Chapter 92 Devil Fruit Illustrated Book.

The night in the Drum Kingdom seems to be colder than during the day. At this time, in the kingdom of this country, Gromash and his party are having a sumptuous dinner with King Wapol I in the banquet room.

As the ship doctor who had just joined Gromash’s command not long ago, Hogback was also sitting here and eating with everyone.

“It turns out that Lord Gromash, you came to our Drum Kingdom without any hesitation to let Mr. Hokkubak join your boat. Master Gromash, you really have a foresight, and Mr. Hokkubak is also very blessed.” Wabo After hearing about what Gromash had done shortly before, King I was also very hypocritical and hypocritical.

And Gromash also smiled, and while holding up a wine glass for two sips, he continued and said: “This pirate has a bad reputation on the outside. It is no better than his respected profession as a doctor, Huo Cuban. If Mr. Ke can become our ship doctor, it should be said that we are relatively lucky.

Gromash and the old king hypocritically praised each other a few more, and then he continued: “Your Majesty, we are pirates. Among them, the captain is the most difficult place to sit, because brothers are willing to let you be A captain, that is to entrust your wealth and life to you, so we who are captains naturally have to find it for our brothers.

Are you looking for benefits, right?”

When Wapol I heard this Gromash’s words, he was also a little wary in his heart, but he nodded and said: “Yes, just like being a king, it is a truth to be considerate of his people.’

Gromash also nodded and said: “Your Majesty, you can understand, so we also have an unrelenting invitation here. Mr. Hokkubak has decided to join our 28 Frostwolf Pirates, so as his captain, I should Seeking for him something he wants, this guy is not interested in anything else, but is very good at medical books

It means that the Drum Kingdom is a world-class top medical power, and the collection of these medical books in the royal family must be very complete. If you can, I hope that your majesty can open the treasure house to us for a period of time. He copied some books.

Gromash’s words are very unacceptable to a king, especially if you open your own treasure house to people like Gromash who are pirates, then you can just get naked with the pretty girl and lie in the room of the pervert. Is it the same?? Isn’t it for grabbing?

Just when Wapol I looked a little ugly, wanted to refuse but didn’t know how to express it euphemistically so as not to irritate Gromash, Gromash had already spoken again.

“Of course, Your Majesty, you have helped us so much, and we can’t say that we have nothing at all. It is better to be friends with pirates, that is, our pirates are usually very generous, and my Gromash is the same, Karen “Will” Gromash said, wiped his mouth with the tissue, and then reached out to Cromwell.

Cromwell reacted quickly when he saw Gromash calling him, and he reached into the cloth Kabuto he was carrying with him, and then quickly took out a small package, stretched out his hand and handed it to Gromash.

Then, in the puzzled eyes of Wapol, Gromash got up from his seat and walked to his side, and this action also made the captain of the guard who had been standing behind Wapol I- Dalton couldn’t help becoming nervous, and put his palm on his weapon.

I saw Gromash walked to the old king’s side, then raised his hand to remove some of the dinner plates and moved them away, and then put the package on the table cloth covered with exquisite tablecloths, and then smiled and patted the old king on the shoulder. Said: “This is the gift I am going to give to His Majesty the King. It is better to reveal the surprise by myself.”

Wapol I also froze for a while, and then he didn’t hesitate, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes.He thought that Gromash shouldn’t fool him with anything, and there shouldn’t be bloody heads or something “special” in it. gift”.

Sure enough, after the old king unwrapped the wrapped cloth, the shining light was refracted from there, and a large number of rare gems of the Eight Gate Gate were piled here like the most inconspicuous stone on the street, and Among them are large diamonds that are very bright and transparent.

Of course, the old king was not a fool. He saw so many rare gems at a glance. They must be of invaluable value. Even if he faced these things, even he couldn’t help but glance again.

“Jie ha ha ha ha, perhaps your majesty is not clear about it. Before joining my banner, these my brothers were also pirates, and their name is “the gem pirate group”, this Cromwell is even more I am called a gem hunter, so I have some family background. This time if His Majesty the King agrees, it will be regarded as my gratitude to you.

It is to support the progress of the world’s medical standards. After all, the pirates will also benefit from it. Jiehahahaha. Gromash stood behind the old king with his hands on his shoulders seemingly casually and laughed.

Seeing that Gromash has given such sincerity and table tops, even if Wapol I wanted to refuse at this time, he didn’t have the guts. After all, if he dared to refuse now, it was completely a public slap in the face of Gromash. , I think that Gromash puts his palms on his shoulders, and he can screw his head off in a second.

