Chapter 88 Joz: Listen to my advice, keep your last humanity!!

The Drum Kingdom is really not far from Whisky Peak. This country that enjoys the name of a major medical country in the world is not far from the entrance of the first half of the Grand Line.

Therefore, when Gromash and their small and small Shining ship carried them from Whisky Peak, they came to the Drum Kingdom not long after they departed from Whisky Peak. The island where the Drum Kingdom is located is called Drum Island, which is a standard winter island. It’s in the cold winter all the year round, very cold.

“Sometimes, I also want to be a capable person. At least you capable people are too convenient when facing climate change.” Cromwell followed the Gromash and others and said with a trembling voice. .

“No, no, not all capable people are so convenient. You see, Robin and I are not as bold as they are. No, it should be pervert??” Urouge also said with a trembling voice.

At this time, Urouge and Cromwell were wearing very thick cotton clothes, and they wrapped themselves tightly. Except for their heads, there was no skin exposed on this cold raging winter island, but even so, suddenly The warm climate enters the cold winter climate, which still makes them very uncomfortable.

Looking at the three of Gromash, Joz, and Lu Qi who are walking in front, they still look exactly what they should look like. Gromash is completely pervert. He is still naked, his strong muscles are very organized and show “Nine-Five-Three” now.

Come on, and he doesn’t feel cold at all from his appearance, even his body is still emitting steaming heat, just like a human-shaped heater.

At this time, Robin is riding on his shoulders by Gromash. Gromash’s hands are holding Robin’s tight legs that are also wrapped in cotton clothes and trousers to prevent her from getting off his shoulders in the bumps. Falling down, he said as he walked, “Robin, do you feel cold?? If it is cold, tell me, I will pay

It can be hotter.

Robin shook his head quickly and said, “Captain, it’s not cold anymore, it’s warm.”

“Jiehahahaha, that’s good.” Gromash said with a smile.

And watching this Gromash seemed to become a “Loli control” Lu Qi also smacked his lips and said to Joz next to him: “Brother Joz, are you interested in letting me sit on your shoulders??”

“I have sworn that I will never let any man ride on my head in my life.” Joz relentlessly rejected Lu Qi’s proposal.

Lu Qi also turned his head and said to Gromash, “Gromash I am also a little cold, I want to.”

“Lu Qi, I have sweared a long time ago, I will never let any man ride on my head in my life!! Not to mention your fucking cold ass, your Thunder Fruit can also be hot, okay? ?? If it’s really cold, you can wear more clothes.” Gromash also refused Lu Qi’s proposal without hesitation, and didn’t even let him finish his words.

Lu Qi stopped and waited a little bit for Cromwell and Urouge who were behind. As for the rest of the friends, they were all left to watch the boat.

After Urouge and Cromwell followed, Lu Qi touched his chin and said, “I don’t know if you have found any problems. The status is plummeting.”

Cromwell first turned Byakugan, and then said: “Lookie” Senior, when did you have the illusion that you originally have a “status”? Besides, Robin sauce is more cute than you There are too many. In this world, cuteness is victory. How can you be better than Robin sauce? So let’s recognize this reality earlier.

“Cromwell is right, but it doesn’t matter. Boss Gromash doesn’t “spoil” you and I am still there. I see your bones are peculiar, and there is an aura from the sky in the eyebrows, quick thinking, without loss of intelligence , At first glance, it is a very buddhist seedling, why don’t you be a monk and recite the sutras with me??” Urouge opened up and started preaching, and Lu Qi also had a face

Black, a bunch of black lines hung up.

“I’m so stupid to discuss this kind of issue with you” Lu Qi murmured to himself, and then there was a flash of light under his feet, and the whole person turned into a thunder and quickly caught up with the three Gromash in front.

“No, I changed my mind. I also want to be a Demon fruit power. It’s so convenient.” Cromwell’s attitude when watching Lu Qi Xiaojiu go away also instantly changed his mind, determined to become a power. The author.

“Don’t worry, with Gromash boss, this kind of small wish can be realized casually.” Urouge also nodded and said.

“On the towering, straight mountain peaks of the island, there is an immortal witch who lives. When night falls, the witch will come down to eat the children. Robin, you can be careful, that witch likes to eat the most. Such a cute little girl.” Gromash pointed to Robin at the “chimney” hill in the drum kingdom, while slandering Chopper’s doctor.

Mother, Dr. Kuleha, frightened little Robin by calling her a cannibal witch.

Robin was also a little scared and said, “Then what should I do?? If I am taken away, Captain, you must come to rescue me.”

“Jiehahahaha, don’t worry, I have a good way, you will never be arrested, so that, starting from today, you will stay with me tonight.” Gromash hasn’t finished talking, and Joz has already covered it. He stopped his mouth and said, “Hey, Boss Gromash, you are trying crazy on the edge of breaking the law, listen to my persuasion, keep it

Your last humanity.”

Gromash was also very unhappy and broke free of Joz’s palm, and then said with some dissatisfaction: “What the hell are you thinking? Is Laozi such a pervert person? I mean it’s too cold at night here, let Robin and I live in the same room, so it’s also warmer so that she won’t catch a cold.”

