I Am Hellscream

Chapter 087

When they were really sleepy, they sent pillows, and Gromash and they were still discussing where to find a skilled doctor to be a companion, and Robin on the back foot found news about a very famous doctor in the newspaper.

After hearing Robin’s words, Gromash also picked up the wine glass and asked with a smile: “Oh? A very famous doctor? Who is it?? What does the newspaper say? ”

After Robin saw that Gromash was very interested, he also seemed to have found what he could do, and continued to read with a very happy smile: “Mr. Hogubak, a genius surgeon who enjoys a great reputation in the world, has recently visited the world-class medical power, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and it is reported that Mr. Hoguguak’s visit to the medical country, the original purpose of Mr. Horguak’s visit to the medical country, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, is to exchange advanced medical technology, promote the progress of the world’s medical level, and strive for the healthy future of all mankind. ”

Then Robin read the follow-up very quickly, in short, this report is bragging about the past miracle surgeries of this guy and his visit to “promote the progress of the world’s medical level”.

“Ahhh… It is Mr. Hogusick, even I have heard of his great name in the medical field, it can be said that he has obtained everything that the doctor profession can have, fame, status, wealth, according to legend, his miraculous operation can resurrect the dead who have been breathed, I don’t know if it is true or false, but anyway, his medical technology can indeed be called world-class. Joz also spoke quickly after listening to Robin’s story, and it seemed that he still respected Hoguguc, and he had to add the word “sir” to his name.

“Yes, Mr. Hogubak’s medical skills are very good, but a man like him… It stands to reason that you shouldn’t choose to be our partner, right? After all, he has a great future. Cromwell also seemed to be very respectful of Hoguac, and said a little unconfidently.

Gromash couldn’t help but smile when he saw the very respectful appearance of the two of them when he mentioned Hoguguc, to say that this “personality” created by Hoguguk himself is really powerful, and he has abruptly packaged himself as a medical holy hand that hangs the world and strives for all mankind.

But Gromash knows the true face of this genius surgeon Hogubak, where is he a respectable person, he is simply a scumbag, he is a bastard doctor who thinks that money is better than saving lives, and insults corpses, and this guy is extremely proud of his medical skills, looks down on any other doctor, and thinks that he is a real genius doctor.

But this is true, although Hoguguk is not a good person, his character is extremely inferior, but his medical skills are indeed outright and brilliant, and he can be called world-class, although it certainly does not reach the kind that Joz said, “Even the dead who have swallowed can be resurrected.” But it is true that he used his miraculous surgery to save many patients who were judged “certain death” by the rest of the doctors.

It is precisely because of his superb medical strength that he really stands at the top of the world’s doctors, and if nothing else, he should be the strongest doctor in the world without using the ability related to the cure.

A few years later, this guy will become the idol of Choba’s big cute god, even if Joba knows that Hoguba is studying forbidden medical techniques and intends to resurrect the dead, Joba still respects him and is willing to believe him, until he was discovered by Joba that the so-called resurrection is completely insulting life, Joba saw the true face of this guy.

If nothing else, ten years later, this guy should have joined the command of the later king Nanabukai Moonlight Moria at the request of resurrecting his beloved object “Singer Cindolly”, creating a large number of zombies for him, intending to “resurrect” the legendary Majin Yunguo Oz to go to the New World to defeat Kaido and help Moria avenge the life and death revenge.

But this is a very ridiculous thing in Gromash’s opinion, when he was in Rogue Town, Gromash also saw Moonlight Moria several times, at that time he should be able to be said to be majestic, extraordinary, looking like an extremely confident guy, and the body is also burly and strong, and has not become as bloated as in the future, from the recent news newspapers, this guy’s progress is also very rapid and good, his bounty has soared to nearly 300 million Bailey, In the entire new generation, excluding guys like Gromash and Shanks, who are beyond specifications, it is the highest, and even Don Quixote Doflamingo, who will be slightly higher than his bounty in the future, is currently far behind him.

Even people from the outside world are very optimistic about him, thinking that he will definitely be able to do a lot after entering the new world and become the first batch of pirate “sharp soldiers” in this pirate era, if Gromash does not know how miserable this guy will be in the future, he is actually willing to believe that Moria can break out of his own world in the new world.

But this guy crashed into the arms of Hundred Beast Kaido after entering the new world, and then he challenged the Hundred Beast Pirate Group in the New World, and this hegemony led to the total destruction of the Pirate Group led by Moria, except for him who escaped by chance, the rest of the partners were all brutally killed by Kaido.

