I Am Hellscream

Chapter 091

As time passed, the room was silent, only the tiny sound of Gromash munching on pastries echoed from time to time, and even Joz was very sensible not to spoil the oppressive atmosphere.

And at this time, Hogubak stood there and did not dare to move, the sweat on his head was like a broken water pipe, and he couldn’t stop flowing down, at this time, he really regretted it, he had nothing to do to run to the magnetic drum kingdom to do? ? Come and forget it, what are you doing so high-profile ?? Now it’s good to be targeted by the sea thief of Hell Roar, what is the matter!

Similarly, to be able to become a genius doctor and package himself so “perfect”, he Hogubak is not a fool, and Gromash’s last words mean very obviously.

You have the right to refuse to choose, but I like to watch the scene of genius withering, what does that mean? Doesn’t it mean that if you don’t choose, you’re going to kill him here ??

Hoguguk didn’t doubt at all whether Gromash would just scare him when he said he wanted to kill him, after all, Gromash was famous for murder, and the blood on his hands was not a lot, and Hoguguk certainly didn’t want to test Gromash’s ruthlessness with his own life.

But the two choices that Gromash gave him are also very “fucked”, so what are the choices? Left and right are on the ship, but the difference in treatment has turned upside down, and no one will choose the second one??

Therefore, before waiting for five minutes, Hogubak was a little unable to stand this oppressive atmosphere, and he quickly changed his face, and said with a flattering smile: “Lord Gromash, you see that I haven’t finished what I just said, in fact, I want to say that I don’t mean to be a pirate, but that just refers to those little minions, big people like you, so formally and solemnly invited me to be a ship doctor on your ship, it is simply a blessing from my third life, I can see a bright future beckoning like me, From this day forward, you are my captain… Ah, no, my master!! ”

I have to say that this Hogubak is really a frugal, bottomless bastard, but Gromash does not hate this kind of bastard, as Gromash said when he first met Luqi, he has no unnecessary requirements for his partner, whether it is a thirst for killing or a love of money or life, it doesn’t matter, the evil party, where there are so many requirements, the only point, as long as there is enough loyalty, as long as he does not betray him Gromash is enough.

And this guy Horguak, Gromash estimated to give him three dares, and he did not dare to betray himself.

Therefore, Gromash also laughed and said after hearing Hogubak’s reply: “Hahahahaha, I know that you bastard guy has no bottom line and temperance, but it’s okay, I don’t hate you for this, but Hoguak, I’ll say ugly things first, get on Lao Tzu’s ship, it’s not so good, no matter what kind of evil proclivities you have this guy, I can endure it, except for one point, if you dare to do something sorry for our pirate banner, then pray well, The so-called “resurrection” medicine that you are studying yourself can resurrect yourself, otherwise you will wait to be honestly a dead person who died a terrible death. ”

Hoguguk was also frightened by Gromashi’s words, and then quickly said: “Look at what you say, master, I Hogubak will follow you in this life!” ”

Gromash also said very grandly: “Well, since you dare to say this, then I dare to listen to the truth, Hogurk, don’t let Lao Tzu down.” ”

Seeing that Gromash didn’t even have five minutes, he took this rumored “genius surgeon” Hoguguk under his command, and the rest of the people present also completely believed Gromash’s previous words that this guy was an out-and-out bastard who packaged himself as a “saint”.

But in the future, they are all partners in a boat, plus Joz they also think that they are not a good thing, so they did not despise Hoguguc anything, only to see Jozi clapped his hands and said: “Well, I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly, then everyone is a companion in a boat, it’s time to introduce yourself, my name is Joz, nicknamed diamond…”

After Joz, Lucie, Cromwell, Urki, and Little Robin all briefly introduced themselves, Hoguguk quickly said: “My name is Hogurk, I am a doctor, although I am a little boastful, but I think my medical skills are indeed very masterful, looking at the whole world, I can’t find a better doctor than me.” ”

“Hahahahahaha, I can’t see that your kid still listens to confidence, it’s good, confidence is a good thing, continue to maintain it in the future.” Gromash smiled and said.

And Lu Qi also walked to the sofa, sat down next to Gromash, picked up a pastry and ate it, and then said: “I forgot to say it just now, I am still the chief elder of the ship, you can call me Senior Lu Qi in the future…”

Unlike Cromwell, Hoggarch at this time was just forced to join, so even if Luqi was young, he did not dare to say anything, but honestly called Luqi a senior.

And Lu Qi was also very happy after hearing Hogurk’s words: “Very good, you will be covered by me on this ship in the future!” ”

I don’t know who he can cover with his position on the ship…

Then Cromwell also asked with a smile: “Brother ship doctor, do you have any expertise in the medical field??” Shouldn’t that say omnipotent?? ”

Hogubak seemed to have relaxed at this time because of this pleasant atmosphere, no longer as trembling as before, after hearing Cromwell’s inquiry, he also smiled and said: “Hiss, in fact, I have indeed achieved a lot in various medical fields, but as my name suggests, genius surgeon, I have the highest achievements in surgery, and I am currently studying two things, the first is… Human body modification surgery, the second …”

Hogubak seems to have some concerns when he said this, after all, although human body modification surgery is also one of the evil ways, but it is not much evil, but the taboo of graduate students and death, manipulating corpses to resurrect or something, in the eyes of the world, there are really some evil ways.

