I Am Hellscream

Chapter 098

Gromash chatted with Mihawk about his story before asking about Mihawk.

“What’s going on with you?? Recently, a reward of 200 million Bailey has been offered, shouldn’t it really be ready to take the initiative to approach our pirate industry? ? Gromash asked with some curiosity.

Mihawk took a sip of his juice before he spoke: “It’s not to get close to your pirate industry, but I have been recognized as a pirate by the world government and navy, so I will offer a reward of 200 million Baileys.” ”

“Hahahahaha, so what the hell did you do?? The newspapers did not make it clear either. Gromash smiled and asked with some curiosity.

Mihawk just wanted to speak, but suddenly looked at the shoulder armor on Gromash’s shoulder, and then said with a clear look: “I just said why I feel familiar with her shoulder armor… I see. ”

Gromash also said a little strangely after hearing Mihawk’s words: “What do you mean? What are you talking about?? ”

Mihawk smiled and said, “I have already been warned by the World Government, they say that I wantonly destroy the town or something… Well, but you know, I’m a person, once I meet a good opponent, I can’t control myself, so their repeated warnings are useless, and I don’t bother to pay attention to them, these are also one of the reasons why I was identified as a pirate, but the main opportunity is in the New World, I went to challenge Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, the first sword of the Navy headquarters, and accidentally sank her warship, and was finally convicted of “attacking the Navy”, so I was offered a reward of 200 million Baileys. ”

When Mihawk was talking about Peach Rabbit, his eagle-like eyes had been staring at Gromash’s face, and sure enough, when he mentioned Peach Rabbit’s name, Gromash’s face became a little unnatural, which made Mihawk even more believe that Gromash had some unknown connection with this admiral candidate.

I saw Gromash pouting and said: “So what about the result??” Who did you win with Gunyuan? ”

Mihawk smiled and said: “The candidate for the general of the navy headquarters, the strength is indeed strong enough, it can be regarded as a top three existence among all the kendo opponents I have met, but this future position of the world’s number one swordsman must belong to me Jorakel Mihawk, even the first swordsman of the navy failed to stop my footsteps, and she still lost under my sword in the end…”

Mihawk paused for a moment after saying this, and then said, “But don’t worry, I didn’t treat her well.” ”

After Mihawk finished speaking, Gromash said with a twisted face: “What are you talking about, what am I worried about her?” I have nothing to do with her, it’s good if you win, I’m happy for you.” ”

However, Mihawk looked at Gromash and smiled maliciously and said, “Is it?? So why… The Admiral Candidate of the Navy Headquarters, Peach Rabbit Garden, will have a unicorn shoulder armor exactly like you, and if I’m not mistaken, your shoulder armor wasn’t worn on your right shoulder before, right? It’s the same as that Gunyuan, worn on the left shoulder… Could it be that this shoulder armor is a pair? You gave it to Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit as a gift ?? ”

Gromash was also stunned after hearing Mihawk’s words, and then he slapped the table and said: “Lying groove, Lao Tzu’s shoulder armor is actually in her hand??? ”

Gromash has always thought that the shoulder armor he lost has already been melted into molten iron by Sakaski’s big spitfire, and he never thought that such a thing would happen, that Gangyuan actually put his shoulder armor on his shoulder!!

Then Gromash hurried to tell Mihawk, a guy who had obviously misunderstood something, about being at Whiskey Peak.

After a long time, Mihawk suddenly realized and said: “So that’s the case, I will say why it is clear that as a candidate for the admiral of the navy headquarters, that vice admiral Peach Rabbit does not even have a righteous gun, it seems that she is also worried about the fact that you snatched her righteous great…”

After speaking, Mihawk looked at Gromash and said, “So, if I meet her next time, do you need me to help you recapture that shoulder armor?” ”

Gromash also shook his head and said: “There is no need for you to help personally, if I meet it, I will take it back myself, that guy obviously remembers me.” ”

Mihawk took the juice and drank, “Is it??” I always have a hunch that you shoulder armor… I’m afraid I won’t be able to take it back. ”

Gromash also frowned slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction: “Said, how?” Do you think my strength is not good?? Do you want to talk to each other? Lao Tzu let you three axes. ”

Mihawk quickly waved his hand and said: “The fight is definitely going to be fought, but not now, your strength I definitely recognize, at present, I should not be an opponent, so wait for me to temper it, when I get the name of the world’s number one sword hao, I will go to fight with you, the reason why I say this is that I think you should be able to fight against that peach rabbit lieutenant general…”

“Don’t say it, it’s impossible, do you think Lao Tzu will be soft-hearted? Hmph, Lao Tzu not only wants to recapture my shoulder armor, the next time we meet, I will tie her from the navy to be my lady of the village to show you! Gromash raised his hand and interrupted Mihawk.

