I Am Hellscream

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Big event! Golden Lion escaped from prison!

While Gromash was chatting with Shaqi in the pub, Joz and his party were also looking for local specialty restaurants on the street.

“Don’t tell me, there are really a lot of bounty criminals on this island.” Cromwell said as he walked.

“After all, it’s the last stop to enter New World and The fish men island. It’s nothing unusual to be able to come here. It’s either a lucky person or a strong guy.” Joz said with a smile.

“New World? I’m really looking forward to it, and The fish men island.” Ur~ji also smiled and said.

At this moment, a group of news birds flew in the sky, and then a lot of extras were dropped from the air.

“Huh? Special issue? This kind of thing is not common. It will only be released urgently when there is a major event.” Hokkubak, a guy who doesn’t look like a good person, looked up at the falling-outside the number said. .

At the same time, Joz and the others also stopped, and then Cromwell said: “It seems that something interesting happened.”

Cromwell had just finished speaking, Urouge had raised his hand and grabbed the outside of the number one from the air. Then he only glanced at it, and his face became very shocked.

“Hey, it’s really a big event!!” Urouge said in surprise.

And Cromwell also took the extra from his hand and said, “Hammer, let me read it, Fuck!!”

“What the hell??” Joz and Hobackak also asked very curiously.

“A big incident, one of the three legendary pirates, was imprisoned in Impel down-Imperton’s Golden Lion-Shiki. Like the Gromash boss, he single-handedly emerged from the big prison with the name of hell. Go!! Golden Lion- Shiki, escaped from prison!!!” Cromwell said incredulously.

If the success of Gromash’s escape can be attributed to Impel down-Because Pelton hasn’t seen such a thing in eight hundred years, the guards will inevitably relax a little, then Golden Lion. Shiki’s jailbreak is completely impossible because of slack defense. After all, it has not been a few years since the jailbreak of the guy Gromash, even if Impel is down-impel

No matter how big the hearts of those people in Lorton are, it is impossible to forget this lesson so quickly, and unlike Gromash at the beginning, Gromash is from the fourth floor-Blazing Hell, and Golden Lion- Shiki is from the first. The Eternal Hell began on the sixth floor, and it was killed layer by layer.

“This is really a big deal, hurry up, go to the Gromash boss and tell him about this. If this legendary big sea pirate comes out from there, New World must be panic, right?? I don’t know if it will Affect our plan??” Joz also said quickly.

“We haven’t eaten yet.” Hokkubak is also a big-hearted guy, and he can say such things.

“Fat and eat. At this time, there is no time and mood to eat now. First go find Boss Gromash and talk about it. Where is the meeting point he just mentioned??” Joz quickly asked.

“On the thirteenth islands, what Shaki’s rip-off tavern.” Hokkubak said again.

“Yes, let’s go!” Qiao Zi said immediately after hearing the words, and then began to return to the 13th Islands.

At the same time, the entire Sabaody Archipelago went violently, and the news of the escape of the legendary great pirate-Golden Lion-Shiki swept all the islands in an instant.

No, not only Sabaody Archipelago, the whole world shook with the rebirth of his Golden Lion.

On the 13th Islands, outside the door of Shaki’s knock-off tavern, Rayleigh, who had just cleaned his hair, also walked in the direction of the tavern while wiping his hair with a towel. At this moment, the waterway in front of the tavern suddenly I turned up a small figure, I saw this little guy has eight arms, a long protruding mouth, and a vertical grayish white.

Color hair.

“Rayleigh, I’m here to play with you.” The little guy greeted and said after seeing Rayleigh standing outside.

“Ah, Xiao Ba, it turns out that you are here, come here soon.” Rayleigh smiled and said after seeing Xiao Ba.

That’s right, this little guy is the octopus Xiaoba who later went to the society with Gromash’s stupid brother Arlong. Speaking of it, Xiaoba and Rayleigh are also related to each other. The sea is very dangerous and ruthless, Golden Lion.Shiki. Originally, he was almost put the rudder on his head by a storm, and Rayleigh almost died in a shipwreck.

It was Xiao Ba who happened to pass by and saved him very kindly. The famous Pluton-Hilbarz-Rayleigh would die in an unknown corner, and perhaps it would have long since turned into fish dung.

Just when Rayleigh had just said a few words to Xiaoba, the extra special issue spread by Newsbird also fell by Rayleigh’s side, and then Rayleigh picked up the extra extra and said, “Extra special issue?? Is something big happened again? ?”

Just when Rayleigh saw the extra information, he was taken aback for a while, and then he whispered: “Seven days ago, he was imprisoned in the Great Deep Sea Prison-Impel down-The Great Pirate of Impelton-Golden Lion- Shiki broke his legs, broke free from the shackles of seastone, rushed out of Impel down-Imperton, and became the second in history.