Joz looked at Gromash with a very skeptical eye and said, “Are you pervert… don’t you have any points in your heart??”

Gromash was also furious. He almost didn’t directly spit out the bitch and burned the bastard, but in the end he still mumbled a little unconfidently, “What is it, can you just believe in Laozi’s character?? Let’s talk about it. I’m a pirate, what’s wrong with the pirate breaking the law??”

At this time, Lu Qi, who was behind Gromash’s ass, also supported Gromash and said, “Yes, what’s wrong with the pirate breaking the law?? Man pervert must be correct too!!”

Although Lu Qi was backing Gromash, for some reason, Gromash wanted to kick him out.

In this way, a group of people came to the town of Drum Kingdom, talking and laughing. Soon, they planned to find a tavern to inquire about the genius doctor. News of Hokkubak.

The reputation of Gromash and his party is great. They were recognized by everyone as soon as they appeared in the tavern and left. After all, this is a franchise country under the World government, and it is not an illegal zone like Whisky Peak and Magic Valley Town. So most people rushed out after seeing Gromash and his group.

Some daring seem to want to inform the kings of Marine and Drum Kingdom.

But Gromash didn’t care about these guys. With little Robin on his shoulders, he walked directly to the bar and said to the trembling tavern owner: “Give us some spirits to warm up and let us freeze them before coming. Two cups of hot milk, fast.”

The owner of the tavern nodded when he saw that Gromash was not like the kind of guy who would kill if he didn’t agree with him. He nodded and ordered his staff to prepare.

Then Gromash also said, “Boss, I’ll ask you for a message.”

“Sir, you said, as long as I know, I will tell you everything.” The tavern owner also spoke very eloquently.

“Jiehahahaha, I just like a refreshing guy like you, don’t worry, Laozi is not an unreasonable guy, Cromwell.” Gromash said with a laugh.

Cromwell also seems to have developed a certain understanding with Gromash. After Gromash called his name, he took out a small package from his pocket, reached out and took out a few golden coins and threw it on the table. Shang said: “Don’t worry, our boss is very generous, as long as your news is effective, your benefits are indispensable.

The owner of the tavern also quickly collected the gold coins on the counter table, and then the whole person became a lot sharper, it seems that the waist is no longer sore, and the legs are no longer painful, and he hurriedly said: “Don’t worry. My lord, in our town, I have the best news.

Gromash smiled secretly as he watched all this. Sure enough, this money can make ghosts punish, and it is the same everywhere, so he also asked: “Boss, I heard that your drum kingdom has come recently. A very famous and talented doctor named Mr. Hokkubak?? It just so happened that I had a companion named Joz, who had a very strange disease.

No matter how he can be treated, he can’t cure him. Now he sees everyone thinks that the other party is pervert and wants to violate him. The quack doctors say that they can’t be saved, they can only wait for death, but I don’t believe it, I heard that Dr. He has a superb medical skill, and he often uses his own skills to cure those patients who are “judged” as mortal, so I also need to find him urgently. You know he is here.


At this time, Joz’s face, who was standing behind Gromash, had turned black. The boss of Gromash was changing his way to revenge himself. It was too shameless.

Joz’s reputation is not small, and he also mixed with the more famous guy Gromash, so of course the owner of the tavern recognized him at a glance, and after listening to Gromash’s words, he was involuntarily drifted. Glancing at Joz with a green face.

And when Joz noticed that the boss was looking at him, he also glared his big eyes suddenly, as if he was saying with an expression: “What are you worried about?”

The shop owner was also taken aback by Joz, and he waved his hand and said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I definitely didn’t want to assault you, Lord Joz.”

Gromash and the others almost squirted the wine out of their mouths without a smile. Joz was also very helpless. Just when he was about to speak for an excuse, Gromash had already opened his mouth and said again: “You have seen it too, he is very sick. Now, saving one’s life is better than building a 0.3 level seven Buddha statue. If you have any news, let’s talk quickly, otherwise, if it’s too late, he really thinks you are going to invade.

I can’t guarantee the safety of your life, especially the ass.

The shop owner also hurriedly covered his butt, and said, “Yes, yes, a genius surgeon. Mr. Hokkubak is indeed in our drum kingdom at this time. Not long ago, he came to us to exchange medical information. Knowledge, since His Majesty the King attaches great importance to the talents of the doctors, Mr. Hobackak has been invited by His Majesty to go to the King three days ago.

The palace is a guest. If nothing else, he should be there now. ”

“The palace?” Gromash touched his chin and murmured, then he looked at the shop owner again: “Where is your palace?? I want to visit too.”

The shop owner looked at Gromash and his party with some hesitation, wondering whether to say it or not. After all, these people are not good, and the bounty is amazingly high.

And when he hesitated, Gromash smiled evilly and said, “What? I don’t want my ass anymore?”

“Yes, yes!! The palace is on the top of the small snow mountain outside the town” The shop owner seemed to be frightened, and quickly replied.

Anyway, this is not confidential information. Even if he doesn’t tell me, people like Gromash can just ask for it outside. Compared with this, his butt is a little more important. .

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