Fortunately, at this time, Gromash’s sincerity was also very good, so the old king did not resist too much in his heart. Poll I may still refuse to worry about technology leaks, but Gromash, a pirate, is not their competitor, so he is also

I didn’t think that Gromash would have any bad competition with the advanced medical level of the drum kingdom. At this time, Gromash gave so many gems, let alone let them go in and copy a few books, even if it is Gromash, they will take it from it. Something is acceptable.

Thinking of this, Wapol I also pretended to say: “Hey, since Master Gromash, you have spoken. As a friend, it is of course impossible to refuse your request, but you don’t have to be so dismissive. Please take back these gems. Go”

“Jiehahahahaha, thank your Majesty the King for your understanding, but the thing I sent out from Gromash has not yet been recovered. Your Majesty, your Majesty, don’t be polite, just put it away.” Gromash smiled at this moment. Wapol I withdrew his hands on his shoulders, turned and walked to his seat and said with a big smile.

In this way, after the dinner, the fellow Hogback couldn’t wait. He decided to go in and find some medical books he wanted to find on the same day, and the old king saw that he had agreed, so he didn’t have such a small thing. What was delayed, they soon brought Gromash to their king’s treasury.

Although the Drum Kingdom is located in Winter Island, the products are not very rich, but as the world’s first-class medical country, the country’s wealth is still quite high. There are also a lot of good things in the royal treasury. After Gromash saw these, I finally understand why so many pirates like to destroy cities and countries, so much wealth is piled up.

The impact in front of him is so powerful.

However, Gromash quickly broke free from the desire brought by this greed, and then he turned around and looked at the friends who were also staring at the treasure vault involuntarily, and then Gromash cleared his throat unhappyly: “Cough cough, can you show me a bit of courage? Don’t be like a little guy and you won’t be able to walk when you see Treasure, don’t worry,

In the future, we will have more treasures than here. ”

After Gromash finished talking, Joz and the others calmed down a little, and then he said: “Boss Gromash, we are pirates, it would be weird if we see the treasure and stay unmoved, okay??”

“Yeah, I’m a little tempted to look at this.” Cromwell also smacked his lips and followed.

At this time, Wapol seemed to be afraid that Gromash and the others could not stand the temptation. They had a bad idea of ​​murdering people and overcoming goods. Therefore, he gritted his teeth and stepped on his feet. After making a decision in his heart, he immediately smiled and said: “Everyone. Coming from a long way, and sending me such a heavy thank you gift, this king is also a little bit sad, so it’s better for everyone to go in and pick one.

I have taken away two of my favorite possessions, and it can be regarded as the king’s thoughts for all the heroes.Although our drum kingdom is located on Winter Island and is scarce in materials, it is still good in terms of the country’s economic strength. There are also some good things in the collections of the royal family, such as famous knives, fine wines, exquisite armor cast by master craftsmen, etc.”

There is a cheap 953 that is not a bastard. Besides, Gromash estimates that he will no longer deal with people from the Drum Kingdom in the future. Not surprisingly, it is the last time I saw this old king. In other words, this kind of opportunity will be afraid of the future. It’s gone, so he didn’t intend to refuse anything for the sake of face, but he has a bottom line anyway, it can’t be too ugly.

That’s too detrimental to his image, so Gromash also waved his big hand: “Your Majesty the King has said so, we have to give some face, but I will put it first. No one will take much of the things on the table.”

Seeing their captain spoke, Joz and the others cheered, and the old king was relieved to see that Gromash was so particular. He was afraid that these guys would vacate him. Now it seems that this Gromash is a The pirate, but doing things really makes people feel very comfortable. If one person can take one at most, he is the king of drums and the country is great.

It is still affordable, not to mention that the value of those gems is not low, even if it is treated as a transaction, it is not unacceptable.

Gromash put Robin in his arms and said, “Go find it, don’t you like to read books? Presumably the book collection of the royal family of the Drum Kingdom is not ordinary. If you like it, go. Copy a few copies.”

Robin also nodded happily and said, “Hmm!!”

Just when Gromash lit a cigar and was chatting with Wapol I, Cromwell, who was looking for something he liked, also suddenly stopped, picked up a book and looked at it. Then he hurriedly said: “Boss Gromash, come and see, this seems to be an unexpected gain!!”

Gromash was also a little stunned by Cromwell. After looking at Wapol I, he also said, “It’s better to go and take a look.”

When Gromash came to Cromwell, Cromwell immediately handed the books in his hand to Gromash and said: “It is indeed a world-class medical power, and there are still such good things here…”

Gromash also took the book in his hand, flipped through it, and said, “Spray, this is really a good thing, Devil Fruit Illustrated Book.”.

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