However, Gromash hugged the quiet Robin to his lap while not caring and said: “What’s so embarrassing, isn’t it just to study some resurrection medical technique??” Although this thing seems to the outside world to be evil and blasphemous, it is indeed the ultimate truth that doctors seek, isn’t it? The so-called doctor, let’s not say whether you dare to try, but if you don’t even dare to think about this kind of thing, I see that his achievements are there, besides, now this thing is a cult way of desecrating life and manipulating corpses, but if it is really researched by anyone, it can also become a milestone in medical history… No, it can even be said that the existence of a vertex exists, isn’t it? Think that before the craniotomy was not perfected, wasn’t it also considered by those ignorant guys to be a witch? Now I don’t see anyone who dares to say that this thing is evil magic. ”

After hearing Gromash’s words at this time, Hogurk really felt some emotion and recognition, and seemed to feel that there was nothing wrong with him even if he really joined their pirate group like this, at least there were people who could understand him.

God knows how much pressure he put on to study these things?? If he hadn’t really relied on packaging himself to make himself have great fame and status, I’m afraid he would have been labeled as an “evil devil outside” and reduced to a dog who lost his family.

And Joz seemed to be full of carelessness and said: “Boss Gromash is right, be a person, especially if we are pirates, you must always have a dream, no matter what your dream is, as long as you can work hard for your dream, it is worthy of respect for me, in the same way, as a companion, if anyone dares to trample on the dream you have worked hard for, then I will definitely help you make him pay a heavy enough price!” ”

“Hahahahaha, Joz is right, you must have dreams to be a person, otherwise what is the difference with a salted fish?? Hogurk, on our ship, you don’t have to care about those worldly ignorances who want to study the resurrection? Then go and study, how? Do you think it’s actually good to be a pirate now? After all, we pirates don’t care about those other people’s opinions, the word freedom, the most important, isn’t it? ? Gromash said with a big laugh.

Hogubak seemed to really relax himself, he also sat on the sofa, and said with a smile: “It seems that it seems that it is indeed a bit good now.” ”

“Hahahahaha, I just said, you are born with an evil temperament, you are not suitable for what glorious industry, when the pirate is very suitable for you, you see, it hasn’t been long ago, you think it’s good, right??” Therefore, life is to try more, if you don’t try, how can you know if it doesn’t work? ? But then again, Hogurk, it’s nothing to study resurrection, but it’s limited to the study of medical theory, if you give me something nondescript… It’s disgusting to everyone, but I’m going to give you a fire to clean it.” Gromash finally admonished Hogubak.

He is also afraid that this bottomless guy will make a lot of disgusting “Frankenstein” or something, if it is a little combat power or other use or something, Gromash can still endure, if there is really only the word “disgusting”, Gromash will really burn him.

“Sizzle, I’ll pay attention.” Hogubak also smiled and said.

Then Gromash seemed to think of something, and then touched his chin and asked: “By the way, what is the origin of the human body modification surgery you just mentioned, and to what point?” And what happened? ”

Hogubak saw that Gromash was interested in his research, and he was also very happy to say: “Master…”

“Don’t, being called master by this guy of yours completely breaks my expectations of the word “master”, you can still call me Boss Gromash or captain or something.” As soon as Gromash heard Hogubak call him master, he quickly said with some unbearability.

In his opinion, the so-called “master” is only qualified to be used by a delicate maid! ! !

Hogusick’s face was also frozen, and then quickly returned to normal, he spoke: “Captain Gromash, I have been studying human modification surgery for many years, and there is indeed great progress at present, to say that there are also some achievements, after my transformation, humans can have some powerful instincts of animals without exercise, such as allowing an ordinary person to have a powerful wrist force like an orangutan after transformation, and now I can do it…”

“Interesting… Is there still a possibility of digging deep into this operation? Gromash also thought about it and asked again.

“Of course, this is just the beginning, it is only a first, extremely crude technology, and its potential, I have not yet seen the end.” Hogubak said very confidently.

In fact, his human body modification surgery is indeed very powerful, but later he got on Moria’s boat and was delayed by Moria’s nonsense of creating zombies, so that he didn’t make any great fame, at most he came up with a “primitive” product like the transparent fruit ability person Absalom.

And Gromash also thought about it and said: “If it’s really like what you said, then study it well, this thing… The future may be useful to us. ”

Just like Whitebeard collecting his son, Charlotte Lingling making Homiz, and Kaido studying what artificial animal line devil fruit, if you want to become a big force like them, you must have a large number of “cannon fodder” with a certain strength, and Gromash sees this possibility from this Hogubak, so the value of this kid may be a little higher in the future, and from some perspectives, it is worth cultivating.

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