I Am Hellscream

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 As soon as I pushed the door, I saw Shaqi beating Rayleigh!

Sabaody Archipelago, the islands from 1 to 29 are illegal areas. Pirates from the first half of the Grand Line will stay here as long as they want to go to the New World, and then coat their boats and pass through the Red Line. Under The fish men island, enter the New World.

Of course, in addition to the pirates, there are a large number of bounty hunters, slave traders, mafia and other gangsters on the island.

At this time, the ship of the Frostwolf Pirate Group had slowly approached the port of the 13th Islands.

“Boss Gromash, is there anyone you know on island 13??” Joz asked while throwing the heavy anchor off the ship.

“Well, yes, the coating is not a trivial matter. If you are not careful, you will be destroyed and killed. Although I can save you in the sea, it is inevitable that there will be accidents if I am alone. So this time I look for Find the local snake here and ask her to recommend us a reliable coater.” Gromash also opened his mouth while putting away the sail.


After everything was done, Gromash clapped his hands and said, “Okay, Sabaody Archipelago is also a tourist destination. Although it’s a little messy here, it doesn’t matter to us pirates. If you are interested, go by yourself. Wander around, the meeting point is at a place called “Shaki’s Rip-up Tavern” on the 13th island. Feel free to inquire about it on the island.

Next, they all know it, pay attention to two points.First, this island is a directly governed island of Celestial Dragons. Celestial Dragons are often haunted here. Don’t provoke them. After all, once you provoke them, Admiral from Naval Headquarters will come. , And Naval Headquarters is very close here, Admiral will be there soon, and currently only Sengoku can do things with Admiral of Naval Headquarters.

That guy alone, I don’t want to cause this troublesome guy. Before our ship is coated, it is not easy to run. Secondly, pay attention to see if there are murlocs in the slave auction here, the mermaid. Kind, if any”

Gromash said this, with a brutal smile on his mouth, and then said, “If there is any, please let me know that my axe hasn’t been full of blood for a long time.

“The boss, what if Celestial Dragons is related to this kind of thing??” Cromwell also jumped from the boat to the island and asked.

“Jiehahahaha, Cromwell, are you afraid that you have forgotten why I was imprisoned in Impel down? It’s not the first time Laozi has beaten Celestial Dragons. If you encounter something like this again, let’s not kill him. , I have to sever all his limbs.” Gromash said with a smile.

“All limbs broken?? Celestial Dragons need one more body than us??” Lu Qi asked curiously after hearing Gromash’s words.

And his words also made many crew members laugh.

“Hahahaha, Lu Qi’senior, when you grow up a little bit, you can almost have five limbs.” Cromwell patted Lu Qi on the shoulder unkindly and said.

“This question is too deep to explain to you. When you grow up, well, after you grow up in various senses, you will understand it naturally.” Gromash also patted Luqi’s little head and said.

Then Gromash continued: “Well, there are so many things I have to explain, don’t weaken the name of our Frostwolf Pirates! Disband!

“Oh!!, 々!” Everyone coaxed together, and then each disbanded.

But it was disbanded, but except for Gromash, everyone came to Sabaody Archipelago for the first time, so for a while, a group of people didn’t think about what to do separately, so Joz and them all decided to go here to find a place to eat. Taste the characteristics here, so Cromwell and the group did not separate, they left together.

On the other side, Gromash looked at the two little guys, Lu Qi and Robin, and said with a smile, “Aren’t you going to follow suit?”

“I want to follow you.” Lu Qi said without hesitation.

And Robin nodded, and then said, “I want to follow the captain, too.”

Gromash also smiled, then dragged Robin up and put it on his shoulder, then reached out and took Lu Qi and said, “Okay, let’s go find my friend and see her. How have you been here for more than a year? Her dead ghost husband doesn’t know if she is back now.”

Since Gromash had parked the ship in the port of the No. 13 Islands, it didn’t take long for Gromash to bring the two little guys to the long-awaited “Shaki’s Knockoff” tavern, but Gromash hadn’t opened the door yet. Well, I heard the sound of the wine bottle being smashed for a while, and then there was a “bang!”

On the table in general.

“Ahem, what? The tavern lady here is a bit violent, and she often acts violently on the guests who don’t want to pay. I’m sure this is the same this time.” Gromash cleared his throat and said to Lu Qi and Robin. .

Then he twisted the doorknob lightly, and then directly pushed open the door of the tavern, and then the eye-catching scene changed Gromash’s face.

At this moment, I saw that the blond and handsome Pluton-Hilbarz-Rayleigh was being pressed by Shaqi’s head on the wine table, and his blond hair became wet, a strand of The wine scent wafted out from there, and there were some glass slag scattered in the crevices of the hair. Combined with this, his face was obviously a little angry, and one of his hands was broken.

No matter how you look at Xia Qi, Gromash thinks that this scene should be the scene where Rayleigh provoke Xia Qi, and then Xia Qi pressed it on the table and opened his head with the wine bottle.

After hearing that someone opened the door of the tavern, Xia Qi glanced curiously, and then she saw a strong man with a little boy in her left hand and a little Loli on her shoulders. How strange it looks. It is easy to be misunderstood as a trafficker who abducts children, and on Sabaody Archipelago, there are indeed no such bastards.

