Chapter 99 In terms of pretending to be coercion, you are still good at swordsman!

In the port of the City of Seven Waters, a large three-masted sailing ship is parked in the port. This ship is about the size of two Thousand Miles Sunshine. The shape is ordinary and has no characteristics, and there is nothing to add. The special device, there is no such thing as an outer wheel, the whole looks a bit like a Spanish galleon made in Spain in the middle of the sixteenth century.

It’s full of weight.

The flag of the Frostwolf Pirates was slowly rising from the mast at this time. That’s right, this ship is the ship that Gromash bought.

“Has the Shine been settled?” Gromash stood on the edge of the harbor, biting a cigar, and asked Joz next to him.

“Well, it has been parked in the rental port here. After paying a one-year maintenance fee, there will be professional boatmen to take care of it. When we have time, we can come and drive it away.” She said.

“Don’t give up, it won’t take long. When you return to The fish men island, you can call someone to drive away.” Gromash patted Joz on the shoulder and said.

Joz also smiled, and then he said: “Don’t talk about this, what is the name of the new ship? You are the captain, of course you have to name it.”

“Well, although it is a transitional ship, it does need a nice name. How about the Artemis??” Gromash thought for a while and said.

“Artemis? Goddess of the Moon? That’s not bad.” Joe “Nine Seventy” said after thinking about it and agreeing.

“Then it’s called Artemis!” Gromash didn’t think much about it, so he just decided.

Then Joz said: “Well, then I’ll go and write the name of the ship.”

Joz went to find a paint bucket and prepared to write the name of the ship on the side of the ship, while Gromash spoke to Mihawk next to him: “Do you really plan to use this to go to sea??”

Mihawk glanced at a small sampan moored in the harbor. The small sampan was like a coffin used by a vampire. It looked very strange, but Mihawk’s expression seemed very satisfied, and he nodded. Said: “Anyone, there is nothing to bring, this boat is just right.”

“Don’t just think about pretending to be forced, this boat is really enough, but it’s nothing, do you prepare to sleep in the open at night?? Also, what rowing boat do you use?? Good match for two boats Award?? You don’t think you have enough waves and you don’t need to row a boat??” Gromash relentlessly began to complain about Mihawk.

Mihawk said indifferently, “What’s wrong with sleeping in the open air?? I’m a swordsman. I have to train my willpower, and I won’t be left behind. Taking this ship out to sea is good for my kendo. Rowing”

After saying this, Mihawk paused for a while, then stretched out his hand and touched the largest property twelve エ-Black Knife-Ye at the back, and then said: “You can also train your arms by using a sword to row a boat. It is also a kind of practice. ..”

Gromash also looked at the black sword behind him. Ye, then he smacked his lips with a little regret: “It’s a pity that such a sword, forcibly followed the wrong person, how many swordsmen have dreamed of being the best real estate worker. , But you use it to row a boat?? Do you still have the dignity of a swordsman??”

“You are not a swordsman, and you deserve to talk to me about the dignity of a swordsman? Besides, the so-called famous sword is not used after all? Maybe in your opinion, I am kicking the famous sword, but in my opinion, I’m just using it for a kind of practice. Since it’s a practice, why is it so bad??” Mihawk said nonchalantly.

Gromash said very shamelessly: “Then, I will give you two suitable oars. You can think of them as famous knives. You can row and practice. Maybe you can start the second sword flow. Talent, go a step further in kendo, as for this black sword. Ye, I will keep it for you first. Don’t worry, I’m not a swordsman, but

Anyway, I am also a top forging master, my battle axe is made by myself, and I can do it casually to maintain a sword.

Mihawk glanced at Gromash disdainfully and said, “No, I never said that I only use one sword. Whether it is a second-sword or a third-sword, I will do it. If you are so busy with Gromash, I won’t give it to you. I’m troublesome, I’ll take care of the sword or something by myself.”

“Oh, tell me about you, what are you doing so politely…” Gromash said with some regret, then he looked at Mihawk and said, “Two swords? Three swords? Then you bring a knife??”

“Who said that you can’t use the two-sword flow or the three-sword flow with only one knife? Even if I don’t have a knife in my hand, I can still cut out the slash, let alone, I brought two knives,” Mihawk said, while still holding his chest. The hanging small cross was taken off, and then it was lightly drawn and then said, “Hey, this is the knife I used when I used the second knife.”

Gromash also looked at Mihawk like a fool, and then he said, “Then you mean, nail clippers are also knives?

Mihawk said very pretentiously: “There is a knife in my heart, and everything is a knife.

Gromash also applauded very convincingly and said: “Amazing, terrific. Sure enough, you swordsmen are the best at pretending to be forceful. I, the axe-playing player, can only bow down.

Mihawk said with some embarrassment: “Liao like it, Liao like it.”

Gromash saw him like this, and said, “Originally I thought you were the kind of noble and glamorous swordsman, but I didn’t expect you to be so sullen, and it was exactly the same as I thought.”