And Mihawk also smiled and said, “Sure enough…”

But soon, Mihawk didn’t say anything more about this topic, and then he said: “Anyway, this is the opportunity, because I challenged Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, sabotaged the Navy’s mission, and sank a warship, defeated the Admiral candidate, so I was identified as a pirate, with a bounty of 200 million Baileys, although it is not comparable to you, but unconsciously, I can also be regarded as a sea thief.” ”

Gromash also shook his head and said: “It’s really like your style, since you have all returned from the new world, tell me about the current situation in this new world, I will soon enter the new world to stir up the wind and rain.” ”

Mihawk did not refuse anything, he touched his chin and thought about it and said: “Actually, I haven’t paid much attention to the so-called situation in the new world, but in general, I still know some trends, such as the Whitebeard Pirates have now become the only overlord of the New World, like a dam, blocking the surging pirate strength, and now there is a standard circulating in the entire New World… That is, if you don’t defeat Whitebeard, you can’t be One Piece. ”

“It’s as if Roger defeated Whitebeard,” Gromash said with some amusement.

“But times are different… Roger is Roger, and now is now. Mihawk also smiled and said, and then he continued to speak: “And the forces that followed Whitebeard are Hundred Beast Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, the three of them are currently the most powerful pirate forces in the New World, many people call them the Pirate Emperor, and Shanks this guy is also getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that there is a faint tendency to get closer to them, so if you don’t enter the New World, it’s not so easy to leave Shanks behind.” ”

“The Four Emperors pattern…” Gromash whispered, and then said to Mihawk: “Entering the new world is definitely to enter, but it has nothing to do with Shanks, my pursuit is different from that guy, and the steps and plans are of course different.” ”

Then Gromash did not hide anything from Mihawk, and directly told Mihawk his recent thoughts, and Mihawk also muttered: “Is it based on Fishman Island??” It is indeed a very good idea to enter the new world and retreat to suppress the first half of the great voyage. ”

“How?? Are you also interested? Do you want to join our Frost Wolf Pirates?? It’s still okay to leave you a fisherman’s place. Gromash smiled and said jokingly.

Mihawk also knows that Gromash is just joking, just like Gromash’s pursuit is different from Shanks’ is the same reason, his Mihawk’s pursuit is also different from Gromash, and because of this, he is absolutely impossible to join Gromash’s command, but then again, it is precisely because of their different pursuits that they will become good friends, otherwise, they will only be very strong competitors and enemies, even if the relationship is good, sooner or later they will draw their knives against each other.

“Forget about the fisherman, if you have the opportunity, you can give me the position of captain, then I can consider it.” Mihawk also said with a smile.

“Hahahahaha, pull down, you better go and be your lone ranger, the throne of the world’s number one swordsman is waiting for you.” Gromash said with a big laugh.

“That’s a shame, I do kind of want to be your captain.” Mihawk also teased and said.

After the two chatted for a while, Gromash asked, “What are you going to do next?” Where to go?? ”

“It’s still the same, there is no destination, continue to find those opponents with enough weight to hone my kendo.” Mihawk said somewhat casually.

“Okay, by the way, I forgot to say it at the beginning, in fact, in the East China Sea, there is also a big sword lord, named Koshiro, who lives in Frost Moon Village and opened a kendo hall called “Ichishin Dojo”, although the strength is I don’t know how strong, but it is definitely not weak, Bucky’s guy is also hanging around in the East China Sea, if you are interested, you can go there and see.” Gromash spoke.

“Koshiro… This name is a bit like the feeling of a samurai in Wano Country, well, I will think about it, if I go, just go and cut Bucky twice, I haven’t cut him for a long time, I always feel that something is missing. Mihawk also said with a smile.

“Ah, by the way, our ship now also has a nemesis of your sword master, Diamond Joz, have you heard of this name? In my opinion, his physical defense is indeed very strong, and you may not be able to cut it off. Gromash said with a cowhide bragging about it.

“If you have a diamond, I can cut it off.” Mihawk didn’t feel like he couldn’t do it.

While the two were talking about these topics, Luqi and Robin also pushed away the drink shop, walked in and said: “Finally found you, Gromash, we have a good eye on a ship, do you want to go and see it??” ”

“Is it so fast??” Gromash was also stunned for a moment, and then spoke.

“Well, as long as you take Robin to a high place, with her ability, everything in her sight cannot escape her eyes and ears, so it is also convenient to find a suitable ship.” Luki spoke.

Robin also smiled a little embarrassed, and Gromash rubbed her head very spoiled and said, “It’s really good.” ”

Then Gromash said to Mihawk: “Naw, this little fart is my future right hand, called Rob Luki, the thunder fruit just mentioned was eaten by him, and this cute little guy is called Nicole Robin… She was… Well, survivors of O’Hara. ”

After speaking, Gromash said to Luqi and Robin: “This guy who looks cool is the Jorakor Mihawk I used to say before, the world’s number one swordsman in the future, it is estimated that this future is not far away, and he is my good friend.” “_

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