pouring it, he said, “Are you not good at your brain besides being a doctor? How can you think of Gromash bosses? Is it going to be robbed??” Three

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