Chapter 90 Haki Ling Ran!

At this time, Hogback was enjoying the treatment of a “visited guest” in the royal palace of the Drum Kingdom. While eating delicious pastries, he was drinking precious black tea, and he was waiting for the answer from Wapol I.

I have to say that this Doctor Gubaque is really a guy who likes to enjoy. Later, even if he went to Moria’s boat and started researching zombies and insulting corpses, he had to build a mansion on the Thriller barque to enjoy the enjoyment. .

But I am afraid he never expected that he was waiting for the reply from Wapol I, but Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates who came to “catch him”.

Wapol I soon brought Gromash and his party to the place where Hogback lived temporarily, and then he said with a foresight: “The residence of Mr. Hogback is in front of you. You just need to go in. Seeing him, this king still has some state affairs to deal with, so I won’t bother you too much, but I also ask you to give this king a face.

After Mr. Gubaque’s exchanges and discussions, he stayed for a quick meal, which can be regarded as let the king express his feelings. ”

Gromash this kind of big pirate asks Hogback to talk about something, he doesn’t want to know at all, some things, it is better to be ignorant, otherwise he knows too much, and it is always easy to lose his life.

Gromash sees him so wit, and he feels a lot of emotion.The so-called Laozi hero is saying that he is Wapol I. If he can live for a few more decades, the drum kingdom should be stronger. Will not be harmed by that guy Wapol from the world’s first-class medical country to the point where you can’t even find a doctor.

It’s miserable enough.

However, Gromash doesn’t want to discuss this with him, and it is not easy to discuss. Do you want him to say to the old king: “Your son is too useless. It is not a good thing. Why don’t you kill it now and regenerate it?”

That would be too much.

Gromash then drove these mixed thoughts out of his mind, and said with a smile: “Of course, His Majesty the King is kindly invited. This point of face is still to be given, but we also have other things. We will leave early. Please do not hold back.”

Gromash also gave this Wapol I a reassurance. He knew that Wapol I put down his figure to please them because of this country?? He didn’t intend to harm the flower girl here, so Gromash This is also to tell Wapol I that as long as you are done, you can leave. You can rest assured.

When Wapol I saw that Gromash had said this, he finally let go of his heart. Then he pretended to say, “That’s really a pity, but it must be very important that you are anxious, Lord Gromash, then. I really don’t want to stay this time. If an adult passes by here in the future, please come and sit down.


After the two hypocritical courtesy, Gromash walked into Houbak’s residence with his subordinates, and Lu Qi also said again at this time: “I really haven’t seen it yet, you There can be such a hypocritical moment.”

“Whether it’s hypocrisy or something, it’s just a means to achieve the goal. Look, now our goal is not achieved smoothly? In that case, why bother to make extravagances? No one, no one. No hatred, why bother, 々?” Gromash said nonchalantly.

“Ahahahaha, learn well, Luchi, “Senior”, the boss is giving you a lesson.” Cromwell also said with a smile.

At the same time, after seeing Gromash and the others enter, Dalton also said, “I don’t know if they want to find Mr. Houbak for anything…”

And Wapol I also shook his head and said: “No matter what it is, we are not able to intervene, leave it alone, Dalton, tell the backyard to prepare the most sumptuous dinner, I hope this Lord Gromash If you can speak for words, let’s go after eating.”

“I don’t think he is like the kind of back-and-forth person, so don’t worry too much, your Majesty.” Dalton also relieved Wapol I and said.

“Hope, but anyway, they are all pirates,” Wapol I nodded and said, then he turned and left here.

At the same time, just as the bastard guy was enjoying the VIP treatment in the living room of his residence, Gromash didn’t even knock on the door, he pushed the door open, walked in and looked around. .

Hogback was also a little confused by this incident.Just when he wanted to see who was so rude, he saw Gromash and a group of tall and mighty tough guys walk in, and then he recognized it at a glance. The identity of Gromash scared him enough, and the tea in his hand was almost on the carpet that looked very famous.

At this time, Gromash also put Robin off his shoulders, touched her head and said, “Go and see if there is anything you are interested in, so let’s go around.

Robin nodded, but she didn’t leave. Instead, she found a single sofa and sat directly on it, quietly waiting for Gromash and the others to finish.

Gromash didn’t say much when he saw this, and then he really looked at Hokkubak, don’t tell me, this guy looks real, I feel a little bit ugly, it’s very strange anyway, it seems What a doctor, it’s like a neurotic pervert murderer, with a villain look, belonging to his original boss Molly

Ya is the same. If you want to join Marine, you can’t even make it through an interview. You look at the word “justice” insulting.