While Gromash was chatting with Mihawk, Joz wrote the name of Artemis on the side of the ship, and then a flash of thunder flashed in the sky, and then there was a crackling around Gromash. The sound of the electric current, and then the guy Lu Qi was already standing next to Gromash, and he said: “The ships are all

Ready and ready to go. ”

Gromash also nodded and said: “I won’t stop on the way, have you bought the permanent record pointer to Sabaody Archipelago??”

Lu Qi nodded and said, “Well, I got it.”

“That’s good. After all, if I go back to The fish men island, I can swim back even if I don’t get on the boat. Although it’s a bit mentally retarded and tired, you can’t do it. You have to take you to Sabaody Archipelago to get a coating. Only to go to The fish men island.” Gromash said with a smile.

Then he turned his head and looked at Mihawk, who was still very handsome and cold when he was not talking. Then he said with some regret: “I was not able to drink with you this time. It is a pity, but I want to come later. There are still plenty of opportunities to meet. Sooner or later there will be things like drinking. If there is a chance, I hope you, me, Shanks, Buggy

People can get together again and take a swig. There is a banquet in the world. I will not stay with you in the City of Seven Waters. If you need help, please call me directly, even though I think you There will be no need for my help. I have time to sit in our The fish men island, which will soon become a place where the Laozi flag is hung.

Mihawk also smiled and said, “Well, it won’t be long before you will hear my name as the world’s No. 1 swordsman. After that, I will go to you.”

“Then I’m looking forward to it.” Gromash said with a smile.

After that, the two did not say goodbye. After Gromash nodded to Mihawk, he turned and strode out of the port and walked towards the Artemis, while Lu Qi said politely: “Mr. Mihawk, Then we will leave first.

Mihawk was very optimistic about Lu Qi, patted his shoulder and said, “Go hard, Gromash’s right arm is not so good..

“Well, but I will definitely be his right hand man!” Lu Qi also spoke very firmly, and then he turned into an electric light and caught up with Gromash’s figure.

And after watching the ordinary large three-masted sailboat set sail, Mihawk also had a foreboding that this ordinary ship would cause a lot of uncommon things.

“Frostwolf Pirates? I don’t know what kind of situation a character like you will stir after entering New World, hahahaha, it’s really exciting, Gromash.” Mihawk smiled to himself Said, then he did not stay in the City of Seven Waters for a long time, turned and jumped on the small wooden boat that Gromash dubbed the “coffin board”, and then

Really put one’s own top twelve jobs on the property. Hei Dao-Ye took it down from behind him, and didn’t care about his face at all, so he rowed it as a boat award.

That looks, how weird and weird, how funny and how funny, if Gromash knows that Mihawk is leaving today, he will have to wait for Mihawk to set off and see this scene before he says anything. What a pity, This memorable scene was not seen by Gromash, otherwise he could laugh at Mihawk for a lifetime.

At the same time, in a certain sea area of ​​New World, a tall man with double horns on his head and a big wine gourd hanging from his waist was sitting on his boat. He was a little drunk and asked: “Jack, what’s the news? How is it??”

“Boss Kaido, we have searched for a long time, but we haven’t found the remnants of the Roger Pirates. Even the Shanks is wandering in an uncertain place. It is not easy to catch them.” The same strong figure. A brawny man in’s also said with an urn sound.

“Stop talking nonsense, just tell me the answer, what’s going on??” Kaido waved his hand drunkly, and said a little impatiently.

“Yes, Kaido boss, we finally found an accurate piece of information. It is said that Kozuki Oden, a member of the Roger Pirates group, is currently in Wanokuni territory. What is his name in those Jiuli…” Jack said in a deep voice.

“Kozuki Oden? Ah, the samurai on Roger’s boat? Wanokuni?” Kaido seemed to wake up a lot after hearing the news, and then he held his chin 0.3 with one hand while thinking about something.

After a long time, Kaido said, “Wanokuni’s strength is very strong. The samurai style in their country is prevailing and can’t be forced. However, this Kozuki Oden Master holds the secret of the ultimate island-Raftel, so we must find him and let him do it. What I use!! This matter needs a good plan.”

At this moment, Kaido is like a brash man who can only drink and commit suicide. Even if he is not extremely smart, he is definitely not a fool. The four so-called Pirate Emperors, none of them are fools, even if they are bigmom. . Charlotte- Linlin, as long as she doesn’t suffer from eating disorder, she is also very strategic, after all, fools can’t sit on them.


At the same time, in another sea area, Shanks also hung up the phone worm in his hand, and then happily said: “It won’t be long before this New World will be more interesting.”

His little friend, Ben Beckman said with some confusion: “What’s the matter? Captain? What news have you got?”

“Ahahaha, my good friend is about to enter the New World soon, but that guy is a guy who likes to stir the wind and the rain very much. When he comes, this New World will be a lot more interesting.” Shanks laughed. Said with a smile.

“Your good friend? Ah Hellscream-Proudmoore- Gromash??” Ben Beckman also reacted quickly and said. .

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