People who have escaped from Impel down-Imperton, a large prison with the name of copper and iron walls. In recent years, Impel down-Imperton has appeared one after another such horrible accidents. I don’t know if they are still qualified to be called. Is it a “bronze wall and iron wall”? And will Golden Lion, Shiki’s escape from prison, set off huge waves on the sea again??”

Rayleigh murmured after watching this short extra: “Shiki, you fellow can’t bear to be lonely.”

After speaking, Rayleigh smiled, and then took the extra to Xiao Ba and said: “Go, come with me to sit in the tavern, you don’t always say that you adore the hero of The fish men island-Hellscream. Proudmoore. Gromash?? That big hero is here as a guest now, I believe he will be very interested in this news item too.

, After all, in some respects, he is Shiki’s predecessor, hahahahahaha. ”

After hearing what Rayleigh said, Xiaoba was very surprised and said: “Boss Gromash?? Is he here?? Oh, I’m going to see him!!”

He wasn’t interested in Golden Lion-Shiki at all, maybe he didn’t even know what the name represented.

Rayleigh opened the door of the pub with Xiao Ba, and then saw Gromash sitting on the bar seat, chatting with Xia Qi, Gromash also looked back after hearing the movement, and then He was a little surprised and said: “Xiao Ba? Why did you come here?? Didn’t I say that? The sea is very dangerous.

Especially Sabaody Archipelago, don’t run around in the future. ”

Xiao Ba was also born in Fishman Street. Of course, Gromash had met him. Xiao Ba has a very simple character. He often plays with Shyarly, so Gromash is also very familiar with Xiao Ba.

Xiao Ba said very happily: “Boss Gromash, you are so amazing, now the people on the island are very proud when they mention you.”

Rayleigh smiled and said: “Don’t worry, Xiao Ba is very smart. Every time he comes to us directly along the waterway, and on this Sabaody Archipelago, I will take care of Xiao Ba.”

After Rayleigh finished speaking, before Gromash could speak, he handed the extra number in his hand to Gromash who was puzzled and said, “Look, the big news just released, I think you will be interested.”

Seeking flowers 0…

Gromash was also a little curious to take the extra in Rayleigh’s hand, and said to Xiao Ba, “Anyway, don’t run around in the future, have you heard it? You will come back to The fish men island with me in a few days.”

After speaking, Gromash looked at the extra issue in his hand and said, “Is the special issue extra?? It seems that something big happened? Huh??”

After a long time, Gromash slowly put the extra in his hand on the bar, then took a sip and said, “Jiehahahaha, the faces of World government and Naval Headquarters are lost again this time, it’s so refreshing. .”

“Is this your opinion?? If I am not wrong, are you going to enter New World?? I was nervous about him, the one-time pirate overlord, maybe this New World will be surging soon, if you want to be

If there are things like fame, status, etc., Shiki can be regarded as your enemy. I will remind you as a person who came over, Golden Lion-Shiki is a very, very scary guy. “Rayleigh also walked into the bar, unscrewed a wine bottle and took a couple of mouthfuls and said.

“Jiehahahaha, what does this have to do? Let’s not say whether this Golden Lion plans to rise again in the New World, even if he Golden Lion, Shiki really wants to stir the situation in the New World, it has nothing to do with me. The guys who enter New World don’t have much to do. It’s not me who should be nervous, but the beasts. Kaido, Charlotte- Linlin, these guys

Go nervous, if Golden Lion.Shiki is really going to stir the wind and rain in New World, for me, not only is it not a bad thing, but a great thing, after all, for me, the more stable the New World, the more stable it is. Not good, and the more chaotic, the better. Only in troubled times will there be a lot of opportunities for people to rise quickly. “Gromash smiled and spoke indifferently.

However, he also knows that before Golden Lion- Shiki was imprisoned, he had already begun to prepare a big plan that, in his opinion, could help him rule the roost. Like the original history, I hibernate for my own big plan, and dormant for twenty years.

The only difference from the previous one is that this guy Golden Lion did not have a rudder on his head by the storm this time, he just broke his legs. This kind of injury does not have any impact on his strength, but it is not. It’s huge, after all, Shiki is not a guy who eats on his legs.

Without the rudder nailed to his head, this guy’s Haki may not only disappear with the passage of time, but it may become stronger and stronger. If he is still hit by Luffy and others in the end, Maybe this time the Straw Hat Pirates group will be destroyed in his hands.

But this kind of thing is twenty years later, and it has nothing to do with Gromash, and he doesn’t bother to worry about it.

Rayleigh smiled after hearing Gromash’s words and said, “It seems you have great ambitions, Hellscream.”

“Senior Rayleigh, just call me Gromash.” Gromash also raised his glass and said to Rayleigh.

Rayleigh smiled, and after touching the cup with Gromash, he said, “Senior is no longer necessary. I have already washed my hands and quit, just call me Rayleigh.”

While Gromash and Rayleigh were drinking, the door of the pub was pushed open again, and then a group of strong men squeezed in. After seeing Gromash, the guy in Joz waved his hand and said, “Gromash. Boss, big event, look at it!!” Three.

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