But Gromash doesn’t care about this. He is not Marine, and he doesn’t care about his appearance. He is handsome enough, but the ugliness of the younger brother can bring out his temperament.

I saw Gromash looked up and down Houbak, and then he said: “You should not admit your mistakes, you are the only one who looks like you, am I right? Mr. Houbak?”

At this time, Dianguak seemed to have recovered from Gromash’s domineering aura. He quickly put down the teacup in his hand, rubbed his palms, and said with some fear, “Master Gromash”

But he hasn’t finished speaking yet, Gromash interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said very domineeringly: “It seems that you recognize me. Sir, I came to Drum Kingdom specifically to find you this time. I am very optimistic about your medical skills. You know, we are pirates.

Avoid some bumps and bumps, I am personally nothing, but the brothers under my hands are not like me who “do not love to get sick”. Therefore, as a captain, I need to be responsible for their lives, and find a good doctor to be a ship doctor. It seems very important. Do you understand what I mean? Mr. Hobackak. ,

Diancuak didn’t expect Gromash to be so direct. He thought that Gromash wanted to find him to treat someone. Who would have thought that Gromash was going to pack himself away.

And just as Cromwell and Joz thought, he Hobackak is a well-known genius doctor. He enjoys a lofty position and reputation in the world, and his future is even brighter. How could he join the sea? Thieves does not sound like there are no doctors in the industry?

In fact, if it wasn’t for the accidental death of his beloved singer, Xinduoli, and he wanted to use Gekko Moria’s ability to “resurrect” Xinduoli, he would not switch to becoming a pirate.

Therefore, Hogback also cautiously said, “Master Gromash, I don’t mean to be a pirate.”

At this time, Gromash raised his hand and interrupted him again. There was a mere Hogback who was not qualified to negotiate terms with him. He was not here to negotiate terms with this guy. I saw Gromash directly said: “Life. You have to try more. How can you deny the future without trying? Maybe you will like it soon

The Shanghai thief is in this industry, Mr. Hokkubak. What’s more, do you think Laozi is here to ask for your opinion?”

Gromash first released his aura a little, frightened Hogback, and then walked slowly to Hogback. Gromash’s tall and robust body faced the “”weak chicken” of Hogback. , The pressure is quite strong, and then a brutal smile hung on the corner of Gromash’s mouth, and his pupils began to drift outwards in the apes.

With red blood, he said softly: “Mr. Hokkubak, I am a pirate, but not a businessman who can bargain with you. I came here all the way to find you, which is enough to show my sincerity. Huh?? Ah, yes, I forgot to tell you, I am a person who hates others who refuse my proposal without saying anything, so I give you two choices,

First, I am very happy to be my partner. When I am the ship doctor on board, I will follow Laozi in the future, fame, status, wealth, fame, status, wealth, I can give you everything you want, don’t want to pretend to be anything , I can see at first glance that you are not a good thing, you have the potential to be a pirate, Jiehahahaha. ”

After Gromash paused, he once again said to Houbak, who was completely afraid to move: “The second option, I will take you away, and then force you to be my ship doctor. At that time, you will have nothing to do with you. What if you drop the chain when you are in use

Die together”

After Gromash finished speaking, he patted Houbaak on the shoulder, and then said as if understanding: “(Nuo Li is good) Okay, choose to put it here, give you five minutes to think about it, after all, everyone is very busy. There is no need to waste time here, right??”

Then Gromash turned around and sat down on the sofa, then picked up some pastries that hadn’t been passive, and ate by himself.

Before he could swallow the things, he seemed to have thought of something, and he pretended to realize: “Ah, yes, I just said the things I hate, but I forgot to say the things I like, Huo Cuban. Mr. K, everyone has the right to refuse to choose, and you are no exception, but I am also very fond of seeing

Some scenes when the genius is withered, Jie ha ha ha ha, well, you continue to think about it. ”

On the other side, Cromwell smiled at Lu Qi beside him and said: “How? Compared with the previous hypocrisy, is the boss at this time completely like a real evil party?? Just like What he said, whether it is hypocrisy or whatever, it is just a means to achieve an end, what kind of guy to face, what kind of means,

There are differences. When facing the previous king, he is a little hypocritical and more efficient. When facing this Mr. Hokkubak, he is so domineering and the effect will be better. This is the world of adults, Lu Qi. ”

“I still think that the current Gromash is a little more handsome.” Lu Qi nodded and said with a seemingly understanding.

On the other side, Joz laughed and said, “This is the romance of the pirates!”

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