But when Xia Qi saw Gromash’s face, she quickly recognized him, and when she was about to greet Gromash to come in and sit down, Gromash had already spoken.

“Ahem, what? It seems that I didn’t come at the right time. Then I went to another place first, and I’ll come later. You continue.” Gromash also said very quickly.

Although he wanted to continue watching the scene of Pluton and Rayleigh being domestically abused, he still had to give others a bit of face on the “One Piece’s Right Arm”. It seemed a bit impolite to watch it further.

Just when Gromash was about to close the door and leave, Xia Qi also threw the broken wine bottle in his hand into the trash can, while releasing the hand holding Rayleigh’s head, and said, “Okay, come in, Gromash, for a long time. It’s gone, why are you here? Good pirates quit, have you changed your job as a trafficker? Don’t mind, this guy is my man,

I’m away from home all day, and I want to cheat money from me to gamble, I can’t beat him too much??”

Gromash also stopped closing the door in his hand, and then said with a smile: “It’s not too much, not too much. It’s me. If you don’t beat him ten times a day, you won’t be relieved, but these two little guys are not me. The abducted is my partner.”

After Gromash said this, Rayleigh, whose face had been rubbed against the table, finally lifted his head, revealing his face, and said, “Boy, do you know who I am? You are going to hit me one day. ten times??”

Gromash also settled Lu Qi and Robin on the sofa, and then said to Xia Qi: “Two cups of hot milk, a cocktail bar you mix and match at will.”

After saying this, Gromash smiled and looked at Rayleigh and said, “Of course I know, I can tell who you are at a glance, One Piece’s right arm, Mr. Pluton-Hilbarz-Rayleigh.”

Rayleigh also had a bitter face when he heard this. It seemed that people were really not afraid of him, but he also saw that this Gromash seemed to have some friendship with his own boss, so he didn’t plan to care about Gromash, only saw him stand up and say : “I will wash my hair first. The glass slag is uncomfortable. I will drink two glasses together later.”

Gromash also smiled and said, “Okay, I can drink with Pluton, of course I won’t refuse.”

After Rayleigh left, Xia Qicai asked again: “”So, what did you do when you came back this time? Wouldn’t it be that I want to introduce you to another boat that will allow you to return to The fish men? Isn’t it the island’s boat?”

Gromash also smiled and said: “Sister Xia Qi, now is different. My grandpa Gromash is not the one who didn’t even have a boat, I am now…”

“Is the captain of the Frostwolf Pirates with a bounty of 550 million Baileys?” Sha Qi took two cups of heated milk out of the counter, handed it to Lu Qi and little Robin, and said. .

“Thank you sister.” Lu Qi and Robin said at the same time.

And Xia Qi seemed to be very happy and said: “It’s really two polite little guys, these two cups of milk will be free for you.”

Gromash also smiled at this time and said, “Should I say that I am really an intelligence boss?? We haven’t seen it for a long time, why don’t you have my drinks free??”

“Your current name, even if it is not for intelligence, can you know your origin? As for the exemption, it does not exist, presumably you, the big pirate who offers a reward of 550 million Baileys, should not be in arrears. Is it for my small business bill??” Xia Qi said casually while returning to the bar to mix Gromash.

“Well, it’s really stingy, forget it, Sister Xia Qi, this time I am here, I really want to return to The fish men island, and soon, I will enter the New World, but as I just said, today The time is different. My Gromash also has a group of brothers who want to join me in the New World, so” Gromash hasn’t finished speaking yet, Xia Qi has already started.

The mouth continued: “So you want me to find a coater for you??”

“Jiehahahaha, yes, after all, on the Sabaody (Nuoqian Zhao) islands, the only person I can trust is you, the eldest sister.” Gromash said with a smile.

“This little thing, of course, no problem. Don’t look at his unreliable appearance just now. That guy is actually a coater. Although he hasn’t worked for a long time, he has very good skills. If possible, let him Go and coat you.” Xia Qi handed the matter over to Rayleigh without even thinking about it.

And Gromash had a hunch for a long time. If Rayleigh was here, he shouldn’t have to trouble others, so he didn’t object, and said directly: “Since it’s the eldest sister, what you said, then I can rest assured. The net worth and life of a man in the boat will be left to you.

“Don’t worry, Rayleigh’s film has been plated, unless you have encountered a sea beast as a monster, otherwise there has been no accident.” Seeing Gromash, Xia Qi directly agreed to her proposal. Obviously, she trusted her very much, which made her a little touched.

“I’m not afraid of the sea beast doing something strange, anyway, please.” Gromash smiled and took a sip of the wine made by Xia Qi from the bar.

“But this time, your Uncle Gromash, don’t even think that I will help you for free. I am a weak woman who wants to eat a meal.” After Xia Qi was done, he took out his smoking gun and smoked it. Said after the mouth.

“Weak woman, ah, a weak woman beat Pluton’s head violently?” Gromash thought to himself, but he said in his mouth: “No problem, you must be satisfied with the big sister.”.

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