I don’t know if Moria this guy was hit by Kaido and hurt his head, so far, his whole person has become mentally retarded, as a pirate, it is normal to come out and encounter failure, and it is not uncommon to be destroyed by people, just like the “big filial piety” big vortex spider Skuyard who gave him a blow to the “filial sword” in the future, he was also destroyed by the Roger Pirates a few years ago, and the Roger Pirates still killed his companions, and he survived alone, But he is much better than Moria, he joined the Whitebeard flag after this, and always wanted to seek revenge on Roger, but then Roger was executed, and this matter was left at this for the time being, until the future Ace’s affairs caused a series of changes, not mentioned here.

Compared with Skuyard, Moria’s psychological endurance is obviously much lower, and he can be said to be completely devastated after his entire group was destroyed, from that heroic hero to a man who likes to use everything “You help me do it!” “The bloated big fat man.

Then after he withdrew from the new world, not only did he not think of enhancing his strength to seek revenge on Kaido, but began to study what kind of “zombie army”, intending to use zombies to defeat Kaido and avenge the original group destruction, isn’t this brain disease? ?

It can be said that Moria’s superhuman line Shadow Fruit’s ability can be called a first-class ability, not only can be separated, create shadow mages, but also swallow shadows to strengthen themselves, but also forcibly give “life”, and even developed can be as powerful as bigmom Charlotte Lingling, but he has embarked on the “evil road”, the so-called strong, has always been its own strength, in order to play those corner tricks, just like Charlotte Lingling, her own strength is not strong enough, Even if she can make a million Homiz, it is useless, but Moria doesn’t know if there is a psychological shadow that was beaten by Kaido, dead or alive to create that kind of “undead” thing to hit Kaido, the result is good, in the Devil’s Triangle a nest is more than ten years, and finally “divine achievement”, before it came out of the mountain, it was destroyed by the Straw Hat Pirates, and then ran to the top of the war to lower the lower limit of the entire Seven Wuhai of His Majesty, and lost the face of His Majesty Qiwuhai, and finally the world government gritted its teeth and was ruthless, Give Doflamingo a secret mission to destroy Moria, fortunately, this guy’s ability to escape is first-class, he was able to escape from Kaido, and escaping from Doflamingo is nothing, and he hasn’t shown his face since then.

His experience can be called a magnificent first half of his life, like a dog’s second half of his life.

Let’s not mention Moria, in short, this Hogubak is not a good person, nor is he a respectable doctor, but for Gromash, these do not matter, as long as his medical strength is strong enough, he is not a chivalrous adventurer nor a self-righteous navy, he is an evil pirate, isn’t it nonsense to ask his companion to be a good person?? Hogubak is not a good thing, then is he a good person Gromash ?? What kind of good person is there when the pirates, even if Roger didn’t do the murder of the whole family?

Real pirates have always been extremely vicious.

Therefore, Gromash also has no requirements for Hogubak’s character, so he also decided to pull this bastard into the gang.

“Hahahahaha, don’t be deceived by him, this Hogubak is not a good person you know, the medical holy hand of the hanging pot, as far as I know, this guy is completely an out-and-out bastard, but it’s okay, it doesn’t matter if he is good or bad, anyway, we also fancy his medical strength, in the magnetic drum kingdom??” It doesn’t seem to be very far from us, it’s still too late to go, pull this bastard on our ship and let him be our ship doctor! Gromash said with a big laugh, and directly decided to make a decision, seemingly not caring whether Hogbak would be willing to be his ship doctor.

And Joz was also stunned for a moment, and then he did not suspect what Gromash said that Hogubak was not a good thing, his captain and a doctor he had never met, who should believe it?

I saw that he didn’t open his mouth with as much respect as before, and said directly: “Even if that guy is not a good thing, his future is indeed very bright, presumably he will not be willing to become our partner, right??” ”

This man also changes his face quickly, and his front feet are still called Britney… Ah, sir, the hind foot is called “that guy”.

“Lao Tzu is a pirate, I don’t care if he wants it or not, first take it away and then say, one day he will be willing, the choice between life and death is the best choice for this kind of guy, I bet he chooses to live 100%.” Gromash picked up his glass and took a sip of wine and said very casually.

“But… In that case, I am afraid that he would not be willing to perform superb medical skills??? Or maybe he did something little during the operation? Cromwell also said with some hesitation, after all, it was a ship doctor, what if this guy played some tricks and killed the one who should have been able to save it? ?

Gromash also showed a murderous and evil smile after hearing Cromwell’s words, and then said: “Save alive, he live, save or not, he dies with him…”

“Boss Gromash, you really have an out-and-out pirate style…” said Urki with a wry smile and shaking his head.

“This is said, as if only Lao Tzu is a pirate sitting here, you touch your conscience, won’t it hurt??” Gromash said to the few friends present with some embarrassment.

And Joz all touched his chest, and then said with an innocent face: “It won’t hurt, on the contrary, it feels very cool.” ”

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